Nicolas Jclarence P. 5 Pillars of Education

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What are the 5 pillars of education?

The goal of the five pillars of education to learning is to ensure a person's
continuous growth. It educates people about their place in society and the global
community, where they can develop the social responsibility necessary to create a
better world.
Learning to know
Learning to know includes the growth of the faculties of memory, imagination,
reasoning, problem-solving, and the capacity for coherent, critical thought. It is a
'process of discovery' that takes time and involves delving deeper into the
information/knowledge provided by subject teaching. Presupposes 'learning to learn,'
which requires 'the power of concentration, memory, and thought' to benefit from
ongoing educational opportunities that arise (both formally and informally) throughout
life.Therefore ‘learning to know’ can be regarded as both a means and an end in
learning itself and in life. As a means, it serves to enable individual learners to
understand the very least enough about the nature, about humankind and its history,
about his/her environment, and about society at large
Learning to do
Implies in the first place for application of what learners have learned or known into
practices; it is closely linked to vocational-technical education and work skills training.
development of defined skills for 'doing' specific things or practical tasks in traditional
economies or industrial economies. Human labor is becoming increasingly immaterial in
the emerging knowledge-based economy. 'Learning to do' necessitates the
development of new skills, more behavioral than intellectual. Material and technology
are becoming secondary to human qualities and interpersonal relationships.
Learning to live together
It implies the development of such qualities as: knowledge and understanding of self
and others; appreciation of the diversity of people and an awareness of the similarities
between, and the interdependence of, all humans; empathy and cooperative social
behavior in caring and sharing; respect of other people and their cultures and value
systems; capability of encountering others and resolving conflicts through dialogue; and
competency in working towards common objectives.
Learning to be
It can therefore be interpreted as learning to be human and acquiring knowledge, skills
and values that contribute to the development of one's personality in intellectual, moral,
cultural, and physical dimensions. It means a curriculum that qualities of imagination
and creativity; acquiring universally shared human values; Developing Aspects of
Human Potential: Memory, Logical Thinking, Aesthetic Perception, Physical Abilities,
Communication/Social Skills. Develop critical thinking and exercise independent
judgment. and develop personal commitment and responsibility
Learning to transform oneself and others
In the understanding that when individuals and groups gain knowledge, develop
skills, and acquire new values because of learning, they are equipped with tools and
mindsets for creating lasting change in organizations, communities, and societies. The
importance of learning to transform is based on specific claims of the newer
generations; young men and women who will develop critical thinking skills and who will
be able to ask themselves transcendent questions. It is a responsibility of schools to
equip children and young adults with the knowledge, skills and values that will promote
their participation in society. By learning to transform, students will be able to
acknowledge the complexity of global affairs and to discern the global dimension as a
part of everyday life in their local surroundings. In this way, they will discover and
understand their relationship with the environment and the people they share the planet

As BuLSU student & future educator, how will you help to end VAW?
As Student & Future Educator, is to prevention of violence against women starts with
educate and helping them learn about respectful relationships, gender equality and
positive attitudes towards girls and women. As a role model I’ll teach about gender
equality and positive attitudes towards women and girls. Teach how children to
recognize aggression and violence. Never excuse rough or violent behavior by saying
things like ‘Boys will be boys’ or ‘He didn’t mean to hurt you’. Teach ourselves to learn
how to respect is about treating ourselves and others with dignity and consideration.
Respect is an essential part of forming healthy, happy relationships with friends, family,
and romantic partners. The best way to teach others about respectful relationships is to
model respect in your own relationships.

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