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2021 No 332


Social Democrat politician Olaf Scholz was 750 billion euro bailout fund against the the USA. Because it can be seen that the cri-
approved as the new Federal Chancellor of pandemic. The SPD, FDP and the Greens sis of trust between the USA and the EU
the country by voting in the 20th term Bun- jointly submitted to the German Bundestag during the Donald Trump era continues in
destag of the Federal Republic of Germany the law to strengthen vaccination measures the USA President Joe Biden era. After the
on December 8th 2021. Olaf Scholz, who against the COVID-19 pandemic and amend AUKUS agreement signed between the
won 395 of the 707 votes used in the 736- other regulations regarding the pandemic on USA, UK and Australia in September 2021,
member Bundestag, officially took the oath December 7th 2021. Both Germany and the Canberra’s cancellation of the Australia-
of office as the German Chancellor. Thus, EU continue to be among those most af- France submarine agreement caused the re-
the era of Angela Merkel, who left an im- fected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Accord- action of Paris and Brussels. In a speech on
portant mark in the political history of both ing to the latest report of the World Health December 7th 2021, Olaf Scholz, said that he
Germany and the European Union (EU), by Organization (WHO), the total number of would make his first foreign visit to France,
serving as chancellor uninterruptedly for 16 confirmed cases across the EU reached stated that “it is important for the EU to act
years, came to an end. Here’s how the future 88.925.399, of which 1.569.599 died as of strong and sovereign in order to shape the
of Germany after Merkel will be shaped December 5th 2021. In addition, 396.429 world of the future”, points out that Berlin
with the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz is a new cases were recorded in Germany, the would try to reconsider the EU’s foreign
subject that needs to be discussed. second country with the highest number of policy approach together with Paris in the
In fact, in the 2021 German Bundestag elec- new cases detected in the last week in the coming period. However, at a time when the
tions held on September 26th 2021, the So- world as of December 5th 2021. From this world’s center of gravity shifts to the Indo-
cial Democratic Party (SPD) surpassed the point of view, Olaf Scholz will give priority Pacific region and the USA-China rivalry
ruling Christian Democratic Union Party to the fight against the pandemic, both in or- becomes increasingly evident, it can be pre-
(CDU). Of the 45 political parties that par- der to fulfill the billions of euros of recovery dicted that the Olaf Scholz administration
ticipated in the Bundestag elections, which fund he has started to implement against the will try to both protect the interests of the
took place with a turnout of 76.6%, only 8 pandemic in his country and in the EU, and EU and continue its traditional alliance with
parties passed the 5% threshold and took considering the latest situation of the Washington, together with the Paris admin-
their place in the 20th term Bundestag. Ac- COVID-19 pandemic in his country. istration, rather than acting alone.
cording to the official results of the German In terms of domestic politics, another prior- In addition, undoubtedly, another important
Federal Election Board, in the 20th term ity of Olaf Scholz is to try to prevent the in- issue that the Olaf Scholz administration
Bundestag, the Social Democratic Party creasing right-wing extremism in the coun- will face in foreign policy will be the rela-
(SDP) has 206 seats with 25.7% of the votes, try in recent years. Olaf Scholz also called tions between Berlin-Beijing and Brussels-
the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) 152 for the whole of Germany to react against Beijing. Because in recent years, the grow-
seats with 18.9% of the votes, the Green far-right provocations during the election ing economic influence of China in the EU
Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) 118 seats campaign. Almost like many EU countries, in general, and in Eastern Europe in particu-
with 14.8% of the votes, Free Democratic the increasing right-wing extremism in Ger- lar, with a number of infrastructure and in-
Party (FDP) 92 seats with 11.5% of the many in recent years continues to pose the vestment projects, is causing concern for the
votes, Alternative for Germany (AfD) 83 greatest threat to security and democracy in EU countries, especially Germany. There-
seats with 10.3% of the votes, The Christian the country. For instance, according to Ger-
Social Union (CSU), the sister party of the many’s Federal Organization for the Protec- fore, Germany has been criticizing China for
CDU 64 seats with 5.2% of the votes, the tion of the Constitution’s (BfV) data, the Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and East Turke-
