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Name: Date:

Biology Project: Eco-Cinemas Feedback

Commenter Name(s):

This Feedback is for:

(Put names of the team that you are commenting on)

Synopsis and Solution 0 1 2 3

(___/9 x2 = ____/18)

Claim Synopsis does not identify a It is unclear what the cause and The cause and effect are clear. The cause and effect of human
particular environmental issue. effect are. No solution is present. The solution is not feasible. activities are explicitly written.
A tangible solution is proposed
with explicit action.

Evidence No evidence is present. Provides appropriate evidence Evidence is both appropriate and Evidence is both appropriate and
but not sufficient evidence to adequate evidence to support the adequate evidence to support the
or support the claim. claim. Cited incorrectly. claim. Cited in MLA format.

The sources of evidence are


Reasoning Does not provide sufficient or Provides appropriate but Evidence is linked to some Provides accurate and complete
(Consider: cost, safety, reliability, and scientific reasoning behind their insufficient reasoning behind scientific principles but is reasoning that links evidence to
aesthetics, as well as possible social, solution. their solution. insufficient. claim. Includes appropriate and
cultural, and environmental impacts)
sufficient scientific principles.

Questions to ask yourself?

● Is the environmental issue/conflict clear? (Effect)
● Is the human activity highlighted in the movie clear? (Cause)
● Is the proposed solution realistic and does it take into account…?
○ Cost
○ Safety
○ Reliability
○ Aesthetics

Movie Visual (___/13)

Draft 1 (____/2pts)
● Visual goes through at least 1 draft on paper.
Content (____/6pts)
● Visual needs to include and illustrate the cause, the effect, and the solution of your movie.
Final Product (____/5pts)
● Final visual is made utilizing an online platform and was digitally created (Canva, digital drawing tools, etc)

Creativity (Movie title, production name) (____/2pts)

Originality (Plot, motivation, drive) (____/3pts)

Total: ______/30

1. List two things you liked

2. List one thing that needs improvement

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