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viously in the demon hunter

after the fight between buddha and the king

the latter is defeated and

purified together with the devil in fish and

pigs accompany chen to the west

to obtain the sacred writings of the

to bring peace to the world has

some time has passed since the

chen's group left the village and many of them

things have changed since then

including the faces of the characters

the group has travelled a lot however it is

again and it was making it very difficult

because they didn't even have a good place

to sleep

100 for example already had hallucinations

because I hadn't eaten anything in several

worst of all was that their

disciples did not listen to each other

seemed to be on his own

especially uo with the monkey king in spite of

that he had already been purified even

was a little rebellious with his teacher in a

moment they are forced to make a

show in exchange for a couple of

coins the pig and the fish don't want

cooperate because they are so hungry that

they can't even move a convenience

the only one who could show his

skills but he does it reluctantly and

scares people who are upset

because the monkey made a mess in the

place asks him to apologise to the

people but instead the monkey pulls

his crown to the ground this bothers him a lot

to chen because that crown belonged to him

To the love of his life

I can't stand the behavior of

and called him a stinkin' monkey and he was

and tries to attack him, but chen tries to

calmly reciting the nursery rhymes

esther something else that the monkey doesn't

I could stand it because I felt I no longer had

freedom to do anything basically is

I could check as many times as I wanted

not far from there some hunters

arrive at a palace where they find

a woman tied to a chair

her daughter tells them that her mother is

acting too weird and then

investigate the hunters realize

that it's a demon, they pull out a

special mirror that reveals the true

way you see it but when you use it with the

lady nothing happens come to the

conclusion that the devil was

controlled from another body for when

do you realize the spider demon is revealed

and kills them


meanwhile chin was giving him

whipping the loudmouth for his wrongdoing


after calming down a bit he says to his

disciples that their mission is not only to

to find the holy scriptures but

that they learn Buddhism and that

help others the next day

when time to get some water

to make their sopita, they come across a

palace the same one in which they had died

the hunters the night before a

and he opens the door for her, and she opens it

invites the unwilling starter to lunch

but then more girls show up and it's a

convince him and the others to stay

after lunch sir what luck

have some once inside what they

the less they care about is the food happens

for a while and the monkey was the only one who had

noticed that the girls were not human is

that's why he decides to confront them

others think he's gone crazy and has gone

they discuss

at that moment the girls take advantage

to transform into giant spiders and

they take chen none of the devils

the king had lost his abilities

monkey was still just as strong the

fish could control the water and the pig

one controlled his rake each

the monkey starts to fight for his side

I was fighting with five spiders at the

and his brothers were fighting at the same time and

their way



after rescuing his master the world

the palace and they go down to where they are

found the nest of all spiders

a giant spider comes out to fight but the

world takes care of it easily

as always who wanted to give him another

opportunity to the demons and gets ready

to purify the spider, but before

I'm looking for something to do

because of this they both discuss again the

monkey was also fed up with his master

that same night he learns that chen

had lost his voice and decides

when he sees that he is alone, he

prepares to attack him runs out of the

place and without realizing it, he falls down a

cliff when he was about to receive a

the sky is illuminated and

everyone thinks it's about buddha the

monkey apologizes and is told that everything was

a joke

after that continue with your journey

now they had to carry the fish because the

fight with the spiders had been poisoned

they arrive in a town called big joe a

very colorful place full of games and

other attractions is welcomed by the minister

who had been sent by the king

who asks how they knew that

they would arrive she replies that it is

for his great reputation as a hunter, the

invited to the royal palace, once there, they are

realize that the king was a guy and that he was a

mature man who behaved like a child himself.

