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NCM 109 IMCI 7.

In what part of the IMCI guidelines will the health

care provider identify or develop an integrated
MIDTERMS treatment plan? 
a. Counsel
1. Given a yellow classification, the nurse would do
b. Provide Follow-up Care
the following except: 
c. Treat
a. Advice the caregiver how to treat local
d. Classify
infections at home
b. Give oral drugs  Correct answer: Treat
c. Follow up – give specific date 8. Nurse Yahosh is managing a 2-week-old sick
d. Treat the local infection in the health infant with pus on the umbilicus and as part of
center routine assessment, he documents a rectal
temperature of 37.5 C. The nurse would then
 Correct answer: b. Give oral
document this as what classification on his case
recording form?
2. When assessing all sick infants and children,
a. Very Severe Disease
which of the following are being assessed?
b. Local Bacterial Infection
a. Signs of serious illness and common
c. Severe Disease
health conditions
d. Local Infection Unlikely
b. Signs of Nutritional status and
immunization status  Correct answer: a. Very
c. All except A. Severe Disease
d. Both A and B. 9. In what part of the IMCI guidelines will the health
care provider re-examine conditions to see if the
 Correct answer: Both A and
issues are improving, the same or worsening?
a. Counsel
3. The meaning of IMCI is:
b. Provide Follow-up Care
a. Integrated Management of Childhood
c. Treat
d. Classify
b. International Management of Childhood
Illnesses  Correct answer: Provide
c. Integrated Management for Childhood Follow-up Care
Illness 10. In the management of childhood illness, the
d. International Management for Childhood usage of good communication skills is essential.
Illness The student nurse is learning these skills
because of the following reasons, except:
 Correct answer: Integrated
a. Helps you get important information or
Management of Childhood
b. Helps to reassure the caregiver that
4. The rectal temperature is at 37.5 C and there is
their child will receive good care
a draining pus in the umbilicus of the infant.
c. Helps you counsel and teach a
Upon identifying the classification, what will be
caregiver on care
the first step of management will the nurse follow
d. Helps you support the traditional way of
according to IMCI guidelines?
treating an illness
a. Give first dose of intramuscular
antibiotics.  Correct answer: d. Helps you
b. Give an oral antibiotic. support the traditional way of
c. Advise the mother to give home care. treating an illness
d. Refer the patient to the hospital urgently. 11. Three-year-old Alora was brought by her mother
to the health center for consultation due to
 Correct answer: a. Give first
coughing for 7 days. Upon arrival, the nurse
dose of intramuscular
further assessed the child for fast breathing,
chest indrawing and abnormal breath sounds.
5. Which of the following signs and symptoms will
Which of the following assessment findings will
not signify a yellow or green classification of the
help the nurse choose a management that
includes oral antibiotics, safe remedy to soothe
a. Jaundice appearing after 24 hours of
throat, and relieve cough? *
a. Coughing for 7 days
b. Restless and irritable
b. Respiratory rate of 36 breaths per
c. Positive serological HIV test in the
young infant
c. Lethargy
d. Skin pinch goes back very slowly
d. Chest indrawing in a calm child
 Correct answer: Skin pinch
 Correct answer: d.
goes back very slowly
12. The APAC process is a reminder of important
6. In caring for a sick child with convulsions at the
communication skills that a nurse should use
time of the initial visit, what is the initial nursing
every time they see a patient and caregiver.
management to be done according to IMCI
Which part of the process will the nurse say,
“How often should you breastfeed your child?”
a. Quickly complete the assessment
a. Ask and Listen
b. Keep the child warm
b. Check understanding
c. Give diazepam injection solution via
c. Praise
rectum through a needleless syringe
d. Advise
d. Urgently refer the patient to a hospital
 Correct answer: Check
 Correct answer: Give
diazepam injection solution
13. The following cases are part of the limitations of
via rectum through a
using IMCI, except:
needleless syringe
a. Chronic heart diseases
b. Severe Malnutrition
c. Pneumonia a. Stridor in a calm child
d. Leukemia b. Fast breathing
 Correct answer: Pneumonia c. Severe chest indrawing
14. A nurse will be giving the initial dose of d. Coughing for more than 14 days
Ampicillin via intramuscular route to a sick young  Correct answer: a. Stridor in a
infant that has been classified to have a “Very calm child
Severe Disease”. If the Ampicillin preparation is 20. Integrated management on IMCI include:
250 mg/1.5 ml, dosage is 50 mg per kilogram a. Assessment of signs and symptoms for
and the patient’s weight is 3.5 kgs. How many patients 6 years old below.
milliliters of medication will the nurse administer b. Treatment of serious and urgent
if the infant needs 183 mg of Ampicillin? conditions with the use of advanced
a. 1.0 ml technology.
b. 1.1 ml c. Provide advice on counseling/follow up
c. 1.2 ml of the patient with severe classifications.
d. 1.5 ml d. Instructions on how to classify the
 Correct answer: b. 1.1 ml severity of the condition.
15. Nurse Bie has identified “Pneumonia” as a  Correct answer: Instructions
classification for a 1-year-old patient who came on how to classify the
to the health center due to coughing and fast severity of the condition.
breathing. After giving appropriate nursing 21. The following are main symptoms of the IMCI
interventions, the nurse would counsel the case management process for a sick child,
mother to come back for a follow up visit. When except?
will the patient and caregiver comeback if the a. Cough and difficulty breathing
initial visit was yesterday, March 23rd? b. Immunization Status
a. March 29, 2021 c. HIV Status
b. March 24, 2021 d. Jaundice
c. March 26, 2021  Correct answer: Jaundice
d. March 25, 2021 22. Which part of the IMCI Case management
 Correct answer: March 26, process will the nurse advise the caregiver to
2021 return to a specific date for a follow up?
16. What is the interval of the administration of a. Provide Follow Up Care
inhaled salbutamol after every 2 puffs? b. Counsel
a. Every 3 minutes c. Treat
b. Every 10 minutes d. Classify
c. Every 15 minutes  Correct answer: Counsel
d. Every 30 minutes 23. For a 2-year-old patient that needs to be
 Correct answer: Every 15 administered with an ampicillin, which among
minutes the following dosage and frequency is true?
17. After 6 weeks, the infant will be given a. 3 ml via IM, once prior to referral
Pentavalent Vaccine 1, all but one are included b. 5 ml via IM, once prior to referral
in this immunization? c. 2 ml vial IM, every 6 hours
a. Polio immunization d. 5 ml via IM, every 6 hours
b. Hepatitis B immunization  Correct answer: 3 ml via IM,
c. Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus once prior to referral
immunizations 24. When teaching a mother about cup feeding,
d. Haemophilus influenzae type B which of the following are true?
immunization i. Put a cloth on the infant’s front to protect his
 Correct answer: Polio clothes from spillage.
immunization ii. Hold the infant straight on the lap.
18. The nurse found out that the mother gives iii. Put a very small amount of milk in the cup.
“Bearbrand” with boiled rice water and iv. Hold the cup so that it rests lightly on the
sometimes, coffee as an alternative food aside infant’s upper lip.
from breastmilk to her one-week-old infant. What v. Tip the cup so that the milk just reaches the
would be the best approach of the nurse to the infant’s lips.
caregiver? vi. Allow the infant to take the milk himself.
a. Praise the mother genuinely and vii. Try to pour the milk in the infant’s mouth.
encourage the caregiver to give more a. i, iii, v, vi,
breast milk than rice water with milk b. i, ii, iv, v, vi
formula. c. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii
b. Correct the practice and emphasize that d. i, v, vi
exclusive breastfeeding should be done  Correct answer: i, v, vi
until 6 months from birth. 25. If the gentamicin ampule contains 40 mg/ml and
c. Praise the caregiver and teach the it has 2 ml per ampule, how many milligrams of
caregiver proper feeding through a cup. gentamicin will the nurse administer to the child
d. Ask the caregiver good checking if she will inject 1.0ml? *
questions on proper breastfeeding. a. 80 mg
 Correct answer: Correct the b. 60 mg
practice and emphasize that c. 40 mg
exclusive breastfeeding d. 20 mg
should be done until 6  Correct answer: 40 mg
months from birth. 26. The benefit of using integrated management in
19. Which of the following assessment findings in a treating childhood illness is a guidance to the
sick child will the nurse identify being under the health care provider through comprehensive
pink classification?
care. The following the key points about the d. “How many teaspoons of cough syrup
guidelines of IMCI, except: will you administer to your child?”
a. The charts helps classify a problem  Correct answer: d. “How
b. The charts identify treatment and tells many teaspoons of cough
where to treat the child syrup will you administer to
c. It helps us assess all children only. your child?”
d. It helps us manage all common causes 32. Which of the following data supports a
of illness and death. classification of “Confirmed HIV Infection”
 Correct answer: It helps us among sick young infants?
assess all children only. a. Mother HIV positive, young infant is not
27. On the other hand, Nurse Kay identified a yet tested
different patient with “Cough and Cold”. After b. Positive serological test in the young
giving home instructions, when will the nurse infant
counsel the caregiver for a follow up visit if the c. Negative HIV test in mother and young
initial visit was Monday, March 22nd? infant
a. March 24, 2021 d. Positive virological test in the young
b. March 25, 2021 infant
c. March 26, 2021  Correct answer: Positive
d. March 29, 2021 virological test in the young
 Correct answer: March 25, infant
2021 33. The following are main symptoms included in the
28. Which of the following instructions to the management of a sick young infant, except for
caregiver about treating umbilical infection is one?
correct? a. Cough and difficulty of breathing
i. Wash hands before and after treatment b. Jaundice
ii. Treatment should be done three times daily c. Diarrhea
for 3 days d. Feeding problem or low weight for age
iii. Gently wash off pus and crusts with soap and  Correct answer: Cough and
water difficulty of breathing
iv. Dry the area after cleaning 34. Which of the following is not included in the pink
v. Treatment should be done twice daily for 5 classification for IMCI?
days a. Advice the caregiver
vi. Apply 70% alcohol to the umbilicus b. Give pre referral treatment
vii. Apply Mupirocin cream BID to the c. Follow up care
umbilicus/cord until dry d. Refer to a patient to a higher level health
a. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vii facility
b. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi  Correct answer: Follow up
c. i, iii, iv, v, vii care
d. i, iii, iv, v, vi 35. In giving oral Amoxicillin via suspension to a 3-
 Correct answer: i, iii, iv, v, year-old patient with “Pneumonia”, the nurse will
vii administer the following correctly.
29. After greeting the caregiver upon arrival, the a. Amoxicillin Suspension 15 ml BID for 5
following are the true in the next steps of the days
health care provider, except for one: b. Amoxicillin Suspension 10 ml BID for 5
a. Ask the infant/child’s age days
b. Ask for the weight and temperature. c. Amoxicillin Suspension 20 ml BID for 3
c. Ask the child’s problems days
d. Ask if it is initial or a follow up visit d. Amoxicillin Suspension 10 ml BID for 7
 Correct answer: Ask for the days
weight and temperature.  Correct answer: Amoxicillin
30. Which statement is true when giving inhaled Suspension 15 ml BID for 5
salbutamol to a sick child that has wheezing? days
a. Give salbutamol through a metered 36. Mortality is higher in children living in the poorest
dose inhaler. households, in rural areas or with mother that
b. There are 200 micrograms of salbutamol have little education. Which among the following
per puff. factors is not included? *
c. The child must breathe in and out a. Poor access to health facilities
through the nose. b. Continued application of the
d. Wait for three to four breaths before traditional medicine
administering another puff. c. Not enough food from farming
 Correct answer: a. Give d. Lack of proper waste disposal
salbutamol through a  Correct answer: b. Continued
metered dose inhaler. application of the traditional
31. After giving health instructions on a safe remedy medicine (?)
to soothe the throat and relieve cough, which 37. When a caregiver’s concern is on what container
among the phrases indicate the use of good will she be using to measure 1 liter of water for
checking questions? mixing ORS, which statement of the nurse is
a. “Do you remember how to make correct? *
Lagundi syrup/concoction?” a. “Thank you for telling me that but you
b. “Can you tell me the different ways on should only use a one liter container.”
how to safely relieve the cough of your b. “I see your concern. What containers do
child?” you have at home?”
c. “Why is it important for you to wash your c. “Do you have any more concerns?”
d. “I see. Do you understand my 43. Nurse Keon is teaching the mother in preventing
instructions?” low blood sugar in a conscious young infant with
 Correct answer: “I see your “Severe Jaundice”. The best way to prevent low
concern. What containers blood sugar is through breastfeeding but the
do you have at home?” mother has never produced breast milk even
38. After identifying that the sick child has a “Very with an OB doctor’s help. What would be the
Severe Disease”, the nurse would then nurse’s correct option?
administer appropriate antibiotics prior to referral a. Give 20-50 ml of sugar water (four
to a hospital. What is the second line or tablespoons of sugar: 200 ml of clean
alternate drug for this classification? water) orally
a. Ampicillin and Gentamicin b. Give 20-40 ml of sugar water (four
b. Amoxicillin teaspoons of sugar: 100 ml of clean
c. Benzyl Penicillin water) via NGT
d. Cotrimoxazole c. Give 20-50 ml of sugar water (four
 Correct answer: a. Ampicillin teaspoons of sugar: 200 ml of clean
and Gentamicin water) orally
39. Which of the following is not a reason why IMCI d. Give 20-40 ml of sugar water (four
was created? * tablespoons: 100 ml of clean water) via
a. Health care providers use state of the NGT
art facilities including radiology  Correct answer: Give 20-50 ml
equipment to diagnose multiple of sugar water (four
conditions teaspoons of sugar: 200 ml
b. First level health facilities do not have of clean water) orally
many diagnostic tools. 44. The following are major preventable causes of
c. Health centers have limited medical child mortality worldwide, except:
supplies and human resources. a. Malnutrition
d. IMCI integrates case management of b. Pneumonia
the most common childhood problems c. Congenital abnormalities
 Correct answer: Health care d. Diarrhea
providers use state of the  Correct answer: Congenital
art facilities including abnormalities
radiology equipment to 45. Which statement will cause the clinical instructor
diagnose multiple to correct the nursing student when it comes to
conditions the overall goal of IMCI?
40. For this alternate or second line medication for a a. “One of the goals of IMCI is to increase
"Very Severe Disease" for a sick child, what is childhood mortality.”
the correct amount of diluent? b. “One of the goals of IMCI is to reduce
a. No diluent needed how often children are sick.”
b. 2.1 ml of sterile water c. “One of the goals of IMCI is to decrease
c. 5 ml of sterile water the severity of the illness.”
d. 8 ml of sterile water d. “One of the goals of IMCI is to improve
 Correct answer: 8 ml of sterile the growth and development among
water children.”
41. Among the three basic teaching steps on  Correct answer: “One of the
teaching a caregiver how to treat a child, which goals of IMCI is to increase
step is the most important since the nurse will childhood mortality.”
know what the caregiver understands about the 46. Nurse Doc has given oral Amoxicillin to the sick
home instructions? child with Pneumonia in the RHU and instructed
a. Give information the mother about its succeeding doses to be
b. Let caregiver practice continued at home. He also counseled the
c. Show an example mother to soothe the throat and relieve the
d. All of the above coughing with a safe remedy. Which IMCI
 Correct answer: Let caregiver classification did the nurse follow?
practice a. Red
42. A mother has had problems breastfeeding her b. Pink
newborn infant, had only 7 breast feedings for c. Yellow
the past 24 hours and thus bringing her infant to d. Green
the nearest health center. The nurse then  Correct answer: Yellow
classifies this as “Feeding Problem”. In teaching 47. Lola is a mother of a 1-year-old child who is
correct positioning and attachment, which of the suffering from difficulty of breathing and
following statements from the caregiver will malnutrition. She had finished her high school
signify correct teaching from the nurse? degree and is currently living in an urban area.
a. “My baby should have slow, deep Her husband works as a construction worker
sucks and sometimes pausing.” that makes 350php per day for a family of five
b. “My baby’s chin should be touching the (ages 1, 2 and 3). The father goes to work
areola of my breast.” walking for how many miles or sometimes, rides
c. “My baby’s upper lip should be turned a jeepney, if able. Given the situation above,
outwards when sucking.” which factors affect the health of their 1-year-old
d. “My baby’s mouth should be partially sick child?
open during sucking.” i. Below-poverty line household
 Correct answer: a. “My baby ii. Educational attainment
should have slow, deep iii. Residence
sucks and sometimes iv. Mother’s education
pausing.” (?) v. Mode of transportation
vi. Food insecurity When offered a drink, Raya eagerly drinks it and
vii. Lack of basic resources consumes it immediately.
a. i,ii,iii,iv  
b. vii,ii,iii 1. Prior to the assessment of diarrhea, what has been
c. i,iv,vi assessed from the patient according to IMCI
d. i, vi, vii guidelines?
 Correct answer: i, vi, vii  Fever
48. All phrases from the caregiver indicates  Cough and difficulty of breathing
understanding of the counsel given by the nurse  General danger signs
in giving home care for the young infant, except  Dysentery
for one:
a. “Since my child has low weight for age, Correct answer: cough and diff
we will come back after 30 days for
follow up.”
b. “I will breastfeed my baby as frequently, 2. What is the classification that the nurse has to write
as often as possible and as long as the on her patient’s care recording form according to her
infant wants.” assessments regarding diarrhea?
c. “I will make sure that my baby’s head,  Severe Dehydration with severe persistent
feet and body are covered with extra diarrhea
clothing during cool weather.”
 Some Dehydration with persistent diarrhea
d. “We will come back to the health center
 Some Dehydration with severe persistent
immediately if my baby is breastfeeding
poorly and has a reduced activity.”
 No Dehydration
 Correct answer: “Since my
child has low weight for
Correct answer: Some Dehydration with severe
age, we will come back after
persistent diarrhea
30 days for follow up.”
49. A patient has been rushed to the Rural Health
Center due to difficulty of breathing and severe
chest indrawing. The patient has just turned 2 3. What is persistent diarrhea in Raya’s case?
months of age today. The infant suddenly loses  When a child has several episodes of diarrhea
his consciousness. What case recording form accompanied by high temperature a day
and IMCI chart booklet section will the nurse  When a child frequently has bouts of loose
use? bowel movements for more than a week with
a. Management of a Sick Child: Very signs of dehydration
Severe Disease  When a child has an episode of diarrhea
b. Management of a Sick Young Infant: lasting more than two weeks, which may lead
Very Severe Disease to dehydration and malnutrition
c. Management of a Sick Child:  When a child frequently has diarrhea over a
Pneumonia period of one month, and is ill as a result.
d. Management of a Sick Young Infant:
Local Bacterial Infection  Correct answer: When a child has an episode of
 Correct answer: a. diarrhea lasting more than two weeks, which may
Management of a Sick lead to dehydration and malnutrition
Child: Very Severe Disease
50. Which of the identified cases will the nurse
consider as a general danger sign?
a. A newborn infant 12 hours ago, who 4. When the nurse starts to pinch the skin of the
developed jaundice. abdomen for further assessment, the skin goes back
b. A 1-month old infant with 50 breaths per within 1 second. However, if the skin pinch goes
minute. back more than 2 seconds, how will the nurse
c. A 3-year-old girl who vomited her last interpret these findings?
meal.  Child is not dehydrated.
d. A 4-year-old boy who refuses to drink  Child has Kwashiorkor.
water but would like to eat.  Child has severe dehydration.
 Correct answer: A newborn  Child has some dehydration.
infant 12 hours ago, who
developed jaundice. Correct answer: Child has severe dehydration.

5. In planning for the treatment and management,
Scenario #1: Raya is at the rural health unit today which is the nurse’s priority?
due to diarrhea for 15 days according to her mother.  Refer the child immediately for hospital
She is a one year old girl. She weighs 10 kilograms management.
and her temperature is at 37.7 C at the time of visit.  Give a measured amount of ORS, monitored
But according to the mother, her fever has been for 4 hours at the health center.
going on and off for a week now. The family has no  Start IV fluids immediately in the health center.
travel history for the past 3 weeks. Raya does not  Give zinc supplements and antibiotics as
have any general danger signs. She does not have prescribed.
any cough or difficulty breathing. After asking
several questions, the nurse proceeds to assess Correct answer: Give a measured amount of ORS,
Raya for dehydration and finds out that she is monitored for 4 hours at the health center.
restless and irritable but her eyes are not sunken.  
6. What is the purpose of giving zinc supplements to a fever, the nurse noticed the child’s red eyes and
patient with dehydration and diarrhea? generalized rash. The nurse then assesses the child
 To reduce the duration and severity of the for possible malaria, dengue and ear problems.
 To treat dehydration and malnutrition. 11. In a different scenario, supposing there is no
 To strengthen the child’s immune system generalized rash or red eyes on the assessment
against bacteria. findings. When the nurse asks about travel
 To increase the stool output and decrease the history or living situation, the mother confidently
need for hospitalization. says that they did not have any travel history for
  the past 3 weeks and there are no cases of
Correct answer: To reduce the duration and severity malaria in their area. What would the nurse write
of the diarrhea as a classification on the case recording form?
 Malaria
 Measles with eye or mouth complications
7. As part of the treatment plan, the nurse has to  Fever: No Malaria
compute the approximate amount of ORS. What  Fever
is the needed amount to be consumed given the  
data above? Correct answer: Fever
 200 ml  
 500 ml 12. After several assessments of the nurse, Rabiya’s
 750 ml temperature via axillary is 39 C. There is no stiff
 960 ml neck and any form of bleeding. What is the nurse’s
next step upon identifying the classification
according to IMCI guidelines?
Correct answer: 750ml
 Apply a tepid sponge bath to the child.
 Give one dose of paracetamol in the health
8. When giving health instructions on follow up care,
when would the nurse schedule the follow up  Give Vitamin A treatment.
checkup for the child and caregiver when the date of  Give appropriate antibiotics.
the initial visit is today, May 20, 2021?
 May 21, 2021 Correct answer: Give one dose of paracetamol in the
health center.
 May 24, 2021
 May 25, 2021
13. Given the situation above, what classification will
 No follow up checkup at the health center. the nurse write on the initial visit case recording
form for patient Rabiya?
Correct answer: May 25, 2021
 Fever
 Measles
9. After giving health instructions to the caregiver,
the patient came back the next day saying that  Measles with eye or mouth complications
blood in the stool had developed. What is the  Very severe febrile disease
drug of choice and the right frequency of this
classification according to the IMCI guidelines? Correct answer: Very severe febrile disease
 Give cotrimoxazole for 5 days.  
14. During the treatment plan, the nurse will be giving a
 Give oral amoxicillin for 5 days.
dose of Vitamin A for the child. What is a correct
 Give ciprofloxacin for 3 days.
statement from the nurse?
 No medications required since this is normal for
 “I will not give another dose of Vitamin A to the
patients with diarrhea.
patient since she had her recent dosage 4
weeks ago.” 
Correct answer: Give ciprofloxacin for 3 days.
 “I will give 100,000 IU of Vitamin A since she is
more than 3 years old.”
10. The following are correct statements from the nurse
when instructing caregiver on treating diarrhea at  “I will not give another dose of Vitamin A to the
home, except: patient since she does not have any measles.”
 “Give your child frequent sips of water, ORS or  “I will give 200,000 IU of Vitamin A as part of
breastfeed your baby as much as she would the treatment plan.”
Correct answer: “I will give 200,000 IU of Vitamin A
 “If your child vomits, wait for 5 minutes then
as part of the treatment plan.”
continue giving ORS but this time, more
15. With a positive malaria test for Plasmodium
 “Please give your child 50 to 100 ml of fluids
falciparum, the nurse would consider giving anti-
after each loose stool.”
malarial medications as part of the treatment
 “Dissolve one packet of ORS to 250ml of clean plan. What is the correct drug combination for
water or according to package instructions” this type of malaria?
 Chloroquine (Day 1 to 3) and primaquine (Day 4)
Correct answer: “If your child vomits, wait for 5
 Chloroquine (Day 1 to 3) and primaquine (Day 4-
minutes then continue giving ORS but this time,
more slowly.”
 Artemether-lumefantrine (Day 1 to 3) and
Scenario #2: A mother came to the clinic with her 2 primaquine (Day 4)
years old daughter, Rabiya. The mother said that her  Artemether-lumefantrine (Day 1 to 3) and
child has been feeling feverish for the past two days. chloroquine (Day 4)
She cannot get the exact temperature since they did
not have any thermometer at home. Along with the
Correct answer: Artemether-lumefantrine (Day 1 to 3) medical complication present. His palms are paler
and primaquine (Day 4) than that of the nurse’s palms.
16. On the other hand, if the patient is tested 21. With the given situation above, what is the
positive for Plasmodium vivax, the correct drug classification of Georgia’s problem that the nurse
combination for this type of malaria? should write on the case recording form?
 Chloroquine (Day 1 to 3) and primaquine (Day 4)  Moderate acute malnutrition
 Chloroquine (Day 1 to 3) and primaquine  Uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition
(Day 4-17)  No acute malnutrition
 Artemether-lumefantrine (Day 1 to 3) and  Complicated severe acute malnutrition
primaquine (Day 4)  
 Artemether-lumefantrine (Day 1 to 3) and Correct answer: Uncomplicated severe acute
chloroquine (Day 4) malnutrition

