PRACTICAL INDEX Connectivity - Stack - Queue

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1. Write code to connect to MYSQL database namely School and then fetch
all those records from the table Student having Grade ‘A’ and print them.
Table Student has the following structure:
RollNo integer , St_Name varchar(15),Grade char(1)

2. A table Client is created with following structure C_ID integer , C_Name

varchar(15),Salary integer in a database Infotech. Write a Python code
to connect database and read and fetch all record from table Client
3. Write a menu driven program using functions to perform insert ,delete
and display operations on a Queue as list containing Member’s details
(Member_No integer, Member_name String, Age integer)
4. Write Addcustomer(customer) and Deletecustomer(customer) functions
in Python to add a new customer and delete a customer from a list of
Customernames, considering them to act as push and pop operations of
stack data structure
5. Write a program to create a stack called Employee, to perform the basic
operations on stack using list. The list contains the two values- employee
number and employee name. The program should include the options of
addition, deletion and display of employee details

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