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engineers newsletter

volume 34–2 ● providing insights for today’s hvac system designer

dedicated HVAC system because

the refrigerant opportunity: systems that use CFCs are no longer

Save energy and the environment manufactured in developed countries.

For an extensive renovation that reuses

existing HVAC equipment, compliance
Ozone depletion and global warming decision also can make it more difficult requires comprehensive conversion or
rank high among the unintended to conserve energy. replacement of all CFC equipment—
changes brought about by human usually within one year of the project’s
activities since the Industrial This EN examines the basis for completion. This requirement can pose
Revolution. Evidence suggests that refrigerant-related credits in the current two challenges if the building is served
recent accelerated warming of the LEED rating system and what the by a central or district cooling facility.
Earth’s surface is the result of USGBC is doing to resolve the First, the project team typically isn’t
increased concentrations of heat- refrigerant debate. empowered to promise and implement
trapping “greenhouse” gases, such a CFC changeout plan for the cooling
as carbon dioxide, which in turn are facility. Second, chillers are costly and
attributed to the combustion of long-lived. If the existing CFC machines
fossil fuels. [1] LEED–NC and refrigerants aren’t already at the end of their
service life, it may not be economically
Scientific discussions about the The LEED rating system (Table 1, p. 2) feasible to replace or convert them.
“complex interrelationship between grades building performance based on
ozone depletion and climate change” [2] metrics for sustainability in six It’s possible to receive a conversion-
almost invariably lead to debate about categories, including energy use and phaseout extension of several years
the refrigerants used in HVAC systems. protection of the atmosphere. Having under a LEED Credit Interpretation
At issue is the tradeoff between satisfied the prerequisites in a Ruling (CIR). However, the project
the environmental impacts of category, a building earns “extra” team must document a satisfactory
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) versus credit (awarded as points) for phaseout plan and provide a letter of
those of hydrochlorofluoro­ exceeding the minimum requirements.
carbons (HCFCs), which the Montreal The more points a building earns, the
Protocol has slated for phaseout in higher (and more prestigious) its level Prerequisites for LEED–NC’s

developed countries. On the one hand, of certification—and the greater the Energy and Atmosphere credits

the ozone depletion potential (ODP) of potential economic and environmental

benefits. Fundamental building systems
HFCs is negligible compared to that
commissioning. Verify and ensure that
of HCFCs; yet chemically, HFCs are fundamental building elements and
greenhouse gases. HFCs also are LEED–NC Version 2.1 assesses the systems are designed, installed and
thermodynamically slightly less performance of new construction and calibrated to operate as intended.
efficient than their HCFC counterparts major renovations. The “Energy and
Atmosphere” (EA) category awards Minimum energy performance.
“given idealized equipment design, so Design the building to comply with

the same amount of cooling may one point for ozone protection and up
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–1999

require more electricity and thereby to ten points for optimized energy (without amendments) or the local

[cause] the indirect release of more use—but only after the project energy code, whichever is most

satisfies the prerequisites (see inset) stringent.

CO2 in generating that electricity.” [3]

for commissioning, energy
CFC reduction in HVAC&R
The refrigerant selection dilemma is performance, and reduction of equipment. [Reduce ozone depletion
reflected in the U.S. Green Building chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). via] zero use of CFC-based refrigerants
Council’s LEED Green Building Rating in new base building HVAC&R systems.
System®, which promotes green When reusing existing base building
EA Prerequisite 3. The objective HVAC equipment, complete a
building practices. Credit toward of the “CFC Reduction in HVAC&R comprehensive CFC phaseout
certification can be quickly earned by Equipment” prerequisite is to reduce conversion. [4]
choosing not to use HCFCs. But that ozone depletion. Satisfying this
requirement is comparatively easy for a
newly constructed building with a

