Words About Education and Studying - Intermediate

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Word list: Words about education and studying - Intermediate

academic adjective relating to schools, colleges, and universities, or

assignment noun connected with studying
a piece of work and thinking,
given to someone, not with
typically as part of
by heart their studies or job
learned in such a way that you can repeat it from
classwork noun memory
work that you do in a school class
coursebook noun a book used by students when they do a particular
coursework noun course
work setofatstudy
regular periods as part of an educational
deadline noun course
a time or day by which something must be done
do/try your (very) best noun to make the greatest effort possible
essay noun a short piece of writing on a particular subject,
grade noun especially
a number or one done
letter byshows
that students
part someone's
of the work
lecture noun work or performance
a formal is subject given to a group of
talk on a serious
pairwork noun people,
work thatespecially
is done by students
two people working together
qualification noun when they are learning
an official record showing something, such finished
that you have as a a
revise verb training course or have the necessary skills,
to study again something you have already learned,etc.
revision noun in preparation
study for an
of work you exam
have done, in order to prepare for
seminar noun an exam
an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of
thesis noun people meet of
a long piece to writing
study andon adiscuss something
particular subject,
timetable noun especially one that is done for a higher
a list of the times when classes in school college
tutor noun a teacher who teaches a child outside of school,
worksheet noun especially in order
a piece of paper to give
with the child
questions andextra help with
exercises for a

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