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Item Name of the Item No
No L-6
amongst the 15-24

I'u rn.u. 7* o.{-i""

pruErauur'Eo in ICAR 25-28
4. tr,ar*r" in seats of ICAR quota seats tor uG, au:Io

accredited AUs th
5. Revision of Compulsory Educatio"ul ro"EiEElEde^G or@,ity 29-31

" ''
of 'sardarni Manjit Kaur " 'Di:5t'ti[5i"ghM;ail:
w/o 43-45
|t: "Evolution ef Life" or related subiects' , ' for M'Sc'
y and oration
10. I Selection of Topics to
I Revision ot scorecardJorDr' P' N Thapar Gold Medal'
ll'=',","""r""1'-r,,,-,r, 55-57
12. of rules ror ure ^-,,^-=:;,;uaei;;;;t.;;;;;;t;ii;;;r,i;iloou-.
Ilevisron vr r rvrv vlrvr
13. LEBtrI
,n.r1 -)) 62-64
rlarcnaran url6rl
L- R--"rPh D
r.lurrr thesis Award' 65-68
15. Rules ua,d regulations for the award ot'ur'
22. ardfor^"V%
/3-/ /
.' : : : : ; ; ;i.l--: ;: ^::r:;:;" l;ur Fh;;iqfrv/Biochemistrvforthe
llr l1L4usuulr vrr!r'!-v'-r t --- 78-80
18. Award of Alumni GOId Medar tot exceuence
Veaf ZVro-Lt. 'ill
= = 81-83
20. PermissiontoteachPGCoursestoleacnrngAU5tDLCu1t!.
:: in Krishikosh' 96-97
21.. Increase in embargo Pett"tlT6?tr"s* "ttoaded
:utl 98-1.07
22. frut,ration of profotrtta fot Best Teacher Award'
r r : = :;i; ; i;-l.;ii;F:ii:;::;
rv. a;i;;;i;;;;,E;ii;;al 110-111
To establish the ScholarshlP, Meoar anq
uuru lvrEuil 6' '6-
Saunkhri , :: _ 112-1L4
1-Lo^aac in Qrrrnrner Iffi provisions'
of 115-118
26. Sardarni Su;an llaur lvtemor

the 250thmeeting of Resident

Item No.1: Conf irmation of Proceedings

Committee held on

The 250tt' meeting of Instruction Committee was held on

of the meeting placed below for confirmation of actions
01,.09.2022. The proceedings

by the Committee.

held on ol.og.2022at 2:30 p'm'

proceedings of 2'0thmeeting of Resident Instruction committee
Hall' PAU' Ludhiana'
in the Committee Room NoI7, Thapar

The following were Present:

The Dean, Postgraduate Studies

& (Chairperson)
Dean, College of CommunitY Science
Director of Research
Dean, College of Agriculture & (Member)
College of Horticulture & Forestry
Dr. G.S. Mangat, Rep'of Director of
Dr. Ashwani Soni, Rep' of The Dean'
Dr. H.S. Rattanpal, Sr' Horticulturist'
Deptt' of Fruit Science
Dr.LakhvirKDha1iwal,Ptof''schoolofClimateChange&AM (Member)
of Human Development
Dr. Seema Sharma, Prof', Department
Dr. Bavita Asthir, Prof', Deptt of Biochemistry
and actions recommended:
The following items were discussed
meeting of Resident Instruction
Item No.1: Confirmation of proceedings of the 249*'
Committee held on 27'06'2022'
27 .06.2022 were conf irmed'

No' d to 10 and they have decided to
meeting of RIC. ffre Committee had a dis."'ion on point
next meeting of RIC' The RIC recommends
studies in
recommendations to the Dean postgraduate No' 8
council for framing of.-rules on the points at sr'
the foilowing Comrnittees to tt ""^ic
to L0:

Point No 8. Internship during Masters Programme:

Proposed Committee
1. Dean College of Agriculture Member
2. Dean College of A[ricultural Engineering & Technology Member
3. Dean College of Horticulture & Forestry Member
4. Dean College of Basic Sciences & Humanities Member
5. Dean College of Community Science Member
6. Head of the DePartments Member
7. RePresentative of IPR Cell Member
8. Chairman Teaching Committee of All Colleges Member
g. Director IndustrY Linkages

Point No 9. Teaching assistantship

Proposed Committee
1. Dean Postgraduate Studies
Colleges Member
2. All Deans of the constituent
of All Colleges Member
3. Chairman Teaching Committee
4. Head of the DePartments

Point No L0. Registration of project personal

(SRFAA) for Ph'D'

Proposed Committee
1. Director of Research
2. Alt Additional Director of Research
3. All Deans of the constituent Colleges
4. Head of the DePartments
Item No.3 Revision of Course contents as Per the recommendations

recommended it as such to the

The Committee discussed the matter in detail and'
Academic Council for aPProval'
Item No.4 Revision of Course contents as per the recommendations
recommended it as such to the
The Committee discussed the matter in detail and
Academic Council for aPProval'
Item No.5 Revision of Course contents as Per the recommendations
recommended it as such to the
The committee discussed the matter in detail and
Academic Council for aPProval'
Item No.5 Revision of course contents as Pet the recommendations
recommended it as such to the
The Committee discussed the matter in detail and
Academic Council for aPProval'
Item No.7 Revision of Course contents as per the recommendations
it as such to the
The Committee discussed the matter in detail and recomrnended
Academic Council for aPProval'


in detail and following courses were

The Committee discussed the

Course title

"^.^..- : ::
fntAGd;at noperty and its management tn
Rural Developmenl Blqgllmmgr
s in Labo.atorY Tech
d Verbal (0+1)

Reasoning Skill!
Science Research
Drt, A*lytts for Engineers

register any other
are compulroryon"'"as the students have the option to
502, PG$503, PG$505 Council for
*ri"uJ or pcEso+. Th" .ur. is recommended to the Academic
colnmon course
semester for PG programmes'
Item No.9 Requirements of credit hours for each
Academic Council for aPProval'
'FMC Science Leaders Fellowship
Item No.10Framing the rules for the award of
to the
in detail and recommended it as such
The Committee discussed the matter
Academic Council for aPProval'

in detail and recommended it as such to the
The Committee discussed the matter
Academic Council for aPProval'

the wards of PAU facu'lty/staff'

Item No.12 Change in admission criteria for

rules cannot be changed for the .orr"ttt
u*i"*it session' The Committee further recommended
ward of such
has worked at PAU camPus as well as outstation;
that if any faculry /siaftmember seat
both for iampus seat as well as outstation
employee should h;;; th" option to fill choice from the next
opm"a that this.may be implemlnted
during admission. itl" Co*-ittee alJ to ttte Academic Council for approval'
academic session i.e.2023-24. The case *U"tto**ended