© 2005 American Standard Inc. All rights reserved ● 1

commitment from the owner. contend that making high-efficiency synthesizes input from stakeholders
Otherwise, the building is not eligible HCFC equipment ineligible for Credit 4 and advises two approaches (interim
for LEED certification. reduces the potential benefit to the and long-term) for awarding LEED
environment. credits that deal with the atmospheric
EA Credit 4. The “Ozone Protection” effects of commonly used refrigerants.
credit prohibits the use of HCFCs in
In their analysis, the TG considered
base-building HVAC systems. As in EA
past and present models of centrifugal
Prerequisite 3, if the building is served Enter: TSAC and water chillers and unitary equipment,
by a central plant, the prohibition the HCFC task group as well as CFCs (already banned by the
extends to that facility as well. In other
Montreal Protocol), HCFCs (scheduled
words, a new or renovated building Endeavoring to resolve what has for phaseout), and HFCs. The final
presently does not receive credit for become a divisive issue, USGBC’s report, The Treatment by LEED of
ozone protection if the central plant LEED Steering Committee charged the the Environmental Impact of HVAC
serving it contains HCFC chillers. Technical and Scientific Advisory Refrigerants, was issued in September
Committee (TSAC) in September 2001: 2004, and subsequently approved by
Although it represents only one of
LEED–NC’s 69 points, earning EA the LEED Steering Committee and the
To review all of the atmospheric
Credit 4 makes it more difficult to USGBC board. [3]
environmental impacts arising from the
increase energy savings by using use of halocarbons in HVAC equipment As a result of their review, the TG
higher efficiency HCFC equipment and and recommend a basis for LEED concluded that although the existing
thereby help earn more of the available credits that gives appropriate credit to LEED rating structure presumes that
points under EA Credit 1, “Optimize the alternatives. [3] designers can select a refrigerant by
Energy Performance.” The global
assessing the total impact on the
warming potential of HFCs is TSAC undertook this assignment by
significantly higher than that of forming an ad hoc HCFC task group
commonly used HCFCs (Table 2), (TG) of respected and highly 1 Reva Rubenstein, Ph.D. (chair); David Didion,
prompting some stakeholders to credentialed technical experts. 1 D.Eng., PE; and Jeff Dozier, Ph.D. Their
Following a prescribed nine-step biographies are included in Appendix A of the
process, the TG prepared a report that TG’s final report.

(continues inside flap)

Table 1. Overview of LEED rating products

LEED rating product Targeted projects
Current version, Target Rating levels When to use it for building
Identifier (status) Type Applicability audience (points required) certification
LEED–NC Version 2.1 New construction, Construction affects Owners Certified (26–32 pt) One-time event with option
(v2.2 in public major renovations > 50% of occupants Silver (33–38 pt) to recertify ongoing building
comment period; v3.0 Gold (39–51 pt) performance under LEED–EB
in development) Platinum (52–69 pt)
LEED–EB Version 2.0 Existing buildings Construction affects Owners Certified (32–39 pt) Initial certification of existing
(released Oct 2004) < 50% of occupants Silver (40–47 pt) buildings, which lasts 5 years
Gold (48–63 pt) Ongoing recertification of
Platinum (64–85 pt) buildings already certified under
LEED–NC or –EB a
LEED–CI Version 2.0 Commercial interiors Tenant spaces in office, Tenants Certified (21–26 pt) One-time event
(released Nov 2004) retail, and institutional Silver (27–31 pt)
buildings Gold (32–41 pt)
Platinum (42–57 pt)
LEED–CS In development Core and shell Building core, shell, and Developers To be determined To be determined
site selection; excludes
tenant fit-out
LEED–ND In development Neighborhood Urban revitalization, Developers, To be determined To be determined
development neighborhood/ consumers,
community planning policymakers
LEED–H In development Homes Residential dwellings Owners, To be determined To be determined
a To maintain LEED–EB certification, a recertification application must be filed at least once every 5 years; however, tying recertification to annual performance reviews, annual budget
planning, or space leasing contracts can enable more timely improvement of building upgrades, operations, and maintenance programs.

