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Self-registers PP + BA 2

1. Can owners of a fullz differ from owners of BA?

- They will be different in any case, the item does not
check the BA owner. So it doesn't matter that your fullz
belongs to Sydney, and the bank belongs to John and
they live in different states

2. Why openVPN, not 911?

- I have already explained 911 for other purposes, 911
just got tons of blacklisted IP’s, buy open vpn config
from @cashout_kingdom_admin

1 open vpn config = 1 self-reg or we can make many

with one?
1 open vpn config can make 1 samoreg(self registers) -
1 fullz
It leaves in different ways, sometimes it is possible to
withdraw $ 500 per week, sometimes 2 months 1
account has to be hammered for 100 bucks

Q) After working out the ba, can you detach and attach
another? for such self-registers took?

After working out one BA, you do not need to untie it.
Link another and that's it, so try to steam. You can also
link 1 ba to a pair of sticks at once

Q) How much money does it take for 1 self-registration?

- From 50$ to 60$. In general, you can do it for

Q) how much $ do you usually get 1 self-registration PP

without BA?
- 30$ on average, if you take a good checkmate

Q) A question about linking banks, is it possible to link

enrol ss? How to swing it and better l will there be a
passage!? Without binding ba
-You can link enrolls, linking will be better, but more
expensive. I do this very rarely when I find good giver

Let's analyze a few terms, without them the

conversation will not stick together.
Stick / PP - PayPal
BA - Bank account
SS / Card / Credit Card - Credit Card is generally the
general collective name of cards (rather, data from
cards) that we use, be it debits or credit cards. Not to be
confused with Plastic (Real cards you can hold in your
Roll - CC with access to your personal account.
VCC - the same cards, but without a physical
embodiment, i.e. virtual cards.
Tuna / Socks / Ovpn - SSH / Socks / Open vpn - all
these are the tools we need to change the final ip
Iron - the data of our computer, whether it is the amount
of RAM, the installed system language, the set time and
other dickhead. We are also subject to change iron, or
rather the imprint of this iron on Internet resources.
Self-registration is any account that you manually
register with someone else's data.
Logs are a set of all kinds of information from the
sufferer's computer, which we can use for our own
purposes. I'll tell you more about this right now.
Brute is a way to hack accounts. A cunning ban program
is taken, a database of email passwords is taken and
checked for all known services.

Brute PP and Brute Ebay are separate directions.

Those. you can buy 10 ebay accounts to which the
cards are attached, or the same item, change the
address in the account itself and order the goods to the
desired address. The same with PP, the stick is good
because with it you can buy anything, or send money
directly, with an attached card or ba.
I will explain in more detail by logs - this is the most
extensive direction, working with which you can turn on
your imagination to the maximum and pick different
services for a long time.
In general, what is a log? This is a set of files, text
documents that contain information obtained from the
computer of a crocodile. Imagine the situation - you go
into a torrent, download photoshop, as a result, you
catch a virus, which in turn pisses data from your
computer, and he doesn't give a fuck, he steals your
cookies from browsers, fires all the logins and
passwords that you use, screenshots your desktop and
what not.
At the exit, the owner of the virus receives all the
collected information. What can you do with it? A lot of
things: adjust your hardware, for the victim's hardware,
pull a similar ip, download a similar browser, embed
cookies there, and that's it, you look like your victim as
much as possible and you can use all his means, his
stick, his fuck, his cards, etc. etc. But, there is always a
"But", all this is not so easy to do, you can pay more
than $ 100 on the logs and not get a fuck out of them.
For this we have gathered here, but logs are not my
main profile, I work mainly with self-registers, and we will
talk about them. And you can also read about logs in

But let's not get hung up on plums, you can read them at
any other time. You can learn on leaps, but it is
extremely ineffective when there is no normal
community and a mentor to whom you can always turn
with questions. You can find all suitable plums on my
channel, Read it at your leisure. + we have a private
channel for latest and updated plums, videos, bins,
private support, private sellers(shops), google ads, fb
enroll etc