(1+1) and Met 105 (1+1) for B'Sc' (Hons)

Item No.13 Shifting of course plo#**e w;.f . academic y eat 2022-23'
egribuliness Management 1

to the
ma in detail and recommended it as such
The Committee discussed the
Academic Council for aPProval'
and Statistical Mechanics (3+0)'
Item No.14 SPlit of course PhYs 501:
to the
in detail and recommended it as such
The Committee discussed the
Academic Council for aPProval'
of B.Sc. (Hons) Agribusiness Management
Item No.15 Approval of courses for 3rd Se
Sciences & Humanities'
4 YearProgramme' College of
to the
in detail and recommended it as such
The Committee discussed the
Academic Council for aPProval'

Associating Dr' Philomin ]uli

Molecular Breeder Quantitative Geneticist
Item No.16 fay, ild""S Institute for South
Asia with the
and Dr' MiialY Bansal' InsPire
teaching Programme of School
Agricultural Biotechnolo gY'

The Committee discussed the

in detail and deferred it with the remarks
the PG ;.;ait g and before submitting it to RIC for
that the case may be discussed in
the consideration.

dents admitted under Study

in India
Item No. 2 Detailed fee structure of

The Dean, College of Basic

& Humanities has sent the ProPosal

for the students admitted under Study in clarifying the detailed fee

discussed in RIC in its )44th and 245th

India programme. The item has already
by the was recommended to the Academic
meeting. The fee structure proposed
il withdrawn the item with the remarks
Council for approval' But the Academic
The College of Basic Sciences & Humanities
that no further action is required'
10.06.2022. A bifurcation of the fee received
resubmitted the case vide U'O' No 5683

is proposed as under'

Dedrtme"t f tasubmission

Dr*.t"t St"d.nts' Welfare

Dean of the

The agenda item is herewith.

The matter is Placed the Resident Instruction Committee for

consideration, Please'

& Humanities
College of Basic Scs'
PAU, Ludhiana

Itegartling rlctailed I'ee structure of student atlmittetl

in Study in India

tt i, ,uu*irted that Mr. Pranav upadhyay was admitted in Master of science

the Registrar, PAU
(M.Sc.) in Eco,omic, unJ"'study in India?rogramme during ?9?9-21by
per guidelines of SFS programme, the
Aclnrission Letter No. SpL:7 datej B)o.zo201Fle;, es
student is to pay uniu"r"ity te.6 ns. 1,95,00b/- pt'.
y"* ui the.begi*i,g of eachacademic
scssion. 'fhe university fee includ-es the hostel fee ior providing the accomrnodation in regular
hostcl (non AC room). Accordingly, the student had deposited
university fee amounting to
Rr. t,qi,ooo/- for the academic rlrtio, 2020'21ancl Rs. 1,95,000/- for the
academic session
2021-22 in the Cunent Account No. 10088205526 of Comptroller,
PAU (Foreign Cont')
Ludhiana. The Comptroller, PAU had transferred the both fees in Dean
COBS&H Account No"
10088205661 vide memo no.25-26 dated2.12.2020 and sPL-4-6 dated20.09.2021'
from Dean, PGS vide this
this oft-rco has clemanded the detailed fee structure of Rs. 1,95,000/-
No. 792 dated 19.1.2021 so
olllce Menro No. 10448 dated 10.12.2020 followed by its rerninder
that the t'ee may be trausferred and settled as per subhead wise. The Dean, PCS
vide U,'O'No'795
dated 25.1.202i tras intimated that the detailid fee structure was discussed in the 244'n meeting
of RIC and if got
o1 RIC but the case was defl'ered. The same will be put up in the next m.eeting
appr.oved will be communicated with all Deans (F/B). In the 245" tneeting of RIC the
Clontmittee discussecl the matter in detail and recommended it to Academic Council for approval-
'l'he Clomrnittcc also suggested that the proposed fee structure may also be approved for the
courses of othcr colleges (F/C). The case was considered in 4l3m meeting of the Academic
Council ltem No. C-l I and the fbllowing action was taken (FiD) :
'l) 'l'he item was lvithdrawn. No further action is required.

) Allerthat many reminders wel'e sent to Dean, PGS office vide merno No. 9329
clarccl 9.9.2021, 11763 clated 16.11.2021,599 dated 21.1.2022 and 2321 dated 15.3.2022 tor
pr.ovicling the l-ee structule. Now the item was again put in the 248t1'RIC meeting (Item No. 9)
L hcld on 29.04.2022 and the fbllowing actiou was taken (F/E):

The case was deferred.

It is submitted here that fee collected from the student may be deposited to the
quarters i.e. Uni. Admn.Fee, College Admn. Fee, Room Rent, Tuition Fee, CLF, IT
,1rA{r6c Chg., Exam Fee and Library Service charges llcr-rrr_pjlgll:1 P}Y, ,Flostel Fee, Sports
Youth Wellarc Fund, Medical Fund, Amalgamated Fund, UC/PGC, College Magazine Fund,
lled Clross F'und and Student l{ome Club Fee to DSW, PAU, Co-curricular Activiry Fturd,
Studcnt Aid lrund and College/ Library Security to concerned Dean's Account. The detailed fee
i structure of M.Sc. Programme for academic session 2020-21 (of four semesters) according to
i PAU Prospectus is enclosed herewith. The fee so deposited for the above mentioned student is to
bc deposited in such lriulrler. It is perlinent to mention here that this is the fourth semester of the
studeirt's study and his degree is likely to be contpleted at the end of this semester i.e. 2"d
sernestcr, 2021-22.

In view of position explained as above, if agreed to, may kindly recomnrend and
lbrwald the case to f)ean, Postgraduate Studies for obtaining approval of the competent authority
to cleposit lbe (according to enclosed fee charl) to the concemed quarters out of Rs.3,90,000/-
aud the balance amount deposit under Study in India Programme to- $omptroller, PAU,

Afd sk\et"'
treq-,Qil \+\"' <-i'>L
@).-- I

Fee structure of Programme (Admn.Y ealr 2020)(excluding Refundable Charges)

Academic Year 2020-21 Academic Year 2021-22

Particulars 1"'Semester 2"'Semester 1"'Semester 2noSemester Deposited

2020-2',1 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 to
Amt. (in Rs.) Amt. (in Rs.) Amt. (in Rs.) Amt. (in Rs.)

