Ceil English Level Test Listening

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Ceil: English level test


C. Listening

******************* Audio part 1********************

1. Where is the woman from?

2. Germany
3. Russia
4. Australia
5. Croatia

2. The woman says that you can travel from Croatia to Germany in two hours by _________.

1. bus
2. train
3. plane
4. car

3. What does the man think?

1. His geography is very good.

2. Croatia is a part of Germany.
3. The woman is from Germany.
4. He doesn't know enough about geography.

4. What does the woman think of the man’s mistake?

1. It's funny.
2. It's not serious.
3. It's stupid.
4. It's very serious.

******************* Audio part 2********************

5. What are they looking at?

1. a picture or a photo
2. a newspaper
3. a story in a book
4. an email

6. Who is the person they’re looking at?

1. the man's father's older brother
2. the man's mother's older brother
3. the woman's father's older brother
4. the man's father's younger brother

7. The woman thinks the man’s uncle _________.

1. looks unfriendly
2. is kind
3. is handsome
4. looks kind

8. Why doesn’t the man see his uncle very much?

1. His uncle and his dad don't have a good relationship.

2. His uncle's wife and his dad don't have a good relationship.
3. His mum and his uncle don't have a good relationship.
4. His uncle lives too far away.

******************* Audio part 3********************

9. Where is this conversation taking place?

1. someone's house
2. a bar
3. a restaurant
4. a supermarket

10. What problem does the man mention?

1. They don't sell salmon.

2. They only serve fish.
3. There isn't any more salmon.
4. It's very busy today.

11. When the man tells the woman that she can’t have salmon, she is _________.

1. quite irritated
2. a bit sad
3. a little disappointed
4. very angry

12. What does the man do?

1. He apologises many times.

2. He suggests a similar dish.
3. He tells the woman he will choose a dish for her.
4. He tries to sell the woman a more expensive dish.
******************* Audio part 4********************

13. The woman _________.

1. is very late
2. is on time
3. is early
4. is a bit late

14. The woman _________.

1. doesn't want to walk far

2. doesn't know where to go
3. doesn't feel well
4. doesn't want to go anywhere

15. Why is the man surprised?

1. The woman has been to the place before.

2. The woman is wearing such unsuitable shoes.
3. The woman doesn't know where the place is.
4. The woman is so late.

16. Which is true about the woman?

1. She would have gone to the place once before, if her friend had come with her.
2. She would have gone to the place once before, if her friend hadn't come with her.
3. She wishes her friend were with her now.
4. She went to the place last week.

17. Where are the speakers?

1. a cinema
2. a restaurant
3. a shop
4. the woman's house

18. What does the woman do?

1. She considers giving the man a refund.

2. She politely refuses to give the man a refund.
3. She rudely refuses to give the man a refund.
4. She agrees to give the man a refund.

19. Why is the product which the man bought now ruined?

1. The product was faulty.

2. The product was low quality.
3. He dropped it.
4. He didn't look after it properly.

20. What does the man do?

1. He complains that he was not given the instructions with the product.
2. He blames the woman for the situation.
3. He does not accept the woman's decision.
4. He accepts the woman's decision.

21. How does the woman feel?

1. scared
2. anxious
3. surprised
4. appalled

22. How does the man act?

1. sympathetically
2. reassuringly
3. dismissively
4. flirtatiously

23. Which is true of the person they’re talking about?

1. She has forgotten many important things before.

2. She never usually forgets things.
3. She often forgets things.
4. She doesn't have a mobile phone.

24. What does the man decide to do?

1. call her from his mobile phone

2. send her an email
3. call her from the woman's mobile phone
4. call her from a different telephone

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