Returning to self-registers, now there will be a small

practical lesson, explaining all the basics. A bit of
terminology, in the future you will constantly see these
Software - any programs that are useful to us in our
Kx (cardholder) - the owner of the card or bank account.
Victim. The person you are going to give money to.
Fullz (full info) - "passport details" of a US citizen. is a
text with the following data: Name, surname, state, city,
ZIP, address, SNN (SNN) and Dob (DOB). It is with this
data that we will register our stick.
Fullz example -
Name: Mark Nelson
Address: 20 Saint Andrews Dr., Novato, CA 67949
(House number, Street, City, State, Zip (postal code))
SSN: 343478821 (Social security number, each fullz
different details.)
DOB: 11/27/1985 (Birthday)
State - I think everyone knows that the United States is
divided into states
Zip (zip code) - analogue of our postal code
SSN - Social Security Number. A unique, individual
number for each amer. An analogue of our SNILS. 9
digits. Remember. Do not confuse with a phone number
(10 digits)
Dob (date of birthday) - date of birth. They usually have
it MM / DD / YYYY. Those. first there is a month, then a
day, then a year.
GV- google voice. Google service that allows you to get
a virtual US mobile number. It is also bought from
sellers, a mobile phone is also needed for registration in
various services.
Ba is a bank account. There is nothing to explain.
Almost every modern person has a bank account. If you
have several accounts with one bank, they are all
combined into one bank account.
OpenVPN / SSH / SOCKS - tools to spoof our ip
Finally, we turn to the PP itself.
Let's start with software
1. We need Windows, preferably English, both 7 and 10
will do. But personally, I have an ordinary Windows on a
couple of computers, the difference in work is almost
invisible. Here people asked how to set up your
computer - the answer is, you don't need to summarize
anything, this is already a jungle, you can, clearly dick
set up a firewall, but for me this is superfluous.

3. We need English Mozilla Portable. We also download

and install it on your desktop. For each account, we will
have our own daddy with a moss. Each folder is an
independent browser. Those. You can set yourself at
least 100 such folders and each folder will have its own
independent history, cookies and cache.

Let's look at the main parameters. DNS - should not light

more than 2x. WebRTC -You can also punch the ip
using such checkers:
If everything is zeros and green, like spring is in the
yard, then you are ready to hit
10. What do we do next? We need to buy a Bank
account from which we will be dragging money. There
are different types of accounts under each BA. Those. in
your hands you will have a text file with the login and
password from the BA, a list of accounts (usually 1-2
pieces) and AN / RN for each account (there are not
always) + balances for accounts. Usually knit in pp bills
like Cheking. At the same time, we will confirm SSN and

A little about minicom - this is one of the security

elements, everyone remembers the times when banks
were attached only by login: a password and work with
an account began on the same day. Now we have to
wait a couple of days and punch through the data of
mini transactions that go from the PP to the bank, i.e.
When binding in this way, 2 payments go to the bank
from the pp, conditionally 0.12 and 0.08 dollars, you
must check in any way (check yourself or give the bank
to the punchers) check these payments and drive them
into pp.

How to get into carding? You have two options:

The first one is long and dreary, with the subsequent
draining of a large budget, spending a hell of a lot of
time and disappointment in carding. You can read
plums, look into chats and forums, search for
information bit by bit, filtering 90% of all shit, in the hope
of learning everything yourself
1. Ask to run a couple of bucks for you
2. Register in ebay and try to pay for something, if not,
we combine it with the 1st point
3. Send is when you try to send money from one stick to
another. There is also a degree of "Verification of the
PP", some Ebey seller will have a stick, of course, very
much swayed, and if you pour him some money, then
the level of trust to you will greatly increase
4. Sleeping is the most disgusting and at the same time
effective method. Doesn't give a send from the ba?
Doesn't pay from the ba? Asks to add a card? - we
throw the account into a nap, just forget about it for a
couple of days and go to make other accounts
5. Deps are one of the most difficult ones, we again go
to the Help tab, drive in Add Money there and the PP
invites us to send the money from the BA to the stick
balance. What is the difficulty? That dick you will be able
to do this operation. What is the profit? The fact that
from the balance of payment and sends fly much more
6. Donates are the most dumb garbage, all donates are
already so fucked up that they look very dumb in the
eyes of a stick.
7. Invoices - a request for funds from one item to
another. Here you can make whole chains of transit
between your accounts. For example, you threw a little
dough on the 1st account, from the 2nd you asked for a
part of the dough from this account, and on the 3rd you
sent a send from the 3rd, now on the 1st transit in each
8. The more transactions of various types occur on the
account, the better he will feel and the likelihood that he
will give you a normal babos will greatly increase
This investment in knowledge will pay off many times
over, even the very thought that you spent on training
will motivate you to do it.