2 ● Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 34–2 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
for ozone depletion (LCODI) and direct GWP r × R c × (L r × life + M r )
Table 2. 100-Year ODP and GWP values for LCGWI d = ----------------------------------------------------------------------
several common refrigerants a global warming (LCGWId ): 2 life

Refrigerant ODP GWP Application A × LCGWI d + B × LCODI ≤ C ODP r × R c × (L r × life + M r )

LCODI = ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CFC-11 b 1.0 4,680 Centrifugal life
where A = 1, B = 100,000, and C = 100
CFC-12 b 1.0 10,720 Chillers, LCGWId = life-cycle direct global warming
When graphed (Figure 1), the proposed
index, equivalent lb CO2 /ton-yr
“acceptable” region under the diagonal LCODI = life-cycle ozone depletion index,
HCFC-22 0.04 1,780 Air
line reflects the USGBC’s policy of equivalent lb CFC-11/ton-yr
chillers limiting eligibility for credit to the top GWPr = global warming potential of

25 percent of the market and on the refrigerant, 0 < GWPr < 12,000 lb

HCFC-123 0.02 76 CFC-11 CO2 /lbr

replacement TG’s evaluation of a uniform random

Rc = refrigerant charge, lb refrigerant/ton
HFC-134a <1.5 × 10 -5 1,320 CFC-12 or
sample of the various HVAC equipment of cooling capacity
HCFC-22 types and refrigerants available. Lr = refrigerant leakage rate, % of
replacement charge/yr (proposed default: 1%)

HFC-407C ~10 -5 1,700 HCFC-22

As proposed, eligibility for EA Credit 4 life = equipment life, yr
requires that the combined value of (proposed default: 30)
Mr = end-of-life loss, % of charge
HFC-410A <2 × 10 -5 1,890 Air
LCGWId and LCODI (including (proposed default: 3%)
conditioning constants A and B) is less than C. ODPr = ozone depletion potential of

Initially set at 100, the value of C could refrigerant, 0 < ODPr < 0.2 lb

Data source: Table 1 of [3]

be adjusted to reflect improvements in CFC-11/lbr

b Banned by the Montreal Protocol in developed countries,

but still used in the chillers of many existing buildings equipment performance.
Rather than single out any particular
The following equations calculate the refrigerant, this proposal focuses on
environment, it neither encourages nor refrigerant’s lifetime performance, the environmental impacts of specific
rewards them for doing so: normalized per ton of cooling capacity combinations of HVAC equipment and
and per year of equipment life: refrigerant. Given the current rate
LEED [Version 2.1] does not currently
structure, which precludes additional
consider direct global warming effects
credits and fractional points, the TG
of refrigerants from release into the
believes this approach “is a more
2 “Direct impacts” refer to leaked gases that technically robust approach to
cause ozone-depleting chemical reactions in the considering refrigerant alternatives and
… If a more efficient refrigeration
stratosphere or that warm the atmosphere by
system is selected, LEED credits might
absorbing heat emitted from the Earth’s surface.
that it will encourage LEED users to
be earned for the energy benefits in EA
Indirect impacts of global warming already are evaluate both critical atmospheric
Credit 1, but not earned in EA Credit 4 if
addressed in EA Credit 1, so the task group effects.” 3
focused its attention on direct impacts.
the refrigerant depletes ozone, even

slightly. Therefore, if a cooling system

achieves greater efficiency only at the

environmental price of using a chlorine-

Figure 1. Proposed concept for earning EA Credit 4
containing refrigerant, an inevitable

environmental conflict exists. [3]

Observing that “there is enough

scientific evidence that global warming
is a problem,” the TG proposed a
concept to replace the existing ozone-
only assignment of LEED credits.

TG’s conclusions
To arrive at a more comprehensive
and quantitative comparison of the SOURCE: Figure 5
of TG report [3]
atmospheric effects of refrigerants, the
TG adapted a simple model to calculate
performance-based life-cycle indexes