Correct answer: Chloroquine (Day 1 to 3) and

primaquine (Day 4-17) 22. Which of the following are part of the nurse’s
  treatment plan?
17. The following are indications that the patient has i. Give the first dose of appropriate antibiotics.
severe dengue hemorrhagic fever, except: ii. Give oral amoxicillin for 5 days 
 Bleeding from the nose or gums iii. Give RUTF if available. 
 Skin petechiae of more than 15 on the iv. Assess for possible TB infection. 
antecubital fossa after a Rumpel-Leede’s test v. Keep the child warm. 
 Capillary refill of more than 3 seconds vi. Treat the child to prevent low blood sugar.  
 Persistent vomiting vii. Follow up in 30 days. 
viii. Give feeding recommendations.  
Correct answer: Skin petechiae of more than 15 on ix. Give micronutrient powder supplement.
the antecubital fossa after a Rumpel-Leede’s test x. Refer urgently to the hospital
   ii, iii, iv, vii
18. The following statements from the caregiver  i, v, vi, x
need correction from the nurse regarding health  ii, iii, iv
teachings on dengue hemorrhagic fever,  ii, iv, viii, ix, vi
 “I will follow up in 5 days if my child’s fever Correct answer: ii, iii, iv
persists or there are signs of bleeding.”
 “When my child’s temperature is 38. 5 C or
above, I could give aspirin to reduce pain and 23. Which criterion belongs to the classification of
fever.” “No acute malnutrition”?
 “I will give an oral rehydration solution to  WFL between -3 and -2 z-scores
prevent dehydration.”  MUAC of 130mm 
 “It is okay to give chocolate prevent  MUAC of 120 and was able to finish RUTF
hypoglycemia and green leafy vegetables to portion
strengthen the immune system.”  WFH of less than -3 z-score
Correct answer: “I will give an oral rehydration Correct answer: MUAC of 130mm 
solution to prevent dehydration.”
19. When assessing the patient for ear problems,
24. Georgia shows clinical signs of marasmus,
the nurse knows that an ear infection reported
which of the following is not a sign of this
for less than two weeks is called?
 Acute ear infection
 Extremely thin body
 Mastoiditis
 Distented belly
 Chronic ear infection
 Swelling of ankles and feet
 Middle ear infection
 Lack of fat on buttocks and arms
Correct answer: Acute ear infection
Correct answer: Swelling of ankles and feet

20. What is the appropriate antibiotic for this type of

25. If the mid-upper arm circumference is 110cm,
ear infection on a 2-year-old child?
what does this finding tell the nurse?
 Cotrimoxazole 2.5ml BID for 3 days
 Georgia has severe acute malnutrition.
 Ciprofloxacin 500mg BID for 3 days
 Georgia is healthy.
 Amoxicillin 10ml BID for 5 days
 Georgia has moderate acute malnutrition and
 Ampicillin Sodium 3ml and Gentamicin 2.0 ml via
needs advice on feeding recommendations.
IM route, one dose each
 Georgia should be referred urgently to a
Correct answer: Amoxicillin 10ml BID for 5 days
Correct answer: Georgia has severe acute
Scenario #3: Georgia is a 10-month-old child with a
weight of 8 kilograms and a length of 85 cm. His
temperature via axillary is 37 C. There is no bipedal
edema, WFL z-score is -3, the mid upper arm
circumference is 110cm. During the appetite test, he
was able to finish ¾ of the RUTF. There is no
26. With Georgia’s findings on the palmar pallor, her 31. On the initial follow up at the health center, what
additional classification to be written in the case diagnosis will the nurse write on the case
recording form is identified as: recording form for baby Alex?
 No anemia  Confirmed HIV infection
 Anemia  HIV exposed
 Severe anemia  HIV infection
 None of the above  HIV infection unlikely
Correct answer: Anemia Correct answer: HIV exposed

27. Upon identifying the classification of palmar 32. With the knowledge of mother-to-child-
pallor, what should be part of the treatment plan transmission (MTCT), what is the overall risk of
of the nurse? a mother transmitting HIV to her child during
 Refer the patient urgently to the hospital. breastfeeding if nothing has been done to
 Give iron and anti-helminthic medication. prevent HIV transmission including ART
 Advise the caregiver on feeding prophylaxis?
recommendations.  35%
 No treatment plan needed.  20%
   15%
Correct answer: Give iron and anti-helminthic  7%
Correct answer: 15%

28. One of the causes of anemia is the presence

parasites including hookworms or whipworms. 33. To ensure that Alex is either a confirmed HIV
As part of the treatment plan, health care infected or an HIV negative, what would the
providers give specific medications for these nurse do if there are no available HIV PCR
cases. Which statement is true when giving this tests?
medication?  Instruct the mother to stop breastfeeding for 6
 Give oral quinine 300 mg as a single dose. weeks before a repeat serological test.
 Give mebendazole 500mg as a single dose.  Instruct the mother to continue breastfeeding
 Give tetracycline ointment four times daily. and repeat serological test after 18 weeks.
 Give ferrous fumarate 100mg once daily.  Repeat serological test immediately.
   Give ART treatment regardless of the result.
Correct answer: Give mebendazole 500mg as a 
single dose.
Correct answer:

29. How many days will the nurse instruct the

caregiver in giving iron supplements to a patient 34. The following prophylaxis will be part of the
with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition? management plan for Alex, except?
 14 days  Ciprofloxacin 
 30 days  Nevirapine and Zidovudine
 7 days  Isoniazid
 Not anymore since the patient is receiving  Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Correct answer: Ciprofloxacin 
Correct answer: Not anymore since the patient is
receiving RUTF.
35. Which of the following classification and age
qualifies for antibiotic prophylaxis to start as
30. Which is true in the following health instructions soon as possible?
from a nurse about micronutrient powder?  6 years of age
 MNP is given before meals to enhance  a 1 month old, confirmed HIV infection
absorption.  2 years old, HIV Exposed
 Add MNP to food before and during cooking.  3 years old , confirmed HIV infection
 MNP is given to children 3 months and up.  
 Mix MNP into complementary food before Correct answer: 2 years old, HIV Exposed

Correct answer: Mix MNP into complementary food

36. If Alex had been confirmed infected with HIV,
before feeding.
how will she take an anti-tuberculosis
prophylaxis if her weight is 5 kilograms?
Scenario #4: Alex was born a month ago from an HIV
 300mg for 12 months
positive mother. A serological test has been done to
the baby with a positive result. Since the mother has  100mg for 6 months
been on antiretroviral treatment medications for  50 mg for 6 months
months, she chose to exclusively breastfeed Alex.  30 mg for 12 months
Correct answer: 50 mg for 6 months
 Mother gives 18 months old child his own
serving of food during dinner time.
37. According to WHO Pediatric Staging for HIV  Mother hears slow, deep sucks from her child
Infection, when a patient develops enlarged liver who is breastfeeding.
or spleen and recurrent sinusitis, ear infection
and tonsillitis, what stage will we consider these Correct answer: Mother feeds mashed potatoes with
clinical signs? breastmilk to her 5-month-old child.
 Asymptomatic  
 Mild Disease 43. The nurse assesses the vaccination status of a
 Moderate Disease 7-week-old child who visited the health center.
 Severe Disease/AIDS She then asks for the child health book from the
mother. As she compares the child’s vaccination
Correct answer: Mild Disease record and the recommended schedule, she
notices that there are vaccinations not yet given
except for the initial vaccination given at birth.
What will the nurse administer at this time?
38. How would the nurse counsel Alex’s mother with
regards to recommended feeding practice if the  Measles Vaccine
child has not yet been confirmed with HIV  BCG and Hepatitis B vaccines
infection?  Pentavalent 1, PCV 1, Rotavirus 1 and OPV 1
 Exclusive breastfeeding until 12 months of life  Pentavalent 2, PCV 2, Rotavirus 2 and OPV 2
 Breastfeeding and also formula feeding, in order
to provide additional nutrition Correct answer: Pentavalent 1, PCV 1, Rotavirus 1
 Commercial infant formula only to avoid HIV and OPV 1
44. When will the nurse administer measles vaccine
 Exclusive breastfeeding for a 6 weeks
to a child?
Correct answer:   At 10 weeks
 At birth
 At 9 months
39. Which of the following statements regarding HIV  At 14 weeks
is true?
Correct answer: At 9 months
 HIV attacks CD5 cells and uses it to replicate.
 HIV can usually weaken or destroy the immune
45. The following children are not qualified to
system much for rapidly in adults than in
receive routine/specific immunizations, except:
 A child who is known to have AIDS scheduled
 Exclusive breastfeeding increases the risk of
for BCG
HIV transmission.
 A child with uncomplicated severe acute
 HIV is considered to have progressed to
AIDS when serious sicknesses occur.
 A child who had convulsions a day after the first
dose of Pentavalent vaccine.
Correct answer: HIV is considered to have
progressed to AIDS when serious sicknesses occur.  A child who has active neurological disease like