So, let's start. I will explain in maximum detail and point

by point.
Our task with you is to register a stick and bind a BA to
it, and in the future, drain money from the BA to your
account details (this is usually done through cashiers).
In this lecture, I will not give you material sellers, about
this at the end, now only a bare theory.

Regarding security:
1. You need to always have a fake phone number for
the same cart, you can buy such numbers here, there are also a couple of sites like
sms reg, sms-activate, 5sim, taste urself and buy.
2. You need at least some kind of VPN to roam around
dark forums and shops with obscenities (material).
3. Have a separate browser for scrolling these very
forums and shops. Mozila Portable is ideal, at any time it
can be demolished with all the data.
4. It is clear dick not to deanonize, not to throw off your
photos, personal data to guards. If you want to be a
carder, keep your anonymity both online and offline.
5. Work with everyone through well-known guarantors.
The bench here is just in bulk, everybody who is not lazy
gets fucked.
And remember a very important axiom of this life - in
order to make money, you need to invest, you need to
invest first in yourself and knowledge, and then in the
business that you are going to do. Not a single business
was created without investment. Carding is a permanent
investment, you can fuck 10 self-registers and not pull
them out, but you can take and pay off the entire mat
three times from the first

6. Also see what state we got, in my case it's CA, ie

California not Canada as Canada is country not state so
do not confuse with that, we look at the city and go to
buy a fullz with Gv(google voice) for the city, if we did
not find the city for the state. Also, do not forget to
change the Time on your computer, similarly for the
purchased state. We just google "What time is it in
California now." What is fullz and gv I wrote above.
Gv is essentially a Google account, you will be given a
documentary Login: Password. We write in the same
google voice and go into it. Usually, when you enter, you
are asked to enter additional mail, you will also have it,
we enter and get into the GV.
Many guys ask why we need OVPN, and not 911. 911 is
socks, they fit logs / ss and many more directions, but
not self-registers. With 1 account you will work for at
least half a year and the constant change of the IP
address is very bad for your work. Antifraud fires it up
and starts to get lost

P.S. It's better to check the ip or enter the GV from a

separate browser, because we don't fucking need a set
of such awful cookies in a working browser. All sites can
check your cookies, i.e. the sites that you visited earlier
and the same stick, if it finds out that u went to
whatleaks or whoer, then it will simply send you to hell.

15. Then we have 2 options:

a) Attach the bank immediately, via login and password
b) Attach the bank using AH / RN
Option a) is not rolling now, there is a scanty number of
banks that are linked by login and password, only option
Option b) Link to An and Rn (you have them in the
purchased BA, i.e. in the data file)

This concludes the registration. What do we do next?

And then the most interesting thing, we will be engaged
in the buildup, there are tons of ways to upgrade the
account to a certain condition, we need exactly the one
when the ba freely gives purchases for good money,
because immediately after registration there is only a
small chance that the ba will give you at least something
then, for this we begin to swing the ACC from the most
distant ways, here are a couple of them:
What will you encounter many times?
1. Limits - if you hit the stick hard, the security system
will work and the account will be "frozen", they will
require a photo of documents / bank statements and
much more. Fortunately, in our business there are
renderers and dialers who will help you to remove the
2. You can successfully pay for the goods on ebay, and
after a couple of days you will notice on your account
that the transaction was cancelled. It was KH(antifraud)
who burned it, nothing can be done about it.
3. The bank fell off. KH burned because of what? We
look at the 2nd point.
In general, the owners do not particularly monitor their
bank accounts, they do not have such an SMS
notification about each transaction as we do, so you can
encircle a person by at least 5k bucks and he will not
even notice it (he may notice even after a month, even
after a couple)

Do not forget that we have a private channel with the

most up-to-date information and material, to enter, write
to our support
(it's not free)

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