University Admission Fee 1 9480 CAU

College Admission Fee 770 770 CAU

Room Rent 5840 5840 5840 5840 CAU

Tuition Fee 1 5880 1 5880 1 5880 1 5880 CAU

770 770 770 770 CAU

College Library Fee
Examination Fee 480 480 480 480 CAU

lT Charges 500 500 500 5C0 CAU

3890 CAU
Library Service Charges
950 950 DSW
Hostel Maintenance Fund 1 1

980 980 980 980 DSW

Common Room Fund
580 580 DSW
Utensil Crockery and Breakage
2930 2930 2930 2930 DSW
Electricity Fund
480 480 Dean
Student Aid Fund
770 770 DSW
Sports & Youth Welfare Fund
770 770 770 770 DSW
Medical Fund
170 170 170 170 DSW
University Counsiland
Placement Guaidance Cell
480 480 480 480 Dean
College Co-curricular Activities
1570 1570 1570 1570 DSW
Amalgamated Fund
480 480 DSW
Red Cross Fund
390 390 390 390 DSW
College Magazine Fund
190 190 DSW
Student Home Club Fee
Lamination Charges 630 CAU

Thesis or Project RePort 2930 CAU

Submission Fee
2930 CAU
Viva-voce examination fee
Total 59350 30760 35980 37250

Grand Total 16s340-

w $a
email: registrar @pau,edu
+$1.'1$I-3$!}$$S'? I I2i3. I sL
I ,.
" rr'1rir' 'jtl"')j "


Prgy\qipnat Agmigsio,.n,Letter

li Fronr
) The Registrar MrlMs Prana,r Upadhyay
Punjab Agricultural University
Ludhiana -
141004, punjab

lrl,r , $pf._:,-1.
0a1ea l-udhiana, the
^lg;,o . L+><
sutrject : Aclrniesion to llllaster of $eieqc$
(Ml$ct i[,Hcnnpmics Frograrnme for the year
2020'21 in $erf Financing FrCIgraT,re
under c3 gatEgq,lr, '
Ihis rs in reference to your student tb no.stt-s-oO116565 under $tudy in lndia prograrnrne
It is tnformed.that you have begn granted.admrssion
t''nrversity' Luclhiana to pursue Ma,1tg1ot to the Funlab Agrrculrural
scienCelnn,ng) programme under studl in
siltolarship from $erne$tqp 1*t.2020-21 \'qu lndra
nave ti ruport'put*u*, i,d Novembei zoeo
i.;' tr,lovernirer, at..punjab Rgnc,riu,ri-Gii*olt;, iili,;i;:
rrrovrsro,lat subject to the fulfillrnont orirre following iequirements: ,u i,;;';I;,rllJn"
1 The stucjent ts required tn subnrit fuledrcal
Fitne$$ certifrcate frorn tho Medi0rl
aurhoriaed by rhe tndian Hmbassy in hrs/her otlrcer
Officer pAU. Ludhiana eopeciqlly d;;tr;;;,t-*i*o"#o* rhe Chiet Medicar
2 'l'he ql,{ql$.l&$--
student should have vatio visa trrifrffimpletiorr
of the programm* ,* 1.,* trnre of
Jolrlrn0 the university and helshe shall be responsibls
wlren required at his/her own. to grll gxtHngipn in visa as and
3 The student should have full rnedical insurance (minimum
o:vn at th.e time of joining the prograrrme \"""""Hrr' v, Rs. g00000/,) at histher
of ,\u.
'\!-; at pAU,
1'A$ per tne guideline* of $elf Financilg Programlnfi. the
str,rent is tn pay univ*rerry fee
@ Rs 1'e5,000/- p*r t,ear at the,bssilrfins;iili|;';;ilffiI#lJil,.
-'--- i,
il registrarion a[owed in ar hrqrher 0w, Nc,
anticffiiiil: ,

5, universrty fee incrudes fie ho$ter,yg*

(n'rn AC room) other expen$e$.rike
ioi provrding the acuornmodation in
tegurar ho$rel
m*ls-"r,uig**. examination fees and refundabre
securittes as applicable will he paid
rry *re
6" The student will he tesponsihlil*.ryee;ln.,1e
ntu*iliil;;i*t #'l*qu,r*O
the extended period of r,iiff.,ei'stay (if liry$nry$ including the senresl*r fee fo,
any) at pAU.
/ l-he !niversity shall not havb
any responsrbility/liabrltty towards the tamily
me,nter$ ,_:f
i:i Ail other sernester and hostr:l rutes pAU
of wrll bo aptrrlrcable to the international
studenls also ..q"b
. '\ From

The Dean
College of Basic Scs. & Humanities
PAU, Ludhiana

'fr: 3P -*"r.J s, rn v-r<w

The Dean
cbB,.v'Jia^ J bnl^,
Postgraduate Studies xr.ath,^rl 'p b11 \=^ /,
PAU, Ludhiana

MemoNo.A.3/2021l 7 ? L=- u'/e- rn15 S*J cr :eh^i!'Jr

\ Srrlrject:
Da,ed: ffi
Tratrsferof admission lbe *ff;rfraf;i"
'rS aba *)., i-a&.] ,'^

ptease ret'er to this ottice Memo No. A.3l2o20l9g38-j9 dated

&:4?* 17.11'2020

fbltowecl by its reminder no. 10448 dated 10. l2.2L2lon

the subject cited above'
detailed structure so T rl*
tn this connection, you are again requested to send the
Pranav Upadhyay admiited'ln M,Sc, Agril' €-tn
that the lee amounring to Rs. 1,95,000/- (irr respect of
to the concemed quarters' -r-
Economics under Study in India programme) will be deposited

College of Bas;ic Scs. &'Flumanities

&t^t L.l +.
Rt o D,$*t l^r
-IA^^t 4-l^t
zqq% *4 l--l Ptc
il/>er^n') ,^
rtn,'aA d )4, rgt
'E b1{y,^- t,t)tq t.t
vt$/L- )tP ,r<-) F.) 'll
ktc a*b
figa"n {* ff*
, |r'''

*14 olL *^H;rn'''
C68K\ A'> 1=;-'
4a 11"


o Item *".1t1

The Resident Instruction Committee at its held

'on 24.2.2021 while considering item No. 5 of.its agenda. (copy placed at
68871)'Proposal regarding fee stnrcture
pages-:':::) for Study in Indlh
Programme', recommended as under:

"The Committee discussed the matter in detail and

recommended it to the Academic Council for approvai.
The Committee also suggested that the proposed fee
structure may also be approved for the courses of other
I co11eges".

The matter is placed before the Acadernic Council for


\r fl-,b
'{;i, rl*r}t No.C-10 Etrhattcctttr:rlt r:l {i!1 ' }r jirl irf Urlt\')r::r('l Mcrrl'',i;lrtllarSlrill
Fellowslrtr: ancj Stip:tll:l i'r-:r i"iU ilG .lrtri Flt $. sttltiurtls.