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 34–2 ● 3
Future versions of LEED, the TG … this provides enough information What happens next?
noted, could include separate to determine the life-cycle index
credits for ozone depletion and values for global warming and ozone The LEED Steering Committee and
global warming, which would depletion: the USGBC Board already have
consider all emissions of ozone- incorporated the proposed concept
depleting substances and 76 × 3.3 × (0.01 × 30 + 0.03) for EA Credit 4 (renamed as
LCGWI d = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
greenhouse gases—not just those 30 “Refrigerant Selection”) in the initial
= 2.7588
from refrigerants. public draft of LEED–NC Version 2.2,
which was released in December
0.02 × 3.3 × (0.01 × 30 + 0.03)
LCODI = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - 2004. In addition, Version 2.2
Putting the approach into 30
= 0.000726 proposes the following formula “for
practice. How might a designer
projects with multiple units of base-
use these calculations to determine
Using these index values and the building-level HVAC and refrigeration
whether a particular combination of
proposed criterion, we find that the equipment” [5]:
equipment and refrigerant will be
direct atmospheric impact of this
eligible for EA Credit 4 under the [Σ(LCGWP + LCODP × 10 ) × Q unit ]
particular chiller/refrigerant - ≤ 100
TG proposal? Q total
combination is low enough to earn
As an example, consider a new EA Credit 4 (i.e., results in a value where,
less than C, which is 100): LCGWP = LCGWId
centrifugal chiller with a refrigerant LCODP = LCODI


charge of 3.3 lb of HCFC-123 per ton Qunit = cooling capacity of an individual
1 × 2.7588 + 100, 000 × 0.000726 = 75.4 HVAC or refrigeration unit, tons
of cooling. From Table 1 of the TG
Qtotal = total cooling capacity of all HVAC or
report, we find that ODPr = 0.02 and
Table 3 compiles similar refrigeration equipment, tons
GWPr = 76 for HCFC-123. When
examples for several common
coupled with the proposed defaults
HVAC refrigerants. In each case, the This formula makes it possible to
for critical leakage rates and
index values for ozone depletion and demonstrate (for example) that a
refrigerant charge …
global warming are based on the building with HCFC-22, HFC-134a,
Lr = 1%
largest refrigerant charge evaluated and HCFC-123 equipment is eligible
life = 30 years
by the task group. Apart from for EA Credit 4.
Mr = 3%
CFC-11, only HCFC-22, with a direct
atmospheric impact of 317.9, is Official public release of LEED–NC
ineligible for EA Credit 4 (given Version 2.2 is anticipated by fall
3 the refrigerant charges and TG- 2005, following balloting of the
USGBC guidelines limit the present credit
structure for LEED–NC Version 2 to 69 points; proposed defaults listed in Table 3). USGBC membership. Rather than
points cannot be added or removed until postpone implementation until then,
NC Version 3. a January 2005 administrative credit

Table 3. Direct atmospheric effects calculated for several common refrigerants

Variable inputs a Fixed inputs b Outputs (life-cycle indexes)
Ozone Global
Leakage rate Charge Rc , End-of-life Equipment Ozone depletion Global warming depletion, warming, Combined
Refrigerant Lr, %/yr lb/ton c loss Mr, % life, yr potential, ODP potential, GWP LCODI LCGWId index value d
CFC-11 e 1.0 2.4 3.0 30 1.0 4,680 0.0264 123.552 2,763.6
HCFC-22 5.0 0.04 1,780 0.0022 97.9 317.9
HCFC-123 3.3 0.02 76 0.000726 2.7588 75.4
HFC-134a 3.3 1.5 × 10 –5 1,320 0.0000005 47.916 48.0
HFC-407C 3.3 10 –5 1,700 0.0000004 61.71 61.7
HFC-410A 3.5 2 × 10 –5 1,890 0.0000007 72.765 72.8
a Values other than the defaults proposed in the TG report may be used; however, the team or manufacturer must provide persuasive evidence that accounts for leakage that
occurs during equipment service.
b ODP and GWP values shown here are from Table 1 of the TG report [3].
c Rc values shown here are from Appendix C of the TG report; they represent the largest refrigerant charge evaluated by the HCFC task group. As such, the values shown may
be significantly higher than the actual Rc values of many current-production chillers.
d Using the criterion proposed in the TG report, a particular equipment/refrigerant combination only is eligible for EA Credit 4 if the combined life-cycle index value does not
exceed 100.
e The USGBC estimates that approximately half of the water chillers in existing buildings use CFC-11; the Montreal Protocol bans new CFC production in developed countries.

Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 34–2 ● 4

(continued from inside)

interpretation ruling (CIR) new construction—makes the owners show that base-building
incorporates the TG proposal as an atmospheric effects of existing HVAC systems do not use CFCs.
alternative method to receive a refrigerant/equipment combinations
credit in LEED–NC Version 2.0 or too significant to ignore. [6] Alternatively, Prerequisite 3 can
2.1. To earn EA Credit 4 for an HVAC be met by providing third-party
system that uses an HCFC evidence that replacement of

LEED–EB and EA Prerequisite 3.

refrigerant, you’ll need to reference existing CFC equipment is not

Although the Montreal Protocol

the EAc40 CIR (dated January 11, economically feasible—that is, the

bans CFC products in developed

2005) and document the calculation simple payback of the replacement

countries, a 2002 United Nations

showing that the combined exceeds 10 years.

report estimates that roughly

atmospheric impact is eligible for 50 percent of the water chillers in
EA Credit 4. “Simple payback” is prescribed as

existing buildings still use CFC-11. [7] the implementation cost of the

replacement divided by the resulting

With respect to LEED–EB, the TG
annual cost avoidance for energy
made this observation:
plus any difference in maintenance
Implications for other The annual volume of refrigerants costs. [8] If the simple payback is
LEED products sold for replacement in existing less than 10 years, then compliance
building equipment is four times that with Prerequisite 3 requires system
Thus far, we’ve only looked at
sold for new equipment, so the replacement or conversion.

how the TG report affects initial

certification of new construction and significance of the existing buildings
market cannot be ignored. [3]
In addition to the payback analysis,
major renovation projects under the project team must demonstrate
LEED–NC. The size of the existing proper handling of CFCs in
EA Prerequisite 3 of LEED–EB
building market—which the USGBC accordance with the EPA Clean Air
reinforces ongoing reductions of
estimates as 80 times larger than Act as well as leakage that is both
ozone depletion by requiring that
below 5 percent annually and below

Table 4. Making an HVAC system eligible for EA Credit 4

EA Prerequisite 3 EA Credit 4
LEED–NC 2.1 • Specify new equipment that does not use CFCs • Document HVAC&R equipment does not use HCFCs
or earlier • For major renovations, adopt a replacement/conversion OR
schedule for all existing CFC equipment • Cite the EAc40 CIR (dated January 11, 2005) and document that
refrigerants in the base-building HVAC&R equipment comply
with LCGWP + LCODP × 105 ≤ 100
LEED–NC 2.2 • Specify new equipment that does not use CFCs • Document that the refrigerants in the base-building HVAC&R
(first public draft) • For major renovations, adopt a replacement/conversion equipment comply with LCGWP + LCODP × 105 ≤ 100
schedule for all existing CFC equipment • Provide the refrigerant type and charge per ton of cooling
• Provide supporting evidence if using other-than-default values
for annual leakage (1%) and end-of-life loss of charge (3%) over
an assumed 30-year life
LEED–EB • Replace or convert all base-building HVAC&R • Do not operate base-building HVAC&R equipment that contains
equipment that uses CFCs HCFCs
• Show that replacement is not economically feasible • Verify that refrigerant emissions from base cooling equipment
via the results of a third-party audit (i.e., simple over the performance period are less than 3% of charge per
payback > 10 yr) year (Documentation must comply with EPA Clean Air Act,
• Comply with the refrigerant management and reporting Title VI, Rule 608)
requirements of EPA Clean Air Act, Title VI, Rule 608 • Demonstrate that leakage over the remaining unit life will be
• Demonstrate an annual refrigerant leakage rate < 5%, < 25%
and that the leakage over the remainder of unit life will
be < 30%
LEED–CI Same as LEED–NC There is no “ozone depletion/refrigerant selection” credit in
LEED–CI. Instead, EA Credit 4 rewards the use of “green power.”
LEED–CS Still under development Still under development

