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Inventions and

By Dr Vipan Goyal
Name of inventions/discoveries Discoverers & Inventors

Systemic circulation of blood William Harvey

Observation of microorganisms Antony van Leeuwenhoek

Simple microscope Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Stethoscope René Laennec

First test tube baby Robert Edward and Patrick Steptoe

Vaccination Edward Jenner

Vitamin Casimir Funk

DNA Structure James Watson and Francis Crick

Name of inventions/discoveries Discoverers & Inventors

DNA Fingerprinting Alec Jeffreys

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Willem Einthoven

5 kingdom classification R. H. Whittaker

Heart transplantation first performed Christiaan Barnard

Insulin Frederick Banting and Charles H. Best

Penicillin Alexander Fleming

Polio vaccine Jonas Salk and a team

Rh factor in human blood Dr. Alexander S. Wiener and Karl

Name of inventions/discoveries Discoverers & Inventors

Blood group (ABO group) Karl Landsteiner

Binomial nomenclature Carl Linnaeus

Bacteria (& protozoa) Van Leeuwenhoek

Jarvik-7 (first artificial heart) Willem Johan Kolff and Robert Jarvik

Anthrax vaccine Pasteur

Cell Robert Hooke

Cell Theory Schleiden and Schwann

Nucleus Robert Brown

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