Ihe ncalii::f 1)ic CiltiI iI:ii,.:,'i,:tii iII;..,It:iI ; ..iI'..l l;:tolilt:iii t(/ ut'ilf k O'.,i

tii,,: frrtAnctai lrabrllt'y br::1,-tt"o':ii1il,,llli:,:rll 1., ir:; ii )r:ilolat Sitii.'

Ie!1i)'"^/5llll] rlrrj Stlpe.ltJ ir." ilt.], n-:t, .r11 ; i::

ov Item No.C'11: Proposal regarctirtg r1r1'

1t;Jtrr'11;rs ltrr $ttrcly
-.' rtr lnrliil Pro<Iramme' -
Il''t' .'irl':i:: l''l 'r::iri '., l" " )i t'-/a-

90 Itern No.C-12: Starting cf Practic.i, i:r,ii,I lr.trrttttt; tPFT];[.rrgitteririttg Practical

Trarning tEPTl for uncl*rgfatir:ate stuciertts of thtl University.
The Acacje,.,., -. 1'p,-iri{)r; r:i:rriii,-itil'fiJ ll,* rlsiti ;liltl xiliii0rrtl ilre sarrlt:
r) i'l lrer"agenda The ACademiC llCitnCl! !11;tr't ' r,!l'lr-r iha: IOI iirt: lcirr-'I;':':t:,
*lto offer PF
Cii Sar'urciay LiLlcorfllrlg Morrrlay will be h<:i;tirr'; fr"fr llrenr

91 Itern No.C-13: Arnerrdntrl nt in syllat.rux {$r fr,'vo Year Diplonrn irr Agriculture'
-l-lttl ili:rtt rti't'-, i;aiq11 1i'':

92 Item No.C-14: Establislt.nerrt *l t,*,rIrr: t*r Wat*r artcl
Managenrel)t at PAI-1 l-rlrlhlil{l;:l

n., 1,' - I 'i''-llrj:l'illl{l

i,.,riljl,Shi-rlg;ri,;f t,-i"lliti,:',',',i"r:l ,"'' . :r
ri:' . 11.;tClur t \:i,-)l l,.l l r l ;l l' al iji(:: J:.:L L:r..: i -irli l lr'i' r


:''f tr:': llr;ti 1' 'ii li'r'' 1.: J'';

lrre icir'.j.'tllr{: llil',''"' it,ins"r,,,:ll ire
thi:l nlcldel qUalificattop5 for al1 ine ptlsl$ r"' "" rlr,llir' i)'r;141551r(i iilf-r{i r'r rii-)n1 arl('i \.lll1

siii.;strtr:te the earlier cor"lcsliofli^iti''; qlrnil;f'r.'.ll ' : f''

lulusl lti:l'{: qualrii€iti \iattt"l,,i 1,,. llrri relevani

ti S r:D lr iJ i lt :j i.",r 1-' ;'
1' fr ;,r,lii C;litOtr l,:
Cj tSC p i'i r 1 r i^:

NAAS i Niliiilniii *riJ[1*ll"i ,r . i

r,,.".; i,tiltt: rate0
refer*eil lur,r lli,il i,lii(l iil'.ii'':li;- I i:ilr'l(l OI i'/rlil
i,]lar;vat* ':l'rrijl'v'ir;.:: (.li)1 '1r'; "
1 .iil'i.' .;.eIl irY iil'r:i
Unrl'erstl y i(.;t i.;r-; l"'i :f .lt'l t l!'
. ,.:.i f.L.i i:L.,.l1il;ri
r: ]t :ri lf I

'l l(::{11.;,itjd i1i


1.., I itiJS i'lr-'r::'

frlaslx t' 5 ii,''viil 1"l1ii i lrt . tir
{1rlIlf, \"till1 il(}IiI 5i..' ;'ir.

I ir* raltdttJal(. irli';' ll'r.,r.

50iJ iop iar:krtt'i iilr'

t\ vlo
Management 4-Year
l,ln No.6 Approval o* courses for B.Sc. {Hons') Agribusiness
programme, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities'
thoroughly by
The committee felt that the courses have already been discussed
the B'ard of shrdie; of the college, so the committee recommended
it as such to the Academic
Council for apProval.
Item No. 7 Regarding chapter I to VI of the prospectus for the year 2o22'23 -
The Comrnirtee discussecl the matter in dctail and withdrawn the item

changes suggested by the Dean COBSH have aiready been

amended in prospectus'

MET'Food TechnoloSy'
Item No.8 Separate MET exam for Food Technology students as
The Committee discussed the matter in detail and defered it
with the remarks
trrat the Heacr, Department of Food science & Technorogy is
required t' check the eligibility
criteria for IvIET-Food Technology.
g ftoPo*rl t"gutdi"g f"" t *'
Item No'

@ Kaur
No.1"0 Framing the Rules & Regulations for the award of "Dr satwant
Memorial Medal".
The Comrrrittee discussed the matter in detail and recommended it to the
Academic Council for approval as per agenda'

Item No" L1. Approval of course contents for 2na Semester of the B'Sc' (Hons') Agribusiness
Management Programme'

The Committee discusseri the matter in detail and recommended it to the

Academic Council Ior approval as per agenda'

Item No,12 Regarding General Information, syllabus model questions for entrance tests
for adnrisiion to various undergraiuate and postgraduate propammes 2022-23
The Committee discussed the matter in detail and withdrawn the item as
changes suggestcd by the Dean COBSH have already been amended in prospech"ts.

Item No.13 Admission capacity fot undergraduate, postgfaduate and diploma courses for
academic Yeat 2022'23 - COBSH'

The Committee discussed the matter regarding admission capacify of COBSH

and the item as there is no change in the admission capacity.

Item No.l{ Inclusion of Phys 505 and Phys 506 as required courses for M.Sc. Fhysics
programme in Resident Instruction Bulletin'

The Committee felt that the students of M.ft. Physics are already shrdying thesc
courses. Phys 505 anrl Phys 505 are required courses for M.Sc. Physics progrartme. But these
two courses are not mentioned in the Resident Instructions Bulletin. 5C}, the Committee
recommenrled it to the Academic Council for the approval for inclusion these courses in
Resident Instruc tions Bulletin.

mental health issues and suicides

Item No. 3 Request for addressing the
amongst the students'

the request of the students regarding

The Registrar, PAU has
tal health issues and suicides amongst
'Request for addressing the augmenting

30'1'1' The agenda item is appended herewith'

students' vide U.O' No' 3092 dated
Instruction Committee for
The matter is Placed before the Resident

consideration, Please'



Subject: Request for addressing the augmenting mental health

. issues and sulcides amongst the students.