Correct answer:
40. When does a child eligible for ART treatment?
46. Which of the following nurse’s action should be
 Positive serological test in a 3-year-old child. corrected?
 Negative virological test in a 2-year-old child.  The nurse gives Vitamin A supplementation
 Negative HIV tests in a 4-year-old child. to a 4-month-old child.
 No tests available yet for the child.  The nurse administers 200,000 IU Vitamin A to a
2-year-old sick child.
Correct answer: Positive serological test in a 3-year-  The nurse gives another dose of Vitamin A to a
old child. child with measles who was given 6 weeks ago.
 The nurse administers 100,000 IU Vitamin A to a
Care of a Well-Child
9-month-old with dysentery.
41. How often should infants/children below 6
Correct answer: The nurse gives Vitamin A
months old breastfeed?
supplementation to a 4-month-old child.
 At least 10 times in 48 hours  
 At least 6 times in 24 hours 47. As part of the care of well children, health care
 At least 12 times in 48 hours providers should give counseling regarding
 At least 8 times in 24 hours prevention of childhood accidents. The following
  statements of the caregiver indicate
Correct answer: At least 8 times in 24 hours understanding, except for one?
  “I will not let my 4-year-old child caretaking my 1-year-
42. Which of the following situations need old child when I am away for a while.”
counseling from a health care provider to “I will watch my children closely whenever they swim in
address feeding problems? their inflatable pool.”
 Mother feeds 2-month-old child breastmilk “I can hold my infant while I am cooking.”
from a cup. “I will not let my children get medications for their
 Mother feeds mashed potatoes with grandmother’s use.”
breastmilk to her 5-month-old child.
Correct answer: “I can hold my infant while I am d. It is shorter, narrower, and more
cooking.” horizontal than an older child's
  Eustachian tube.
48. Another aspect that we asses on a well-child is  Correct answer: a. It is
their growth and development. Which defines shorter, wider, and more
child growth? horizontal than an older
 Gradual unfolding of capacities including child's Eustachian tube.
learning how to walk and talk. 3. An infant has acute otitis media. Which would be
 Increase in physical size, composition and the most important instruction for the nurse to
distribution of tissue. teach the parents?
 The capacity to explore things around them a. Administer acetaminophen to relieve
 Learning how to communicate interests and discomfort.
needs b. Keep the baby in a flat position during
Correct answer: Increase in physical size, c. Administer a decongestant.
composition and distribution of tissue. d. Place the baby to sleep with a pacifier.
   Correct answer: a. Administer
49. The following are used to measure child growth, acetaminophen to relieve
except: discomfort.
 Weight-for-age 4. An 8-year-old child is diagnosed with viral
 Length/height-for-age pneumonia and sent home from the clinic with
 Weight-for-length/height no antibiotic prescription. The symptoms
 Mid-upper arm circumference worsen, and the child returns to the clinic a week
  later with signs of a higher fever, listlessness,
Correct answer: Mid-upper arm circumference and a harsh, productive cough. The child's
  mother states, "I knew a prescription for
50. What situation will the nurse use “length” as a antibiotics was needed." Which response by the
measurement to a child being assessed for nurse is the most appropriate?
growth? a. "It is better to wait to make sure so we
don't use antibiotics unnecessarily. This
 A 3-year-old child with some dehydration.
approach also saves healthcare dollars.”
 A 5-year-old child with pneumonia
b. "Antibiotics are not effective for viral
 A 4-year-old child with severe muscle pneumonia. Bacteria can grow later in
wasting and cannot stand alone. the course of the illness, requiring the
 A 2-year-old child who can stand by himself need for antibiotics at that time."
independently. c. "You do not want to expose your child to
medication unnecessarily. Now it is
Correct answer: A 4-year-old child with severe necessary, because it is bacterial
muscle wasting and cannot stand alone. pneumonia."
  d. "Sometimes we just do not know. I'm
glad you came back in."
NCM 109 Lab (Myrtle and Leahbonds)  Correct answer: b.
"Antibiotics are not
1. The nurse explains to new parents that infants effective for viral
are at greater risk for fluid and electrolyte pneumonia. Bacteria can
imbalance than older children. Which parent grow later in the course of
comment would indicate that further education is the illness, requiring the
needed? need for antibiotics at that
a. "Compared to an adult, an infant has time."
little body water for reserve." 5. A child is diagnosed with severe combined
b. "Infants maintain their temperature by immunodeficiency deficiency syndrome. The
losing heat through their heads." nurse's priority interventions are directed toward
c. "Infants have a higher metabolic rate which objective?
than older children do." a. Prevention of infection
d. "Infants lose water through their skin, b. Maintenance of skin integrity
and they have a larger proportion of skin c. Management of body image concerns
surface area than older children do." d. Maintenance of cardiac function
 Correct answer: b. "Infants  Correct answer: a. Prevention
maintain their temperature of infection
by losing heat through their 6. A patient at 36 weeks gestation is admitted to
heads." the labor and birth unit. Her chief complaint is
2. A parent asks the nurse why her children get abdominal cramping with a sudden gush of clear
fewer ear infections as they grow older. The fluid. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for
nurse bases on her answer on which aspects of this prenatal patient?
the infant's Eustachian tube? a. Risk for ineffective coping related to
a. It is shorter, wider, and more horizontal unknown outcome of pregnancy.
than an older child's Eustachian tube. b. Knowledge deficit related to unfamiliarity
b. It is shorter, wider, and more diagonal with loss of vaginal fluids.
than an older child's Eustachian tube. c. Risk for infection related to premature
c. It is shorter, narrower, and more rupture of membranes.
diagonal than an older child's d. Impaired physical mobility related to
Eustachian tube. strict bed rest.
 Correct answer: c. Risk for
infection related to
premature rupture of  Correct answer: a. It is a
membranes. conduit from the peritoneal
7. A prenatal patient at 16 weeks gestation space to the uterine cavity
presents to the clinic with unexplained, bright red 13. A 47-year-old G0P0 patient presents with history
bleeding, cramping, and backache for the past of irregular menses, infertility, and currently
two days. A pelvic exam reveals a closed cervix. increasingly heavy bleeding when it occurs. Her
What type of abortion does this indicate? examination is remarkable for obesity, mild
a. Imminent hypertension, and a clinical finding consistent
b. Missed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). An
c. Threatened endometrial biopsy is done and shows
d. Incomplete endometrial hyperplasia. Which of the following
 Correct answer: c. Threatened is its best histological description?
8. The patient asks for information about ectopic a. Endometrial glands scattered throughout
pregnancy. The nurse correctly responds by an atrophic-appearing uterine muscle
saying ectopic pregnancy is caused by: (Select b. Increased number of glands with a piling
all that apply.) up of their cells and decreased
a. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) intervening stroma
b. Endometriosis c. Tightly spiraled endometrial glands with
c. Presence of an IUD eosinophilic cytoplasm surrounding the
d. History of previous ectopic pregnancy arterioles
 Correct answer: d. Tortuous glands with a loose,
 Pelvic inflammatory disease edematous stroma
(PID) e. Endometrial glands surrounding a
 Endometriosis fibrovascular stroma, often with a
 Presence of an IUD characteristic central blood vessel
 History of previous ectopic  Correct answer: b. Increased
pregnancy number of glands with a
9. The nurse is caring for a laboring patient with piling up of their cells and
Type I diabetes. What signs and symptoms decreased intervening
would the nurse assess if hypoglycemia was stroma
suspected? 14. Which of the following pathologic features is
a. Headache and anorexia most helpful in distinguishing complete
b. Dry skin and blurred vision hydatidiform mole from normal placenta?
c. Frequent urination and headache a. Trophoblastic proliferation
d. Diaphoresis and disorientation b. Absence of blood vessels
 Correct answer: d. c. Hydropic degeneration of villi
Diaphoresis and d. Cellular atypia
disorientation e. Sex chromatin positivity
10. The nurse is providing prenatal care to an  Correct answer: b. Absence
asymptomatic HIV-infected patient. Which of blood vessels
nursing intervention should take priority? 15. During a pelvic examination on a patient that is
a. Taking her temperature approximately 8 weeks’ gestation by dates and
b. Performing a hearing test pelvic examination, one adnexa is found to be
c. Performing a vision test slightly enlarged. This is most commonly due to
d. Assessing reflexes which of the following?
 Correct answer: a. Taking her a. Corpus luteum cyst
temperature b. Ectopic pregnancy
11. During delivery of a first twin, a very tight nuchal c. Follicular cyst
cord is reduced from the baby’s neck by d. Ovarian neoplasm
clamping and dividing it. After this, the second e. Parovarian cyst
twin (as yet unborn) develops several fetal  Correct answer: a. Corpus
distress. Of the following, what is the most likely luteum cyst
mechanism for the distress in the second twin? 16. What is a child’s classification if he is 10 months
a. A twin-to-twin transfusion before birth old, has had a cough that lasted two days, has a
b. The second twin may no longer be breathing rate of 46 breaths per minute and
connected to its placenta chest indrawing?
c. Placenta previa in the second twin a. No pneumonia: cough or cold
d. Amniotic fluid embolism b. Pneumonia
e. Uterine rupture c. Severe pneumonia or very severe
 Correct answer: b. The disease
second twin may no longer d. Cough, diarrhea, fever, ear problem
be connected to its placenta  Correct answer: c. Severe
12. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) occurs in pneumonia or very severe
women because of which of the following   disease
characteristics of the fallopian tube? 17. A 3-year-old child has fever and diarrhea. He
a. It is a conduit from the peritoneal space has no danger signs and he does not have a
to the uterine cavity cough or difficult breathing. The child has had
b. It is found in the utero-ovarian ligament diarrhea for 2 weeks and there is no blood in
c. It has five separate parts stool. The child is restless and irritable, but is not
d. It is attached to the ipsilateral ovary by drinking eagerly. His eyes are not sunken. A skin
the mesosalpinx pinch goes back slowly. He does not have an
e. It is entirely extraperitoneal ear problem. The child’s diarrhea should be
classified as (select all that apply)
a. No dehydration
b. Some dehydration Which nursing intervention should the nurse
c. Severe dehydration perform?
d. Severe persistent diarrhea a. Monitor the amount of vaginal blood
 Correct answer: loss.
 b. Some dehydration b. Allow the client to ambulate with
 d. Severe persistent diarrhea assistance.
18. Feeding should be assessed in a child who c. Perform a vaginal examination to check
(select all that apply): for cervical dilation.
a. Need urgent referral d. Notify the physician.
b. Is less than 2 years old  Correct answer: a. Monitor
c. Is classified as having anemia, very low the amount of vaginal blood
weight and or growth faltering loss.
d. Is classified as having persistent 24. A nurse is caring for a client whose membranes
diarrhea ruptured prematurely 12 hours ago. When
 Correct answer: assessing this client, the nurse’s highest priority
 b. Is less than 2 years old is to evaluate?
 c. Is classified as having a. Cervical effacement and dilation.
anemia, very low weight and b. White blood cell count.
or growth faltering c. Maternal vital signs and fetal heart rate.
19. When a mother is advised to return to a health d. Frequency and duration of contraction.
worker for her child, it is necessary to tell her  Correct answer: c. Maternal
when to return for a follow-up visit and when to vital signs and fetal heart
return immediately. When to return for a follow- rate.
up visit depends on the child’s classification; for 25. A nurse is providing care for a client who is
example, in case of acute ear infection child diagnosed with a marginal abruptio placentae.
needs to return in 5 days. The mother needs to The nurse is aware that which of the following
return to the clinic immediately if her child (select findings are the risk factors for developing the
all that apply): condition? Select all that apply.
a. Is drinking eagerly a. Fetal position
b. Is not able to drink or breastfeed b. Cocaine use
c. Develops fever c. Blunt abdominal trauma
d. Is coughing often d. cigarette smoking
e. Becomes sicker  Correct answer:
 Correct answer:  b. Cocaine use
 b. Is not able to drink or  c. Blunt abdominal trauma
breastfeed  d. cigarette smoking
 c. Develops fever 26. A nurse is caring for a client that is at 36 weeks
 e. Becomes sicker of gestation with suspected placenta previa.
20. If a child has had ear pain and pus draining from Which of the following manifestation should the
the ear for 10 days, and no tender swelling nurse expect?
behind the ear, you will classify this child as a. abdominal pain with scanty red vaginal
having: bleeding
a. Acute ear infection b. increasing abdominal pain with a non-
b. Chronic ear infection relaxed uterus.
c. Mastoiditis c. painless red vaginal bleeding
d. Not enough signs to classify this child d. intermittent abdominal pain following
 Correct answer: a. Acute ear passage of bloody mucus.
infection  Correct answer: c. painless
21. Early detection of an ectopic pregnancy is red vaginal bleeding
paramount in preventing a life- threatening 27. The nurse is assessing a multigravida, 36 weeks
rupture.  Which symptoms should alert the nurse gestation for symptoms of pregnancy- induced
to the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy? hypertension and preeclampsia. The nurse
a. abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding ad should give priority to assessing the client for?
positive pregnancy test a. facial swelling
b. hyperemesis and weight loss b. pulse deficits
c. amenorrhea and negative pregnancy c. ankle edema
test d. diminished reflexes
d. copious discharge of clear mucus and  Correct answer: a. facial
prolonged epigastric pain swelling
 Correct answer: a. abdominal 28. The nurse is caring for a client receiving
pain, vaginal bleeding ad intravenous magnesium sulfate must closely
positive pregnancy test observe for side effects associated with drug
22. All are the possible causes of ectopic therapy. An expected side effect of magnesium
pregnancy, except? sulfate is:
a. history of surgery a. decreased urinary output.
b. history of PID b. hot flashes and episode of sleepiness
c. light vaginal bleeding c. absence of knee jerk reflex
d. congenital abnormality of fallopian tube d. decreased respiratory rate.
 Correct answer: c. light  Correct answer: b. hot flashes
vaginal bleeding and episode of sleepiness
23. You are taking care of a client who is 35 weeks 29. The client with preeclampsia is admitted to your
pregnant experiencing bleedinf caused by unit with an order for magnesium sulfate. Which
placenta previa. You monitored the fetal heart action by the nurse indicates understanding of
sound, and it is normal, the client is not in labor. the possible side effects of magnesium sulfate.
a. the nurse places a sign over the bed not 35. You are doing your patient education with your
to check blood pressure in the right arm. clinical instructor in the OB ward about
b. the nurse places a padded tongue blade Gestational diabetes. You discuss the role of
at the bedside. insulin in the body. Select all the CORRECT
c. the nurse inserts a foley catheter. statements that you are going to tell the patients
d. the nurse darkens the room. about the role of insulin in the body.
 Correct answer: c. the nurse a. “Insulin is a type of cell that provides
inserts a foley catheter. glucose to the body from the blood.”
30. A woman, who is 22 weeks pregnant, has a b. “Insulin is a hormone secreted by the
routine ultrasound performed. The ultrasound beta cells of the pancreas.”
shows that the placenta is located at the edge of c. “Insulin influences cells by causing them
the cervical opening. As the nurse you know that to uptake glucose from the blood.”
which statements is False about the finding. d. "Insulin is a protein that helps carry
a. this is known as the marginal placenta glucose into the cell for energy."
previa.  Correct answer: c. “Insulin
b. the placenta may move upward as the influences cells by causing
pregnancy progresses and needs to be them to uptake glucose
re-evaluated with another ultrasound at from the blood.”
about 32 weeks gestation. 36. The physician is considering HIV to patient X.
c. the patient will need to have a c-section You are aware that the screening test for HIV?
and cannot deliver vaginally. a. Viral load
d. the woman should report any bleeding b. Viral culture
immediately to the doctor. c. ELISA
 Correct answer: c. the patient d. CD4/CD8 count
will need to have a c-section  Correct answer: c. ELISA
and cannot deliver 37. Your client diagnosed with AIDS understands
vaginally. her illness when she tells you:
31. Which of the following would the nurse have a. I need to eat yogurt every day to provide
readily available for a client who is receiving needed calcium for my bones.
magnesium sulfate to treat severe b. I should peel and cook fruits before
preeclampsia? eating them.
a. Potassium chloride c. I can enjoy foods from the salad bar at
b. Calcium gluconate my local restaurant.
c. Ferrous sulfate d. I might have to floss my teeth more
d. Calcium carbonate often to prevent gum disease.
e. None of the above  Correct answer: b. I should
 Correct answer: b. Calcium peel and cook fruits before
gluconate eating them.
32. Your patient just gave birth to a baby. She was 38. Which of the following movements of the lower
diagnosed with gestational diabetes throughout chest describes chest indrawing?
her pregnancy. She has now normal blood a. Inward movement during inspiration
glucose levels. When should the patient first b. Inward movement during expiration
follow-up with her physician for blood glucose c. Outward movement during inspiration
testing? d. Outward movement during expiration
a. 1-3 years  Correct answer: a. Inward
b. 6-12 weeks postpartum movement during
c. 1 year postpartum inspiration
d. Not applicable since this condition has 39. What is "fast breathing" in a 3-month-old child?
resolved and only occurs during a. 20 breaths per minute or more
pregnancy b. 30 breaths per minute or more
e. None of the above c. 40 breaths per minute or more
 Correct answer: b. 6-12 weeks d. 50 breaths per minute or more
postpartum  Correct answer: d. 50 breaths
33. A client with preeclampsia is being treated with per minute or more
bed rest and intravenous magnesium sulfate. 40. Which of the following signs are "general danger
The drug classification of this medication is a: signs" in a sick child who is 11 months old?
a. diuretic a. Axillary temperature ≥ 39.0°C
b. tocolytic b. Lethargy
c. anticonvulsant c. Blood in the stool
d. antihypertensive d. 10 loose, watery stools in a single day
e. None of the above  Correct answer: b. Lethargy
 Correct answer: c. 41. This essential vitamin during pregnancy is
anticonvulsant critical in the absorption, distribution and storage
34. A woman with severe preeclampsia is receiving of Calcium.
a magnesium sulfate infusion. The nurse a. Vitamin C
becomes concerned after assessment when the b. Vitamin D
woman exhibits: c. Ferrous Sulfate
a. a sleepy, sedated affect. d. Iron
b. a respiratory rate of 10 breaths/min.  Correct answer: b. Vitamin D
c. deep tendon reflexes of 2+ 42. Excessive nutrition during pregnancy can result
d. absent ankle clonus. in:
 Correct answer: b. a a. Fetal Macrosomia and Post-partum
respiratory rate of 10 Weight Retention
breaths/min. b. Fetal Defects
c. Fetal Microsomia minerals are needed and responsible for fetal
d. Fetal Death bone and teeth formation?
 Correct answer: a. Fetal a. Iron and Folic Acid
Macrosomia and Post- b. Calcium and Phosphorous
partum Weight Retention c. Vitamin D and E
43. You can classify that a child aged 2 years has d. Sodium and Potassium
fast breathing if he has a respiratory rate of  Correct answer: b. Calcium
a. 60 bpm or more and Phosphorous
b. 50 bpm or more 50. Which of the following statements best describes
c. 40 bpm or more hyperemesis gravidarum?
d. Any of the above a. Severe anemia leading to electrolyte,
 Correct answer: c. 40 bpm or metabolic and nutritional imbalances in
more the absence of other medical problems
44. What is a child’s classification if he is 10 months b. Severe nausea and vomiting leading to
old, has had a cough that lasted two days, has a electrolyte, metabolic and nutritional
breathing rate of 46 breaths per minute and imbalances in the absence of other
chest indrawing? medical problems
a. no pneumonia: cough or cold c. Loss of appetite and continuous
b. pneumonia vomiting that commonly results in
c. severe pneumonia or very severe dehydration and ultimately decreasing
disease maternal nutrients
d. very severe febrile disease d. Severe nausea and diarrhea that can
 Correct answer: c. severe cause gastrointestinal irritation and
pneumonia or very severe possibly internal bleeding
disease  Correct answer: b. Severe
45. Where can the IMCI case management nausea and vomiting
guidelines be used? leading to electrolyte,
a. in the inpatient ward of a hospital metabolic and nutritional
b. in a neonatal ward imbalances in the absence
c. in the outpatient ward of a hospital and of other medical problems
first-level health facilities 51. To ensure efficient workflow of the clinic and
d. at the household level maximize available expertise, which task should
 Correct answer: c. in the be assigned to the experienced Licensed
outpatient ward of a Practical Nurse (LPN)?
hospital and first-level a. Perform triage for walk-in clients.
health facilities b. Perform physical assessment of walk-in
46. If a child has measles now or has had it within clients.
the last three months, and has fever and any c. Give routine immunizations.
general danger sign, he or she will be classified d. Obtain weight and height
as having: measurements.
a. Uncomplicated malaria  Correct answer: c. Give
b. severe complicated measles; very routine immunizations.
severe febrile disease or severe malaria 52. A mother brings her 12-month-old child to the
c. measles with eye or mouth complication clinic for an influenza vaccination. The RN tells
d. measles the mother that the child is also due for doses of
 Correct answer: b. severe measles-mumps-rubella, varicella, and hepatitis
complicated measles; very A vaccines. The mother declines the nurse's
severe febrile disease or advice because “he has already had enough of
severe malaria those.” What is the priority action?
47. A child with fever plus any general danger sign a. Encourage a follow-up appointment and
should be classified as: notify Child Protective Services.
a. uncomplicated malaria b. Assess the mother's concerns and
b. acute ear infection current level of knowledge about
c. measles immunization.
d. very severe febrile disease or severe c. Emphasize the benefits of immunization;
malaria explain the purpose and schedule.
e. mastoiditis d. Respect the mother's decision and alert
 Correct answer: d. very the pediatrician to the situation.
severe febrile disease or  Correct answer: Assess the
severe malaria mother's concerns and
48. Your patient with a preeclampsia (severe) is current level of knowledge
admitted with BP 170/100, with proteinuria, with about immunization.
severe pitting edema Grade III. Which of the 53. A 9-month-old child arrives at the health center
following you would include in making your with his mother for immunizations. The child is
patient’s plan of care? fussy with rhinorrhea and has an axillary
a. Daily weights temperature of 100.4°F (38°C). The pediatrician
b. Right lateral positioning has determined that the child has
c. Seizure precautions nasopharyngitis. What is the priority action?
d. Stress reduction a. Administer half of the immunizations and
 Correct answer: c. Seizure reschedule a subsequent appointment
precautions for the other half.
49. For the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman b. Advise the mother that fever is a
for her growing fetus, which of the following contraindication for immunization and
reschedule the appointment.
c. Administer acetaminophen to reduce c. Agitated, sweating, and sitting upright
fever and apply an anesthetic cream to with shoulders hunched forward
the injection site. d. Asleep in a side-lying position breathing
d. Advise the mother that the child will through open mouth
likely need an antibiotic and reschedule  Correct answer: Agitated,
the appointment. sweating, and sitting
 Correct answer: Administer upright with shoulders
acetaminophen to reduce hunched forward
fever and apply an 58. Which assessment finding for Billy is the most
anesthetic cream to the urgent and requires immediate intervention and
injection site. notification of the pediatrician?
54. A parent calls in for advice because her 18- a. Sudden increase in respiratory rate and
month-old toddler has stumbled and bumped his decreased breath sounds
head on the coffee table. Which symptom is b. Rattling cough productive of frothy,
cause for the greatest concern? clear, gelatinous sputum
a. A swelling the size of a golf ball that is c. Crackles auscultated on inspiration in
tender to the touch the lower lung fields
b. Two episodes of vomiting a small d. Restlessness and wheezing auscultated
amount of undigested food at the end of expiration
c. Continuous crying for 2 hours,  Correct answer: Sudden
unrelieved by familiar comfort measures increase in respiratory rate
d. Gaping 1.5-inch (4-cm) laceration on the and decreased breath
forehead, with bleeding controlled by sounds
pressure 59. As the nurse cares for Billy and addresses his
 Correct answer: Continuous asthmatic condition, in what sequence should
crying for 2 hours, the following prescribed actions be
unrelieved by familiar implemented?
comfort measures 1. Give nebulized albuterol now and
55. A parent calls in for advice because “Missy is 5 every 30 minutes.
years old, and she just won’t sleep in her own 2. Administer humidified oxygen to
bed. For the past 4 months, she wakes and maintain saturation above 90%.
comes to sleep with me and my husband. She 3. Administer IV methylprednisolone.
cries and cries if we take her back to her own 4. Obtain a chest radiograph and a
room.” What is the priority action? complete blood count (CBC).
a. Send the mother a brochure of things 5. Contact the hospital about
she can try to assist the child to sleep admission.
independently. 6. Teach about measuring peak
b. Advise the mother that this is a normal expiratory flow rate to determine
behavior that will eventually pass with personal best.
time. 7. Schedule a radioallergosorbent test.
c. Suggest that the child be put back into Correct answer:
her own bed and allowed to cry herself  Give nebulized albuterol now
to sleep. and every 30 minutes.
d. Schedule an appointment with the APN  Administer humidified oxygen
student for assessment and to maintain saturation above
management. 90%.
 Correct answer: Advise the  Administer IV
mother that this is a normal methylprednisolone.
behavior that will eventually  Obtain a chest radiograph
pass with time. and a complete blood count
56. Six-year-old Billy woke last night with dyspnea, (CBC).
restlessness, wheezing, and cough. Mother and  Contact the hospital about
child spent the night in a reclining chair. His admission.
mother declares, “He is having an asthma  Teach about measuring peak
attack. We are both exhausted. I’m tired of expiratory flow rate to
waiting forever to see the doctor!” What is the determine personal best.
priority nursing concern?  Schedule a
a. Billy's poor sleep quality and radioallergosorbent test.
restlessness 60. Billy is to be transferred from the clinic to the
b. Billy's ongoing shortness of breath hospital for his asthmatic condition. Which tasks
c. Mother's report of feeling exhausted are RN responsibilities and should not be
d. Mother's frustration with health care delegated or performed by another member of
system the health care team? Select all that apply.
 Correct answer: Billy's a. Give a report to the attending
ongoing shortness of pediatrician at the receiving hospital.
breath b. Give a report to the charge nurse at the
57. As the nurse approaches Billy, which receiving hospital.
presentation would be of most concern and c. Help the parent and child to collect and
require immediate intervention? bag up personal items.
a. Alert and irritable, lying recumbent on d. Determine that the client's condition is
the examination table stable enough for transport to the
b. Awake and nervous, sitting upright and hospital.
crying, skin pale and dry e. Assess the response to treatment and
document the client's condition.
f. Assist the client to transfer to the Sarah's 2-year-old brother; he is
ambulance stretcher. dirty and hungry and reaches
 Correct answer: out to be picked up. Ms. A, their
 Give a report to the charge mother, is 19 years old and
nurse at the receiving single. She is thin and
hospital. disheveled and seems
 Assess the response to somewhat confused. She is
treatment and document the having trouble answering the
client's condition. nurse's questions. Ms. A says,
61. In the afternoon, several clients come to the “Those kids play too rough! The
clinic for walk-in care. Prioritize the following older one is always pushing the
clients in the order in which they should be seen baby off the bed.”
to ensure safe care and efficiently manage client  Terry is 7 months old; he rubs at
load. both of his ears, acts fussy,
1. James is 3 years old. He awakened refuses to suck, and has a
last night with a sore throat, difficulty temperature of 101.2°F
668 swallowing, and a fever. He is (38.4°C). He has had three
flushed, anxious, and drooling. The episodes of otitis media in the
nurse observes a thick, muffled past. Social history includes
quality to his voice and slow, quiet being bottle-fed and having
breathing. The nurse notes that parents who are both smokers.
James looks sick. 62. The pediatrician examines James and
2. Daisy is 4 years old; she is alert and determines that he should be taken immediately
irritable with pale, sweaty skin. An to the Children's Hospital emergency
older neighbor who was temporarily department (ED). The child is breathing slowly
watching Daisy reports that she was and quietly; humidified oxygen is being
running around and playing, and administered. What is the priority action?
then she got “grumpy.” Daisy has a. Instruct the parents to drive the child to
diabetes, but the neighbor “was not the hospital immediately and call the
sure how to give her the insulin.” ED.
3. Sarah is 11 months old; she is dirty b. Contact a private ambulance service
and crying, and her right arm is and prepare the client for transport.
swollen and red. Sam is Sarah's 2- c. Call 911, ask for advanced emergency
year-old brother; he is dirty and medical services (EMS), and monitor the
hungry and reaches out to be picked child.
up. Ms. A, their mother, is 19 years d. Assist the pediatrician to intubate the
old and single. She is thin and child and then arrange for transport.
disheveled and seems somewhat  Correct answer: Call 911, ask
confused. She is having trouble for advanced emergency
answering the nurse's questions. medical services (EMS), and
Ms. A says, “Those kids play too monitor the child.
rough! The older one is always 63. Daisy's mother arrives at the clinic, and she is
pushing the baby off the bed.” relieved to find Daisy happy and smiling, but the
4. Terry is 7 months old; he rubs at mother bursts into tears and begins to yell at her
both of his ears, acts fussy, refuses neighbor and the nursing staff for “not taking
to suck, and has a temperature of care of her!” What is the best way to handle her
101.2°F (38.4°C). He has had three anger and tears?
episodes of otitis media in the past. a. Remind the mother that the child is okay
Social history includes being bottle- and that the neighbor was doing what
fed and having parents who are both she thought was best based on the
smokers. information that she had.
Correct answer: b. Allow the mother to express her feelings
 James is 3 years old. He and then take the neighbor aside and
awakened last night with a sore explain that the mother is just
throat, difficulty 668 swallowing, temporarily upset.
and a fever. He is flushed, c. Teach the mother about ways to
anxious, and drooling. The communicate the child's needs to all
nurse observes a thick, muffled caregivers and help her make a list of
quality to his voice and slow, specific instructions.
quiet breathing. The nurse notes d. Direct the mother to a private area and
that James looks sick. encourage her to ventilate feelings; then
 Daisy is 4 years old; she is alert gently assess how she typically
and irritable with pale, sweaty manages Daisy's diabetes.
skin. An older neighbor who was  Correct answer: Direct the
temporarily watching Daisy mother to a private area and
reports that she was running encourage her to ventilate
around and playing, and then feelings; then gently assess
she got “grumpy.” Daisy has how she typically manages
diabetes, but the neighbor “was Daisy's diabetes.
not sure how to give her the 64. What is the priority nursing concern for Terry,
insulin.” who is rubbing at his ears, acting fussy, refusing
 Sarah is 11 months old; she is to suck, and has a temperature of 101.2°F
dirty and crying, and her right (38.4°C)?
arm is swollen and red. Sam is a. Pain
b. Poor nutrition potential gastrostomy tube
c. Recurrent ear infections placement
d. Elevated temperature 70. Which laboratory value is consistent with
 Correct answer: Pain clubbing of Rebecca's finger and toe nails?
65. The pediatric social worker has just informed a. Elevated white blood cell (WBC) count
Ms. A that Child Protective Services has been b. Elevated red blood cell (RBC) count
notified and that a representative will arrive c. Decreased hematocrit
shortly to speak with her about the family's d. Decreased mean corpuscular volume
situation. Ms. A starts to cry and threatens to  Correct answer: Elevated red
leave. What is the priority action? blood cell (RBC) count
a. Obtain an “against medical advice”
(AMA) form and have her sign it.
b. Notify the pediatrician of the mother's
intent to leave.
c. Inform the mother that the police will be
notified if she leaves.
d. Encourage Ms. A to remain and to
express feelings and fears.
 Correct answer: Encourage 71. Which nursing assessment is a priority?
Ms. A to remain and to a. Obtain a rectal temperature.
express feelings and fears. b. Auscultate the lungs.
c. Obtain a blood pressure.
Rebecca is a 6-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis. She d. Auscultate the heart.
arrives at the pediatric cystic fibrosis clinic for her routine  Correct answer: Auscultate
3-month appointment. The nurse obtains and calculates the heart.
the following growth parameters: Weight, 33 lbs (15 kg) 72. Which pharmacologic intervention should the
(< 5%); height, 42 in. (106 cm) (5%); and body mass nurse anticipate at this time?
index (BMI), 13 (< 5%). Her parents report specks of a. IV methylprednisolone
blood in her sputum after chest physiotherapy. Her b. IV immunoglobulin
forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) has c. IV ibuprofen
decreased 25% from her last visit 3 months ago. d. IV infliximab 
Rebecca has clubbing of both her finger and toe nails.  Correct answer: IV
66. How would the nurse best interpret Rebecca's 73. After a 14-day hospitalization, Bobby is
decreased FEV1? discharged home on a regimen of long-term
a. Decreased oxygenation aspirin therapy. What advice should the nurse
b. Increased obstruction provide regarding influenza vaccination?
c. Presence of infection a. Influenza vaccine is indicated for
d. Pulmonary remodeling children 4 months to 18 years of age.
 Correct answer: Increased b. Influenza vaccine should be postponed
obstruction for 11 months after treatment.
67. What is the most likely cause of the specks of c. Influenza vaccine is indicated for
blood in Rebecca's sputum? children receiving long-term aspirin
a. A sign of pulmonary infection therapy.
b. A sign of bronchial remodeling d. Influenza vaccine should be postponed
c. A sign of gastric irritation in children receiving long-term aspirin
d. A sign of gastrointestinal bleeding therapy.
 Correct answer: A sign of  Correct answer: Influenza
pulmonary infection vaccine is indicated for
68. The nurse establishes that Rebecca has poor children receiving long-term
airway clearance. Which intervention is most aspirin therapy.
important for the nurse to implement for this
problem? Eight-year-old Charlie had a laparoscopic
a. Increased fluid requirements appendectomy. During surgery, the appendix perforated.
b. Inhaled corticosteroids Charlie arrives on the pediatric unit from the operating
c. Oxygen therapy room. His weight on admission was 46 lbs (21 kg). He
d. Flutter valve with huffing has a peripheral IV line in the left basilic vein with D5W
 Correct answer: Flutter valve and 20 mEq/L (20 mmol/L) of KCl running at 70 mL/hr. A
with huffing nasogastric tube (NG) is attached to low suction.
69. The nurse reviews Rebecca's growth chart and
determines her weight and BMI have 74. Which assessment should be most concerning
consistently remained below the 5th percentile. to the nurse?
Which collaborative intervention is the nurse a. Oral temperature of 100.4°F (38°C)
most likely to anticipate when planning b. Decreased bowel sounds in all
teaching? quadrants
a. Preparing the child and family for c. Urine output of 160 mL over 4 hours
potential gastrostomy tube placement d. Respiratory rate of 15 breaths per
b. Focusing on increasing the child's intake minute
of protein and calories  Correct answer: Respiratory
c. Suggesting an increased dosage of rate of 15 breaths per
pancreatic enzymes minute
d. Preparing the child and family for 75. Charlie's parents ask the nurse if the NG tube
potential total parenteral nutrition can be removed because it is irritating Charlie's
 Correct answer: Preparing the nose. What is the nurse's best response?
child and family for
a. “The NG tube is necessary to prevent d. A 27-year-old G2P1 woman at 37
aspiration of the stomach contents into weeks’ gestation who experienced
the lungs.” spontaneous rupture of membranes 30
b. “The NG tube is necessary because minutes ago but feels no contractions
Charlie will need to have feedings  Correct answer: A 22-year-old
through it.” G3P2 woman at 38 weeks’
c. “The NG tube is necessary to keep gestation with contractions
Charlie's stomach empty, allowing the every 3 minutes who is
intestines to rest.” requesting to go to the
d. “The NG tube is necessary to prevent bathroom to have a bowel
swallowed air from building up in the movement
stomach.” 79. A 19-year-old gravida 1, para 0 patient at 40
 Correct answer: “The NG tube weeks’ gestation who is in labor is being treated
is necessary to keep with magnesium sulfate for seizure prophylaxis
Charlie's stomach empty, in preeclampsia. Which are priority assessments
allowing the intestines to with this medication? Select all that apply.
rest.” a. Check deep tendon reflexes.
76. A 30-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes b. Observe for vaginal bleeding
mellitus comes to the clinic for preconception c. Check the respiratory rate.
care. What is the priority education for her at this d. Note the urine output.
time? e. Monitor for calf pain.
a. Her insulin requirements will likely  Correct answer:
increase during the second and third  Check deep tendon reflexes.
trimesters of pregnancy.  Check the respiratory rate.
b. Infants of mothers with diabetes can be  Note the urine output.
macrosomic, which can result in more 80. Which action would best demonstrate evidence-
difficult delivery and higher likelihood of based nursing practice in the care of a patient
cesarean section who is 1 day postpartum and reporting nipple
c. Breast feeding is highly recommended, soreness while breast feeding?
and insulin use is not a contraindication. a. Assess the mother–baby couplet for
d. Achievement of optimal glycemic control nursing position and latch and correct as
at this time is of utmost importance in indicated.
preventing congenital anomalies. b. Advise the use of a breast pump until
 Correct answer: Achievement nipple soreness resolves.
of optimal glycemic control c. Advise alternating breast and bottle
at this time is of utmost feedings to avoid excess sucking at the
importance in preventing nipple
congenital anomalies.  Correct answer: Assess the
77. Which task could be appropriately delegated to mother–baby couplet for
the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) nursing position and latch
working with the nurse at the obstetric clinic? and correct as indicated.
a. Checking the blood pressure of a patient 81. A 24-year-old gravida 2, para 1 woman is being
who is 36 weeks’ pregnant and reports a admitted in active labor at 39 weeks’ gestation.
headache What prenatal data would be most important for
b. Removing the adhesive skin closure the nurse to address at this time?
strips of a patient who had a cesarean a. Hemoglobin level of 11 g/dL (110 g/L) at
section 2 weeks ago 28 weeks’ gestation
c. Giving community resource information b. Positive result on test for group B
and emergency numbers to a prenatal streptococci at 36 weeks’ gestation
patient who may be experiencing c. Urinary tract infection with Escherichia
domestic violence coli treated at 20 weeks’ gestation
d. Dispensing a breast pump with d. Elevated level on glucose screening test
instruction to a lactating patient having at 28 weeks’ gestation followed by
trouble with milk supply 4 weeks normal 3-hour glucose tolerance test
postpartum results at 29 weeks’ gestation
 Correct answer: Checking the  Correct answer: Positive
blood pressure of a patient result on test for group B
who is 36 weeks’ pregnant streptococci at 36 weeks’
and reports a headache gestation
78. Several patients have just come into the 82. The telephone triage nurse in the prenatal clinic
obstetric triage unit. Which patient should the receives the following calls. Which telephone call
nurse assess first? would require immediate notification of the
a. A 17-year-old gravida 1, para 0 (G1P0) health care provider?
woman at 40 weeks’ gestation with a. Patient reports leaking vaginal fluid at 34
contractions every 6 minutes who is weeks’ gestation
crying loudly and is surrounded by b. Patient reports nausea and vomiting at 8
anxious family members weeks’ gestation.
b. A 22-year-old G3P2 woman at 38 c. Patient reports pedal edema at 39
weeks’ gestation with contractions every weeks’ gestation.
3 minutes who is requesting to go to the d. Patient reports vaginal itching at 20
bathroom to have a bowel movement weeks’ gestation
c. A 32-year-old G4P3 woman at 27  Correct answer: Patient
weeks’ gestation who noted vaginal reports leaking vaginal fluid
bleeding today after intercourse at 34 weeks’ gestation
83. The nurse in the labor and delivery unit is caring the nurse that she is having some trouble breast
for a 25-year-old gravida 3, para 2 patient in feeding. Which tasks could be appropriately
active labor. The nurse has identified late fetal delegated to the unlicensed assistive personnel
heart decelerations and decreased variability in (UAP) on the postpartum floor? Select all that
the fetal heart rate and notified the health care apply.
provider (HCP) on call, who thinks that the a. Providing the mother with an ordered
pattern is acceptable. What would be the priority abdominal binder
action at this time? b. Assisting the mother with breast feeding
a. Advise the patient that a different HCP c. Taking the mother's vital signs
will be called because the first HCP's d. Checking the amount of lochia present
response was not adequate e. Assisting the mother with ambulation
b. Discuss the concerns with another labor  Correct answer:
and delivery nurse  Providing the mother with an
c. Document the conversation with the ordered abdominal binder
HCP accurately, including the HCP's  Taking the mother's vital
interpretation and recommendation, and signs
continue close observation of the fetal  Assisting the mother with
heart rate. ambulation
d. Document the conversation with the 88. Which action by a newly graduated RN during a
HCP accurately, including the HCP's delivery complicated by shoulder dystocia would
interpretation and recommendation, and require immediate correction by the nurse who is
continue close observation of the fetal orienting her?
heart rate.  a. Applying fundal pressure
 Correct answer: Document b. Applying suprapubic pressure
the conversation with the c. Requesting immediate presence of the
HCP accurately, including neonatologist
the HCP's interpretation and d. Flexing the maternal legs back across
recommendation, and the maternal abdomen
continue close observation  Correct answer: Applying
of the fetal heart rate. fundal pressure
84. What would be the appropriate first nursing 89. Which statements by a new father indicate that
action when caring for a 20- year-old gravida 1, additional discharge teaching is needed for this
para 0 woman at 39 weeks’ gestation who is in family, who had their first baby 24 hours ago?
active labor and for whom an assessment Select all that apply.
reveals mild variable fetal heart rate a. “We have a crib ready for our baby with
decelerations? lots of stuffed animals and two quilts that
a. Change the maternal position. my mother made.”
b. Notify the provider. b. “My wife wants to receive the flu shot
c. Prepare for delivery. before she goes home.”
d. Readjust the fetal monitor. c. “We will bring our baby to the
 Correct answer: Change the pediatrician in 3 weeks.”
maternal position. d. “I will give the baby formula at night so
85. A 24-year-old gravida 1, para 0 patient, who is my wife can rest. She will breast feed in
receiving oxytocin, is in labor at 41 weeks the daytime.”
gestation. Which are appropriate nursing actions e. “We will always put our baby to sleep in
in the presence of late fetal heart rate a face-up position.”
decelerations? Select all that apply.  Correct answer:
a. Discontinue the oxytocin.  “We have a crib ready for our
b. Decrease the maintenance IV fluid rate. baby with lots of stuffed
c. Administer oxygen to the mother by animals and two quilts that
mask. my mother made.”
d. Place the woman in high Fowler  “We will bring our baby to the
position. pediatrician in 3 weeks.”
e. Notify the health care provider.
 “I will give the baby formula
 Correct answer: at night so my wife can rest.
 Discontinue the oxytocin. She will breast feed in the
 Administer oxygen to the daytime.”
mother by mask. 90. The charge nurse in the labor and delivery unit
 Notify the health care needs to assign two patients to one of the RNs
provider. because of a staffing shortage. Normally the unit
86. A pregnant woman at 12 weeks’ gestation tells has nurse-patient ratio of 1:1. Which two
the nurse that she is a vegetarian. What would patients should the charge nurse assign to the
be the first appropriate nursing action? RN?
a. Recommend vitamin B12 and iron a. A 30-year-old gravida 1, para 0 (G1P0)
supplementation. woman, 40 weeks, 2 cm/90% effaced/–1
b. Recommend consumption of protein station
drinks daily. b. A 25-year-old G3P2 woman, 38 weeks,
c. Obtain a 24-hour diet recall history. 8 cm/100% effaced/0 station
d. Determine the reason for her vegetarian c. A 26-year-old G1P1 woman who
diet. delivered via normal vaginal delivery 15
 Correct answer: Obtain a 24- minutes ago
hour diet recall history. d. A 17-year-old G1P0 woman with
87. A 26-year-old gravida 1, para 1 patient who premature rupture of membranes, no
underwent cesarean section 24 hours ago tells labor at 35 weeks
e. A 40-year-old G6P5 woman with dilated to allow the patient to sense the
contractions at 28 weeks who has not urge to push
yet been evaluated by the health care b. Insert an indwelling catheter because
provider the woman is likely to be unable to void.
 Correct answer: c. Encourage pushing efforts when the
 A 30-year-old gravida 1, para cervix is completely dilated in the
0 (G1P0) woman, 40 weeks, absence of an urge to push.
2 cm/90% effaced/–1 station d. Encourage the patient to turn from side
 A 17-year-old G1P0 woman to side during the course of labor.
with premature rupture of e. Teach the patient that pain relief can be
membranes, no labor at 35 expected to last 1 to 2 hours.
weeks  Correct answer:
91. While assessing a 29-year-old gravida 2, para 2  Insert an indwelling catheter
patient who had a normal spontaneous vaginal because the woman is likely
delivery 30 minutes ago, the nurse notes a large to be unable to void.
amount of red vaginal bleeding. What would be  Encourage the patient to turn
the first priority nursing action? from side to side during the
a. Check vital signs. course of labor.
b. Notify the health care provider. 95. A 36-year-old gravida 1, para 0 patient has
c. Firmly massage the uterine fundus. received an epidural anesthetic. Her cervix is 6
d. Put the baby to breast. cm dilated. Her blood pressure is currently 60/38
 Correct answer: Firmly mm Hg. Which would be appropriate priority
massage the uterine nursing actions? Select all that apply
fundus. a. Place the patient in high Fowler position.
92. A 30-year-old gravida 1, para 0 woman at 39 b. Turn the patient to a lateral position.
weeks’ gestation experienced a fetal demise and c. Notify the anesthesiologist.
has just delivered a female infant. Her husband d. Prepare for emergency cesarean
is at the bedside. Which are appropriate nursing section.
actions at this time? Select all that apply. e. Decrease the IV fluid rate.
a. Offer the option of autopsy to the  Correct answer:
parents  Turn the patient to a lateral
b. Stay with the parents and offer position.
supportive care.  Notify the anesthesiologist.
c. Place the infant on the maternal 96. A 17-year-old gravida 1, para 0 woman at 40
abdomen. weeks’ gestation is in labor. She has chosen
d. Clean and wrap the baby and offer the natural childbirth with assistance from a doula.
infant to the parents to view or hold Her mother and her boyfriend are at the bedside.
when desired. What nursing action can help the patient achieve
e. Ask the parents if there are any special her goal of an unmedicated labor and birth?
rituals in their religion or culture for a a. Encourage the patient to stay in bed.
baby who has died that they would like b. Allow the patient's support people to
to have done. provide labor support and minimize
 Correct answer: nursing presence.
 Stay with the parents and c. Assess the effectiveness of the labor
offer supportive care. support team and offer suggestions as
 Clean and wrap the baby and indicated.
offer the infant to the d. Offer pain medication on a regular basis
parents to view or hold so the patient knows it is available if
when desired. desired
 Ask the parents if there are  Correct answer: Assess the
any special rituals in their effectiveness of the labor
religion or culture for a support team and offer
baby who has died that they suggestions as indicated.
would like to have done. 97. A 25-year-old gravida 2, para 1 patient has
93. A 27-year-old patient underwent a primary come to the obstetric triage room at 32 weeks’
cesarean section because of breech gestation reporting painless vaginal bleeding.
presentation 24 hours ago. Which assessment The nurse is providing orientation for a new RN
finding would be of the most concern? on the unit. Which statement by the new RN to
a. Small amount of lochia rubra the patient would require the nurse to promptly
b. Temperature of 99°F (37.2°C) intervene?
c. Slight redness of the left calf a. “I’m going to check your vital signs.”
d. Pain rated as 3 of 10 in the incisional b. “I’m going to apply a fetal monitor to
area check the baby's heart rate and to see if
 Correct answer: Slight you are having contractions.”
redness of the left calf c. “I’m going to perform a vaginal
94. A 22-year-old gravida 1, para 0 woman is being examination to see if your cervix is
given an epidural anesthetic for pain control dilated.”
during labor and birth. Which are appropriate d. “I’m going to feel your abdomen to
nursing actions when epidural anesthesia is check the position of the baby.”
used during labor? Select all that apply  Correct answer: “I’m going to
a. Request the anesthesiologist to perform a vaginal
discontinue the epidural anesthetic examination to see if your
when the patient's cervix is completely cervix is dilated.”  
98. A 30-year-old gravida 6, para 5 woman at 12 1. A nurse is teaching a group of first-trimester
weeks’ gestation has just begun prenatal care, prenatal patients about the discomforts of
and her initial laboratory work reveals that she pregnancy. A patient asks the nurse, "What
has tested positive for human immunodeficiency causes my nausea and vomiting?" The nurse
virus (HIV) infection. What would be priority knows the primary contributing factor to first-
evidence-based nursing education for this trimester emesis is:
patient today? a. Human chorionic gonadotropin.
a. Medication for HIV infection is safe and b. Estrogen
can greatly reduce transmission of HIV c. Progesterone
to the infant. d. Prostaglandins
b. Breast feeding is still recommended due  Correct answers: a. Human
to the great benefits to the infant. chorionic gonadotropin. 
c. Pregnancy is known to accelerate the 2. The nurse is taking an initial history of a prenatal
course of HIV disease in the mother patient. Which sign would first indicate a
d. Cesarean section is not recommended positive, or diagnostic, sign of pregnancy?
because of the increased risk of HIV a. Fetal movement at 20 weeks gestation
transmission with the bleeding at b. Visualization of fetal heart movement at
surgery. 21 weeks gestation
 Correct answer: Medication c. Fetal heartbeat with Doppler at 19
for HIV infection is safe and weeks gestation
can greatly reduce d. Fetal heartbeat with fetoscope at 18
transmission of HIV to the weeks gestation
infant.  Correct answers: d. Fetal
99. A 22-year-old woman is 6 weeks postpartum. In heartbeat with fetoscope at
the clinic, she admits to crying every day, feeling 18 weeks gestation 
overwhelmed, and sometimes thinking that she 3. The nurse in the prenatal clinic assesses a 26-
may hurt the baby. What would be the priority year-old patient at 13 weeks gestation. Which
nursing action at this time? presumptive (subjective) signs and symptoms of
a. Advise the patient of community pregnancy should the nurse anticipate?
resources, parent groups, and a. Hegar's sign and quickening
depression hotlines b. Ballottement and positive pregnancy test
b. Counsel the mother that the “baby c. Chadwick's sign and uterine souffle
blues” are common at this time and d. Excessive fatigue and urinary frequency
assess her nutrition, rest, and availability  Correct answers: d.
of help at home. Excessive fatigue and
c. Contact the health care provider to urinary frequency 
evaluate the patient before allowing her 4. The nurse is taking a history from a prenatal
to leave the clinic. patient at seven weeks gestation. The patient
d. Advise the woman that she cannot use states, "I don't know if I want this baby. How will
medication for depression because she I know if I'll be a good mother?" What is the most
is breast feeding. appropriate response by the nurse?
 Correct answer: Contact the a. "This is a normal reaction to parenthood
health care provider to in the first trimester."
evaluate the patient before b. "This would be the best time to consider
allowing her to leave the an abortion or adoption."
clinic. c. "This is a sign of depression and I'd like
100. A 23-year-old gravida 1, para 0 patient you to see a mental health specialist."
at 10 weeks’ gestation states that she exercises d. "This is an abnormal reaction, and I'd
5 days a week. The nurse has discussed like you to speak with Family Services."
exercise in pregnancy with her. Which statement  Correct answers: a. "This is a
by the patient indicates that more teaching of normal reaction to
evidence- based principles is needed? parenthood in the first
a. “I will continue to exercise 5 days a trimester." 
week.” 5. The nurse is teaching a parenting class to
b. “I will reduce my exercise at this time in prospective fathers. The nurse correctly teaches
my pregnancy to reduce the risk of that couvade refers to the:
miscarriage but will increase it in the a. Expectant father's fear of hurting the
second trimester.” unborn baby during intercourse.
c. “I will drink more fluid before and after b. Expectant father's transition from
exercising.” nonparent to parent.
d. “I will stop playing football while I am c. Development of the physical symptoms
pregnant.” of pregnancy in the father of the baby.
 Correct answer: “I will reduce d. Development of attachment and bonding
my exercise at this time in behaviors in the father of the baby.
my pregnancy to reduce the  Correct answers: c.
risk of miscarriage but will Development of the
increase it in the second physical symptoms of
trimester.” pregnancy in the father of
the baby. 
6. A 20-year-old woman arrives at a family
NCM 109 Maternal Lec planning clinic seeking emergency contraception
48 hours after she had unprotected sexual
MIDTERMS intercourse. The nurse correctly responds by
a. “Come right in so we can get you 12. During a prenatal visit a patient tells you her last
started.” menstrual period was November 3, 2020. She
b. “You must wait 72 hours before the pill told you that her menstruation is a 28 days
will work.” cycle, when is the estimated due date of her
c. “You need to wait until you have missed baby?
your period.” a. August 10, 2020
d. “The pills must be started the morning b. August 11, 2021
after intercourse.” c. August 10, 2021
 Correct answers: a. “Come d. August 11, 2021
right in so we can get you  Correct answers: c. August
started.”  10, 2021 
7. A newborn is born at 38 weeks gestation 13. During a prenatal visit a patient tells you her last
weighing 2250 grams. Which is the most menstrual period was August 28, 2016. Based
appropriate nursing diagnosis? on the Naegele's Rule, when is the estimated
a. Ineffective airway clearance. due date of her baby?
b. Risk for altered body temperature. a. May 4, 2018
c. Acute pain. b. June 5, 2017
d. Altered nutrition: More than body c. May 4, 2017
requirements. d. June 4, 2017
 Correct answers: b. Risk for  Correct answers: d. June 4,
altered body temperature  2017 
8. Which response by the school nurse to a 16- 14. A 35-year-old female is currently pregnant with
year-old would be appropriate when the boy tells twins. She has 10-year-old triplets who were
the nurse he smokes? born at 32 weeks gestation, and a 16-year-old
a. "If you continue to smoke, you will get who was born at 41-week gestation. Twelve
lung cancer and die." years ago, she had a miscarriage at 19 weeks
b. "We need to discuss how smoking can gestation. What is her GTPAL?
affect your health." a. G=3, T=2, P=1, A=1, L=4
c. "You are hurting your family with your b. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=4
secondhand smoke." c. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=3
d. "Did you know that smoking can stunt d. G=4, T=1, P=2, A=1, L=4
your growth?"  Correct answers: b. G=4, T=1,
 Correct answers: b. "We need P=1, A=1, L=4 
to discuss how smoking 15. During a prenatal visit a patient tells you her last
can affect your health."  menstrual period was January 30, 2016. Based
9. The nurse teaches parents about pediatric on the Naegele's Rule, when is the estimated
immunizations. What is considered an absolute due date of her baby?
contraindication to pediatric immunizations? a. November 6, 2016
a. Respiratory illness with low-grade fever  b. October 6, 2016
b. Soreness, redness, and swelling at the c. October 7, 2016
previous injection site. d. November 6, 2017
c. Febrile seizure 1 month after the  Correct answers: a.
previous injection of vaccine. November 6, 2016
d. Anaphylactic reaction to previous 16. Nurse Sunshine suspects that a child, age 4, is
immunization. being neglected physically. To best assess the
 Correct answers: d. child’s nutritional status, the nurse should ask
Anaphylactic reaction to the parents which question?
previous immunization  a. Do you think your child eats enough?
10. A 6-year-old child is to receive regularly b. Is your child picky eater?
scheduled immunizations. The parent states that c. What did your child eat for breakfast?
the child is not feeling well and asks the nurse to d. d. Has your child always been so thin?
defer the immunizations until next week. What is  Correct answers: c. What did
the best response by the nurse? your child eat for
a. Ask if the child has missed school. breakfast? 
b. Give the parent an immunization 17. A four-year-old patient, whose family follows a
appointment for next week. strict vegetarian diet, undergoes a
c. Check the child's temperature. prekindergarten physical examination. The
d. Ask if the child has ever had a reaction pediatric nurse is alert to the patient's potential
to immunizations. deficiency of:
 Correct answers: c. Check the a. Vitamin B12 
child's temperature.  b. Vitamin b6
11. A 35-year-old female is currently pregnant with c. Thiamin
twins. She has 10-year-old triplets who were d. Niacin
born at 32 weeks gestation, and a 16-year-old  Correct answers: a. Vitamin
who was born at 41-week gestation. Twelve B12 
years ago, she had a miscarriage at 19 weeks 18. Around what age should a child be able to build
gestation. What is her GTPAL? a tower of three building blocks?
a. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=4 a. 12 months
b. G=3, T=2, P=1, A=1, L=4 b. 6 months
c. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=3 c. 3 months
d. G=4, T=1, P=2, A=1, L=4 d. 18 months
 Correct answers: a. G=4, T=1,  Correct answers: d. 18
P=1, A=1, L=4  months 
19. When administering an I.M. injection to an infant, b. “It is the soft blowing sound that can be
the nurse in charge should use which site? heard when the uterus is auscultated.”
a. Vastus lateralis c. “It is the fetal movement that is felt by
b. Deltoid the mother.”
c. Dorsogluteal d. “It is the thinning of the lower uterine
d. Ventrogluteal segment.”
 Correct answers: a. Vastus  Correct answers: c. “It is the
lateralis  fetal movement that is felt
20. To meet the emotional needs of a 10-year-old by the mother.” 
patient who is dying, the most appropriate 26. A pregnant client asks the nurse in the clinic
nursing action is to: when she will be able to start feeling the fetus to
a. encourage the patient to write in a move. The nurse responds by telling the client
journal that the fetal movement will be noted between:
b. answer questions honestly and frankly a. 6 to 8 weeks of gestation
c. avoid interruptions by coordinating b. 8 to 10 weeks of gestation
nursing actions c. 10 to 12 weeks of gestation
d. provide opportunities for the patient to d. 14 to 16 weeks of gestation
interact with children of the same age  Correct answers: d. 14 to 16
 Correct answers: b. answer weeks of gestation 
questions honestly and 27. After Tetanus toxoid 3 vaccination a mother is
frankly  said to be protected to tetanus by around?
21. A woman spontaneously delivers a baby girl who a. 80%
is immediately handed to the nurse. Which b. 99%
action is of highest priority for the nurse? c. 85%
a. Do an Apgar assessment. d. 90%
b. Check neonatal heart rate.  Correct answers: d. 90% 
c. Apply identification bracelets. 28. A 12-month-old received immunization at his
d. Clear the nasopharynx. well-child visit. Fourteen days later, the mother
 Correct answers: d. Clear the reports that the child has a red maculopapular
nasopharynx. rash on the trunk and extremities. This rash is
22. Which area of health teaching will a new mother most likely due to which of the following
be most responsive to during the taking in phase vaccines?
of the postpartum period? a. DPT
a. Family planning b. OPV
b. Newborn care c. MMR
c. Community support group d. Hib
d. Perineal care  Correct answers: c. MMR 
 Correct answers: d. Perineal 29. After the baby is delivered, the cord was cut
care  between two clamps using sterile scissors or
23. A nurse is collecting data during an admission blade, then the baby is placed at the?
assessment on a client who is pregnant with a. Mother’s breast for the baby to feed and
twins. The client also has a 5-year-old child. The bonding.
nurse would document which gravida and para b. Mother’s side.
status on this client? c. Give it to the grandmother.
a. Gravida III, Para II d. Baby’s own mat or bed.
b. Gravida II, Para II  Correct answers: a. Mother’s
c. Gravida I, Para I breast for the baby to feed
d. Gravida II, Para I and bonding. 
 Correct answers: d. Gravida 30. You are assigned in an outpatient department
II, Para I  and one of your clients asks you what example
24. A pregnant client is seen in the health care clinic of methods used in natural family planning.
for a regular prenatal visit. The client tells the a. Calendar method and billings method
nurse that she is experiencing irregular b. Calendar method and Condom
contractions. The nurse determines that the c. Contraceptive pills and cervical mucus
client is experiencing Braxton hicks contractions. d. Tubal ligation and vasectomy
Based on the finding, which nursing action is  Correct answers: a. Calendar
appropriate? method and billings
a. Instruct the client to maintain bed rest method 
for the remainder of the pregnancy. 31. Fundal height of a pregnant woman is measured
b. Instruct the client that these are from?
common and may occur throughout the a. The top of the pubic bone to the top of
pregnancy. the uterus.
c. Contact the physician. b. The middle of the pubic bone to the
d. Call the maternity clinic. bottom of the uterus.
 Correct answers: b. Instruct c. The bottom of the pubic bone to the top
the client that these are of the uterus.
common and may occur d. The top of the pubic bone to the middle
throughout the pregnancy.  of the uterus.
25. A nursing instructor asks a student nurse to  Correct answers: a. The top of
describe the process of quickening. Which of the the pubic bone to the top of
following statements, if made by the student the uterus. 
indicates an understanding of this term? 32. Which of the following statement is/are true?
a. “It is the irregular, painless contractions There is increasing concern about the
that occur throughout pregnancy.” importance of adequate nutrition in the pre-
conception period to support a successful d. Suggest diversionary activities like
pregnancy. This is because: singing.
a. In the embryonic period the fetus is  Correct answers: b.
vulnerable to external factors in its Coordinate the patient
environment. watching a peer receive an
b. The embryonic period often occurs injection. 
before woman knows she is pregnant. 39. When a 12-year-old child participates in a
c. Interventions in late pregnancy may too research study, the nurse’s primary concern is to
late to be effective. ensure that the:
d. All of the options are correct. a. Parent or guardian has given verbal
 Correct answers: b. The consent for the patient’s participation.
embryonic period often b. Quality of care that the patient receives
occurs before woman will not be affected if the patient chooses
knows she is pregnant.  to withdraw from the study.
33. Which of the following nutrients supplements c. Research meets the developmental
should a woman consume during pregnancy? needs of the patient
a. Folic acid and Vitamin D d. Research will directly benefit the patient.
b. Iron  Correct answers: b. Quality of
c. Vitamin A care that the patient
d. Vitamin C receives will not be affected
 Correct answers: a. Folic acid if the patient chooses to
and Vitamin D  withdraw from the study. 
34. Which of these exercises do doctors recommend 40. 40.What is the normal heart rate at birth?
during pregnancy? a. 120-160/min
a. Yoga b. 100-120/min
b. Brisk walking c. 160-180/min
c. Running d. Less than 100
d. All of the above  Correct answers: a.
 Correct answers: d. All of the 120-160/min 
above  41. Patient Sue is in her last trimester now and tells
35. Gender of external genitalia of fetus becomes the nurse “I’m most of the time having
clearly distinguished at what weeks of gestation? constipation.” Which of the following should the
a. 10 weeks nurse recommend to the patient?
b. 16 weeks a. Laxatives
c. 12 weeks b. Daily Enemas
d. 20 weeks c. Increased fiber intake
 Correct answers: d. 20 weeks  d. Decreased fluid intake
36. After receiving an immunization for diphtheria,  Correct answers: C. Increased
tetanus and pertussis, a patient develops fiber intake 
swelling and tenderness at the injection site, a 42. Your patient with a preeclampsia (severe) is
low-grade fever, and malaise. The nurse informs admitted with BP 170/100, with proteinuria, with
the patient’s parents that: severe pitting edema Grade III. Which of the
a. The reaction is severe enough that they following you would include in making your
should bring the patient to an patient’s plan of care?
emergency department. a. Daily weights
b. They should delay future immunizations b. Right lateral positioning
until the patient sees a doctor. c. Seizure precautions
c. This is a mild reaction, and teaches d. Stress reduction
them how to manage it.  Correct answers: C. Seizure
d. This is an appropriate reaction, and precautions 
instructs them to do nothing. 43. For the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman
 Correct answers: c. This is a for her growing fetus, which of the following
mild reaction, and teaches minerals are needed and responsible for fetal
them how to manage it.  bone and teeth formation?
37. A nurse instructs parents who are concerned a. Iron and Folic Acid 
about the spread of illness at their children’s b. Calcium and Phosphorous 
daycare centers to inquire about the facilities: c. Vitamin D and E 
a. CPR training for staff. d. Sodium and Potassium 
b. Infection control practices.  Correct answers: B. Calcium
c. Reported cases of diarrhea during the and Phosphorous 
previous year. 44. By the end of which of the following would the
d. Staff to child ratios. nurse most commonly expect a child’s birth
 Correct answers: b. Infection weight to triple? 
control practices.  a. 4 months 
38. In preparing a preschool-age patient for an b. 7 months 
injection, the most appropriate nursing c. 9 months 
intervention is to: d. 12 months 
a. Allow the patient to administer an  Correct answers: D. 12
injection to a doll. months 
b. Coordinate the patient watching a peer 45. In Leopold’s Maneuver step #1, you palpated a
receive an injection. soft broad mass that moves with the rest of the
c. Have the parents explain the process to mass. The correct interpretation of this finding is:
the patient. a. The mass palpated at the fundal part is
the head part.
b. The presentation is breech. 53. Moments of hand hygiene are the following
c. The mass palpated is the back. except.
d. The mass palpated is the buttocks. a. Before and after touching the patient.
 Correct answers: D. The mass b. After body fluid exposure risk.
palpated is the buttocks.  c. After touching patient surroundings.
46. Which of the following should the nurse do when d. Before any clean or aseptic procedure.
a primipara who is lactating tells the nurse that e. After wearing a pair of gloves.
she has sore nipples?  Correct answers: After
a. Tell her to breast feed more frequently. wearing a pair of gloves 
b. Administer a narcotic before breast 54. Personal Protective Equipment are strictly and
feeding. routinely worn in the Labor and Delivery Rooms
c. Encourage her to wear a brassiere. during this Pandemic. True or false. The correct
d. Use soap and water to clean the sequence for Donning PPE is the following:
nipples. gloves, mask/N95respirator, goggles/face shield,
 Correct answers: A. Tell her gown.
to breast feed more  Correct answers: False 
frequently 55. Referring back to no. 54 question, in what order
47. To differentiate as a female, the hormonal would you doff (remove) the PP?
stimulation of the embryo that must occur a. Gloves then mask
involves which of the following? b. Goggles then mask
a. Increase in maternal estrogen secretion. c. Gloves, gown, goggles/faceshield, mask
b. Decrease in maternal androgen d. Gloves, mask, goggles then gown
secretion.  Correct answers: Gloves,
c. Secretion of androgen by the fetal gown, goggles/faceshield,
gonad. mask 
d. Secretion of estrogen by the fetal gonad. 56. A 3-year-old male child in Pediatric ward is
 Correct answers: D. Secretion noted with rapid shallow breathing, RR – 56
of estrogen by the fetal breaths/min, with on and off non-productive
gonad  cough. Upon Auscultation, coarse crackles are
48. When teaching a client about contraception. heard on both lungs more on lower lobes. Which
Which of the following would the nurse include of the following nursing diagnosis a priority?
as the most effective method for preventing a. Ineffective Breathing Pattern
sexually transmitted infections? b. Impaired Gas Exchange
a. Spermicides  c. Ineffective Airway Clearance
b. Diaphragm  d. Risk for Infection
c. Condoms   Correct answers: Ineffective
d. Vasectomy Airway Clearance 
 Correct answers: C. 57. The age range for pediatric patients.
Condoms  a. Birth to puberty
49. Heartburn and flatulence, common in the second b. Birth to 18 years
trimester, are most likely the result of which of c. Infancy to 18 years
the following? d. One month to puberty
a. Increased plasma HCG levels  Correct answers: Birth to 18
b. Decreased intestinal motility years 
c. Decreased gastric acidity 58. The Nurses’ general approaches to Pediatric
d. Elevated estrogen levels physical assessment includes:
 Correct answers: C. I. Application of knowledge of growth
Decreased gastric acidity  and development.
50. On which of the following areas would the nurse II. Involve parents in the examination of
expect to observe chloasma? the child.
a. Breast, areola and nipples III. Allow child to handle safe and clean
b. Chest, neck, arms and legs instruments.
c. Abdomen, breast and thighs IV. Establish trust.
d. Cheeks, forehead and nose V. Provide a quiet, private and safe
 Correct answers: D. Cheeks, environment.
forehead and nose  VI. Be sensitive to the cultural needs of
51. A newborn infant born prior to which of the and differences among children.
following gestational ages are considered VII. Head to toe assessment.
premature.  Correct answers: All of the
a. 37 weeks above 
b. 39 Weeks 59. Understanding Erickson’s stages of
c. 40 weeks  psychosocial development can help Pediatric
d. 42 weeks nurses to:
 Correct answers: 37 weeks  I. Analyze patient’s symptomatic
52. Patency of the nares must be determined at birth behavior in the context of traumatic past
because. experiences and struggles with current
a. Mouth breathing will exhaust the developmental task.
newborn. II. Avoid conflict.
b. The baby will have nasal flaring if not III. Communicate with a pediatric
patent. patient, when you can anticipate the
c. Newborns are nose breathers. child’s reaction, it becomes easier to
d. Of the possibility of the polyps. modify your response to improve
 Correct answers: Newborns communication.
are nose breathers. IV. Be strict with pediatric patients. 
 Correct answers: I, II, III  Correct answers: All of the
only  above 
60. Pediatric drug dosage is calculated according to: 67. The following are the therapeutic dependent
a. Age in weeks nursing interventions the nurse should include to
b. Height in centimeters a patient with Bacterial Pneumonia except for
c. Body weight in kilograms one:
d. All of the above a. Bronchodilators 
 Correct answers: Body weight b. Tepid Sponge Bath 
in kilograms  c. Antipyretics 
61. The nurse is caring for a client in labor. Which d. Antibiotics 
assessment finding indicates to the nurse that  Correct answers: Tepid
the client is beginning the second stage of Sponge Bath 
labor? 68. Nurse Nica is assessing a patient with Viral
a. The contractions are regular. Pneumonia who has a Hypersensitivity type 1
b. The membranes have ruptured. immune response. Which of the following factors
c. The cervix is completely dilated. immediate triggers to develop it except for one:
d. The client starts to expel clear vaginal a. Exposure may be by ingestion 
fluid. b. Exposure may be by inhalation 
 Correct answers: The cervix c. Exposure may be by direct contact 
is completely dilated. d. Exposure may be blood borne 
62. A client arrives at the birthing center in active  Correct answers: Exposure
labor. Her membranes are still intact, and the may be blood borne 
health care provider prepares to perform an 69. Which of the following is a way to protect
amniotomy. What will the nurse relay to the yourself from Dengue Hemorrhagic fever
client as the most likely outcome of the except? 
amniotomy?  a. Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants 
a. Less pressure on her cervix  b. Use mosquito repellent lotions 
b. Decreased number of contractions  c. Get rid of water containers 
c. Increased efficiency of contractions  d. Put off mosquito net in an area with
d. Increased maternal blood pressure  mosquitoes 
 Correct answers: Increased  Correct answers: Put off
efficiency of contractions  mosquito net in an area with
63. A postpartum nurse is taking the vital signs of a mosquitoes 
client who delivered a healthy infant 4 hours 70. A nurse develops a plan of care for a woman
ago. The nurse notes that the client’s with HIV and her newborn. The nurse includes
temperature is 38 degrees Celsius. Which of the which intervention in the plan of care?
following action would be appropriate? a. Monitor the newborn’s vital signs
a. Notify the physician  routinely 
b. Retake the temperature  b. Maintain standard precautions at all
c. Refer to the Infection control link nurse  times while caring for the newborn 
d. Increase hydration by encouraging oral c. Initiate referral to evaluate the infection 
fluids  d. Advise mother to have her infant’s
 Correct answers: Increase antiviral infections yearly 
hydration by encouraging  Correct answers: Maintain
oral fluids  standard precautions at all
64. The ward nurse is providing instructions to a times while caring for the
client after Caesarian section delivery. The newborn 
nurse instructs the client that she should expect 71. A client who is in labor and delivery has the
normal bowel elimination to return which of the following assessment findings: Gravida 2 para 1,
following?  estimated 40nweeks gestation, contractions 2
a. 3 days postpartum  minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds, vertex + 4
b. 7 days postpartum  station. Which of the following would be the
c. On the day of delivery  priority at this time?
d. 2 weeks postpartum  a. Placing the client in bed to begin fetal
 Correct answers: 3 days monitoring 
postpartum  b. Preparing for immediate delivery 
65. A nurse is planning care for a postpartum client c. Checking for ruptured membrane 
who had a vaginal delivery 1 hour ago. The d. Providing comfort measures 
client had a midline Episiotomy. What is the  Correct answers: Preparing
priority nursing diagnosis for this client? for immediate delivery 
a. Disturbed body image  72. Nurse Jenny Kim is caring for a client in labor.
b. Acute pain  The external fetal monitor shows a pattern of
c. Impaired bowel elimination  variable deceleration in fetal heart rate. What
d. Risk for imbalanced fluid volume  should the nurse do first?
 Correct answers: Acute pain  a. Prepare for emergency delivery 
66. A newborn’s weight is important to help b. Check for placenta previa
determine maturity and establish baseline data c. Administer oxygen
but it varies depending on which of the d. Change the client's position 
following?  Correct answers: Change the
a. Race and genetic  client's position 
b. Intrauterine  73. The nurse in charge is caring for a postpartum
c. Nutritional  vaginal delivery with a midline episiotomy. Which
d. All of the above  nursing diagnosis takes priority for this client?
a. Risk for deficient fluid volume related to every time that I go home, I get sick again!" The
hemorrhage  pediatric nurse's best response is:
b. Risk for infection related to the type of a. "I think that you should consider
delivery  participating on a swim team to improve
c. Pain related to the type of incision  your pulmonary function." 
d. Urinary retention related to peri urethral b. "Let's talk about preventing and
edema  managing your asthma on a daily basis
 Correct answers: Risk for at home." 
deficient fluid volume c. "Why don't I speak with your parents
related to hemorrhage  about what they are doing at home to
74. Which changes would the nurse identify as a help control your asthma?" 
progressive physiological change in postpartum d. "Your insurance company does not pay
period. for any additional days of hospitalization
a. Lactation  that are not medically necessary." 
b. Lochia   Correct answers: "Let's talk
c. Urine evolution  about preventing and
d. Diuresis  managing your asthma on a
 Correct answers: Lochia  daily basis at home." 
75. A patient is in second stage of labor, during this 80. Which of the following is not a sign of severe
stage, how frequently should the nurse in charge dehydration in children? 
assess her uterine contraction. a. Lethargic or unconscious 
a. Every 5 minutes  b. Skin pinch goes back readily 
b. Every 15 minutes  c. Unable to drink or drinking poorly 
c. Every 30 minutes  d. Sunken eyes 
d. Every 60 minutes   Correct answers: Skin pinch
 Correct answers: Every 15 goes back readily 
minutes  81. You are observing a 5-month-old for
76. While caring for a patient who is hospitalized for developmental skills. Which of the following
acute gastroenteritis and dehydration, a pediatric skills would concern you if the infant was not
nurse notes the parent keeping packets of herbs demonstrating? 
by the patient's bedside. Suspecting that the a. Follows objects with the eyes 
parent may be administering the herbs to the b. Crawling 
patient, the nurse's first action is to. c. Sitting with support 
a. Ask the parent in a nonjudgmental d. Grasps object 
manner about the herbs   Correct answers: Follows
b. Coordinate a nursing care conference to objects with the eyes 
discuss the patient's plan of care  82. When administering magnesium sulfate to a
c. Discuss the risks of using alternative client with preeclampsia, the nurse understands
therapies with the parent  that this drug is given to:
d. Refer the family to a social worker for a. Slow the progress of labor 
possible nonadherence with the b. Facilitate diuresis 
healthcare regimen  c. Reduce blood pressure 
 Correct answers: Ask the d. Prevent seizure 
parent in a nonjudgmental  Correct answers: Prevent
manner about the herbs  seizure 
77. During the first two years of life, patients with 83. A newborn has small, whitish, pinpoint spots
bronchopulmonary dysplasia requiring over the nose, which the nurse knows are
rehospitalization are most likely to be diagnosed caused by retained sebaceous secretions. When
with: charting this observation, the nurse identifies it
a. Electrolyte disturbances  as: Single choice. 
b. Immune deficiencies  a. Dandruff 
c. Pulmonary hypertension  b. Lanugo 
d. Respiratory tract infections  c. Milia 
 Correct answers: Respiratory d. Mongolian Spots 
tract infections   Correct answers: Milia 
78. When a patient participates in a research study, 84. You’re assessing the one-minute APGAR score
the pediatric nurse's primary concern is to of a newborn baby. On assessment, you note
ensure that the: the following about your newborn patient: heart
a. Parent or guardian has given verbal rate 130 bpm, pink body and hands with
consent for the patient's participation  cyanotic feet, weak cry, flexion of the arms and
b. Quality of care that the patient receives legs, active movement and crying when
will not be affected if the patient chooses stimulated. What is your patient’s APGAR
to withdraw from the study  score? 
c. Research meets the developmental a. APGAR 9 
needs of the patient  b. APGAR 10 
d. Research will directly benefit the patient  c. APGAR 8 
 Correct answers: Parent or d. APGAR 5 
guardian has given verbal  Correct answers: APGAR 8 
consent for the patient's 85. A nurse in delivery room is assisting in the
participation  delivery of a newborn infant. After the delivery,
79. A 14-year-old boy with chronic asthma, who has the nurse prepares to prevent heat loss in the
been hospitalized several times during the winter newborn resulting from evaporation by: 
with severe asthmatic exacerbations, confides, "I a. Warming the crib pad 
wish I could stay here in the hospital because
b. Turning on the overhead radiant short sentences. She had difficulty in copying a
warmer  square. The age of this child is most likely.
c. Closing the doors  a. 1 year 
d. Drying the infant in a warm blanket  b. 2 years 
 Correct answers: Drying the c. 3 years 
infant in a warm blanket  d. 4 years 
86. Vitamin K is prescribed for a neonate. A nurse  Correct answers: 3 years 
prepares to administer the medication in which 93. A mother brings an 18-month-old to the
muscle site? emergency center with the concern that the child
a. Triceps  may have ingested a substance. Which of the
b. Deltoid  following is a contraindication to the use of
c. Gluteal  ipecac in this child.
d. Vastus Lateralis  a. Age less than 5 years 
 Correct answers: Vastus b. Breast-feeding 
Lateralis  c. Ingestion of alkali 
87. The nurse has assessed four newborns RR d. Ingestion of iron 
immediately following birth. which RR would  Correct answers: Ingestion of
require further assessment by the nurse? alkali 
a. 60 bpm  94. During the health interview, the mother of a 4-
b. 70 bpm  month-old says, “I’m not sure my baby is doing
c. 64 bpm  what he should be.” What is the nurse’s best
d. 20 bpm  response?
 Correct answers: 20 bpm  a. “I’ll be able to tell you more after I do his
88. Nurse Pia is assessing infantile reflexes in a 9- physical." 
month-old baby, which of the following would b. “Fill out this developmental screening
she identify as normal?  questionnaire and then I can let you
a. Bilateral parachute  know.” 
b. Persistent rooting  c. “Tell me more about your concerns.” 
c. Absent moro reflex  d. “All mothers worry about their babies.
d. Unilateral grasp  I’m sure he’s doing well.” 
 Correct answers: Bilateral  Correct answers: “Tell me
parachute  more about your
89. An appropriate teaching was carried out by the concerns.” 
nurse if the parent of a 3 year old patient with 95. A 15-month-old girl is having her first health
acute gastroenteritis are aware of avoiding supervision visit at your facility. Her mother has
which of the following? not brought a copy of the child’s immunization
a. Banana  record but believes she is fully immunized: “She
b. Apple juice  had immunizations 3 months ago at the local
c. Ice cream  health department.” Which would be the best
d. Plain rice  action by the nurse? 
 Correct answers: Ice cream  a. Ask the mother to bring the records to
90. You're assessing a 10-month-old infant. You the 18-month health supervision visit.
note on examination the anterior fontanelle is b. Start the “catch-up” schedule because
open. The nurse will:  there are no immunization records.
a. Document this as an abnormal finding c. Keep the child at the facility while the
because this fontanelle should close at 2 mother returns home for the records.
months. d. Call the local health department and
b. Document this as a normal finding verify the child’s immunization status.
because this fontanelle closes at about  Correct answers: Ask the
18 months. mother to bring the records
c. Document this as a normal finding to the 18-month health
because this fontanelle closes at about supervision visit.
12 months. 96. The newborn should be prepared for
d. Document this as an abnormal finding breastfeeding by giving.
because this fontanelle should close at 6 a. Sterile Water 
months. b. Glucose 
 Correct answers: Document c. Cow's Milk 
this as a normal finding d. None of the above 
because this fontanelle  Correct answers: None of the
closes at about 18 months. above 
91. An infant can move his head from side to side 97. Which of the following vaccinations should be
while following a moving object, can lift his head given in the newborn period?
from a prone position 45° off the examining a. Anti-measles 
table, smiles when encouraged, and makes b. Anti-hepatitis B 
cooing sounds. He cannot maintain a seated c. Anti-hepatitis A 
position. The most likely age of the infant is. d. Anti-diphtheria 
a. 1 month  Correct answers: Anti-
b. 3 months hepatitis B 
c. 6 months 98. You are called to attend to a newborn about to
d. 9 months be delivered in a taxi outside the health facility.
 Correct answers: 3 months Your first appropriate action should be. 
92. A child is brought to the clinic for a routine a. Milk the cord towards the newborn 
examine. She can dress with help, can ride a b. Do skin-to-skin contact 
tricycle, knows her own age, and can speak in c. Clamp the cord immediately 
d. Dry the baby thoroughly  C. Folic acid supplement
 Correct answers: Dry the D. Vitamin C supplement
baby thoroughly   
99. You are called to attend a baby born by 5. Hanna has developed dystocia. You would
cesarean section. The mother requests that her explain that this term means:
newborn receives Essential Newborn Care  
(ENC). Which of the following is an appropriate A. High blood pressure related to difficult
statement about ENC for cesarean- delivered labor.
babies? B. Difficult or abnormal labor.
a. ENC follows the same sequence of C. Potential for placental detachment.
steps as in vaginally born babies. D. Muscle weakness related to
b. ENC is not doable for babies born by prolonged labor.
caesarian section.  
c. ENC steps of skin-to-skin contact 6. The assessment findings for a client with an
properly timed cord clamping/cutting incompetent cervix should contain which of the
maybe interchanged in cesarian section following?
d. None of the above A. Anxiety and fear R/T situational self-
 Correct answers: ENC steps esteem.
of skin-to-skin contact B. History of one of his sisters in law
properly timed cord with the same diagnosis.
clamping/cutting maybe C. History of repeated, spontaneous
interchanged in cesarian second trimester termination of
section babies. pregnancy.
100. You are attending to a mother and D. The need to discuss the
newborn being moved from the delivery table to importance of cervical test.
the stretcher, what is the best position for her  
baby to be in. 7. Ann, a gravida 8, para 7 is in Ramos General
a. Supine on the mother’s abdomen. Hospital only 15 minutes when she begins to
b. Supine beside the mother’s trunk. deliver precipitously. The fetal head begins to
c. Prone on the mother’s abdomen. deliver as you walk into the labor room. Your
d. Prone on the mother’s chest. best action would be to:
 Correct answers: Prone on  
the mother’s chest. A. Place a hand gently on the fetal
head to guide delivery.
B. Ask her to push with next contraction
FINALS so delivery is rapid.
C. Assess BP and PR to detect
1. Gaile delivers an 8-lb boy after a 14-hour labor. placental bleeding.
In the post partal period, assessing for which of D. Attach a fetal monitor to determine
the following is the priority? fetal status.
A. Postpartal hemorrhage  
B. Endometritis 8. Faith, a pregnant mother with cardiac problem.
C. Thrombophlebitis When teaching the pregnant woman with Class
D. Amniotic embolus II heart disease, the nurse should advise her to:
2. Christine has reached 8cm dilatation, you A. Gain at least 30 lbs.
noticed that her fetal heart rate suddenly slows. B. Increase calcium in the diet.
On perineal inspection, you observe the fetal C. Refrain strenuous activity.
cord has prolapsed. Your first action would be D. Inform her of the need t to limit fluid
to: intake to one liter.
A. Turn her to left side. 9. You assess that a fetus is in breech
B. Place her in knee-chest position. presentation. Where will you auscultate for fetal
C. Replace the cord in gentle pressure. heart sounds? 
D. Cover the exposed cord with a dry  
and sterile gauze. A. High in the abdomen
  B. Left lateral abdomen.
3. After an hour of oxytocin therapy, a woman in C. Low in the abdomen
labor states she feels dizzy and nauseated. Your D. Right lateral abdomen
best action would be to:  
  10. Which of the following is safe step to take during
A. Assess the rate of flow of the an induction of labor? 
oxytocin infusion.  
B. Administer oral orange juice for A. Avoid the continuous use of both
added potassium. uterine and fetal heart rate monitoring.
C. Assess her vaginally for full dilatation. B. Observe the contractions are less
D. Instruct her to breathe in and out than 5 minutes apart and less than 70
rapidly. seconds in duration.
  C. Prepare oxytocin as piggyback
4. Which of the following is recommended for all solution as prescribed, being
women during the childbearing age? extremely careful of the dose used.
  D. Urge the woman to remain on her
A. Additional B vitamins back during labor to offer a good blood
B. Additional vitamin A supply to the uterine muscle.
  B. Decreased bladder sensation results
11. Which of the following is the most frequent from edema due to pressure of birth.
reason for post partal hemorrhage?  C. Frequent partial voiding never
  relieves the bladder pressure.
A. Endometritis D. Mild dehydration causes a
B. Uterine atony concentrated urine volume in the urine.
C. Perineal laceration  
D. Deciminated intravascular 18. You administer methylergometrine (Methergine),
coagulation 0.2 mg, to a postpartal woman with uterine
  subinvolution. Which of the following
12. A postpartal woman has a fourth-degree assessment should you make before
laceration. Which of the following physician’s administering medication? 
order would you question?   
  A. Her urine output is more than 50
A. Urging her to drink all the milk on ml/hour.
her tray. B. Her BP is below 140/90mmHg.
B. Administration of acetaminophen for C. She can walk without experiencing
pain. dizziness.
C. Administration of sitz bath D. Her hematocrit level is higher than
D. Administration of enema. 45%.
13. The nurse assesses the postpartum vaginal 19. You are caring for Irene who has had a baby by
discharge (lochia) on four clients. Which of the cesarean birth. Which of the following would be
following assessments would warrant notification the most important assessment to make? 
of the physician?   
  A. Whether her abdomen is soft or
A. A dark red discharge on a 2-day not.
postpartum client B. Whether her perineum is edematous.
B. A pink to brownish discharge on a C. If her breast fill with milk by the third
client who is 5 days postpartum day.
C. Almost colorless to creamy discharge D. If she wants to breastfeed or not.
on a client 2 weeks after delivery  
D. A bright red discharge 5 days after 20. On the second day postpartum following a
delivery cesarean birth, at which of the following
  locations would you expect to palpate the
14. The Santos couple will undergo testing for woman’s fundus? 
infertility. Infertility is said to be exist when:  
  A. Two fingers above the umbilicus.
A. A woman has no uterus. B. At the umbilicus.
B. A woman has no children. C. Two fingers below the umbilicus.
C. A couple has been trying to D. Four fingers below the umbilicus.
conceive for one year.  
D. A couple has wanted a child for six 21. Which assessment on the third postpartal day
months. would make you evaluate Preggy as having
  uterine subinvolution? 
15. Kaye’s cousin on the other hand, knowing  
Marshal’s specialization asks what artificial A. Her uterus is 2 cm above the
insemination by donor entails. Which would be symphysis pubis.
your best answer if you were Nurse Marshal?  B. Her uterus is 3 fingerwidth under the
A. Donor sperm are introduced C. Her uterus is at the level of the
vaginally into the uterus or cervix umbilicus.
B. Donor sperm are injected intra- D. She experiences “pulling” pain while
abdominally into each ovary. breastfeeding.
C. Artificial sperm are injected vaginally  
to test tubal patency. 22. A postpartal woman with thrombophlebitis tells
D. The husband’s sperm is administered you that her legs are very painful. Which of the
intravenously weekly. following actions would be most appropriate to
  relieve this pain? 
16. Karla, a postpartal client calls you into her room  
because she is having a heavy lochia flow A. Massage the calf of the legs.
containing large clots. Your first action would be B. Keep covers off the legs.
to: C. Apply ice to her leg above the knee.
  D. Urge her to walk to relieve muscle
A. Assess her BP. spasm.
B. Palpate her fundus.  
C. Turn to her left side 23. The type of assisted reproductive method.
D. Assess her perineum. Which is done by instilling ova and sperm into
  the fallopian tube for fertilization is 
17. Why are postpartal women prone to urinary  
retention?  A. IVF
A. Catheterization at the time of C. ZIFT
delivery reduces bladder tonicity. D. Cloning
24. Beah is scheduled to have epidural anesthesia An appropriate reply by Dinah’s nurse would be
for a cesarean birth. Which of the following to:
would you anticipate including in the  
preoperative plan of care while she waits for the A. tell her that intercourse should be
anesthetic?  avoided during the last month of
A. Encourage her to ambulate. B. reassure her that intercourse during
B. Administering an oral antacid. pregnancy is neither harmful nor
C. Administering morphine sulfate IM. uncomfortable.
D. Keeping her turned on her side. C. ask whether she and her partner are
  having sexual problems.
25. Beah asks you if she will have any difficulty D. state that her fears are normal and
breastfeeding following a cesarean birth. Your suggest she and her partner try various
best response would be that: positions for intercourse.
A. You do not recommend she try to 31. Before assessing the postpartum client’s uterus
breastfeed following a cesarean birth. for firmness and position in relation to the
B. Although she can try, it is hard to find umbilicus and midline, which of the following
a comfortable position to hold a newborn should the nurse do first? 
to breastfeed.  
C. She will need too much analgesia A. Assess the vital signs.
postoperatively to make breastfeeding B. Administer analgesia.
safe. C. Ambulate her in the hall.
D. You will help her find a D. Assist her to urinate.
comfortable position for  
breastfeeding her infant. 32. Which of the following should the nurse do when
  a primipara who is lactating tells the nurse that
26. Which of the following drugs does the nurse she has sore nipples? 
expect to be ordered if preterm delivery is  
inevitable?  A. Tell her to breast feed more
A. Yutopar (Ritodrine) B. Administer a narcotic before breast
B. Pitocin (Oxytocin) feeding.
C. Bricanyl (Terbutaline) C. Encourage her to wear a nursing
D. Betamethasone brassiere.
  D. Use soap and water to clean the
27. Following a cesarean birth, Beah has 3,000 ml nipples.
of IVF ordered. You anticipate in your plan of  
care that she will be kept NPO except for 33. The nurse assesses the vital signs of a client, 4
minimal ice chips until which time?  hours’ postpartum that are as follows: BP 90/60;
  temperature 38.5ºC; pulse 100 weak, thready;
A. Until 24-hr post procedure. RR- 20 per minute. Which of the following
B. Until 48-hr post procedure. should the nurse do first? 
C. Until bowel sounds have returned.  
D. Until her bladder tone has returned. A. Report the temperature to the
28. To prevent thrombophlebitis following a B. Recheck the blood pressure with
cesarean birth, which of the following would be another cuff.
most important to implement?  C. Assess the uterus for firmness and
A. Urge the client to cough and take D. Determine the amount of lochia.
B. Encourage to ambulate. 34. A postpartum client has a temperature of 38ºC,
C. Urge the client not to dislodge the IVF with a uterus that is tender when palpated
line. remains unusually large, and not descending as
D. Instruct the client to press inward on normally expected. Which of the following should
her abdomen periodically. the nurse assess next? 
29. Which of the following women will most likely not A. Lochia
be a candidate to attempt a vaginal birth a after B. Breasts
having had a previous cesarean section?  C. Incision
  D. Urine
A. Woman who had a cesarean section  
because of placenta previa. 35. The nurse would anticipate a cesarean birth for
B. Woman who had a cesarean section a client who has its infection at the onset of
because of cephalopelvic disproportion. labor? 
C. Woman who has a gynecoid-shaped  
pelvis. A. Toxoplasmosis
D. Woman who had a cesarean section B. Herpes-simplex virus
because of a breech presentation. C. Human papilloma virus
  D. Hepatitis
30. Dinah expresses concern about sexual activity  
during pregnancy. She has heard that 36. The rationale for using a prostaglandin gel for a
intercourse is harmful to a fetus and that, client prior to the induction of labor is to: 
besides, it is uncomfortable for pregnant women.  
  A. Prolonged 1st stage of labor more
A. Soften and efface the cervix. than 12 hours
B. Numb cervical pain receptors B. Prolonged rupture of membranes
C. Prevent cervical lacerations. more than 24 hours
D. Stimulate uterine contractions. C. Midline episiotomy
  D. Multiparity
37. Another client named Kaye is diagnosed as  
having endometriosis. This condition interferes 44. There are number of factors that lead to male
with fertility because:  infertility. Which of the following factors prevent
  sperm motility or movements? 
A. Endometrial implants can block the  
fallopian tubes. A. Spermatogenesis
B. The uterine cervix becomes inflamed B. Changes in the seminal fluid
and swollen. C. Ejaculation problems
C. The ovaries stop producing adequate D. Obstruction of the seminiferous
estrogen. tubules
D. Pressure in the pituitary leads to  
decreased FSH levels. 45. Which of the following is the most common
  cause of Syphilis?
38. Kaye’s cousin on the other hand, knowing  
Marshal’s specialization asks what artificial A. Escherichia coli
insemination by donor entails. Which would be B. Neisseria gonorrheae
your best answer if you were Nurse Marshal? C. Staphylococcus aureus
  D. Treponema pallidium
A. Donor sperm are introduced vaginally  
into the uterus or cervix. 46. Which drug would the nurse expect to administer
B. Donor sperm are injected intra- to a woman with infertility secondary to
abdominally into each ovary. anovulation to suppress the hypothalamus? 
C. Artificial sperm are injected vaginally  
to test tubal patency. A. Clomipine (Clomid)
D. The husband’s sperm is administered B. Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
intravenously weekly. C. Levothyroxine (Synthroid)
  D. Testosterone Cypionate
39. Which of the following findings on a newly  
delivered woman’s chart would indicate she is at 47. Collection of semen for analysis, and must be
risk for developing postpartum hemorrhage?  repeated after 2-3 months is:
A. Post term delivery A. After 2-4 days of sexual abstinence.
B. Epidural anesthesia B. After 1 month of sexual abstinence.
C. Grand multiparity C. After sexual contact.
D. PROM D. After sexual arousal
40. Mrs. Lovely. A 37-year-old post-partum client is 48. Which of the following is unlikely to happen
at risk of thrombophlebitis. Which of the when the fetal membranes rupture? 
following nursing intervention decreases her  
chance of developing thrombophlebitis?  A. imminent onset of labor
  B. risk of infection
A. Breastfeeding the newborn C. risk of cord prolapsed.
B. Early ambulation D. maternal hypovolemia
C. Administration of anticoagulant.  
D. Immobilization and elevation of legs 49. When Mrs. Dimatantu is receiving discharge
  instructions from the nurse, she asks the nurse
41. The medical record of a client reveals a when she can resume sexual intercourse. The
condition in which the fetus cannot pass through nurse states that sexual intercourse can be
the maternal pelvis. The nurse interprets this as:  resumed: 
A. Contracted pelvis A. 8 weeks after giving birth.
B. Cephalopelvic pelvic disproportion B. With doctor approval
C. Cervical insufficiency C. When the lochia has stopped.
D. Maternal disproportion D. At the man’s discretion
42. A positive Homan’s sign indicates which of the 50. When Mrs. Dimatantu is receiving discharge
following? instructions from the nurse, she asks the nurse
  when she can resume sexual intercourse. The
A. Possible mastitis nurse states that sexual intercourse can be
B. Probable UTI resumed: 
C. Possible post-partum hemorrhage  
D. Probable deep vein thrombosis A. 8 weeks after giving birth.
  B. With doctor approval
43. Mrs. Makerot has been diagnosed with C. When the lochia has stopped.
puerperal (postpartum) infection. Which of the D. At the man’s discretion
following events most likely contributes to the  
development of puerperal infection?  51. Following are steps in in vitro fertilization 1.
  Capture of ova 2. Ovulation 3. Fertilization of
ova and growth 4. Insertion of fertilized ova 
  59. Mrs. Dimagiba has continued to breast-feed her
A. 2,1,3,4 infant every 3-4 hours except night. About 8
B. 3,4,1,2 hours after delivery, she complains that her
C. 4,3,2,1 breast has become larger, firmer and tender.
D. 1,2,3,4 Nurse Dee recognizes that Mrs. Dimagiba is
  probably experiencing: 
52. Which of the following symptoms is least  
important in characterizing postpartum “blues”?  A. Mastitis
  B. Engorgement
A. Crying easily and feeling despondent. C. Let-down reflex
B. Loss of appetite and anxiety D. Involution
C. Altered body image.  
D. Difficulty sleeping and poor 60. A feeling of ambivalence about the pregnancy
concentration. is: 
53. The most susceptible veins for thrombophlebitis A. a sign of unwanted pregnancy
are the following except:  B. normal in early pregnancy
  C. rare at any stage of pregnancy
A. pelvic D. typical in late pregnancy
B. hip  
C. upper extremities 61. The risk of postpartum thromboembolism occurs
D. lower leg because of physiologic increase in: 
54. In reviewing discharge instructions with Mrs. A. Coagulation factors
Dimatantu, Nurse Veah is aware that the higher B. Heart rate
incidence of postpartum “blues” can result from:  C. Diuresis
  D. Blood pressure
A. Fatigue  
B. Subinvolution 62. What should the nurse expect as a possible
C. Neonatal jaundice cause of bleeding after 30 minutes after birth
D. Pregnancy-induced hypertension wherein the fundus is firm and increasing
  amount of lochia rubra and a few large clots? 
55. Methods used to initiate induction of labor.  
1. Oxytocin A. Prolonged 2nd stage of labor
2. Amniotomy B. Primiparous status
3. Cesarean section C. Inadequate amount of oxytocin
4. Terbutaline D. Retained placental fragments.
5. Internal Examination  
6. Prostaglandin gel suppository form  63. Which option below is considered a positive
  Homan's Sign for the assessment of a deep vein
A. 1, 2, 6 thrombosis (DVT)? 
B. 3 & 5  
C. 4 & 6 A. The patient reports pain when the
D. All of the above foot is manually plantarflexed.
  B. The patient experiences pain when
56. Beta-adrenergic drugs that decrease effect of the leg is extended.
calcium on muscle activation to slow or stop C. the patient experiences pain when
uterine contractions.  the leg is flexed.
  D. The patient reports pain when the
A. Terbutaline and Ritodrine foot is manually dorsiflexed.
B. Nifedipine  
C. Magnesium sulfate 64. The lower leg of a client with thrombophlebitis
D. Indomethacin looks different than that of the unaffected leg
  with the 3 symptoms. 
57. Which of the following clients are at risk of post- 1. Cool extremity 
partum hemorrhage? 2. Redness 
1. Mothers with macrosomia baby 3. Warm extremity 
2. Polyhydramnios 4. Swelling
3. Precipitous labor 5. Cyanosis 
4. Obese 6. Pain 
5. Multiparity   
  A. 2,3,4
A. 1,2 B. 1,2,3
B. 3,4 C. 4,5,6
C. 4,5 D. All of the above
D. All of the above  
  65. Which of the factors below regarding a deep
58. Which of the following is not a common cause of vein thrombosis is not included in Virchow's
early postpartum bleeding?  Triad? 
A. Atony A. Hypercoagulability
B. Laceration B. Increased venous blood flow.
C. Subinvolution C. Stasis of venous blood
D. Hematoma D. Endothelial damage
66. Which assessment relates most directly to A. Sepsis neonatorum
rupture membranes and release of amniotic B. Physiologic jaundice
fluid?  C. Rh incompatibility
  D. ABO blood group incompatibility
A. Bloody show  
B. Fluid with a pH of 7.0 to 7.5 with 74. Which of the following is true about Intra
nitrazine test Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection? 
C. Fluid with a pH of 5.0 with nitrazine  
test A. Sperm is directly introduced into
D. Woman complains of urge to push. ovum in a culture medium in the
  laboratory and then the zygote/embryo
67. In evaluating the effects if oxytocin after delivery, is transferred in the fallopian tube or
the nurse should monitor for:  uterus.
  B. Transfer of ovum collected from
A. effective breastfeeding. donor into fallopian tube of another
B. engorged breasts. female.
C. relief of pain. C. Semen either collected from the
D. firmness of the uterus. husband or a donor is artificially
  introduced either into a vagina or into
68. Which of the following contraceptive methods the uterus of the female.
also offers protection against sexually  
transmitted infections?  75. A patient in labor would require a cesarean
  delivery if she had: 
A. Abstinence  
B. Coitus interruptus A. Syphilis
C. Fertility awareness methods B. Toxoplasmosis
D. Oral contraceptives C. Cytomegalovirus
  D. Genital herpes
69. Which assessment most closely relates to a  
diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy?  76. Based on Mrs. Aniametten twin delivery, the
  most important intervention the nurse should
A. Brownish red, tapioca-like vesicles implement is to: 
B. Elevated temperature  
C. Spotting or bleeding 2 to 3 weeks A. Assess fundal tone and lochia.
after a missed menstrual period B. Apply cold pack to the perineal area.
D. Sudden absence of fetal movement C. Administer analgesic as ordered.
  D. Encourage voiding by offering
70. Which nursing intervention would be appropriate bedpan.
for a client who has a diastolic blood pressure of  
more than 20 mmHg on the “roll-over” test? S 77. Turucan reads a Doctor’s Order of Cefazolin1g
  IVP q 120 ANST. The nurse is correct if he
A. Increase intake of oral fluids interprets that:
B. Rest on left side as much as possible  
C. Schedule follow-up care every 2 A. The patient needs to be skin tested
weeks. first before giving the medication
D. Use the stairs to increase activity intravenously.
level. B. The medication will be given through
  Intravenous Push.
  C. The medication will be given every 12
71. A mother receiving medications for pregnancy hours following the initial administration.
induced hypertension should have her diastolic D. The patient has negative skin testing.
blood pressure maintained in the range of 90 to  
100 mmHg to:  78. When taking an obstetrical history on a pregnant
  client who estates, “I had a son born at 38
A. avoid causing fetal anoxia. weeks’ gestation, a daughter born at 30 weeks’
B. ensure progression of labor. gestation, and I lost a baby at about 8 weeks’,”
C. prevent premature contractions. the nurse should record her obstetrical history as
D. present sudden elevations in pulse. which of the following? 
72. Which of the following would be a priority A. G2 T2 P0 A0 L2
intervention for a client with the prolapsed cord?  B. G4 T1 P1 A1 L2
  C. G3 T1 P1 A0 L2
A. Cover the cord with a dry sterile D. G3 T2 P0 A0 L2
B. Monitor the mother’s vital signs. 79. The nurse records the progress of labor of jail.
C. Place the woman in the One contraction started at 8:40 and ended 8:41.
Trendelenburg position The next contraction started at 8:45 and ended
D. Start medication as ordered. 8:46. Which of the following refers to the period
  between 8:41 to 8:45? 
73. A gravida 3 para 3 patient delivers a term  
newborn. The patient is blood group O and her A. Intensity
infant is blood group A. the baby begins to B. Duration
develop jaundice at 12 hours of age. This C. Interval
newborn’s jaundice is most likely caused by:  D. Frequency
80. A public health nurse would instruct a pregnant D. Imbalanced nutrition related to
woman to notify physician immediately if which decreased sodium levels.
of the following symptoms occur during  
pregnancy?  86. Zesa is being admitted to TGH for severe
  preeclampsia. When deciding on where to place
A. Presence of dark color of the neck. her, the most appropriate area for Zesa is?
B. Increased vaginal discharge.  
C. Swelling of the face. A. Near the nursery so she can maintain
D. Breast tenderness. hope she will have a child.
  B. Near the elevator so she can be
81. Paula asks her nurse about the use of vitamin transported easily.
and mineral supplements during the second and C. Near the nurse’s station so she can
third trimesters of pregnancy. Which of the be observed closely.
following recommendations would be most D. In the back hallway where there is a
appropriate for the nurse to make?  quiet, private room.
A. Pregnant women with an adequate 87. Mrs. Reyal was admitted to the OB ward in
diet do not need vitamin or mineral active labor. During contraction, the nurse
supplements. observes a 15 beats per minute deceleration of
B. All pregnant women should take a the FHR below the baseline rate. What would be
multivitamin capsule daily. the most appropriate action? 
C. Pregnant women should supplement  
their diet with a minimum of 30 mg of A. Prepare for immediate delivery
iron and 100 mg of vitamin C daily. because the fetus is in distress.
D. Pregnant women should supplement B. Call the physician immediately and
their diet with a minimum of 30 mg of await the orders.
iron and 0.2 mg of folate daily. C. Turn the client on her left side to
  increase venous return.
82. Mrs. Nagdurugo is at risk for abruption placenta. D. Record this normal fetal response to
Which of the following assessment would most contraction on the chart
likely lead you to suspect that this has  
happened?  88. Which of the following is the most common sign
  of preeclampsia?
A. Sharp fundal pain and discomfort  
between contraction. A. Proteinuria and hypertension
B. Painless vaginal bleeding and a fall in B. Hypertension and hyporeflexia
blood pressure. C. Glucosuria and proteinuria
C. Pain in the lower quadrant and D. Angle edema and glucosuria
increase pulse rate.  
D. An increase blood pressure and 89. Mars is admitted with a diagnosis of Ectopic
oliguria. pregnancy. For which of the following would you
  anticipate beginning preparation? 
83. What helpful strategies will help you as a nurse  
and the patient in condition like Mrs. Matulungin A. Bed rest for the next 4 weeks.
with a diagnosis of placenta previa?  B. Intravenous administration of
A. Therapeutic counseling and your C. Immediate surgery.
presence. D. Internal uterine monitoring
B. Listening to the fetal heart sounds  
and emphatic caring words. 90. Which of the following would alert the nurse that
C. Reassurance your presence and the client maybe about to experience seizure in
conversation. PIH client? 
D. Attend to her, diet and hygiene  
needs. A. Decreased contraction intensity.
  B. Decreased temperature.
84. Day with preterm rupture of membranes has C. Epigastric pain
blood work ordered daily. The results of which of D. Hyporeflexia
the following would be most important to  
assess?  91. In performing a routine fundal assessment, the
  nurse finds Mrs. Dimawari’s fundus to be boggy.
A. Hemoglobin and hematocrit The nurse should first: 
B. Sodium and potassium level  
C. Serum creatinine A. Call the doctor
D. White blood count B. Massage the fundus
  C. Assess lochia flow.
85. Which of the following nursing diagnosis would D. Start giving oxytocin.
be most appropriate for a woman diagnosed with  
PIH?  92. Which of the following situations is more likely to
  predispose a patient to postpartum
A. Deficient fluid volume related to hemorrhage? 
vasospasm of arteries.  
B. Ineffective tissue perfusion related to A. Birth of 3,175 grams
poor heart contraction. B. Birth of twins
C. Risk for injury related to fetal distress. C. Prolonged 1st stage of labor
  D. Treponema pallidum
93. How the nurse determines the frequency of  
uterine contractions?  100. Which of the following signs and
  symptoms indicated postpartum client is
A. Time from the beginning of one experiencing cystitis? 
contraction to the beginning of the next  
contraction. A. Urinary retention
B. Time from the beginning of one B. Burning sensation on urination.
contraction to the end of the next C. Dribbling of urine
contraction. D. Difficulty in starting urinary stream.
C. Time from the peak of one
contraction to the peak of the next
contraction. NCM 109 Pedia Lec
D. Time from the end of one contraction
to the beginning of the next contraction.
1.SITUATION: Demy a 3 year old patient brought in TPH
94. In the event of precipitous labor, which of the
emergency room with cystic fibrosis. Lynn was assigned
following is the most important action? 
in pediatric ward. 1. A sputum specimen is collected from
Demy for culture purposes, the primary reason being to
A. Call the doctor
learn. Single choice.
B. Remain with the patient and coach
a. whether the child's cystic fibrosis is under
C. Push the fetal back until equipment
b. what organism is responsible for the child's
are assembled.
D. Ask the patient to do shallow, rapid
c. if there is blood present in the child's lungs
tracheobronchial tree
d. which portion of the child's lungs is affected.
95. Which of the following characteristics is most
commonly associated with LGA? 
Correct answers: what organism is responsible for the
child's disease.
A. Weight under 4000 grams
B. Hypothermia
2. Which of the following statements best defines cystic
C. Risk for birth injury
fibrosis? Single choice.
D. Dysmorphic features
a. an acquired lung condition that occurs at birth
due to oxygen deficiency 1
96. Which of the following factors is not typically
b. a congenital anomaly occurring during fetal
lead to male subfertility? 
development as a result of dietary deficiencies of
the mother
A. Disturbance in spermatogenesis
c. an autosomal recessive disorder that mainly
(production of sperm cells)
affects the exocrine glands and does multiple
B. Obstruction in the seminiferous
system damage
tubules, ducts, or vessels preventing
d. a respiratory condition affecting people of
movement of spermatozoa.
Mediterranean descent, involving mainly
C. problems of ova transport through the
exchange at a microscopic level in the lungs
fallopian tubes to the uterus.
D. ejaculation problems
Correct answers: an autosomal recessive disorder that
mainly affects the exocrine glands and does multiple
97. The client is on her 12th week of pregnancy.
system damage
She has been diagnosed to have ruptured
ectopic pregnancy. Which of the following signs
3. Which of the following represents the life expectancy
and symptoms are characteristics of the
of a child with cystic fibrosis?. Single choice.
a. 21 year old
b. 30 year old
A. Profuse bright red vaginal bleeding.
c. 12 year old
B. Spotting, abdominal pain that radiates
d. 7 year old
to the shoulder.
C. Elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit
Correct answers: 30 year old
D. Leukopenia decreased body
4. Lynn can expect Demy's to have stools that are
typically. Single choice.
a. bulky and foul odor
98. Which finding is most characteristic of perineal
b. dry and have the odor of ammonia
c. watery and sweet in odor
d. dark in color and have almost no odor
A. Fever
B. Lethargy
Correct answers: bulky and foul odor
C. Positive homan’s sign
D. Severe vulvar pain
5.During the warm weather, the nurse will assess
children with cystic fibrosis to see if they need which of
99. Which of the following is the most common
the following supplements added to their diet?. Single
cause of mastitis? 
a. zinc
A. Escherichia coli
b. magnesium
B. Neisseria gonorrheae
c. salt
C. Staphylococcus aureus
d. potassium the family to modify the diet in which of the following
ways?. Single choice.
Correct answers: salt a. Eliminate wheat, barley, rye, and oats and
substitute corn, rice, and millet.
6.Demy is to have postural (bronchial) drainage. The b. Increase bulk including raw vegetables, fruit, and
times in the day when it is best for Lynn to plan to carry a variety of cereals and nuts.
out postural drainage is shortly. Single choice. c. Eliminate fats but increase natural fish oils and
a. after meals olive oils.
b. before meals d. Eliminate lactose products such as milk, cheese,
c. before rest periods ice cream, and butter.
d. after rest periods
Correct answers: Eliminate wheat, barley, rye, and oats
Correct answers: before meals and substitute corn, rice, and millet.

