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Fund Volatility

Overall Rating Very Low
Lipper analy tic s
31 Oc t 22


Affin Hwang Enhanced Deposit Fund

A money market fund that targets to provide enhanced yield over deposit rates while providing a high level of liquidity.

Fund Category Performance Record as at 30 November 2022* Performance Table as at 30 November 2022*
Money Market
Cumulative Return Over The Period (%) Since
Fund Type 180
Income Total Return (%) 1 Month 1 Year 3 Year Inception
Fund (MYR) 0.2 2.1 6.6 71.8
Indexed Performance (%)

Maybank Overnight Repo Rate

160 Benchmark (MYR) 0.1 0.5 1.5 37.0

Base Currency
MYR 140 Since
Annualised Return (%) 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Inception
Launch Date / IOP Fund (MYR) 2.1 2.2 2.7 3.1
18 April, 2005 / MYR1.00(MYR) 120
Benchmark (MYR) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.8
Financial Year End
30 April 100 Calendar Year Return (%) Year To Date 2021 2020 2019
Subscription 90 Fund (MYR) 2.0 1.8 2.5 3.6
Cash / EPF Jun 05 May 09 Feb 13 Jun 16 Sep 19 Nov 22 Benchmark (MYR) 0.5 0.3 0.6 1.7
Initial Sales Charge
EDF Benchmark Sourc e: MorningStar
EPF Sales Charge April, 2005 to Nov ember, 2022 NAV-NAV pric es and as s uming reinv es tment of
dis tributions into the Fund, gros s inv es tment bas ed in MYR. The v alue of Units may go
Max 3.00% of the NAV per Unit down as well as up. Pas t performanc e is not indic ativ e of future performanc e.
Sourc e: MorningStar
Annual Management Fee
Max 0.50% per annum Asset Allocation as at 30 November 2022* Income Distribution History
Minimum Investment /
Gross Distribution Yield
Minimum Subsequent Investment
MYR1,000 / MYR100(MYR) (Sen) (%)
Deposit 82.0%
2013 1.33 1.3
As at 30 November, 2022*
Fund Size / NAV Per Unit 2014 0.89 0.9
MYR1005.7million / MYR1.1774(MYR) 2015 0.96 0.9
Portfolio Yield 2016 1.16 1.1
3.4% 2017 1.20 1.1
Short Term Bonds 17.4%
2018 1.30 1.1
Portfolio Duration
55 days 2019 3.18 2.7
2020 3.25 2.8
2021 2.02 1.7
Cash & Cash Equivalents 0.6%
2022 1.76 1.5
Dis tribution Polic y : The fund will dis tribute inc ome s ubjec t to the av ailability of
inc ome.
Monthly : MYR

Maturity Profile as at 30 November 2022*

0-3 months 82.0%

3-6 months 12.9%

6-9 months 3.0%

9-12 months 1.5%

* The data prov ided abov e is that of the Fund and is a perc entage of NAV as at 30 Nov ember 2022. All figures are s ubjec t to frequent c hanges on a daily bas is and the perc entages might not add up to 100% due to rounding.
To inv es t in a Clas s other than MYR Clas s and/or MYR-Hedged Clas s , inv es tors are required to hav e a foreign c urrenc y ac c ount with any Financ ial Ins titution as all trans ac tions relating to the partic ular foreign c urrenc y will ONLY be made
v ia telegraphic trans fer.
The Mornings tar Rating is an as s es s ment of a Fund's pas t performanc e-bas ed on both return and ris k -whic h s hows how s imilar inv es tments c ompare with their c ompetitors . A high rating alone is ins uffic ient bas is for an inv es tment dec is ion.
W here a dis tribution is dec lared, inv es tors are adv is ed that following the is s ue of additional Units /dis tribution, the NAV per Unit will be reduc ed from c um-dis tribution NAV to ex -dis tribution NAV.
Bas ed on the Fund's portfolio returns as at 31 Oc tober 2022, the Volatility Fac tor (VF) for this Fund is 0.1 for MYR Clas s (Very Low) (s ourc e: Lipper). Very Low inc ludes Funds with VF that are not more than 4.44. Low inc ludes Funds with VF
that are abov e 4.44 but not more than 10.855. Moderate inc ludes Funds with VF that are abov e 10.855 but not more than 14.21. High inc ludes Funds with VF that are abov e 14.21 but not more than 17.635. Very High inc ludes Funds with VF
that are abov e 17.635. The VF means there is a pos s ibility for the Fund in generating an ups ide return or downs ide return around this VF. The Volatility Clas s (VC) is as s igned by Lipper bas ed on quintile rank s of VF for qualified funds . The
Fund's portfolio may hav e c hanged s inc e this date and there is no guaranteed that the Fund will c ontinue to hav e the s ame VF or VC in the future. Pres ently , only funds launc hed in the mark et for at leas t 36 months will dis play the VF and
its VC.
A c opy of the Pros pec tus and Produc t Highlights Sheet ("PHS") c an be obtained at AHAM As s et Management's ("AHAM Capital") s ales offic es or at www.aham.c . Inv es tors are adv is ed to read and unders tand the c ontents of
Pros pec tus and the c orres ponding PHS before inv es ting. There are fees and c harges inv olv ed when inv es ting in the Fund. Inv es tors are adv is ed to c ons ider and c ompare the fees and c harges as well of the ris k s c arefully before inv es ting.
Inv es tors s hould mak e their own as s es s ment of the ris k s inv olv ed in inv es ting and s hould s eek profes s ional adv ic e, where nec es s ary . The pric e of units and dis tribution pay able, if any , may go down as well as up and pas t performanc e of
the fund s hould not be tak en as indic ativ e of its future performanc e. The Sec urities Commis s ion Malay s ia has not rev iewed this mark eting/promotional material and tak es no res pons ibility for the c ontents of this mark eting/promotional
material and ex pres s ly dis c laims all liability , howev er aris ing from this mark eting/promotional material.

Built On Trust 18 DECEMBER 2022 | FUNDamentals

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