The students of this University have addressed a letter to the

worthy Vice chancellor, PAU on dated L8.11.2022 (F/A) vide which they
have raised the concern of students about the mental health issues. In
this letter, they have stated that in p
of suicides which have not been able to seek the assistance of the
authority concerning the reason behind the suicides and mental health
issues amongst the students. The students are willing from the authoritv
to identify such cases in their initial stages so that the extreme steps of
the students can be avoided and to initiate the following steps to ensure
that students'rights are protected in the campus:

1. Provision of permanent mental health counsellor for the students who

is available for the students 24x7 in Students, Home or in pAU

' 2. Conduct a survey amongst the students to identify the root causes o{
: their stress and initiate steps accordingly to avoid any further
consequences if in case a student is going through such phase.
a 3. Set up grievances redressal committee for students and maintenance
of track record of the students who are going through mental
,,$*u$gnfi challenges.
.r'$Rooipt do...Jt
L;ilftifuffi Itr vie'"v ol the above, this matter needs to be discussed in rhe

i*' ;
":f9_" l1_t_tt:g_.ic 9
9 1 9 __c,o m m i t tq
e*r_ol gorr,giae;{O, pG;se .

Itegisrinr Q{frce
Srn ttu )


/ nq n

R'f \x\)24/L
/ t?/il/tu

The Vice-Chancellor,

Punjab Agricultural University,

ael.l ,->t

Subject - Rcquest for addressing the augmenting mental health issues and suicides
amongst the students

Respected Sir,

We, the students of Punjab Agricultural University, want to raise the concern of students
about the mental health issues. Sir, in past one year there have been cases of suicides which

have not been able to seek the assistance ofthe authority concerning the reason behind the

suicides and mental health issues amongst the students. We would like you to kindly initiate

the following steps to ensure students' rights are protected injhecamPus:

l. Provision of permanent mental health counselor for the students who is available for
the students 24x7 in Students' Home or PAU Hospital.
2. Conduct a survey amongst the students to identiff the root causes of their stress and

initiate steps accordingly to avoid any further consequences if in case a student is

going through such phase.
J. Set up grievances redressal committee for students and maintenance of track record of
the students who are going through mental challenges'

We request you to kindly address this matter so as to identiff such cases in their initial phases

and extreme steps can be avoided.

9"r^br- D(P6, l$u

We shall be highly thankful to you,

Students of Punjab Agricultural University
?rl..o,-- slA? ('tsr. ef^s&)
il-9 "od fi*t ?"t/'" 7y)
Zr,+t I n$ L ilS c' t

/ ^G
.-Y\'\"t' I;l [ 85c, q*' [t&o)
!, ","t* .

Agt^rr (usc. Fooa,o NufrdL,+r,)

(od,, lr
rl$u,\rrP Hdq-&Bl-blY JA-.A"-$
+rr* L&ail*u - ftt.t-ryt

' ArHn&l HMru t;ro,Q- csc-l t-Etv P^^r*Wf tou"^- L-%Lt^cg -Jo5.${
:ffi(fu rfr!?:ff:*:ffi hl,t

fr,,^a4x,f h*
r_ 2;rLl _ c9_ s5 M
L- )414"9 ( dory
' Vanert Kar{rr L-)olQ-CSc-q[-glv
' * Sh?,on -Slv
U-f,o11- C,Jc -Qo -8tY llaufrrrtai vNL
, {a^ueb I-Aol1- Csc '7L 9il4.Tvo,*^4 v>olqSsrcz-D
..Dharnaar.r'a., t--lu{?- CSg- oI -BlV ffq*lt,* L-eotq- A -*kD
snltuhr L-zt*A*
' A4trr,lJg t)Ll- L- csc.- or -Bw
ftdrvlv ka^lr L-a oar- A -y r-
' Dh a.ruitL r, L- 2 ot?- c sc- o? -Etv
' So l-r o 11- csc' +3 - b tv
' ftNetqo 4-zott-HcQ-to6-0.
' l'lan Qrh koud. L-LoLo- ge ' zoq -v1
Xa{v\taf lco.,r+ L*2-1o -r3c- tt> -D
, fl*v,a*a" 0r'l- J- sotb -Bs-qJ-D - T;DI* ltu)- (;&oat'Kf - o S- N ttA
o wqlC-Ly'.rtisd L- lon - A- s7 --D R-;LrX^, 1-' J't1.- as4o6- D '
o A"^^rt** L- &o&t- cg -31 I - nn g9rtaort1 L*1'rt'-l 1Y4
. s'\a^, -- t'" \\ S -b
!-a-o:-o -S3- SRuslfln*otn l'-20tt.0'ur'9
' Co,r^a (-rry*l L-)rr1-f3S4og-D ''lr* lor*,,** L'lqt - A-w"J
LTtr' 4-L"' l--tn-r- Se -tr1
JMFuue Ranqttr4 l-&oxl-u-1ffi^n. *h, Lah"o. L. po,,-v-o* -D

foslni L-zo{g- cs- (rg.-g Ay* lAlJ^G L-U>0.{-6,++

Awl ll,a/6,''* L- 2$?-,r- lr lL. -Y o"*"
l^'v f rusJt,,u
3"SJ l-aoza 'Bs{3s-D'
A;{l*w1* [-r 2-azt -U -l'lL-M -
t't "$,-e't*- [-t-(S4t-tJ'o
1-- to( c - C( - tf+ -D TuT,rrv
/oua^€'- t:uo2a-l{O -o
AH*$or, t"i,), fito,$av R4* <ai',.t" '-' .'a +
I.1u.t*n *"lA L- 2 c, w'- AE ' 241+1 Prt:t* tf"
L- z"Lo - A- V-"0 Jdu
/,1i 8d^
L-h >r-A-6r--D
Vt o} r-H- t?-D
L-to - 65-3td^ rrr
Rt*; l-,o
t. L-uu4-(rg
l*u L-&rrflP -8s- no-H
fi\,* k",* 1'8aao-4-(e -p
44r'"^u- L-1-D2D - BS -, Xo6-M
Aqruho L.tozt- A-26-M
Pril*. Msc W,*oLy*) f#" a,rd, N,ulruh-yr^
Bk Wcuttu* [qr+Y^)
W,ilh^,w (q* V*)
t*a,^,lo t BSc.
P*a* R(, ND (r41Y
F?;W*e.r k Bsc Xyb,si"n-ua
Cr"+ yq
B,t ecl^- FaDol lec,r^- t+U^ y.^-)

qd fi;: ;fr'il;Hztr.{,,;,
Tq*enaptkoul f3 tech Food {<.cJ.. L14L Ve*4
Hqft^mrrd*hlqrlr. 6 +e.h ?oo& v,* (l"t
Ro-.-gxcef fa.,l- HSc. Ho,ttic.Oluae. ( Lat ?xtu( )
Rnib Shcr.xroo H Sc ' v'\ ,r v,

