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Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone.

You should say:

Who was the person?

Why did you have the disagreement?
Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?


She helps me to (she helps me)

When he sit down (sat down)

More angry (angrier)

Pay more attention with (pay more attention to)

Most time (most of the time)

I explained to her that I wish that she was less involved in how I raise my

Don’t have harsh punishments/Don’t punish him harshly

Before preschool years

I’m set in my ways, I already have a formed personality

1. If there is a disagreement, what do you do?
It really depends upon the issue. If it is a minor issue, I don’t let it
escalate and just tell the person, I disagree with and move on.
However, if it’s something important, I ask my parents and friends
for advice.

2. How can we prevent escalating disagreements into a fight?

I think we just need to be calm and rational. I think the best way to
de-escalate situations is to give them time. We always make wrong
decisions when we don’t give issues time. I also try to involve a
neutral person and ask them for advice.

3. Who do you think should teach children to respect - teachers or

I think both parents and teachers have the responsibility of teaching
children. However, I think such things are not taught but rather learnt by
observing others. Children pick up a lot of things by watching their
parents and so it is absolutely important that parents behave
appropriately in front of them.

4. What do you do when you have a disagreement with your

Well, in this case, I am normally forced to accept their viewpoint. I know
my parents have my best interests at heart, so I don’t mind it. However,
sometimes when I feel strongly about something I do try to resist.
Sometimes, they do let me prevail.
Describe a person who likes to grow plants.

You should say:

Who the person is?
How do you know the person?
What types of plants does he/she grow? 
Why does he/she grow plants?


Since that (since then)

Bury seeds (plant seeds) - to plant (verb)

Receiving result (get results)

1. What kind of plants do people like to grow in their homes?
People like to grow many different types of plants like medicinal
herbs, flowers, fruits, and so on. We also have many plants in our
home, but I don’t know most of their names. The few that I know
are Neem, Tulsi, Rose, Hibiscus, etc.

2. Do people in China like to gift plants?

Gifting plants wasn’t very common a few years ago, but it is
becoming popular. Earlier, people used to mainly gift sweets, but
now as many people are facing problems like obesity and diabetes,
people have started looking for different gifts and plants are one of
them. Recently, we attended my uncle’s housewarming party, and
many people gifted them.

A manual – book with instructions that tells you how to do something

A brochure – book with different objects to choose from
Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (For example, a
painting, sculpture, piece of jewellery/furniture, etc.).

You should say:

Where the artwork/object is?
How it was made?
What it looks like?
And explain why you find it particularly beautiful?

Badge looks like the Olympics mascot

Shaped as a triangle/circle/star -

They are different / They have differences

The badges are light and easy to wear

Cute, lovely, adorable

Selection tests
Training lasted for 2 weeks / I had to complete a 2-week training
The construction of the Bird’s Nest hasn’t been finished yet
Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something.

You should say:

When it happened?
What you waited for?
Why you made the decision?
And explain how you felt while waiting.

Tennis court
Sweat – pronunciation
We were looking to get a good exercise and get sweaty
Suburbs (suburban area)
It felt like time stood still

1. What do people in your country often do while waiting?

Nowadays most people spend time scrolling through social media
applications on their phones while they are waiting for something.
People like to be aware of the new trends and they also find such
applications to be entertaining.
2. Why do some people like a slow-paced life?
I think some people just like to take things slow because they have a
more relaxed and focused approach towards life. Unlike others they
don’t want to be in a rat race of earning more and more money, instead,
they prefer to live in the moment and discover life as it is.
3. Is being patient good for people? Why?
Yes, patience is a virtue that every person should have these days. Lot
many times we see people losing patience on simple matters and
becoming angry which does not bring good for anyone. Being patient
helps people stay calm in difficult situations and stay in control of their
emotions, whereas impatient ones can easily lose emotional control and
get into arguments
4. Are people less patient now than people in the past? Why?
Today’s generation is definitely less patient as compared to people in the
old times. With technological advancements, they have become
accustomed to getting things instantly. For example, people can now
book flight tickets, order food, or transfer money with just the click of a
button. So, when they have to wait for something that would take more
time than usual, it makes them really impatient.

Describe a time when you missed an appointment.

You should say:

When and where it happened?
What the appointment was for?
What happened when you missed it?
And explain how you felt about the appointment?

To have a lot of fun (not big fun)

Smarter (not more smart)

1. Which events in China most people forget?

2. Do you think it is a good idea to use electronic devices for putting
3. How can modern technology help you keep good memories?
4. Is human memory important nowadays?
5. Can electronic devices such as smartphones replace human
 6. Is it essential to be punctual in your country?
7. Which is more important, a work-related appointment or an
appointment with a friend? Why?
Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion.

You should say:

Who asked for your opinion?

Why he/she wanted to know your opinion?
What opinion you gave?
And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion.

White lie
Cyber violence
To bully someone
Rouse the crowd

1. Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

2. Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about
products or services?
3. Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet
4. What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the
Describe a time you were busy
You should say:

When did it happen?

Where were you?
What did you do?
And explain why you were that busy?

Be mad at him

1. Do you start to worry about the day ahead when you wake up?
2. Do you sleep for more than 8 hours?
3. Do you often say to people, “I don’t have the time to do that?

Talk about an important river or lake in your country or hometown.

You should say:

What it is?
How has it changed people’s lives?
What benefits did it bring?
And explain if it is more important for older or younger people.

He died in the flood (not he is dead)


Q1. Why do many people like going to places with water such as
lakes, rivers, or seas?
Q2. What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in water
Q3. Do children and old people relax in the same ways when they go
to beach?
Q4. Why do people like water sports?
Q6. Is there much water transportation in your country?
Q8. How important is water in daily life?
Q10. Are the rivers in your country suffering from serious pollution?

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