7.In working with children with cystic fibrosis, the nurse 13.For how long is it likely that Matt will need to remain
expects to carry out and provide teaching on which of on a special diet. Single choice.
the following treatments?. Single choice. a. For the rest of his life.
a. dietary modification involving a low protein, high b. Until the disease is well controlled.
fat, low carbohydrate diet c. Until approximately the age of puberty.
b. range of motion and a highly regimented d. For the period required to desensitize him to
exercise program offending foods.
c. preparation for renal dialysis and strict intake
and output Correct answers: For the rest of his life.
d. eto answer
14.Matt's wears reusable diapers at night. His mother
Correct answers: asks what safety precautions she should take his wet,
soiled diapers. Which of the following statements should
8.Lynn should understand prior to evaluating the effects guide the nurse when she responds to Matt's mother? ..
of postural drainage that the primary reason for Demy's Single choice.
having this type of therapy is ton help to. Single choice. a. The diaper should be boiled after they are
a. dilate the bronchioles. washed.
b. promote better use of diaphragm. b. The diapers should be soaked in an antiseptic
c. improve circulation in the chest cavity. solution before they are washed
d. clean the lungs of mucopurulent material. c. It would be best to use disposable diapers until
the diarrhea is under control.
Correct answers: clean the lungs of mucopurulent d. There are no special precautions necessary in
material. the care of this infant's diaper.