Ho-q6hitu Ko-Lt)<- C')

Khu,st-ri Bfech, (lodtecr' ( r at X-eo-'. I
j'ar^a ndey rurc (r"o Yo^r) *", tuenr" a,,s/
firqhjkq Y\4,Sc (farAw)

Ror^"J Fa^^ M'Sc

e*il*,a p.,J I NJ*Jiln;^
So-^o""'' M.srGn",t-^) (!J,^r &.aadu^E
9lr",\*^ Ko*t M.Sr (ru.te4 F,^.',d 0. U^ru-f"."-^

l*"*t tQ^,l- M,Sc hrrhr". PI*+ 1)u1q^e._,

(d"; Vdl+^ fi,(.c (<q+u A,fr,r,.@lp4,E (

Y:Y *,i.','::,^
ttsc Y,,r*furv
^l'l^-" 1Zr,kc-/^ 7 ryd,.,*e+"--
U,aah *{W

b*nt* (fo.x) frd) *-l%"
kuil Bsc (Hor*iauta,a t btkge 4 ,**ff ":o
Gar,atd.os4 korr). n1c, ( nw*a^u*l
btgr ofl Host,u^HpH.( s tuury
0,4;d, k*^ A'w"14
*[eot,)Ltt W
ff:"l '-fta,) w Wtuq" oL

W1f.0 fl)nh fpoa #n' hrtq^ 4

B'5e' flqda^$u'tl &q +*"^^d'"? SOt
) %hor,,!1
(lt'-r') {3"'o
6o A'd'd*P &^*
' tJ't.l ,lpn'Jh"t it tr A1w**^ t\,1il,,f^
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39 A"*;rSJ.L
1) tfu,,sfuy
31. </* g,l,*l
p@ \o
q\ ;fl#x" sq'L
rD Qt*^ u\2.
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rs) <r)^) l.rp W4iia,,,f,,/

7t, -4"^a&o^

vAl'15 l-1

@*^ tl1 6rr,r,rr,

{rA q,

lr*f kt,."',n :i, 9tlz^th,*r'

0 44.;rt irl'#&fr^+ $vV
olo ka-u0. ;hahar,- o;r QS.*[.*d-h Srgh
Jr Yoy"ryh 5h
a rt,Ul.+/ /

rLa. 9-lt--Gv Lft--lL*

$,:'^ ('q;
2t. ("^'-Y^'dl'i-
Lr 6t'l*ot sr1;t. 61
de fio*m*,,', SP.
r+ ui,+ stri% SI
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3a'q"rfu Y-.,t^!^^^^"
Y rtd%W@Y\a,^ 33' W.a4veaa^ k'".a'^4'-
)- zgut>vntd- 4**-uy'^ u^ilLw"
rv'dl"s0./* JAil
3 $sxtn"ox $tn1h 6^ot
3s' A4.l*, 4^,Ak
6^,yr*,t Syh Ano^,
9 hato{i6 SryU bt*
[ 61,..{ce I SrdXh Sp-rr^

1. $\.t""U"1^ 5,'? h
[{GIr,-. &tor-
9 &-!l(b*<t ?q' b ia*. St"*a
t{o" Pa,U*
la' i,Wka^,- Y r. C.l,"Ah,/
tt' R^dqry\eutn,k"^^4" Lt. +4aj"Y*r'L
tL. //""*rt d- Y3 lM4*"tz 8^s
11- '4N'0r4two A;"^f h)-se<- t4 Ll . Rotto,,* d-t
I Lt . /r-q h [o,"nb"7i"
rd 1*n1.{ 5,,y"'A",on 4f farr.,***-v_
I6 alX'"olq Y 6 Wa,4 v\^av
q'7, Arrr'tyt,
n . A{ldl"ddp

,u i;M
';", "i^;'^^["'l
s{"rh e!*
L{ ? tyvu,teott
tl l
kor 9l
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zl h"r,f. rz fl*fl**
1)' ttori ,PJN ( 1 AcU
2Z' 1as*ot k"u'r W fY. /l^^/Jrr"-
zct, frV de,{ st HtuL{-,n'^dn L k^"L

z{' lha*rn fiwx t(. NU$fio^.

t7. N,[tib^
Ta*"^pr* F,U/A
;8, Ay,n
74 frsnue sg' fu*;aq
rc f7 ?0fr7' [o (^t!r^
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70. 'DrKth* ft rP#.,
3t, ,rq*-rxt"@L
6s' A[/*a'h
fi) p^l,A ,,A; luv' ftny^*4
,uf bLf ) lol' T-A{"^ gr"gA
toZ. txn^z_
€ () R.' t ( u\o'" W*i;
ro.3' o
( f' Re .b Donno,.
/oY .

6f' Sa (<A\r.c^- Airh,^,oi

H^.-^^ l4@*
t" i' ;!s+\aorr'[ "'h ';'*
6(' (.r.c,- (.rt<.-,o.-Q
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I o ' R*",^ Ni vo,,g
7t,@w $-h-rh
1o ?' o"'"-
Kq.rr^ 0''*JVouT
1L' 'v/* bA,g ra1^ lQ
-13 . Slar (f .-' *^lt'+
Ah' I
t V . Mtl^^,2 bZtolr: ar^-(. It I , Ta*^^r*"-t
li W6;lq ful",\A Itz' Nxvcl-prltI
16 M kilrn" / IB, laY,n"'^^.. t\<"4-
1l R^?,t t4 Srol IIVI .
-1t {)"r,"* Sh*;* ili.Sew)-1.-r,.-.1 fwr-t-
1? Vtshou (6wra,,t nL- H r*-f>+t t C/,dl^o"/
Ul Kr,tlDlrrt 9'o4,/-,-..a
80 H^kpd 8,n

?J anrnD)-
ltt .
Ta,^r6a S it4r-
g2 Ewya-t I 11,
lutr-ty-ed -<,W
Q klr,gp,frt *y 124. &/,il B,ghrl'
)vr (nwn$1)rrL
8tt, ?*;lf.a"^-|uf, "
85 . 4 +1.o"
/22 E h$ B/r,lt *
8L , d*r**hq tz3- k'"t'Y
fblrp lz-v. Tzk-p -E,rya chal,,"J'
89, Avneet
Izs. r-/
1,4&!^l,a iq^"
( L6' Fld"pirfl*
8q. ,(*i^ce
qo lL+' Nail,l$t"ddt)
Iz t
ql flokhtrt;nT/",L
Vat lJ utl,^Aq
t >q. Pr^^*t Al,xol*^
12.@ U. | \o- tA,,""rl S"l, t^**
1l . Q^*-vi*-'r-"^ t?l ltyaon
1\, fh'il--J tA /tladef
7 5^ I q/ r.a,"r, /33' &,t*qrmleP
1(, Ua,&ho-&'
17. 4Al,*,*.-,
18' A"Au-l>tuf
"i[^^t* -\,",fA
\\' /A-v"44';4LL't-