Party of the Left (DIE LINKE) 39 seats with number of far-right sympathizers in the stan problems and human rights in recent
4.9% of the votes, and the Southern Schles- country was 25.350 in 2018, while it years. In fact, in May 2019, when France
wig Constituency Union (SSW) 1 seat with reached around 33.300 in 2021. It is known had determined its strategy for the Indo-Pa-
0.1% of the votes. Despite being in the sec- that about 13.300 of them are prone to vio- cific region entitled “France and Indo-Pa-
ond place in the 2017 German Bundestag lence, and 22.357 crimes were committed by cific Security”, in September 2020, Ger-
elections, the SDP, which had the heaviest far-right sympathizers in the country alone many adopted the policy doctrines regarding
loss of votes in its history, came first in 2021 in 2020. Moreover, it is seen that the activi- the Indo-Pacific region entitled “Germany -
with an increase of 5.2% compared to the ties of far-right political parties in Germany Europe - Asia: Shaping the 21st Century To-
previous elections, which can be considered are gradually increasing. Currently, there gether”, showing that they attach great im-
a big win for both the party and Scholz. In are far-right parties in the country such as portance to the formation of the Indo-Pacific
addition, the fact that Olaf Scholz, as the Alternative for Germany (AfD), German region.
prime minister candidate of the SPD, was National Democratic Party (NPD), Third In summary, at a time when the whole world
able to complete the coalition negotiations Way Party (III. Weg), Right (Die Rechte), is shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic and
with the Greens and FDP in a short time Republicans (REP) and Deutsche Conserva- global geopolitical and geoeconomic com-
seems to be an important success. tive. The AfD, NPD and III. Weg parties petition is increasing, the domestic and for-
The success of Scholz, who won the Bun- have attended the 2021 Bundestag elections. eign policy of Olaf Scholz, who was elected
destag elections, depends on the policy he The AfD, which entered the German Bun- as the Chancellor of Germany, the largest
will follow from now on. First of all, Prime destag for the first time with 94 seats in the economy in the EU, may affect not only his
Minister Olaf Scholz can prioritize reducing 2017 Bundestag elections, and the European
the negative effects of the pandemic on the Parliament with its 11 seats in the 2019 Eu- country, but also the EU. How the new Ger-
country’s economy, by increasing the fight ropean Parliamentary elections, won 83 man Chancellor Olaf Scholz will shape his
against the COVID-19 pandemic, which seats from the 20th term Bundestag. policy will depend on issues such as eco-
continues to shake the whole world. Al- From a foreign policy perspective, Olaf nomic stability in the country and the refu-
ready, Olaf Scholz, as the Finance Minister Scholz will try to reconsider relations with gee problem, as well as other issues that
of the country prior to the election, played both Germany and the EU, especially with have gained regional and global importance,
an important role in the creation of the EU’s in addition to the above-mentioned issues.

Written by Omirbek Hanayi,

Eurasian Research Institute, Kazakhstan
Economy, Finance, and Energy Society and Culture
Politics, Foreign Affairs, and Security
• The agricultural sector of Kazakhstan at- • TURKSOY delivered 2,000 books dedi-
• The President of Russia Vladimir Putin tracted $1.3 billion investments in 2021. cated to illustrious personalities of the
visited New Delhi on a working visit at the Capital investments in the sector increased Turkic World to Almaty. The handing
invitation of the Prime Minister of the Re- by almost 50%. Support mechanisms over ceremony was held in the building of
public of India Narendra Modi. The lead- mainly came from the state through pref- the "Almaty Creative Hub" on the occa-
ers took part in the XXI. annual Russian- erential loans. In 2020, the state financial sion of the 30th anniversary of the inde-
Indian summit on which a wide range of institution Agrarian Credit Corporation fi- pendence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
issues of bilateral interests was discussed. nanced 75 investment projects worth more The event was attended by the Chairman
The parties signed several documents on than $105 million. In 2021, over 7,000 en- of the Union of Authors of Kazakhstan
cooperation in economy, energy, military trepreneurs received support for more than Ulugbek Esdaulet, the Representative of
and security, science and technology, cul- $478 million. The funds were used for Kazakhstan to TURKSOY Bakıtjan Oma-
ture, and other areas (, spring field and harvesting works, pur- rov, the general public, and media (Turk-
06.12.2021). chase of equipment and cattle, and open-, 10.12.2021).
