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Analysis and Design of Hydraulic Systems


Class Assignment, Due date: Dec 09th 2022

Problem Statement

A distribution system is needed to supply water to a resort development for a normal usage and also
emergency purposes (such as fighting a fire). The proposed system layout is laid out in Fig. 1.

The source of water for the system is a pumped well. The water is treated and placed in a ground-
level tank (shown in figure 1 as a reservoir because of its plentiful supply), which is maintained at
a water surface elevation of 66 m. The water is then pumped from this tank into the rest of the

The well system alone cannot efficiently provide the amount of water needed for fire protection, so
an elevated storage tank is also needed, the bottom of the tank is at 116.8 m (high enough to
produce 220 kPa at the highest node), and the top is approximately 8.2 m higher. To avoid the cost
of an elevated tank, this 25.6-m diameter tank is located on a hillside, 610 m away from the main
system. Assume that the tank starts with a water surface elevation of 118.2 m.

The pump was originally sized to deliver 1140 L/min with enough head to pump against the tank
when it’s full. Three defining points along the pump curve are as follows: 0 L/min at 610 m of
head; 1140 L/min at 54.9 m of head; 2280 L/min at 45.7 m of head. The pump elevation can be
used to be the same as the elevation at J-1, although the precise pump elevation isn’t crucial to the

The system is to be analyzed under several different demand conditions, with minimum and
maximum pressure constraints. During normal operations, the junction pressures should all be
between 220 kPa and 520 kPa. Under fire flow conditions, however, the minimum pressure is
allowed to drop to 150 kPa. Fire protection is being considered both with and without a sprinkler

The pipe network consists of the pipes listed. The junction information for this network is given in
Table 1. The diameters shown in Table 2 are based on the preliminary design and may not be
adequate for the final design. For all pipes, use Cast-iron steel as the material and a Hazen–
Williams C factor of 130.

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Fig.1. Water distribution network layout

Table1. Junctions’ information

Junction Elevation Average Day Peak Hour Minimum Fire Fire
(m) (L/min) (L/min) Hour With without
(L/min) sprinkler sprinkler
(L/min) (L/min)
J-1 75.3 0 0 0 0 0
J-2 78.3 0 0 0 0 0
J-3 79 83.27 208.23 8.36 1771.2 2725.2
J-4 79 83.27 208.23 8.36 1771.2 2725.2
J-5 81.4 0 0 0 0 2725.2
J-6 84.4 0 0 0 0 2725.2
J-7 89 166.54 416.35 8.36 136.26 136.26
J-8 87.5 166.54 416.35 8.36 136.26 136.26
J-9 86 0 0 0 0 0
J-10 84.4 0 0 0 1226.34 545.04
J-11 81.4 666.16 1665.4 124.96 545.04 545.04
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Table 2. Network pipes information
Pipe Diameter Length (m)
P-1 300 6.1
P-2 150 91.4
P-3 150 182.9
P-4 200 137.2
P-5 150 152.4
P-6 150 91.4
P-7 200 76.2
P-8 150 121.9
P-9 150 121.9
P-10 150 61
P-11 150 152.4
P-12 200 152.4
P-13 150 121.9
P-14 150 61
P-15 200 610

Table 3. Results summary for each scenario

Variable Average Peak Minimum Fire With Fire without
Day Hour Hour sprinkler sprinkler
Node with low pressure
Low pressure (kPa)
Node with high pressure
High pressure (kPa)
Pipe with max velocity
Max. Velocity (m/sec)

1. Determine the correct size of each pipeline for all the various scenarios (average day, peak
hour, minimum hour, and fire with/without sprinkler). Show clearly in the form of tables and
maps (as produced by the software) the values of pressure heads, flow rates, and velocities in
the network. Was the system (as currently designed) acceptable based on the design
constraints given below.
2. Generate multiple design concepts. Evaluate the design concepts and select the most
promising one.

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Design Constraints:
Velocity: Pipes consistently flowing below 0.15 m/s may be oversized. Pipes with velocities over
1.5 m/s are fairly heavily stressed, and those with velocities above 2.4 m/s are usually bottlenecks
in the system under that flow pattern.
Pressure Constraints. During normal operations, the junction pressures should all be between
220 kPa and 520 kPa. Under fire flow conditions, however, the minimum pressure is allowed to
drop to 150 kPa. Fire protection is being considered both with and without a sprinkler system.

3. For the average day scenario shown in Table 1, if the water demand varies with time at each
junction assuming a residential time pattern given below, how would your design be
different? Show clearly in the form of tables and maps (as produced by the software) the
values of pressure heads, flow rates, and velocities in the network.

Table 4. Residential Buildings Time Pattern

Residential Buildings Time Pattern
Time Multiplier
12:00 AM-2:00 AM 0.47
2:00 AM-4:00 AM 0.25
4:00 AM-6:00 AM 0.47
6:00 AM-8:00 AM 1.9
8:00 AM-10:00 AM 1.4
10:00 AM-12:00 PM 0.98
12:00 PM-2:00 PM 0.9
2:00 PM-4:00 PM 0.98
4:00 PM-6:00 PM 1.07
6:00 PM-8:00 PM 1.9
8:00 PM-10:00 PM 1.2
10:00 PM-12:00 AM 0.70

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