L (g*ao f"-r, 6L;ot s- fr -1q4vt e,4^t

4 f6L
J Toxnat+ KtrLq Gt-to18- A-&+-Br/ t Af^.,r L-
3, BL-->ott -P- Bl--/sn_ Nr^f"6"-
tl. Gun"tu [<a,- 89 uZ
Gr-20t8- fr-n -
5- -16,^" e.7 f*, l-lo{e-A-d!-r'{ R*
T6rl..f K*r" f-&rl. o "fi-Al'-l'l
}"^AL,l d'^ d-ro LC)-H-2\,,t-M W.,
lt- Qa'-H
6. (r^'*-' b^* f-2, Do- f

H'A oJ -H /@
q, N*Y ta"* d.2o2-o- V!4d'
-)o6- *1 -H
f o .

f -Lo>cr
, n sLo - H-lqr
-t1 vlrb'^
o(-- -i'alL''*'
ll. R?Y* lc'"* - ,,a'lIY'NB
BS- u-NBnrAB;
la, ("tW' s t'an'^i
13' 3uo"tt^; 3*,*+4
Fnua"tn t*w
ltt' .8'tr + t-9* lntn^^
lf' k Jbcrr tgr."ag
lt rn 4/"
Pil gr0' , l+- A- lo'l-,,t T ,1

yL-2"ftf,'Qo'Pd r'
,,N tiw!'

r8 Dru\",' I* h"*,!oi Uu-1.(1-A tJ -B trt b-\

lq 14**6a,(wx) (;L-&/7 - /\aE- B8
'U-- fhwy,^l/a'
ft- zttl- fr- ql - 7'f
Xp 4ry{.'l')
Lt 6wMS,W FL- k tr-4- Itl'atz
1L Ha),W bitYt"
8sc *iowwrJI/RE

t' 0d$\oN d-1

1. Aodt^t'
b. d@p"
6. luta*-brt
+' @
g @
9. Narpltr't kou\

tD. hffi*rn^[.
ll , {\,D ,tb-u
12, talX: &1",,.^"\ *,1^fnn*1,1
t\ Wvt*th"L

7- t- f
I5 ^6o
u.r- #*1d*
V@*k'(? t6{'"(
Y)4"* 'f
Jo rftrv^t UYv (o
>\ 6@
)L.oUJ A"'{Z'
29 W,1,1^k/'-
dq Ar,r"'-'$r'a*^^'Il^^
trf //*'y';l+.^

Item No.4 Increase in seats of ICAR quota seats for UG, PG and Ph.D. programmes
for admission in ICAR accredited AUs through ICAI(AIEEA, 2022-23-

The Dean, College of Community Science has sent the agenda vide memo

No. 4527 dated 01..12.2022 regarding'Increase in seats of ICAR quota seats for UG, PG

and Ph.D. programmes for admission in ICAR accredited AUs through ICAR/AIEEA,

2OZZ-23-COCS'. The matter was discussed in 21Lh meeting of Board of Studies of the

college. The agenda item is appended herewith

The matter is placed before the Resident Instruction Committee for

consideration, please.

College of Community Science

PAU, Ludhiana

Agenda item for consideration by the Resident Instructions Committee

Agenda ltem:Increase in seats of ICAR quota for UG, PG and Ph D programmes for
admission in ICAR accredited AUs through ICAR / AIEEA, 2022-23

The Members of the Board discussed the agenda item and decided to increase
the seats of ICAR quota for UG, PG and Ph D programmes in all the disciplines of the College,
except Food and Nutrition. The Head, Department of Food and Nutrition requested that the
seats of ICAR quota for M Sc and Ph D programmes in Food and Nutrition should be
decreased. The reasons for decreasing the ICAR quota seats as well as the workload of each
faculty member of Department of Food and Nutrition, is given in Annexure [.

The matter is placed before the Resident Instructions Committee for

consideration, please.
ANut*tRE f

The department of Food and Nutrition has proposed to reduce the number of seats in M.Sc.
and Ph,D, programs" Among all the departments of College of Community Science. the
number of seats in both the programs has been increased orrly in the department of Food and
Nutrition" Presently, the department has the faculty of l0 teachers out of which one is on
study leave while two professors are retiring in the next two years, The department admits 17
(12+1{'<+4*"r') M.Sc. students in each academic year. In addition to 6*2**seats in Ph.D., the
students with Natiorral fellowships are also admitted. Every year.2-3 students with national
scholarships seek admission in the Ph.D. program of the department. As there are only 7
teachers in the department to guide the large number of PG students, there is excessive
workload on these teachers for maintaining the quality of teaching and research. To maintain
higher academic and research standards, the department proposes to reduce the number of
seats in M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs and keep it equivalent to other departments of the college.

Existing seats Proposed seats for the Reason

academic year 2023-24
M.Sc. 17 (12+l*+4'r'+) MScII (8-l-l't'+21"k) To maintain higher teaching
Ph.D" 8 (6t-2**1 + National PhD3(2+l**)+National and research standards in the
fellowship holders lellowship holders situation of of PG
faculty and to keep it
equivalent to other
departments of the College
of Community Science
*Sports person ** ICAR seats


Department of I'ood and Nutrition, College of Community Science, pAU, Lurlhiana

List of teachers Seniority wise eligible as Major Advisor

Sr. Name of the faculty Students Total number of Date of

No. member M.Sc. Ph.D students retirement
I Dr Kiran Bains 4 4+l* June 2028
Professor and Head
2. Dr Kiran Grover J 3 6 March 2025
Principal Extension
J. Dr. Jaswinder K. 2 I 3 May.2024
Brar, Professor
4. Dr. Sonika Shanra. 5 5 l0+l'k Sept. 2037
Assoc. Prol'
5. Dr. Neerja Singla 6 4 l0+l* March.2028
Sr. Scientist
6. Dr Harpreet Kaur, 5 J 8+l* Nov. 2030
Assoc. Prof
7. Dr. Renuka 6 6+l * Sept.2040
Aggarwal, Assistant
Sc ientist
8. Dr. Monika 5 2 7+l* Feb. 2043
Choudhary, Scientist
9. Dr. Amarjeet Kaur, 4 4+1* Feb.2040
Sc ientist
Total students-65
*Students to be adrrifted in Ph.D programme
irr academic session 2022-23