• During the first international strategic ing of farms (Qazaq TV, 08.12.2021). • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) ap-
communications forum held in Kyiv, • Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan plan to proved a $1.3 million transaction technical
NATO Assistant Secretary-General for strengthen economic cooperation. Ka- assistance grant to enhance climate resili-
Public Diplomacy Baiba Braže stated that zakhstan remains one of the key investors ence in the Panj river basin in Tajikistan.
safe and democratic Ukraine was the key in Kyrgyzstan’s economy. The accumu- Climate change models suggest the annual
to Euro-Atlantic security. Therefore, lated volume of capital investments since probability of droughts in the country will
NATO stands ready to support reforms in 2005 has exceeded $1 billion. Trade turn- increase from 3% to over 25% till mid-
Ukraine. The forum was organized by the over between the two countries for nine century. Droughts, in combination with
Center for Strategic Communications and months of 2021 amounted to more than heat stress and increased water demand for
was attended by NATO and EU diplomats, $680 million. The countries intend to in- key crops, will severely affect agriculture,
Ukrainian officials, and representatives of crease the volume of mutual trade up to $1 which is the main source of income for
Ukrainian NGOs (, billion through the creation of wholesale many locals (ASIA-Plus, 08.12.2021).
07.12.2021). and retail centers on the territory of Kyr- • The Mayor of Bishkek Aibek
• The Georgian Foreign Ministry reiterated gyzstan (Qazaq TV, 08.12.2021). Dzhunushaliyev met with the Mayor of
that Georgia would not participate in a re- • Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Iran have agreed Nur-Sultan Altai Kulginov as part of a
gional meeting in the so-called 3+3 for- on a new project establishing a transit working visit to Kazakhstan. The sides
mat. At the same time, the Ministry ex- route connecting the Persian Gulf with the mainly discussed the strengthening of bi-
pressed Georgia’s intention to offer Baku Black Sea. Over the next four months, Iran lateral cooperation in various areas at the
and Yerevan its own format of talks to will send pilot shipments to Azerbaijan level of the capital municipalities of the
keep the peace. The main reason behind through the Astara border, as well as to the two countries. As a result of the meeting,
Georgia’s unwillingness to participate in Eastern European countries via Georgian Aibek Dzhunushaliyev and Altai Kulgi-
the 3+3 format is deterioration of relations ports of Batumi and Poti on the Black Sea. nov signed a "Roadmap for trade and eco-
with Russia and unresolved issues regard- The pilot shipment will allow identifying nomic, scientific and technical and cul-
ing Georgia’s territorial integrity (Georgia obstacles before the final trilateral meeting tural and humanitarian cooperation be-
Today, 09.12.2021). to establish a mechanism of time and cost tween the Mayor's Office of Bishkek and
• The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mir- reduction (AzerNews, 09.12.2021). the Nur-Sultan Akimat for 2022-2024"
ziyoyev paid a state visit to Kazakhstan, • Authorities and business communities of (Turkic World, 08.12.2021).