9.SITUATION: Mr. John a new staff nurse was assigned Correct answers: There are no special precautions
in the pediatric ward that is caring for 18 months old with necessary in the care of this infant's diaper.
celiac disease. Matt is admitted to the pediatric unit with
a diagnosis of celiac disease. John who was assigned to 15.Which of the following makes children prone to
this child realizes that the typical stool of a child with this tonsillitis and pharyngitis?. Single choice.
disease will be:. Single choice. a. not brushing their teeth and flossing after meals
a. black and tarry and at bedtime
b. normal colored and pencil thin or ribbonlike in b. frequent upper respiratory tract infections and
appearance being around other children who may be infected
c. bulky, putty colored, foul smelling, greasy, and c. eating large amounts of sugar and drinking high
likely to float sugar content drinks that encourage growth of
d. white and loose pathogens
d. not bathing properly or frequently
Correct answers: bulky, putty colored, foul smelling,
greasy, and likely to float Correct answers: frequent upper respiratory tract
infections and being around other children who may be
10.The nurse should expect that, because Matt has infected
celiac disease, his stools are most likely to be. Single
choice. 16.The school nurse encourages the parents of a
a. especially dark in color student who has a severe sore throat to take the child to
b. abnormally small in amount the pediatrician. The nurse is especially concerned about
c. unusually hard in consistency the possibility of a streptococcal tonsillitis mainly
d. particularly offensive in odor because of which of the following?. Single choice.
a. If streptococcal tonsillitis is not treated
Correct answers: particularly offensive in odor adequately it may lead to scarlet fever, otitis
media, or more serious complications.
11.During assessment, a physical finding John is most b. The student will miss a lot of school and fall
likely to observe is that Matt has. Single choice. behind in schoolwork and homework
a. an enlarged liver assignments and may even possibly fail a grade.
b. a protuberant abdomen c. Other children may also get sore throats if this
c. a tender inguinal lymph nodes student is not aggressively treated.
d. edema in the lower extremities d. If untreated, streptococcal tonsillitis may cause
anemia, weight loss, and lethargy.
Correct answers: a protuberant abdomen Correct answers: If streptococcal tonsillitis is not
treated adequately it may lead to scarlet fever, otitis
12.The family of a child with celiac’s disease is receiving media, or more serious complications.
discharge teaching in regard to diet. The nurse will teach
17.The mother of a two-and-a-half-year old child who Correct answers: lime sherbet
has had tonsillitis asks about the possibility of a
tonsillectomy for the child. The nurse informs the mother 22.Which of the following signs or symptoms is the
that tonsillectomies are usually performed when the child earliest manifestation of bleeding in a child who has had
is over three years old. The mother wants to know why a tonsillectomy?. Single choice.
children younger than three have to wait for a a. frequent swallowing
tonsillectomy. Which of the following is the nurse’s best b. spitting up blood
answer?. Single choice. c. coffee ground emesis
a. “Surgery is too difficult on a younger child d. complaint of thirst
because their mouths are so small, making it
difficult to get to the tonsils.” Correct answers:
b. “It is too scary for a younger child and they don’t
understand what is happening.” 23.Which of the following outcomes is the most
c. “Younger children are more prone to excessive important for a child who has had a tonsillectomy?.
blood loss and/or the tonsils growing back.” Single choice.
d. “Separation from the parents or caregivers is a. no postoperative bleeding
much more difficult in the child under three.” b. bonding with the nursing staff
c. absence of pain
Correct answers: “Younger children are more prone to d. drinking sufficient water
excessive blood loss and/or the tonsils growing back.”
Correct answers: no postoperative bleeding
18.The nurse explains to parents why an adenoidectomy
is sometimes indicated with the tonsillectomy. Which of 24.The nurse assessing a child with a respiratory
the following is the nurse’s best explanation?. Single problem finds stridor, which is best described by which of
choice. the following?. Single choice.
a. An adenoidectomy is justified when a child’s a. excursion of the chest wall beyond that normally
enlarged adenoids block the flow of air through seen in the healthy child
the nasal passages.” b. a high-pitched sound produced by an obstruction
b. “Some surgeons prefer to take out the adenoids of the trachea or larynx
at the same time as the tonsillectomy because it c. Message for respondents who select this answer
saves the child from a second surgery.” d. a triad of respiratory symptoms
c. Without the tonsils to screen out foreign e. substernal retractions and nasal flaring
proteins, the adenoids are more easily infected.”
d. “It is hard to take out the tonsils without Correct answers: a high-pitched sound produced by an
removing the adenoids because they often are obstruction of the trachea or larynx
adhered to each other.”
25.Examination of the throat of a child with acute
Correct answers: An adenoidectomy is justified when a epiglottis by depressing the tongue is. Single choice.
child’s enlarged adenoids block the flow of air through a. a good idea because there is a characteristic
the nasal passages.” patchy redness that aids in diagnosis
b. contraindicated due to the possibility of causing
19.Which of the following positions does the nurse use complete airway obstruction
for the child who has just returned to the room from c. impossible because the tongue is too swollen
surgery?. Single choice. and tender to allow it
a. elevated head and legs d. to be done carefully because of the possibility of
b. on the abdomen or side causing additional pain
c. on the back and flat
d. on the back or sitting up Correct answers: contraindicated due to the possibility
of causing complete airway obstruction
Correct answers: on the abdomen or side
26.The nurse is assessing a child with croup. Which of
20.A child who is in the first postoperative day after the following signs and/or symptoms would the nurse
tonsillectomy starts to cough and wants to blow his nose. associate with croup and most expect to find?. Single
Which of the following actions by the nurse would be choice.
best?. Single choice. a. barklike cough, hoarseness, inspiratory stridor
a. Offer the child some tissue and give instructions b. expiratory stridor, irregular breathing, and weak
on its disposal. cough
b. Remind the child not to cough or blow his nose. c. Cheyne-Stokes respirations and substernal
c. Tell him he can cough but not to blow his nose. retraction
d. Inform the child that he can blow his nose but d. almost continual cough and complete laryngitis
not cough.
Correct answers: barklike cough, hoarseness,
Correct answers: Tell him he can cough but not to blow inspiratory stridor
his nose.
27.Which of the following statements best describes
21.The nurse is assigned to care for a child who had a croup?. Single choice.
tonsillectomy yesterday. The child complains of a sore a. a common childhood disease
throat and wants something cool. Which of the following b. an autoimmune-initiated infection
cool drinks or food would be acceptable to offer the c. a life-threatening bacterial infection
child?. Single choice. d. a respiratory condition similar to a cold
a. lime sherbet
b. chilled tomato juice Correct answers: an autoimmune-initiated infection
c. cold cola
d. cherry Jell-O 28.The nurse is assessing the skin moisture of a child
with laryngotracheobronchitis. Which of the following
explains why the nurse assessed the skin moisture in Correct answers: as a primary disease or a
this case?. Single choice. complication of another disease
a. diaphoresis is associated with increased
respiratory effort 34.Which of the following types of pneumonia would be
b. skin moisture is a relatively good measure of the treated with antibiotics?. Single choice.
degree of infection a. viral
c. increased skin moisture will signal danger of b. Bacterial
ketoacidosis c. Aspiration
d. to get some measure of how dehydrated the d. adenoviral
child might become
Correct answers: Bacterial
Correct answers: diaphoresis is associated with
increased respiratory effort 35.The nurse is assessing a child with a diagnosis of
pneumonia. The child is taking shallow respirations.
29.The nurse working with a child with Which of the following is the most likely explanation?.
laryngotracheobronchitis is offering the child tiny Single choice.
medicine cups of fluid and giving stickers and prizes for a. a deficiency of carbon dioxide
meeting goals related to intake of fluid. All this effort on b. an attempt to minimize pain
the part of the nurse to get the child to drink more fluid is c. exhaustion and lack of energy
because the fluid is needed to:. Single choice. d. the chest muscles are strained
a. prevent diarrhea
b. loosen secretions Correct answers: a deficiency of carbon dioxide
c. maintain electrolyte balance
d. keep kidneys functioning 36.For several days, the nurse has been working with
the parents of a baby with cleft lip and cleft palate. The
Correct answers: loosen secretions parents seem to have a lot of fears related to the care of
their child and the child’s future. How could the nurse
30.The nurse assessing a child with respiratory syncytial best help these parents? 
virus (RSV) bronchiolitis looks up the disorder as a a. Talk to them about how their fears are
review and is most likely to find which of the following unnecessary and encourage them to stop being
classic symptoms associated with this disorder? a. b. c. afraid. 
d.. Single choice. b. Tell the parents about any personal family
a. clubbing of the fingers, poor circulation of experiences with cleft lip and or cleft palate or
extremities, bluish color about experiences with other parents having a
b. barklike cough, thick yellow nasal discharge baby with similar problems. 
c. patchy rash on the body, rapid respirations, and c. Show some before and after photographs of
exhaustion successful surgical repairs and offer to arrange
d. respiratory distress, drooling, fever, agitation, for them to talk with other parents of children
and lethargy with a cleft lip and/or palate. 
d. Take over more of the care of the infant to give
Correct answers: respiratory distress, drooling, fever, the parents time to adjust to having a baby with
agitation, and lethargy deformities.