5 ● Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 34–2

30 percent over the remaining life of What about LEED–CI? The newly
the unit. These requirements apply released rating system for commercial
whether recertifying a LEED building or interiors, LEED–CI Version 2, provides
initially certifying an existing building. a standard rating scheme for tenant
improvements to new or existing office
Calculation details have yet to be space. [9] Its point structure is similar to Protection. 19 November 2004. Prague, Czech
published, but it’s possible that the that of LEED–NC. Both standards Republic.
annual leakage rate could be require zero use of CFCs in HVAC
[3] Rubenstein, R., D. Didion, and J. Dozier. The
determined simply by totaling the systems under EA Prerequisite 3 … at Treatment by LEED® of the Environmental
amount of refrigerant added to the the base-building level for LEED–NC Impact of HVAC Refrigerants [online].
machine during the course of the year and within the tenant space for LEED– 28 September 2004 [cited 29
and dividing the result by the total CI. However, LEED–CI presently omits November 2004]. U.S. Green Building Council.
refrigerant charge. Available from <
the point for refrigerant selection/ leed_tsac/tsac_refrig_report_final-
ozone protection (EA Credit 4); approved.pdf>.
If the measured leakage rate recorded whether this will change in the future
during a performance period (six remains to be seen. [4] Green Building Rating System for New
months, for example), is within the Construction & Major Renovations (LEED–NC)
allowable limit and satisfactorily Version 2.1 [online]. November 2002 [cited
8 December 2004]. U.S. Green Building
documented, it also may be possible
Council. Available from <http://
to extrapolate the leakage to a year and
over the remaining unit life from the Closing thoughts 1.pdf>
values recorded during that period. (For Although we devoted our attention
more conclusive information, check the [5] Green Building Rating System for New
exclusively to refrigerants in this Construction & Major Renovations (LEED–NC)
credit interpretation rulings; also watch article, achieving sustainability through Version 2.2, first public comment draft
for publication of the LEED–EB green design requires a much broader [online]. December 2004 [cited 8 December
reference guide in 2005.) view. Success demands that we focus 2004]. U.S. Green Building Council. Available
from <
on delivering cost-effective buildings drafts_main.asp>.

LEED–EB and EA Credit 4. Leakage that not only conserve resources and

is a significant factor when it comes to minimize environmental impacts, but [6] Lewis, M. and N. Howard. “The Future of

determining the atmospheric impacts that also operate reliably and enhance LEED.” Environmental Design+Construction

[online]. 11 July 2003 [cited 29 November

of a refrigerant. If properly contained, a occupant well-being. We can do much

2004]. Available from <http://
refrigerant has little direct impact on to advance these goals by designing
the atmosphere. EA Credit 4 reflects and implementing HVAC systems features/BNP__Features__Item/
this thinking by allowing HCFC that use energy judiciously and 0,4120,103633.html>.
equipment to earn this point if the effectively. ●
[7] Report of the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning
leakage rate is less than 3 percent and Heat Pumps Technical Options
annually and less than 25 percent over By Chris Hsieh, systems marketing engineer, and Committee: 2002 Assessment. 2002,

the remaining life of the unit. Both Brenda Bradley, information designer, Trane. You published August 2003. United Nations

can find this and previous issues of the Engineers Environment Program (UNEP).

values can be calculated as described Newsletter at

for EA Prerequisite 3. library/newsletters.asp. To comment, e-mail us at [8] Green Building Rating System for Existing Buildings Upgrades, Operations, and

Maintenance (LEED–EB) Version 2 [online].
References October 2004. [cited 8 December 2004]. U.S.
Green Building Council. Available from <http://
[1] “Global Warming–Climate” [online]. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. final%20content%20version.pdf>.
7 January 2000 [cited 29 November 2004].
Available from < [9] Green Building Rating System for Commercial
globalwarming.nsf/content/climate.html>. Interiors Version 2 [online]. November 2004
[cited 8 December 2004]. U.S. Green Building
[2] Molina, M. (chairman). Science Symposium: Council. Available from <http://
Challenges and Perspectives—Ozone Layer


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6 ● Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 34–2 ADM-APN018-EN (January 2005)

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