where he had a meeting with his Kazakh Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan had a meeting • The Organization of Turkic States (OTS)
counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The in Nur-Sultan within the Uzbek-Kazakh delivered a total of 611,200 doses of Sino-
two countries signed a declaration on al- business forum and the Uzbek-Kazakh vac vaccine to African countries. In partic-
lied relations. The President of Kazakh- business council. Minister of Investments ular, 400,000 of the total batch of Sinovac
stan mentioned that bilateral relations and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan Sardor doses were delivered to Burkina Faso and
reached a new level. He added that the Umurzakov and Deputy Prime Minister of 211,200 doses of the same vaccine by Si-
governments of the countries would take Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar participated in nopharm were sent to Togo by a military
the strongest possible measures in order to the forum. The parties voiced mutual read- cargo plane of the Ministry of Defence of
bring the trade volume to $3 billion in the iness to actively interact in creating favor- Turkey. The donation is part of the contri-
near future, and then increase it to $10 bil- able business conditions through a joint bution of the OTS to the global fight
lion (Qazaq TV, 06.12.2021). "Road Map". The parties inked $5.9 bil- against the COVID-19 pandemic (Turk-
• Tashkent hosted the Central Asia + Italy lion worth of trade contracts and bilateral, 07.12.2021).
Ministerial meeting, where the Foreign agreements (, 06.12.2021). • The OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sul-
Minister of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev • High-Tech Park of Belarus demonstrates tan organized a three-day training course
met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs significant growth in exports. In January- on basic business skills for women in the
and the International Cooperation of Italy September of 2021 the export of services city of Aralsk in the Kyzylorda region of
Luigi Di Maio. The Ministers noted the by resident companies of the park surged Kazakhstan. The event was organized to-
importance of building closer contact and by 25% and exceeded $2.3 billion. More- gether with the International Fund for Sav-
expressed mutual interest in further ex- over, in the third quarter of 2021 the export ing the Aral Sea (IFAS) and the Public As-
panding and strengthening trade and eco- of services amounted to about $764 mil- sociation "Aral Ayelderi" (“Women of
nomic cooperation taking into account lion, up by $160 million year-on-year. In Aral”). The training course is part of the
Kyrgyzstan's GSP+ status. They also con- 2020, the High-Tech Park reported exports Programme Office’s longstanding efforts
sidered the situation in Afghanistan and worth $2.7 billion. Main markets of the to promote gender mainstreaming and eco-
mentioned the importance of joint cooper- park include the USA, Southern Cyprus, nomically related empowerment initia-
ation in providing humanitarian assistance Great Britain, Ireland, and Russia (BelTA, tives for women as a means to promote
(Kabar, 09.12.2021). 08.12.2021). sustainable development in the host coun-
• The Military Committee of the Collective • According to the joint statement of the try (, 09.12.2021).
Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) had President of Russia Vladimir Putin and • Ukraine opened its honorary consulate in
a videoconference session, where partici- the Prime Minister of India Narendra the Turkish province of Kutahya. The new
pants discussed challenges and threats to Modi, the Eurasian Economic Union and honorary consulate will help protect the
military security in Eastern Europe, Cau- India will start talks on the establishment rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens,
casus, and Central Asia. The Committee of the free trade agreement. The sides also enhance cultural ties and establish people-
decided to further improve military infra- urged the increased role of the Shanghai to-people contacts between the two coun-
structure in Tajikistan's territory for the Cooperation Organization (SCO) in inter- tries. Currently, Ukraine's honorary consu-
sake of deploying CSTO coalition forces. national affairs, comprehensive develop- lates in Turkey are also operating in the
The participants also considered issues of ment of the Organization’s contacts with provinces of Bursa and Canakkale and the
the CSTO's military potential for UN the UN and its specialized agencies. More- district of Dalaman. Besides that, the ne-
peacekeeping operations. The sides agreed over, they supported the establishment of gotiations on establishing twinning rela-
to coordinate joint actions to neutralize the official ties between the SCO and the Eur- tions between Afyonkarahisar and a
security challenges and threats (BelTA, asian Economic Union (TASS, Ukrainian city are underway (Ukrin-
08.12.2021). 06.12.2021)., 08.12.2021).

Prepared by
Zhengizkhan Zhanaltay and Kanat Makhanov

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