Task 5. Ad4

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TASK 5: Listening

Watch the following video:


1. Answer the following questions in your own words with complete sentences:

a. What is the video about? Summarise it in no more than 6 lines

This video consists of Jason talking about his experiences in working life. He talks about how
jealous he is of people who work in something related to their own academic studies. In his
case, it wasn´t possible due to the fact that he is working in the field of technology, not in
biology and science. This is what happens to one out of four students.

b. What do you learn in the video about Brian Acton?

I learned that Brian Acton is an engineering manager. Both Facebook and Twitter didn´t
want to employ him and he ended up co-creating WhatsApp.
c. Explain the three strategies Jason Shen mentions in order to identify
tomorrow’s high performers?

The three strategies that Jason mentions are expand your search, hire for performance, and
get the bigger picture.
Firstly, expand your search consists of looking for talented workers in less conventional
Secondly, hire for performance explains that candidates show their abilities before being
Thirdly, get the bigger picture talks about “don't judge a book by its cover”. Sometimes, we
judge people without knowing their story and unfortunately, we may miss both talents and

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