Profedsdr and Head


Revision of Compursory Educational rour for the students

Item No. s
(Hons) CommunitY Science'

sent the agenda vide memo

The Dean, College of community science has

of Compulsory Educational
No. BoS/2022/7755 dated 1g.05.2022 regarding Revision
The agenda item is appended
Tour for the students of B.Sc. (Hons) Community Science'

The matter is placed before the Resident Instruction Committee

consideration, Please.
College of CommunitY Science
PAU, Ludhiana

Agenda item for consideration by the Resident Instructions

: Revision of compulsory Educational Tour for the

students of B Sc (Hons)
Agenda Item
CommunitY Science'
in its 208th meeting
The Board of Studies, College of Community Science, PAU,
revised routes alongwith the
held on 11.5.2022, discussed the agenda- and approved the
be added'
additional routes, as detailed below. The text in bold should

Existing Routes Proposed Routes Remarks

Long Route The long

Compulsory L Pelhi-laiPur-UdaiPur :

routes are
Educational Tour
Delhi-Jaipur-UdaiPur Compulsory
for the students of 2. Baroda-Ahmedabad-
B Sc (Hons) Bombay
Baroda-Ahmedabad- tour routes.
Science 3. Bangalore-MYsore- Bombay
The short
Bangalore-MYsore- routes are
4. Ludhiana-Phagwara - Coimbatore for special
cases (such
Kartarpur-B eas-Amritsar
Cochin-Munnar- as COVID,
Alleppy-Trivandrum- emergency,
Kanyakumari etc.)


2. Short Route :

1) Ludhiana-' ...

2) Ludhiana-Chandigarh

The matter is Placed before the Resident Instructions Committee for

consideration, please.

/ffir $crerur
B tJ.ffl'f-t#Prffi,,ttv
Prmredingr o.rZf|'n m**tiltg t{lh*&*urdof silrdi**,ftrlhgr*f
crrsrnuni{ysri*nr*, h*ld *n ll"$,t$xi
?:3#p,*. i{r ths Mft}ti M*dia Lob" crfiep **e**nro*ity ar
$*kury, fAt]" Ludtri*na.
"l'h* lolluwing membsr*
were prffisnrl

Dr {Mrs} Sandeep 8ains, l)ean" CoCSr and

lluan. lrnx{graduatc Studiiru { A ddirirxr*t f hnree }'
[.]r 1Mr*] Kiranj*t $iiflhu. l-{rad. Irilf lL,{ #rm*
1]r tMr$l Kiran llairu, llead. fr1{ *ept
{3cepika Vi6 l.{ead. t.{uFSDepr
fr 1flru)
Dr {Mrsr lejprc* Kang.
& }.tead" f fi M {fudI. {Nrarge} Memher

Cfuairporr*n, AA{" flne. c

Dr Vincer Kurnar. Scc,v. BoS. foA
r Mrnber
tk V l, Set}li, $ccy, EoS_ C+&il]&"I
Dr Parminder $ingh, kc1, BoS, C,olll-
{}r lMrs) Hanninder Saini, prufessor. ATS. CoCSr
Ilr {Mrrl *{*rpind*r l{,aur pnrfhsntir. f;fiM
Dr (Mrst Jaswinder K llrar. proi"ess*r. I.hi
Dr (Mrs, Kunwaljir Kaur. profbssor. HLLM
$r tlUrsl frwd Sharrna- As:isrant Frot'es*rr, l-t(-1M
Dr {Mrs} Ritrr Gupta. Associale pxrtes*or. IRM Member
lbllowing decisl*nri r*ere *rksn:

Item JYfi'l {:#illirrnalifin tt1-pry**dingt of tftc meering {if sn$rrl

l*t*d v idr{l{*"}s{_{s$ rtst*d 1 1.}*1*77
rl r*u
{f $rudi*s lrrtrt nn l*" -}{}13

The pratled!*g*,of the mc*tin6 of s*srcl *J's{uiii*s lwkl

cornmsnlsi *bllerva{i*as wrrc rcccived on the slrrfic.
m l{.:.:{}3} wrrrl *l-1pr$vr}r1 sinr:e ru*

tt*rs lto'2 I Apprdval fuf rutixlott ol'{kmpul*rr"r f,ducutionul Tflur firr rb*
ufudeutg ot Il $c {}krr*s}
Comnrunity Srience.

]'l,e {io*ss c*nsid*n:.r nrader

'headditional,and - ihe ruvis*d r{lir}ss" as giv*n brrr*** r.*r
Cotnpulurrv F.ducatiunal Tuur. alnng*irh rhe ,rrure:i ,
l" I"*l$, ftrute:
D*lhi --Jxip*r -- { jtlaipur
ar*da-Ahr*stlahnd* S o m bay
Banga lore-M1 sore -Cei mbatore

]!yt l* .- Munnsr- Alleppy - trrivandrum $iarryakulrrxri

*Palampur Kangra *
- []!ranrnlshala " Mcleurlgun j

:" Iil*art.f,.mtc :
I-Uldfuian* -. {altarpur - Brir..r -- Arxrl{_car
l"adhiana - Chandigarlr
*addiriar,sl r*ut** {ir appr*val
1'he l*ng rstll&$ cnmpulmry eduratit:**l lsur ruuiss and short rrlul{i arr} iirr sXrecial r*:;er
{ffiVrl}" ew*rytxr.rt, at*.t I
"l?iti proposal should h* ssn{ for
rubr*queutr dlscilssi*n in rhe n:eeting *.esirlcnt ln}irnrsi(}n, lf
"fht me*ti*g *ndod rtilh a trrte *f *lenk*. 1^' t ..y'
L"{- }i'-
lic$rstaft '
lfumd of'St*dicx
furllt6* rrf {Jrru m u*it3: $'*irqtc$
lder, tl*** t"/l$
**t+d: t$ S
Cf t*:
l" Dean" P*srgr*rXuare Srurii*s, p.4tj. l."urihia*a.
Z. .4ll Dea*s uf (tnnsrilu*nr (olleges. flAu, Ludhi*nx"
.3. PA to {)ean. {irll*xc of Ccmmuniry Scicnce" pAU. l,rrdhiana
4. Aradcmtc Assist;rfit, Collegie nft'onrmunir-r $cirnce. pAt.

Item No. 6 Revision of Rules & Regulations for the award of 'Dr' s'K' Gosal
Memorial Medal'and approval of legend of certificate.

The Dean, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities has sent the proposal

regarding revision of Rules & Regulations for the award of 'Dr. S.K. Gosal Memorial

Medal' and approval of legend of certificate vide memo No. 41/2022/7457 dated

0L.07.2022. The agenda item is appended herewith'

The matter is placed before the Resident Instruction Committee for

consideration, please.

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