31.Which of the following therapies is the only specific Correct answers: c

therapy for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 37.The mother of a newborn with a cleft lip says to the
bronchiolitis?. Single choice. nurse: “Well, I guess I will have to give up the idea of
a. ribavirin (Virazole) breastfeeding and do bottle feeding.” Which of the
b. chest percussion following is the nurse’s best response? 
c. an oxygen tent a. “How do you feel about giving up breastfeeding
d. Antibiotics and going to bottle feeding?” 
b. “The breast will mold to the shape of the baby’s
Correct answers: ribavirin (Virazole) lips, will fill the opening in the lip, and your baby
will probably have no more difficulty
32.The nurse is caring for a child with a diagnosis of breastfeeding than any other baby.” 
bronchiolitis who is being managed at home. Which of c. “It will help to not dwell on having to give up
the following strategies to foster adequate ventilation breastfeeding and perhaps you can breastfeed
would be best for the nurse to suggest to the family?. your next baby.” 
Single choice. d. “Let’s talk about all the advantages of bottle
(1/1 Point) feeding such as having someone else get up
a. raising the head of the child’s bed and give the baby the night bottle so you can
b. administering oxygen therapy catch up on needed rest and sleep.”
c. having the child take a walk twice a day
d. installing an attic fan Correct answers: b

