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Preface List of Exhibits Chapter-1 Chapter-2 Chapter-3 Chapter-4 Chapter-5 Chapter-6 Chapter-7 Contents Introduction Small Scale Sector in India Regulatory Framework for Small Scale Sector Incentives and Subsidies for Small Units Performance of Small Scale Units in U.P. Marketing Support System for Small Scale Sector Findings and Suggestions Bibliography iii 1-21 22-52 53-76 77-101 102-127 128-163 164-188 189-190 Preface Small scale units are generally promoted by first generation entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs lack technical and managerial skills, strong financial background, knowledge about government sponsored infrastructural facilities and subsidies and tax incentives. However, if they are able to arrange these required facilities even then they generally lack effective marketing support system. In the absence of marketing support system. they are unable to sell their products and services at a viable and competitive price structure. An entrepreneur is expected to take necessary decisions with regards to marketing activities. These activities include product. price , promotion, distribution etc. Entrepreneurs working in the small scale sector, need to seli their oduct in domestic and international markets. In these markets, their activities are governed by the prevai ing environment. Marketing itself is a challenging area and they have to adjust themselves with the changing environment. They have to develop conducive marketing framework, effective selling strategies, viable pricing structure and effective promotional strategies for making the product and services more saleable and demanding. In the present study, efforts have been made to anlayse the macro dimension of small scale sector in India. Regulatory framework for SSIs have also been valuated. Impact of incentives and subsidies is also included in the present study. A detailed developmental aspect of small scale sector in U.P. has also been covered. Besides, it also incorporates the marketing support system developed by the government to popularize the marketability of SSI products. I wholeheartedly express my sincere feeling of gratitude, regards and thankfulness to my mentor Prof. Dr. M.B. Shukla, Dean & Director, Institute of Management Studies, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi under whose guidance, care and supervision, it has been possible for me to get this study completed. Besides, his busy scheduled, he always gave me time for my research work. His indispensable advice, untiring efforts and affection have also been a source of constant inspiration to me. Tam thankful to my father Dr. Shiv Kumar Mishra and my mother Dr. (Smt.) Pushpa Mishra who encouraged me constantly to undertake the research work and provided all support to complete the work. 1am also thankful to Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Srivastava for his continuous support and enlargement who has contributed significantly in the accomplishment of the study. I am also thankful to all my friends at work who have appreciated and supported me at every stage of my work. Prine kumer Misra a Arvind Kumar Mishra Place : Varanasi Gi Exhibit No. Ld a1 wr hia wan wit wo B 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 List of Exhibits Topic Page No. Progressive Reservation of items for 14-15 Exclusive manufacture in the small scale sector Investment Ceilings in Plant and 38 Machinery Performance of Village and Small 44 Scale Industries Sector Performance of Small Scale Enterprises 45-46 Total Public Sector Outlay on Small 66-67 Industries SSI Position in U.P. 11 Recognise SSI in U.P. 112 Nature wise Distribution of SSIs in 113-115 UP. Statement Showing All India 116-117 Cummulative number of SSI Units (SIDO) granted Permanent Registration by the Sate/UT Directorate of Industries Statement showing Marketing Assistance 139 Overall Assistance 145 Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed 148 Assistance Sanctioned to Small Scale 149 Sector Activities of SSIDCs 153 Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed 156 Scheme wise Assistance Sanctioned 157 Summary of Operation of TCOs 160-161 ii)

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