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"To share the love of Jesus"

As a community based congregation within the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ) and with an Evangelical/Charismatic heritage, we are called to share the love of Jesus with individuals and families, in our community, our city, and beyond. In this we worship, serve, and call others to faith in Jesus Christ. This is in order that God our Father is glorified and His kingdom extended, in us as individual believers; among us as a community of Christ; and through us to those beyond.

Broad Strategy
The vision is that in three years time, Kaikorai Church will have moved forward significantly as a Community Church having attained the ministry goals as set out, in keeping with our values.

Kaikorai Presbyterian Church is a community of God who are shaped by the Trinity strengthened in Prayer united in Worship invited to Belong called to Mission challenged by Scripture informed by Learning embracing Hospitality

in addition we are Kids Friendly

This means children: are welcomed, celebrated & nurtured belong and participate in the life & worship of the faith community can explore, learn, and experience the love of Jesus Christ are valued for the immense love and life they bring to the whole church create opportunities for people of all ages to learn from, respect & appreciate one another

Kaikorai Church three year plan 2011-2014

Evangelism We will seek to share the good news of Jesus with our neighbours. Action Points 1 2 3 Teaching on evangelism - annually Focus on families, connecting by youth and childrens programmes and wider family members of congregation We will tell our stories during worship and other means ongoing ongoing ongoing Min all Min

Community Mission We will seek to provide positive experiences for the community that 1) enhance community well-being and 2) promote the gospel and 3) positively raise the profile of the Church as a good place to belong. Action Points Commit to offering regular services of worship at RedRoofs and Glendale Offer Pastoral Care to local Rest homes Investigate worship and pastoral care needs of new rest homes within our area Commit to Childrens Day for the next 3 years, including budget commitment Recognising and honouring members in their occupations: e.g. teachers; nurses, Decide local mission focus annually and promote: currently Chaplaincy, and Support Identify and acknowledge congregation members involved in local mission.

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ongoing August 2011 June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 Annual Annual


Mission While our mission focus is local we will continue to support overseas mission, recognising that the commission is to go into the entire world. Action Points We will support the Fleck family from budget (inflation adjusted annually)

ongoing ongoing ongoing 2014

P&F Min all CC Youth

2. Teaching on mission annually 4. Look for short term mission opportunities 5. Undertake a mission trip

Children/Young Families We will seek to provide a regular, fun, safe environment where children can experience Gods love, be encouraged to respond in faith and to grow in their relationship with God Action adequate paid support for childrens programmes to source/develop material and team of volunteers that can achieve goals Action Points Adequate paid support for childrens programmes, looking to return hours to 20/week as budget allows Kaikorai Kids to be developed as a Sunday Kids Club Adequate budget to allow development of programmes and to source/develop teaching material. Ensure that at least 2 holiday programmes are held each year. Preschool programmes Mainly Music & Playgroup Look at possibility of connecting with Bradford and/or Kaikorai School

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July 2011 July 2011 July 2011 ongoing ongoing


Youth and Young Adults It is important that young people are encouraged in their spiritual walk and provided opportunity to participate and experience church in appropriate ways as they respond in faith and grow in their relationship with God. Action Points Young leaders will be identified, mentored, trained and used. Invite faith response and baptism/confirmation, preceded by teaching. With growth paid support may be required Develop senior group - in-depth teaching/mentoring Maintain relationship with WDYCT and develop with other youth groups Attend Easter Camps and other area youth events Develop relationship with homes family nights, visits, etc Connect with Balmacewan and KVC April 2012 ongoing ? CC Youth Youth Min CC Youth Min Youth Youth Youth Youth


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Annually watch Feb 2012

Pastoral Care Every member needs to know they are welcome, and important, and must feel free to seek support when needed. Action Points Min Clerk Min Min Clerk

1. Priority to elderly, shut-ins, special needs 2. 3. Continue to provide PC training to all group leaders and others as interested/invited. Invite a few members to join a Pastoral Care team, lead and trained by the Minister

ongoing annually Aug 2011

4. Offer Pastoral Care to elderly in community and homes 5. Pastoral Care extended to contact families (MM & PG) as required

Sept 2011

Min Clerk

Social - Fun I have come that you may have life and have it to the full. Action Points 1. Coffee Cake Chat 2. Social events designed with non-members in mind: Guess Who; BBQs, ongoing August 2011 ongoing all Clerk CC

3. Special events: Pampering Nights; Tenpin 4. Encourage hospitality, open homes, coffee, socialisation

Worship Through worship we seek to honour and encounter God, as we do so we will be transformed by the Holy Spirit to more truly reflect the nature of Jesus. Action Points Worship CC Worship CC Worship Min Min CC P&F CC Min Worship

Increasingly contemporary, last few years, not decades. Worship services will be constructed with youth and young adults in mind, with a youth friendly service on a regular basis. Allow time and space for Holy Spirit to minister Promote to community (signage, advertising, invitations) budget required Special services: Hymn afternoons, have another look at 2 services or special morning hymn service occasionally

June 2011

Construct services with children in mind songs, involvement? Vary the order of service- setting the scene with a visual display/drama etc to help people connect

CC Min Worship


Small Groups (not sports or social groups) Small groups should be open to new comers, a safe place to explore, respond and grow in faith. Action Points Expect groups to pastorally care for one another. (see above) Provide leaders with a position description (drawn up in consultation) Provide groups a monthly prayer bulletin. Meet with group leaders quarterly to encourage and learn from each other Provide teaching resources on discipleship Min Clerk Worship CC Min Clerk Min Clerk

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ongoing September 2011 June 2011 Ongoing

Leadership As disciples of Jesus we seek to be open to the Spirit and to actively pursue understanding and growth in our respective calling. Action Points 1 2 3 4 Our Minister will fulfil all requirements of the Ministry development programme Elders will be expected to have an active reading programme Using various means we will maintain regular reviews of our life and ministry We will expect key leaders to spend at least 2 days per year on training, and budget will be allowed for this. ongoing July 2011 ongoing CC Min CC CC Presbytery CC P&F

Prayer will be modelled, taught and encouraged, both private and corporate


CC Min

Property & Buildings & Finance We will optimise the suitability and use of existing facilities before considering any expansion or shift. Action Points 1 2 3 Review seating to determine best option to ensure flexibility, increased isle width, comfort and safety. Maximise heating by improving current system The budget will include an amount for future plant development. Maintenance Programme to be developed which can be done by volunteer and community workers. Front gate and fence is high priority, as is safe access (sealing) Development plan needs to be decided, even if we cannot afford to implement it. Hall upgrade to allow overnight stays see 5 Signage to promote who we are, and to say were open. Maybe seek a design student at Polytech to produce something for us. Develop funding plan, including fundraising, grant seeking Actively promote AP giving Invite congregation to include the Church in their will April 2012 August 2011 July 2011 P&F P&F P&F

July 2011


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May 2012 May 2013 Oct 2011


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Oct 2011 Annual meeting Annual meeting


Collaboration We will seek to work together for the common good with our church neighbours and other possible partners. Action Points 1 Done, followup by June Min

Ask Brockville and Mornington how we can help them?

Provision of a preaching team is part of it. 2 3 Maintain partnership with Flagstaff re Childrens Day Rebuild relationship with Roslyn Baptist

2011 ongoing ? Min Min

Definitions: CC Min CFP Youth

Church Council Minister Childrens & Families Worker Youth leader and team

Worship P&F Key leaders

Worship Coordinator Property and Finance Worship, Youth, Children, eldership

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