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Casting Number =< 6 : Req 1

Casting Number < 15 : Req 2 Description: You re-animate the dead, creating a
number of Skeletons or Zombies equal to your
Magic Characteristic. You must be within 12
Petty Magic (Chaos) yards (6 squares) of either fresh corpses (which
make Zombies) or the aged remains of the dead
(which makes Skeletons)

Invigorating Vitae
Magic Req: 2
Casting Time: 1 full action and 1 half action
Common Magic (Found in Tome of Range: Touch
Corruption) Duration: Instant
Casting Tool: Sanguinine Cup
Ingredient: The teeth of a vampire

Dark Lore (Chaos) Description: You drink the blood of a corpse to

heal your own wounds. The corpse must be
freshly killed (dead less than 1 hour). If cast
successfully, invigorating vitae heals 1d10
Necromantic Arts Wounds.
Regarding the Summoning of the Dead
Several necromantic spells involve summoning
undead creatures. These "restless dead" must be Dark Lore (Necromancy)
controlled or they become simple corpses again. Hand of Dust
A necromancer can control a number of Undead Req: 3
equal to his Will Power Characteristic at any one Casting Time: Half action
time. Undead creatures are basically mindless and Range: Touch
can only be given basic instructions (march, Duration: Instant
guard, attack, etc.) Casting Tool:
Ingredient: The hand of a murderer
Petty Magic (Necromancy) Description: Your touch destroys the flesh of
Face of Death
living opponents, causing 1d10 Wounds
Magic Req: 1
regardless of Toughness Bonus or armour.
Casting Time: Full action
Undead are immune to the hand of dust.
Range: Vision
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Call of Vanhel
Casting Tool: Palm sized death mask
Req: 3
Ingredient: Skull (+1)
Casting Time: Full action
Range: 48 yards (24 squares)
Description: You make your face look like a
leering skull, the very symbol of death. You cause
Casting Tool: A small silver trumpet
Fear for 1 minute.
Ingredient: Ear from a zombie
You energize undead under your control. 1D10
Magic Req: 2
Skeletons, Wights, or Zombies can immediately
Casting Time: 1 half action per corpse
take a move or a standard attack action, even
Range: 12 yards (6 squares)
though it's not their turn. These count as free
Duration: Until ended
actions and do not affect the number of actions
Casting Tool: Defaced icon of Morr
the affected Undead can take this round.
Ingredient: Dust from a grave
Control Undead
Req: 4 Dark Lore of Nagash(Adv.
Casting Time: Half action Necromancy)
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Duration: 24 hours
Casting Tool:
Ingredient: A piece of a desecrated coffin

Description: You bend one of the ethereal Undead

to your will. You can target any one Banshee
Wraith, or Spirit within 24 yards. Unless the
creature makes a successful Will Power test, it
comes under your control for 24 hours.

Raise Dead
Req: 4
Casting Time: 2 full actions
Range: 24 yards (12 squares)
Duration: Indefinite
Casting Tool:
Ingredient: Dust from a mummy

Description: As re-animate, but you create 2d10

Skeletons or Zombies within 24 yards of you.

Spell of Awakening
Req: 5
Casting Time: 2 full actions
Range: 24 yards
Duration: Indefinite
Casting Tool:
Ingredient: A circlet of iron quenched in human

Description: As re-animate, but you create Wights

instead. The remains must be of a character with
an advanced career.

Banish Undead
Req: 5
Casting Time: Full action
Range: 48 yards
Duration: Instant
Casting Tool: Golden death coins
Ingredient: A vial of blessed water

Description: You create a magical vortex within

48 yards that sucks energy from the Undead. Use
the Large template. Tthose Undead affected taje a
Damage 5 hit, unless they are Skeletons or
Zombies, which are instantly destroyed instead.

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