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Week 15

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea

To gird – to prepare oneself for action or a


Ineffable – adj. defying expression or description;


To defy something – не се поддавам на

Paradoxical – seemingly contradictory but

nonetheless possibly true

Profound – showing intellectual or emotional


Abhorrent –offensive to the mind ; отвратителен

To distinguish – to mark as different

Arbitrary (adj)- subject to individual discretion or
preference; произволен

To derive – to come from

Arcane (adj)- requiring secret or mysterious

knowledge ; таен мистериозен

To daub – to apply to a surface; мацам, мажа,


To transcribe – to write out as from speech or


Concise – expressing much in few words

To denote- to be a sign of indication of

Successive – following in order without gaps

To wax- to increase in phase; увеличавам се

Undertaking (n)- any piece of work that is
attempted; начинание

Abstract (adj)- not representing or imitating

external reality

Philosophical – relating to the investigation of

existence and knowledge

Myriad – a large indefinite number

To supplant – to take the place of something;

измествам, избутвам

Perverse (adj) – marked by disposition to oppose

and contradict; опърничав

Omission – something that has been left out

Cumbersome- not elegant or graceful in

expression; тромав
Obsolete – no longer in use; излязъл от употреба

Notation – a technical system of symbols to

represent special things; система за означаване

Inexorably (Adv) – in a manner impervious to

change or persuasion; неумолимо

Impervious to – неподатлив на

Inexplicable (adj)- incapable of being explained or

accounted for

An axiom- a proposition that is not susceptible to

proof or disproof

To be susceptible to – подлежа на

A proposition – твърдение

To undermine – to weaken or impair, especially

gradually; подкопавам подривам
The Great Gatsby
Week 15

Reticence – сдържаност

Privy (adj)- informed about something secret or

not generally known; посветен

To feign – to give a false appearance of

Levity (n)- a manner lacking seriousness;


Riotous (adj)- characterized by unrest, disorder or


Insubordination – неподчинение

Scorn (n)- lack of respect accompanied by a

feeling of intense dislike; презрение
Elation (n)- feeling of joy and pride;
въодушевление, възгордяване

An epigram (n)- a witty saying

Proximity (n)- the property of being close


Reproach (n) – a mild rebuke or criticism; укор,


Turbulence (n)- a state of violent disturbance and


Supercilious (adj)- showing arrogant superiority;


Fractious (adj)- easily irritated or annoyed;

Contempt (n) – lack of respect accompanied by a
feeling of intense dislike; презрение

Wistful (adj)- showing pensive sadness; тъжен,


Conscientious (adj)- characterized by extreme

care and great effort ;

Imperceptibly (adv)- in a manner that is difficult

to discern; неусетно

Ecstatic (adj)- feeling rapture or delight

Delight – наслада

Rapture (n)- a feeling of intense pleasure or


Desolate (adj)- crushed by grief

Deft (adj)- skillful in physical movements,
especially in the hands

Reciprocal (adj)- concerning each of two


Wan (wo:n) adj- lacking enthusiasm or energy

A wan smile-вяла усмивка

Weary (adj)- уморен

To compel – to force someone to do something

Languidly (adj) – in a lethargic manner ; вяло

Unobtrusive (adj)- not conspicuous or attracting


Complacency (n)- a feeling of

uncritical satisfaction with yourself
To extemporize – to perform or speak without
preparation ; импровизирам

Subdued (adj)-softened in tone; омекотен

Hardy (adj)- invulnerable to fear or


Tangible (adj)- perceptible by the senses,

especially the sense of touch

Sedative(adj)- tending to soothe or tranquilize

Cynical (adj)- believing the worst of human nature

and motives

Sophisticated (adj)- having worldly knowledge and

refinement ; изтънчен

To inflect – to vary the pitch of one’s speech ;

Pitch (n)- височина

To corroborate – to support with evidence or

authority to make more certain потвърждавам,

Libel (n)- false and malicious publication ;клевета

Malicious (adj)- злобен, злонамерен

Intimation (n)- a slight suggestion or vague

understanding ; намек, внушение

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