asks chen to make an exhibition

of his hunting skills but

thanks to the monkey you end up creating a


everyone is amazed at such a

Dare the king begin to weep

like a baby and the minister takes him out of the

palace as fast as you can so that

don't kill them while they're out chen speaks

with the monkey and they both fix their

differences return to the palace to

the king was still apologizing

crying and they had hand marks on their

cheeks and camber where the king is and in

instead of asking for forgiveness, he gives her a

couple more slaps

this time he responds with another blow

start pounding until the face of the

king begins to swell the king shows

its true form and begins to spit

fire there they realize that they are

it was about the demon called the red child

cv with decides to take care of it

this time he had an enemy on his level

for he was a demon who could stretch

their limbs to make invocations and

change the shape of the monkey also had

the same skills so the fight

was very even


hundreds of warriors wrapped in a

burst of fire are summoned by the

child to fight the monkey uses his

staff to create a force field

but the child's attack makes the

monkey defense is broken

his fight is extraordinary but in that

the red boy had the advantage at the time by

to see that they were destroying the palace and

that others were in danger with

raises its power


a con decides to end it by concentrating the

energy in his eyes launches his attack and the

power has a direct impact on the body


when it falls to the ground the weight

takes the opportunity to immobilize him once he has

he's got it under control the monk catches it

in the bag and transforms it into a

teddy bear when the danger passed released

to the true king and as a token of

thank you in the nh where you can

to choose the woman he wants to

to take her on her journey among the girls

a young woman in black named xiao appears

jiang whom we will call jean for

speed up the narration joan was a girl

that the king had never seen the minister

she mentions that she's a very nice girl

singing and that's why they ask him to sing

something to say goodbye to the teachers

while doing it who can't help himself

to remember his old love

he was hypnotized watching the girl

the minister realizes this and tells her that she

he tells chen to take her on his journey he

does not accept because it would be a very heavy trip

and sometimes it's not even for her

have enough food but for every

chen's pretext the young woman had

raised a solution she was

too interested in accompanying him on

king also encourages it but chen refuses

so many times that they don't insist anymore

who leaves the palace very sad

it seems that he did like the girl but he

I had promised dwan to love her a thousandfold

lives and felt guilty for noticing

in someone else that night he stays

thinking of the young lady in the palace

the next day he runs back to the

to tell the king that he had

changed their minds both were

happy to see each other again in this way

the girl joins the group


but from the beginning the monkey was not

according to this and when they are alone

she tells her teacher that this girl is

dangerous because it's a demon

the monkey forces the girl to wear them

to your village to check what the

truth when they arrive they realize

that joan had a family in spite of this

the monkey insists that she is lying that

everything is an illusion loses control and

attacks the girl's father her brothers

try to stop him but they can't.

monkey asks his master in whom

trust more and chile- responds that by

swan case

how could I trust a demon who

killed the love of my life says to the hearing

was with his offender and before he left he

says that from now on they are

enemies later on, give him a reckoning

johann as the monkey king killed the girl

that he loved most in the world she loved him

asks if you would be willing to

forget her if she meets someone else

the monk can't help but remember dwan

every time he looks at the girl in the eyes of

soon the pig and the fish come to

to let them know that the monkey had returned to

destroy the village when they arrive it is already

too late

uconn had killed everyone including the

family of jon and now he was getting ready to

kill the girl

the monk tries to stop him by

prayers but that no longer worked with

attacks his master and when he was about to

kill him the girl finally admits that

is a demon tells you that he is

transformed because she was abandoned by her

husband and after that many abused

she even killed her when the king heard that

monkey takes its most powerful form and

eats his master

joan climbs on the monkey's foot and they go up to

the top of a rock when they are

there appears again the red cuckoo boy

he is surprised because this time he accompanies him

the minister she reveals that she is also

a demon his plan had been to send

action to make the monkey fight

with their teacher and once they are

separate take over the power of the monkey king

but chen had already realized that the

intentions of the witch and together with the

monkey decided to play along

until his true form was revealed

at that time buscones kph the fish and the

pigs were also prepared to

fight this time defeat the red boy

with just a couple of strokes the problem

main one was the witch her power was so

that controlled the sea as he pleased

cheney the monkey are surprised to see you

she could also invoke a buddha


or with tries to confront the power of the

demon with his sacred staff but he had

the disadvantage of fighting in the middle of the

water to see that the place is getting

totally flooding invokes his new


even though it was in its most

powerful at that time the monkey king alone

he could dodge the attacks that


to finish with the witch invokes two

Buddhas plus now there was a Buddha who

controlled the water another one in the

electricity and other fire all

attack at the same time the monkey king does not

had no chance of winning are

loses his balance and falls into the water in

that moment the real buddha will

manifests through him the hand of

buddha emerges from the water and takes everyone with him

to heaven

while there the witch cries out that all of her

life has sought to serve the buddha but has never

received no sign of him

Buddha replies that the only thing he has

she did with her powers is to bring the

evil to the earth turns it into a

multiheaded eagle and carries it off

since the witch had gone in the

earth joan was disappearing before

of dying asks who if there was a

moment when he felt something for her

he replies that he has always loved

one woman through one prayer

and frees her spirit and lets her go


after the big fight the group continues its

the road to the Indies now that they are

in confidence the monkey asks his

teacher if he was really in love with

xiang who is starting to hallucinate that it is

wang who is talking to his brothers

they tell him it's because of the crown he has

the monkey on the head that's why

always remembers her finally after

all that has happened end up being a great

team because they had learned to have

trust between them and treat each other as



Before I go, I want to say hello to all the

people who viewed the above summary

and especially those who left their

commentary abel hernández ana gonzález

va 19 daniel pink and david piero music

juarez diego mamani elvis ortiz angel

passing toni cn night sn with david and

jordi one and gonzalo núñez maya


joel espinoza alan arandia asthmatic

happy ale jandro nancy nancy guardan jose 3

akira páez kadir miranda miguel angel

rivet iván vélez omega berserk ana

gonzález álex castro manuel alexander

carlos feria guy el verde rafael alberto

danielle the gamer vladimir yoel

gutiérrez josé and juan duarte

thanks a lot guys and girls see you

in the next video and don't forget to hit

like subscribe and comment that other

film they would like me to summarize up to


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