Correct answers: raising the head of the child’s bed 38.A mother wants to breastfeed her baby born with a
cleft lip and a cleft palate and asks the nurse if this will
33.Pneumonia in children appears:. Single choice. be possible. Which of the following is the nurse’s best
a. in a more primitive form which is easier to cure response? 
than that found in adults a. “It will be easier on you and the baby will get
b. as a secondary disease better nutrition if you bottle feed.” 
c. as a tertiary disease b. “I wish you could breastfeed, but in this case it is
d. as a primary disease or a complication of going to be impossible.” 
another disease c. “It may be possible to breastfeed your baby. I
will help you. If it does not work out, you can use
a breast pump and feed breast milk using a
bottle and special nipples.”  45.In assessing a newborn, the nurse notices a large
d. “It is done in rare cases where a mother is amount of fine frothy bubbles of mucus in the mouth.
determined to breastfeed and willing to keep Even when the nurse suctions the bubbles, they soon
offering the breast for several days even when return. The baby has a rattling sound to the respirations
the baby is not nursing well.” and has a choking episode and becomes a little
cyanotic. Which of the following conditions will the nurse
Correct answers: c suspect? 
a. cleft lip 
39.When the caregiver uses standard nipples and bottles b. cleft palate 
for a baby with cleft lip and cleft palate, the nurse will c. esophageal atresia 
teach the ESSR method. This method involves:  d. Intussusception. 
a. enter, swish, swallow, and recover 
b. engage, start, swallow, and restart  Correct answers: c
c. entertain, stimulate, swallow, and retry 
d. enlarge, stimulate, swallow, and rest.  46.The nurse is with a newborn who is having
radiographic studies to determine if the newborn has
Correct answers: d esophageal atresia and if the newborn also has
tracheoesophageal fistula. When the radiopaque
40.When infants with a cleft lip and/or palate are nursing nasogastric tube is passed through the nose to the
from a bottle, they will signal a need for a rest before stomach, it stops at 10 cm and the radiographic studies
they choke or gag. Which of the following is a signal from show air in the stomach. The nurse is aware that these
the infant to take a break?  finding indicate which of the following conditions? 
a. elevating eyebrows and wrinkling the forehead  a. normal esophagus and stomach 
b. a slight lifting of the ears  b. abnormal esophagus and normal stomach 
c. puckering the lips tightly and blinking the eyes  c. esophageal atresia without tracheosesophageal
d. clenching the fists and a jerking of the arms.  fistula 
d. esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal
Correct answers: a fistula.
41.When a caregiver has tried standard nipples, preemie Correct answers: d
nipples, and all kinds of special nipples without much 47.Prior to the surgical repair of an esophageal atresia
success, the best plan is to teach feeding with which of with tracheoesophageal fistula, the nursing interventions
the following types of equipment?  are mainly focused on which of the following things? 
a. spoon  a. getting as much weight gain as possible 
b. “sippy” cup  b. family education regarding care 
c. Asepto syringe with a rubber tip c. preventing aspiration pneumonia 
d. special straw for drawing fluid up. d. discharge planning. 
Correct answers: c Correct answers: c

42.Which of the following is the first question the nurse 48.The nurse is caring for a baby who has just had a
asks on accepting her assignment to care for a mother surgical repair of an esophageal atresia with
and a baby who has a cleft lip and a cleft palate?  tracheoesophageal fistula. It is most important for the
a. “Is my care affected by the child’s appearance?”  nurse to position the gastrostomy tube in which of the
b. “How does the mother feel about this baby?”  following ways? 
c. “Is the father going to help with this baby’s a. pinned to the bed sheet 
care?”  b. elevated 
d. “How bad are the cleft lip and the cleft palate?”.  c. even with the bed 
  d. Lowered. 
Correct answers: a
Correct answers: b
43.In the period immediately after a baby has had
surgery for cleft lip repair, the nurse will do which of the 49.Which of the following conditions is the most frequent
following things?  cause of intestinal obstruction in infants and young
a. Place the baby in a prone position lying flat.  children? 
b. Remove the elbow restraints.  a. cancer 
c. Hold the pain medication.  b. Hirschsprung’s disease 
d. Apply a Logan bow or a butterfly adhesive. c. benign tumors
  d. Intussusception. 
Correct answers: d
Correct answers: d
44.The nurse will teach the family of an infant who has
had a cleft lip repair how to clean the suture line after 50.A newborn has been diagnosed as having
feeding. The nurse will instruct the family to: intussusception. The mother is worried that she caused
a. use a damp, soft washcloth to gently wash the this by something she did or did not do during
suture line pregnancy. The nurse will tell the mother that in most
b. clean the suture line with cotton-tipped cases the cause of intussusception is due to: 
applicators dipped in diluted hydrogen peroxide a. unknown causes 
c. gently clean with cotton balls saturated with b. polyps 
sterile normal saline solution or sterile water  c. Viruses
d. use an Asepto syringe or a bulb syringe to flush d. drug use in pregnancy. 
water thoroughly over the surgical site. 
  Correct answers: a
Correct answers: d  
51.Which of the following statements best describes c. the laparoscopic-assisted pull-through procedure
intussusception?  with anal entry thus eliminating major abdominal
a. a hernia of the small intestine into the abdominal surgery 
cavity  d. a laser surgery that is done on an outpatient
b. an outpouching of the bowel anywhere along the basis and requires no incision at all. 
entire bowel 
c. a condition in which one segment of the bowel Correct answers: c
telescopes into the lumen of an adjacent  
segment 58.The nurse caring for the child who is going to have
d. a segment of the bowel is not innervated to any surgery related to Hirschsprung’s disease knows that
extent and it becomes inactive and for all assessment of the infant’s fluid and electrolyte status is
purposes is dead.  necessary because of which of the following reasons? 
a. There will be extensive bowel cleansing with
Correct answers: c repeated saline enemas. 
b. The child’s extreme constipation will throw the
52.The treatment of choice and the safest treatment for electrolytes off. 
intussusception is which of the following treatments?  c. The child will be NPO for a very long period of
a. a three-stage surgery involving a temporary time. 
colostomy opening  d. Vomiting and diarrhea are not unusual in these
b. hydrostatic reduction with barium  cases.
c. hydrostatic reduction with an air or a water-
soluble contrast agent  Correct answers: a
d. external massage and rotation.   
59.Which of the following anorectal malformations do not
Correct answers: c require surgery? 
  a. imperforate anus 
53.Discharge instructions to the parents of an infant who b. anal stenosis 
was treated for intussusception most need to include c. rectal atresia
information on observing for signs of: d. anal agenesis. 
a. intestinal obstruction and reoccurrence 
b. vitamin and mineral deficiencies  Correct answers: b
c. adjustment to being at home 
d. abnormal vital signs.  60.On assessment of a newborn, the nurse finds
meconium in the urine. The nurse realizes that this is
Correct answers: a indicative of which of the following conditions? 
a. a bladder that is wrapped around the intestine 
54.The nurse assessing newborn babies and infants b. imperforate anus 
during their hospital stay after birth will notice which of c. anal agenesis 
the following symptoms as a primary manifestation of d. a fistula between the bowel and the urinary
Hirschsprung’s disease?  tract. 
a. failure to pass meconium during the first 24 to 48
hours after birth  Correct answers: d
b. high grade fever 
c. the skin turns yellow then brown over the first 48 61.Which of the following interventions is most important
hours of life  when the baby has surgery to correct a low anorectal
d. a fine rash over the trunk.  malformation? 
a. meticulous skin care 
Correct answers: a b. push fluids 
  c. keep anal area covered
55.Which of the following is the major cause of death in d. high fiber diet. 
Hirschsprung’s disease? 
a. widespread infection in the body  Correct answers: a
b. failure to take in enough nourishment 
c. bacterial endocarditis and heart failure  62.The nurse is providing some teaching to the parents
d. enterocolitis, sepsis, or bowel perforation.  of a two-year-old child who has had surgery to correct an
anorectal malformation. The nurse will advise the
Correct answers: d parents or caregivers that toilet training will: 
a. likely be delayed 
56.The nurse assessing an older infant or child will b. require help from an expert 
suspect Hirschsprung’s disease when the child has a c. be no different than for other toddlers 
history of which of the following symptoms?  d. be easier. 
a. chronic constipation 
b. blood in the stools  Correct answers: a
c. chronic vomiting  
d. clay-colored stools. 63.Which of the following conditions is the most common
esophageal disorder found in infants and the esophageal
Correct answers: a disorder most frequently referred to a pediatric
57.Which of the following is the most current treatment a. hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 
for Hirschsprung’s disease?  b. esophageal stricture 
a. a two-stage surgery using first a temporary c. gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
colostomy to provide bowel rest and secondly a d. intestinal malrotation.
pull-through procedure 
b. a one-stage pull-through without a temporary Correct answers: c
64.A nurse is working with a caregiver of an infant with findings by the nurse would be typical of those seen in
gastroesophageal reflux. The infant has poor weight appendicitis? 
gain, cries when awake, and is vomiting or regurgitating a. anorexia, nausea, and vomiting preceded the
with feedings. Given these symptoms, which of the pain according to history provided by the
following interventions would be best for the nurse to caregivers 
recommend to the caregiver?  b. a subnormal temperature for the last two days 
a. Give small, frequent feedings. c. pain that was vague and somewhat localized to
b. Feed the infant with the infant’s body in a the periumbilical area and gradually migrated to
straight position.  the right lower quadrant 
c. Hold the baby in an upright position for an hour d. night time chills for one week. 
after feedings. 
d. Thicken the formula with a little rice cereal. Correct answers: c
Correct answers: d 69.The nurse is working with a parent whose child had a
  perforation of the appendix. The nurse shares with the
65.The parents of an infant with gastroesophageal reflux parents why appendicitis frequently progresses to
(GER) ask the nurse about the advisability of the side- perforation in children by saying: 
lying or supine position for prevention of sudden infant a. “The appendix is usually near the perforation
death syndrome for their infant. The nurse’s best state by the time children will say anything for
response would be:  fear they have done something wrong.” 
a. “Yes, prevention of SIDS is extremely important b. “Young children have a thinner appendiceal wall
and side-lying or supine is currently than adults so they progress to perforation much
recommended.”  quicker than adults.” 
b. “Currently prone or head elevated prone is c. “Children tolerate pain much better than adults
recommended for GER and with elimination of so they are in a lot of pain by the time they tell
puffy bedding from the crib you can decrease caregivers.” 
chances of SIDS.”  d. “The appendix in children is smaller and
c. “Side-lying or supine will work just fine as long therefore much easier to rupture”.
as you elevate the head of the bed so that the
infant is sleeping nearly sitting up.”  Correct answers: b
d. “SIDS is something you cannot really protect  
against for certain so get some baby monitors 70.The nurse is planning interventions for a child who
and let your baby seek whatever position is most has inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and a nursing
comfortable”. diagnosis of nutrition less than body requirements.
Which of the following interventions will be most helpful
Correct answers: b in resolving this nursing problem? 
  a. special IBD diet (diet that has been proven
66.The nurse on the pediatric unit is assigned to an effective for treating IBD) 
infant with gastroesophageal reflux. The infant has had b. diet as tolerated with lactose hydrolyzed milk
episodes of pneumonia and is not gaining weight. The instead of milk products, and omission of highly
infant has not responded well to six weeks of medical seasoned foods, and reduction of fiber 
management and is being considered for surgery. At the c. salt free diet high in potassium, vitamins, and
beginning of the shift, after receiving report on this infant, minerals 
the nurse will first:  d. two large meals a day instead of several mini
a. read the infant’s chart or computer record  meals and snacks. 
b. weigh the infant   
c. assess respiratory status  Correct answers: b
d. check the medication administration record and
set up medications.  NCM 110 Nursing Informatics Lec

Correct answers: c
67.The nurse is working with the parents of a child who
has chronic constipation. The nurse will teach the
1.SITUATION: Demy a 3 year old patient brought in TPH
parents how to establish a regular pattern of defecation.
emergency room with cystic fibrosis. Lynn was assigned
The nurse will evaluate that the parents understood the
in pediatric ward. 1. A sputum specimen is collected from
teaching when they report back to the nurse with which
Demy for culture purposes, the primary reason being to
of the following statements? 
learn. Single choice.
a. “Our child has not been given any dessert
a. whether the child's cystic fibrosis is under
unless he has had a bowel movement the
previous day.” 
b. what organism is responsible for the child's
b. “We take turns making sure he sits on the toilet
until he has a bowel movement even if it is an
c. if there is blood present in the child's lungs
tracheobronchial tree
c. “He gets to flush the toilet himself and wave bye-
d. which portion of the child's lungs is affected.
bye to the stools in the toilet and we pat his head
and say good boy.” 
Correct answers: what organism is responsible for the
d. “He sits on the toilet after a meal for 5–10
child's disease.
minutes and usually has a bowel movement and
then we give him a star for the prize chart”.
2. Which of the following statements best defines cystic
fibrosis? Single choice.
Correct answers: d
a. an acquired lung condition that occurs at birth
due to oxygen deficiency 1
68.The nurse is assessing a child admitted to the
hospital for abdominal pain. Which of the following
b. a congenital anomaly occurring during fetal Correct answers: clean the lungs of mucopurulent
development as a result of dietary deficiencies of material.
the mother
c. an autosomal recessive disorder that mainly 9.SITUATION: Mr. John a new staff nurse was assigned
affects the exocrine glands and does multiple in the pediatric ward that is caring for 18 months old with
system damage celiac disease. Matt is admitted to the pediatric unit with
d. a respiratory condition affecting people of a diagnosis of celiac disease. John who was assigned to
Mediterranean descent, involving mainly this child realizes that the typical stool of a child with this
exchange at a microscopic level in the lungs disease will be:. Single choice.
a. black and tarry
Correct answers: an autosomal recessive disorder that b. normal colored and pencil thin or ribbonlike in
mainly affects the exocrine glands and does multiple appearance
system damage c. bulky, putty colored, foul smelling, greasy, and
likely to float
3. Which of the following represents the life expectancy d. white and loose
of a child with cystic fibrosis?. Single choice.
a. 21 year old Correct answers: bulky, putty colored, foul smelling,
b. 30 year old greasy, and likely to float
c. 12 year old
d. 7 year old 10.The nurse should expect that, because Matt has
celiac disease, his stools are most likely to be. Single
Correct answers: 30 year old choice.
a. especially dark in color
4. Lynn can expect Demy's to have stools that are b. abnormally small in amount
typically. Single choice. c. unusually hard in consistency
a. bulky and foul odor d. particularly offensive in odor
b. dry and have the odor of ammonia
c. watery and sweet in odor Correct answers: particularly offensive in odor
d. dark in color and have almost no odor
11.During assessment, a physical finding John is most
Correct answers: bulky and foul odor likely to observe is that Matt has. Single choice.
a. an enlarged liver
5.During the warm weather, the nurse will assess b. a protuberant abdomen
children with cystic fibrosis to see if they need which of c. a tender inguinal lymph nodes
the following supplements added to their diet?. Single d. edema in the lower extremities
a. zinc Correct answers: a protuberant abdomen
b. magnesium
c. salt 12.The family of a child with celiac’s disease is receiving
d. potassium discharge teaching in regard to diet. The nurse will teach
the family to modify the diet in which of the following
Correct answers: salt ways?. Single choice.
a. Eliminate wheat, barley, rye, and oats and
6.Demy is to have postural (bronchial) drainage. The substitute corn, rice, and millet.
times in the day when it is best for Lynn to plan to carry b. Increase bulk including raw vegetables, fruit, and
out postural drainage is shortly. Single choice. a variety of cereals and nuts.
a. after meals c. Eliminate fats but increase natural fish oils and
b. before meals olive oils.
c. before rest periods d. Eliminate lactose products such as milk, cheese,
d. after rest periods ice cream, and butter.

Correct answers: before meals Correct answers: Eliminate wheat, barley, rye, and oats
and substitute corn, rice, and millet.
7.In working with children with cystic fibrosis, the nurse
expects to carry out and provide teaching on which of 13.For how long is it likely that Matt will need to remain
the following treatments?. Single choice. on a special diet. Single choice.
a. dietary modification involving a low protein, high a. For the rest of his life.
fat, low carbohydrate diet b. Until the disease is well controlled.
b. range of motion and a highly regimented c. Until approximately the age of puberty.
exercise program d. For the period required to desensitize him to
c. preparation for renal dialysis and strict intake offending foods.
and output
d. eto answer Correct answers: For the rest of his life.

Correct answers: 14.Matt's wears reusable diapers at night. His mother

asks what safety precautions she should take his wet,
8.Lynn should understand prior to evaluating the effects soiled diapers. Which of the following statements should
of postural drainage that the primary reason for Demy's guide the nurse when she responds to Matt's mother? ..
having this type of therapy is ton help to. Single choice. Single choice.
a. dilate the bronchioles. a. The diaper should be boiled after they are
b. promote better use of diaphragm. washed.
c. improve circulation in the chest cavity. b. The diapers should be soaked in an antiseptic
d. clean the lungs of mucopurulent material. solution before they are washed
c. It would be best to use disposable diapers until
the diarrhea is under control.
d. There are no special precautions necessary in d. “It is hard to take out the tonsils without
the care of this infant's diaper. removing the adenoids because they often are
adhered to each other.”
Correct answers: There are no special precautions
necessary in the care of this infant's diaper. Correct answers: An adenoidectomy is justified when a
child’s enlarged adenoids block the flow of air through
15.Which of the following makes children prone to the nasal passages.”
tonsillitis and pharyngitis?. Single choice.
a. not brushing their teeth and flossing after meals 19.Which of the following positions does the nurse use
and at bedtime for the child who has just returned to the room from
b. frequent upper respiratory tract infections and surgery?. Single choice.
being around other children who may be infected a. elevated head and legs
c. eating large amounts of sugar and drinking high b. on the abdomen or side
sugar content drinks that encourage growth of c. on the back and flat
pathogens d. on the back or sitting up
d. not bathing properly or frequently
Correct answers: on the abdomen or side
Correct answers: frequent upper respiratory tract
infections and being around other children who may be 20.A child who is in the first postoperative day after
infected tonsillectomy starts to cough and wants to blow his nose.
Which of the following actions by the nurse would be
16.The school nurse encourages the parents of a best?. Single choice.
student who has a severe sore throat to take the child to a. Offer the child some tissue and give instructions
the pediatrician. The nurse is especially concerned about on its disposal.
the possibility of a streptococcal tonsillitis mainly b. Remind the child not to cough or blow his nose.
because of which of the following?. Single choice. c. Tell him he can cough but not to blow his nose.
a. If streptococcal tonsillitis is not treated d. Inform the child that he can blow his nose but
adequately it may lead to scarlet fever, otitis not cough.
media, or more serious complications.
b. The student will miss a lot of school and fall Correct answers: Tell him he can cough but not to blow
behind in schoolwork and homework his nose.
assignments and may even possibly fail a grade.
c. Other children may also get sore throats if this 21.The nurse is assigned to care for a child who had a
student is not aggressively treated. tonsillectomy yesterday. The child complains of a sore
d. If untreated, streptococcal tonsillitis may cause throat and wants something cool. Which of the following
anemia, weight loss, and lethargy. cool drinks or food would be acceptable to offer the
Correct answers: If streptococcal tonsillitis is not child?. Single choice.
treated adequately it may lead to scarlet fever, otitis a. lime sherbet
media, or more serious complications. b. chilled tomato juice
c. cold cola
17.The mother of a two-and-a-half-year old child who d. cherry Jell-O
has had tonsillitis asks about the possibility of a
tonsillectomy for the child. The nurse informs the mother Correct answers: lime sherbet
that tonsillectomies are usually performed when the child
is over three years old. The mother wants to know why 22.Which of the following signs or symptoms is the
children younger than three have to wait for a earliest manifestation of bleeding in a child who has had
tonsillectomy. Which of the following is the nurse’s best a tonsillectomy?. Single choice.
answer?. Single choice. a. frequent swallowing
a. “Surgery is too difficult on a younger child b. spitting up blood
because their mouths are so small, making it c. coffee ground emesis
difficult to get to the tonsils.” d. complaint of thirst
b. “It is too scary for a younger child and they don’t
understand what is happening.” Correct answers:
c. “Younger children are more prone to excessive
blood loss and/or the tonsils growing back.” 23.Which of the following outcomes is the most
d. “Separation from the parents or caregivers is important for a child who has had a tonsillectomy?.
much more difficult in the child under three.” Single choice.
a. no postoperative bleeding
Correct answers: “Younger children are more prone to b. bonding with the nursing staff
excessive blood loss and/or the tonsils growing back.” c. absence of pain
d. drinking sufficient water
18.The nurse explains to parents why an adenoidectomy
is sometimes indicated with the tonsillectomy. Which of Correct answers: no postoperative bleeding
the following is the nurse’s best explanation?. Single
choice. 24.The nurse assessing a child with a respiratory
a. An adenoidectomy is justified when a child’s problem finds stridor, which is best described by which of
enlarged adenoids block the flow of air through the following?. Single choice.
the nasal passages.” a. excursion of the chest wall beyond that normally
b. “Some surgeons prefer to take out the adenoids seen in the healthy child
at the same time as the tonsillectomy because it b. a high-pitched sound produced by an obstruction
saves the child from a second surgery.” of the trachea or larynx
c. Without the tonsils to screen out foreign c. Message for respondents who select this answer
proteins, the adenoids are more easily infected.” d. a triad of respiratory symptoms
e. substernal retractions and nasal flaring
Correct answers: a high-pitched sound produced by an a. clubbing of the fingers, poor circulation of
obstruction of the trachea or larynx extremities, bluish color
b. barklike cough, thick yellow nasal discharge
25.Examination of the throat of a child with acute c. patchy rash on the body, rapid respirations, and
epiglottis by depressing the tongue is. Single choice. exhaustion
a. a good idea because there is a characteristic d. respiratory distress, drooling, fever, agitation,
patchy redness that aids in diagnosis and lethargy
b. contraindicated due to the possibility of causing
complete airway obstruction Correct answers: respiratory distress, drooling, fever,
c. impossible because the tongue is too swollen agitation, and lethargy
and tender to allow it
d. to be done carefully because of the possibility of 31.Which of the following therapies is the only specific
causing additional pain therapy for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
bronchiolitis?. Single choice.
Correct answers: contraindicated due to the possibility a. ribavirin (Virazole)
of causing complete airway obstruction b. chest percussion
c. an oxygen tent
26.The nurse is assessing a child with croup. Which of d. Antibiotics
the following signs and/or symptoms would the nurse
associate with croup and most expect to find?. Single Correct answers: ribavirin (Virazole)
a. barklike cough, hoarseness, inspiratory stridor 32.The nurse is caring for a child with a diagnosis of
b. expiratory stridor, irregular breathing, and weak bronchiolitis who is being managed at home. Which of
cough the following strategies to foster adequate ventilation
c. Cheyne-Stokes respirations and substernal would be best for the nurse to suggest to the family?.
retraction Single choice.
d. almost continual cough and complete laryngitis (1/1 Point)
a. raising the head of the child’s bed
Correct answers: barklike cough, hoarseness, b. administering oxygen therapy
inspiratory stridor c. having the child take a walk twice a day
d. installing an attic fan
27.Which of the following statements best describes
croup?. Single choice. Correct answers: raising the head of the child’s bed
a. a common childhood disease
b. an autoimmune-initiated infection 33.Pneumonia in children appears:. Single choice.
c. a life-threatening bacterial infection a. in a more primitive form which is easier to cure
d. a respiratory condition similar to a cold than that found in adults
b. as a secondary disease
Correct answers: an autoimmune-initiated infection c. as a tertiary disease
d. as a primary disease or a complication of
28.The nurse is assessing the skin moisture of a child another disease
with laryngotracheobronchitis. Which of the following
explains why the nurse assessed the skin moisture in Correct answers: as a primary disease or a
this case?. Single choice. complication of another disease
a. diaphoresis is associated with increased
respiratory effort 34.Which of the following types of pneumonia would be
b. skin moisture is a relatively good measure of the treated with antibiotics?. Single choice.
degree of infection a. viral
c. increased skin moisture will signal danger of b. Bacterial
ketoacidosis c. Aspiration
d. to get some measure of how dehydrated the d. adenoviral
child might become
Correct answers: Bacterial
Correct answers: diaphoresis is associated with
increased respiratory effort 35.The nurse is assessing a child with a diagnosis of
pneumonia. The child is taking shallow respirations.
29.The nurse working with a child with Which of the following is the most likely explanation?.
laryngotracheobronchitis is offering the child tiny Single choice.
medicine cups of fluid and giving stickers and prizes for a. a deficiency of carbon dioxide
meeting goals related to intake of fluid. All this effort on b. an attempt to minimize pain
the part of the nurse to get the child to drink more fluid is c. exhaustion and lack of energy
because the fluid is needed to:. Single choice. d. the chest muscles are strained
a. prevent diarrhea
b. loosen secretions Correct answers: a deficiency of carbon dioxide
c. maintain electrolyte balance
d. keep kidneys functioning 36.For several days, the nurse has been working with
the parents of a baby with cleft lip and cleft palate. The
Correct answers: loosen secretions parents seem to have a lot of fears related to the care of
their child and the child’s future. How could the nurse
30.The nurse assessing a child with respiratory syncytial best help these parents? 
virus (RSV) bronchiolitis looks up the disorder as a a. Talk to them about how their fears are
review and is most likely to find which of the following unnecessary and encourage them to stop being
classic symptoms associated with this disorder? a. b. c. afraid. 
d.. Single choice. b. Tell the parents about any personal family
experiences with cleft lip and or cleft palate or
about experiences with other parents having a a. spoon 
baby with similar problems.  b. “sippy” cup 
c. Show some before and after photographs of c. Asepto syringe with a rubber tip
successful surgical repairs and offer to arrange d. special straw for drawing fluid up.
for them to talk with other parents of children
with a cleft lip and/or palate.  Correct answers: c
d. Take over more of the care of the infant to give
the parents time to adjust to having a baby with 42.Which of the following is the first question the nurse
deformities. asks on accepting her assignment to care for a mother
and a baby who has a cleft lip and a cleft palate? 
Correct answers: c a. “Is my care affected by the child’s appearance?” 
37.The mother of a newborn with a cleft lip says to the b. “How does the mother feel about this baby?” 
nurse: “Well, I guess I will have to give up the idea of c. “Is the father going to help with this baby’s
breastfeeding and do bottle feeding.” Which of the care?” 
following is the nurse’s best response?  d. “How bad are the cleft lip and the cleft palate?”. 
a. “How do you feel about giving up breastfeeding  
and going to bottle feeding?”  Correct answers: a
b. “The breast will mold to the shape of the baby’s
lips, will fill the opening in the lip, and your baby 43.In the period immediately after a baby has had
will probably have no more difficulty surgery for cleft lip repair, the nurse will do which of the
breastfeeding than any other baby.”  following things? 
c. “It will help to not dwell on having to give up a. Place the baby in a prone position lying flat. 
breastfeeding and perhaps you can breastfeed b. Remove the elbow restraints. 
your next baby.”  c. Hold the pain medication. 
d. “Let’s talk about all the advantages of bottle d. Apply a Logan bow or a butterfly adhesive.
feeding such as having someone else get up  
and give the baby the night bottle so you can Correct answers: d
catch up on needed rest and sleep.”
44.The nurse will teach the family of an infant who has
Correct answers: b had a cleft lip repair how to clean the suture line after
feeding. The nurse will instruct the family to:
38.A mother wants to breastfeed her baby born with a a. use a damp, soft washcloth to gently wash the
cleft lip and a cleft palate and asks the nurse if this will suture line
be possible. Which of the following is the nurse’s best b. clean the suture line with cotton-tipped
response?  applicators dipped in diluted hydrogen peroxide
a. “It will be easier on you and the baby will get c. gently clean with cotton balls saturated with
better nutrition if you bottle feed.”  sterile normal saline solution or sterile water 
b. “I wish you could breastfeed, but in this case it is d. use an Asepto syringe or a bulb syringe to flush
going to be impossible.”  water thoroughly over the surgical site. 
c. “It may be possible to breastfeed your baby. I  
will help you. If it does not work out, you can use Correct answers: d
a breast pump and feed breast milk using a
bottle and special nipples.”  45.In assessing a newborn, the nurse notices a large
d. “It is done in rare cases where a mother is amount of fine frothy bubbles of mucus in the mouth.
determined to breastfeed and willing to keep Even when the nurse suctions the bubbles, they soon
offering the breast for several days even when return. The baby has a rattling sound to the respirations
the baby is not nursing well.” and has a choking episode and becomes a little
cyanotic. Which of the following conditions will the nurse
Correct answers: c suspect? 
a. cleft lip 
39.When the caregiver uses standard nipples and bottles b. cleft palate 
for a baby with cleft lip and cleft palate, the nurse will c. esophageal atresia 
teach the ESSR method. This method involves:  d. Intussusception. 
a. enter, swish, swallow, and recover 
b. engage, start, swallow, and restart  Correct answers: c
c. entertain, stimulate, swallow, and retry 
d. enlarge, stimulate, swallow, and rest.  46.The nurse is with a newborn who is having
radiographic studies to determine if the newborn has
Correct answers: d esophageal atresia and if the newborn also has
tracheoesophageal fistula. When the radiopaque
40.When infants with a cleft lip and/or palate are nursing nasogastric tube is passed through the nose to the
from a bottle, they will signal a need for a rest before stomach, it stops at 10 cm and the radiographic studies
they choke or gag. Which of the following is a signal from show air in the stomach. The nurse is aware that these
the infant to take a break?  finding indicate which of the following conditions? 
a. elevating eyebrows and wrinkling the forehead  a. normal esophagus and stomach 
b. a slight lifting of the ears  b. abnormal esophagus and normal stomach 
c. puckering the lips tightly and blinking the eyes  c. esophageal atresia without tracheosesophageal
d. clenching the fists and a jerking of the arms.  fistula 
d. esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal
Correct answers: a fistula.
41.When a caregiver has tried standard nipples, preemie Correct answers: d
nipples, and all kinds of special nipples without much 47.Prior to the surgical repair of an esophageal atresia
success, the best plan is to teach feeding with which of with tracheoesophageal fistula, the nursing interventions
the following types of equipment?  are mainly focused on which of the following things? 
a. getting as much weight gain as possible  Correct answers: a
b. family education regarding care 
c. preventing aspiration pneumonia  54.The nurse assessing newborn babies and infants
d. discharge planning.  during their hospital stay after birth will notice which of
  the following symptoms as a primary manifestation of
Correct answers: c Hirschsprung’s disease? 
a. failure to pass meconium during the first 24 to 48
48.The nurse is caring for a baby who has just had a hours after birth 
surgical repair of an esophageal atresia with b. high grade fever 
tracheoesophageal fistula. It is most important for the c. the skin turns yellow then brown over the first 48
nurse to position the gastrostomy tube in which of the hours of life 
following ways?  d. a fine rash over the trunk. 
a. pinned to the bed sheet 
b. elevated  Correct answers: a
c. even with the bed   
d. Lowered.  55.Which of the following is the major cause of death in
Hirschsprung’s disease? 
Correct answers: b a. widespread infection in the body 
b. failure to take in enough nourishment 
49.Which of the following conditions is the most frequent c. bacterial endocarditis and heart failure 
cause of intestinal obstruction in infants and young d. enterocolitis, sepsis, or bowel perforation. 
a. cancer  Correct answers: d
b. Hirschsprung’s disease 
c. benign tumors 56.The nurse assessing an older infant or child will
d. Intussusception.  suspect Hirschsprung’s disease when the child has a
history of which of the following symptoms? 
Correct answers: d a. chronic constipation 
b. blood in the stools 
50.A newborn has been diagnosed as having c. chronic vomiting
intussusception. The mother is worried that she caused d. clay-colored stools.
this by something she did or did not do during
pregnancy. The nurse will tell the mother that in most Correct answers: a
cases the cause of intussusception is due to: 
a. unknown causes  57.Which of the following is the most current treatment
b. polyps  for Hirschsprung’s disease? 
c. Viruses a. a two-stage surgery using first a temporary
d. drug use in pregnancy.  colostomy to provide bowel rest and secondly a
pull-through procedure 
Correct answers: a b. a one-stage pull-through without a temporary
51.Which of the following statements best describes c. the laparoscopic-assisted pull-through procedure
intussusception?  with anal entry thus eliminating major abdominal
a. a hernia of the small intestine into the abdominal surgery 
cavity  d. a laser surgery that is done on an outpatient
b. an outpouching of the bowel anywhere along the basis and requires no incision at all. 
entire bowel 
c. a condition in which one segment of the bowel Correct answers: c
telescopes into the lumen of an adjacent  
segment 58.The nurse caring for the child who is going to have
d. a segment of the bowel is not innervated to any surgery related to Hirschsprung’s disease knows that
extent and it becomes inactive and for all assessment of the infant’s fluid and electrolyte status is
purposes is dead.  necessary because of which of the following reasons? 
a. There will be extensive bowel cleansing with
Correct answers: c repeated saline enemas. 
b. The child’s extreme constipation will throw the
52.The treatment of choice and the safest treatment for electrolytes off. 
intussusception is which of the following treatments?  c. The child will be NPO for a very long period of
a. a three-stage surgery involving a temporary time. 
colostomy opening  d. Vomiting and diarrhea are not unusual in these
b. hydrostatic reduction with barium  cases.
c. hydrostatic reduction with an air or a water-
soluble contrast agent  Correct answers: a
d. external massage and rotation.   
59.Which of the following anorectal malformations do not
Correct answers: c require surgery? 
  a. imperforate anus 
53.Discharge instructions to the parents of an infant who b. anal stenosis 
was treated for intussusception most need to include c. rectal atresia
information on observing for signs of: d. anal agenesis. 
a. intestinal obstruction and reoccurrence 
b. vitamin and mineral deficiencies  Correct answers: b
c. adjustment to being at home 
d. abnormal vital signs. 
60.On assessment of a newborn, the nurse finds and let your baby seek whatever position is most
meconium in the urine. The nurse realizes that this is comfortable”.
indicative of which of the following conditions? 
a. a bladder that is wrapped around the intestine  Correct answers: b
b. imperforate anus   
c. anal agenesis  66.The nurse on the pediatric unit is assigned to an
d. a fistula between the bowel and the urinary infant with gastroesophageal reflux. The infant has had
tract.  episodes of pneumonia and is not gaining weight. The
infant has not responded well to six weeks of medical
Correct answers: d management and is being considered for surgery. At the
beginning of the shift, after receiving report on this infant,
61.Which of the following interventions is most important the nurse will first: 
when the baby has surgery to correct a low anorectal a. read the infant’s chart or computer record 
malformation?  b. weigh the infant 
a. meticulous skin care  c. assess respiratory status 
b. push fluids  d. check the medication administration record and
c. keep anal area covered set up medications. 
d. high fiber diet. 
Correct answers: c
Correct answers: a  
67.The nurse is working with the parents of a child who
62.The nurse is providing some teaching to the parents has chronic constipation. The nurse will teach the
of a two-year-old child who has had surgery to correct an parents how to establish a regular pattern of defecation.
anorectal malformation. The nurse will advise the The nurse will evaluate that the parents understood the
parents or caregivers that toilet training will:  teaching when they report back to the nurse with which
a. likely be delayed  of the following statements? 
b. require help from an expert  a. “Our child has not been given any dessert
c. be no different than for other toddlers  unless he has had a bowel movement the
d. be easier.  previous day.” 
b. “We take turns making sure he sits on the toilet
Correct answers: a until he has a bowel movement even if it is an
63.Which of the following conditions is the most common c. “He gets to flush the toilet himself and wave bye-
esophageal disorder found in infants and the esophageal bye to the stools in the toilet and we pat his head
disorder most frequently referred to a pediatric and say good boy.” 
gastroenterologist?  d. “He sits on the toilet after a meal for 5–10
a. hypertrophic pyloric stenosis  minutes and usually has a bowel movement and
b. esophageal stricture  then we give him a star for the prize chart”.
c. gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
d. intestinal malrotation. Correct answers: d
Correct answers: c 68.The nurse is assessing a child admitted to the
hospital for abdominal pain. Which of the following
64.A nurse is working with a caregiver of an infant with findings by the nurse would be typical of those seen in
gastroesophageal reflux. The infant has poor weight appendicitis? 
gain, cries when awake, and is vomiting or regurgitating a. anorexia, nausea, and vomiting preceded the
with feedings. Given these symptoms, which of the pain according to history provided by the
following interventions would be best for the nurse to caregivers 
recommend to the caregiver?  b. a subnormal temperature for the last two days 
a. Give small, frequent feedings. c. pain that was vague and somewhat localized to
b. Feed the infant with the infant’s body in a the periumbilical area and gradually migrated to
straight position.  the right lower quadrant 
c. Hold the baby in an upright position for an hour d. night time chills for one week. 
after feedings. 
d. Thicken the formula with a little rice cereal. Correct answers: c
Correct answers: d 69.The nurse is working with a parent whose child had a
  perforation of the appendix. The nurse shares with the
65.The parents of an infant with gastroesophageal reflux parents why appendicitis frequently progresses to
(GER) ask the nurse about the advisability of the side- perforation in children by saying: 
lying or supine position for prevention of sudden infant a. “The appendix is usually near the perforation
death syndrome for their infant. The nurse’s best state by the time children will say anything for
response would be:  fear they have done something wrong.” 
a. “Yes, prevention of SIDS is extremely important b. “Young children have a thinner appendiceal wall
and side-lying or supine is currently than adults so they progress to perforation much
recommended.”  quicker than adults.” 
b. “Currently prone or head elevated prone is c. “Children tolerate pain much better than adults
recommended for GER and with elimination of so they are in a lot of pain by the time they tell
puffy bedding from the crib you can decrease caregivers.” 
chances of SIDS.”  d. “The appendix in children is smaller and
c. “Side-lying or supine will work just fine as long therefore much easier to rupture”.
as you elevate the head of the bed so that the
infant is sleeping nearly sitting up.”  Correct answers: b
d. “SIDS is something you cannot really protect  
against for certain so get some baby monitors
70.The nurse is planning interventions for a child who a. LIFESTYLE
has inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and a nursing b. FAMILY HISTORY
diagnosis of nutrition less than body requirements. c. SOCIAL HISTORY
Which of the following interventions will be most helpful d. BIOGRAPHICAL
in resolving this nursing problem?   Correct answers: FAMILY
a. special IBD diet (diet that has been proven HISTORY
effective for treating IBD)  5. On your Home visit to assess the family, you
b. diet as tolerated with lactose hydrolyzed milk noticed a 90-year-old patient. During the health
instead of milk products, and omission of highly history, the patient is unable to respond to
seasoned foods, and reduction of fiber  questions in a logical manner. As a nurse
c. salt free diet high in potassium, vitamins, and assessing the patient, your best action is to?
minerals  a. Rephrase the questions slightly, and
d. two large meals a day instead of several mini slowly repeat them in a lower voice.
meals and snacks.  b. Ask the same questions in a louder and
  lower voice.
Correct answers: b c. Determine if the patient knows the name
of the current president.
d. Ask the family member to answer the
 Correct answers: Rephrase
the questions slightly, and
slowly repeat them in a
lower voice.
NCM 113 CHN2 Lab (Myrtle and Jomer) 6. Situation: Nurse Stephen is conducting home
visit to the Cruz family, while providing care to
MIDTERMS the family, he found out that Mr. Cruz lost his job
two months ago, and still jobless, he discovered
1. Which of the following is defined as a process
that the youngest child who is already one year
whereby existing and potential health conditions
and eight months old is still unimmunized, also,
or problems of the family are determined?
Mrs. Cruz verbalized presence of mass in her
a. Second Level Assessment
left breast, and found out that their 18-year-old
b. Third Level of Assessment
daughter Ofelia is suffering from an eating
c. Fourth Level of Assessment
disorder. Nurse identified which among the
d. First Level Assessment
problems of the Cruz family is/are classified as
 Correct answers: First Level
Stress Points/Foreseeable Crisis?
a. Mr. Cruz lost his Job, and still Jobless
2. You have been assigned as a community health
for two months
nurse in barangay San Agustin, Victoria Tarlac
b. 18-year-old daughter with eating
providing primary health care services, you know
that one of the following characterized Primary
c. B and C
Health Care?
d. A and D
1. Essential health care accessible and
e. Presence of mass in the left breast of
acceptable to individuals and families in the
Mrs. Cruz
f. Unimmunized one and eight months old
2. The cost of care is affordable to the
community and country.
 Correct answers: Mr. Cruz
3. The setting is in tertiary hospitals.
lost his Job, and still
4. Require health personnel and specialized
Jobless for two months
7. In implementing family centered care, the nurse
a. 3 & 4
should perform which of the following?
b. 1, 2, 3 & 4
a. Assists family members to assume
c. 1 & 2
dependent roles
d. 3 & 4
b. Provides his or her own beliefs on how
 Correct answers: 1 & 2
to solve problems
3. A client with severe arthritis is returning home
c. Offers information about necessary self-
after having had a colostomy. The client is
care abilities
unable to perform the colostomy care. The nurse
d. Works with clients to help them accept
should first perform which of the following?
blame for their interactions
a. Inform the client that an alternate way of
 Correct answers: Offers
managing the colostomy must be
information about
necessary self-care abilities
b. Investigate whether or not someone else
8. 8.Situation: Nurse Stephen is conducting home
in the family or neighborhood will be
visit to the Cruz family, while providing care to
able to do the colostomy care
the family, he found out that Mr. Cruz lost his job
c. Refer the client to a colostomy self-help
two months ago, and still jobless, he discovered
support group
that the youngest child who is already one year
d. Arrange for a private duty nurse to take
and eight months old is still unimmunized, also,
care of the client
Mrs. Cruz verbalized presence of mass in her
 Correct answers:  Investigate
left breast, and found out that their 18-year-old
whether or not someone
daughter Ofelia is suffering from an eating
else in the family or
disorder. In relation to the situation given above,
neighborhood will be able
Nurse Stephen identified the following health
to do the colostomy care
problems of the Cruz family, along with the
4. Collection of genetic history in relation to health
and illness is included in which of the following?
identified health problem stated, which of these a. Fourth Level of Assessment
is classified as a Health threat? b. Second Level Assessment
a. 18-year-old daughter with eating c. First Level Assessment
disorder d. Third Level of Assessment
b. Mr. Cruz lost his Job, and still Jobless  Correct answers: Second
for two months Level Assessment
c. Unimmunized one and eight months old 15. The consumption of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine,
child or herbal products is important in health history,
d. Presence of mass in the left breast of these are included in which of the following?
Mrs. Cruz a. Sleep and Rest
e. A and D b. Illegal activity
f. B and C c. Developmental
 Correct answers: d. Bibliographical
Unimmunized one and eight e. Habits and lifestyle patterns
months old child f. Rest and recreation
9. Typology/Category of health problem wherein  Correct answers: Habits and
the clinical or nursing judgment about a client lifestyle patterns
transition form a specific level of wellness or 16. A phase of the nursing process that is
capability to a higher level? considered a critical step as it is used to
a. Wellness Condition determine the course of treatment?
b. Health Deficits a. Assessment
c. Health Threats b. Nursing Diagnosis
d. Stress Points/Foreseeable Crisis c. Implementation
 Correct answers: Wellness d. Evaluation
Condition e. Planning
10. This is the phase of the Nursing Process  Correct answers: Nursing
wherein putting the nursing care plan into action Diagnosis
to achieve goals and outcomes? 17. Typology/Category of health problem that
a. Nursing Diagnosis includes Anticipated periods of unusual demand
b. Implementation on the individual or family in terms of
c. Assessment adjustment/family resources?
d. Planning a. Stress Points/Foreseeable Crisis
e. Evaluation b. Wellness Condition
 Correct answers: c. Health Deficits
Implementation d. Health Threats
11. This is the phase of the Nursing Process  Correct answers: Stress
wherein you are Assessing the client’s response Points/Foreseeable Crisis
to nursing interventions and then comparing the 18. You have a patient who died due to pulmonary
response to the goals? tuberculosis, as a Nurse in the community, you
a. Implementation will be recording it to the list of?
b. Evaluation a. Morbidity
c. Nursing Diagnosis b. Death rate
d. Planning c. Mortality
e. Assessment d. Longevity
 Correct answers: Evaluation  Correct answers: Mortality
12. For the following examples, which assessment 19. This is the phase of the Nursing Process
views the “family as context?”.  wherein in this phase the nurse sort, clusters
a. The client’s ability to understand and and analyzes data?
manage his own dietary needs a. Nursing Diagnosis
b. The family’s ability to support the client’s b. Assessment
dietary and recreational needs c. Planning
c. The family’s demands on the client d. Implementation
based on his role performance e. Evaluation
d. The adjustment of the client and family  Correct answers: Nursing
to changes in diet and exercise Diagnosis
 Correct answers: The client’s 20. Intra-personal and inter-personal factors
ability to understand and affecting the family member are included in the
manage his own dietary collections of which data?
13. This is the phase of the Nursing Process b. BIOGRAPHICAL
wherein the expected outcomes are designed to c. SOCIAL HISTORY
resolve or minimize the identified problems of d. LIFESTYLE
the client?  Correct answers: SOCIAL
a. Nursing Diagnosis HISTORY
b. Assessment 21. Once all nursing intervention actions have taken
c. Evaluation place, this phase of nursing process where in
d. Planning the nurse determine if the goals for patient
e. Implementation wellness have been met through re-
 Correct answers: Planning assessment?
14. It defines the nature or type of nursing problem a. Implementation
that a family encounters in performing health b. Nursing Diagnosis
tasks with respect to given health condition or c. Evaluation
problem and etiology or barriers to the family’s d. Assessment
assumption of the task? e. Planning
 Correct answers: Evaluation left breast, and found out that their 18-year-old
22. Cultural assessment is also a part of taking the daughter Ofelia is suffering from an eating
health history of your patient in formulating your disorder. He identified several health problems
family case study, you know that which of the of the Cruz family, which of the following is/are
following are true regarding cultural sensitivity? classified as Health deficit?.
a. Patient's response to signs and a. Unimmunized one and eight months old
symptoms are independent of their child
cultural values b. 18-year-old daughter with eating
b. All members of one cultural group disorder
behave in exactly the same manner c. Mr. Cruz lost his Job, and still Jobless
c. Cultural and ethnic diversity have no for two months
impact in health care d. Presence of mass in the left breast of
d. As a nurse, it is important to identify and Mrs. Cruz
examine our own cultural and ethnic e. A and D
beliefs f. B and C
 Correct answers: As a nurse,  Correct answers: B and C
it is important to identify 27. This is an element of a Community denoting or
and examine our own relating to human society or any of its
cultural and ethnic beliefs subdivisions?
23. Genogram is a traditional family tree by allowing a. Physical Entity
the user to analyze hereditary patterns and b. Psycho-cultural Entity
psychological factors that punctuate c. Geographical Entity
relationships, which includes the following rules, d. Social Entity
except?  Correct answers: Social
a. The oldest child is always at the left his Entity
family, the youngest child is always at 28. Which of the following resources that the Nurse
the right his family can use that is defined as physical, intellectual
b. Spouse must always be closer to his/her capabilities and finances from the clientele?
first partner, then the second partner (if a. Government resources
any), third partner, and so on. b. Natural resources
c. The female parent is always at the left of c. Nurse resources
the family and the male parent is always d. Family resources
at the right of the family. e. Community resources
d. In the case of ambiguity, assume a  Correct answers: Family
male-female or female-female resources
relationship. 29. This is an element of a Community wherein a
 Correct answers: The female feature that occupies a position in space about
parent is always at the left which data describing the attributes of the
of the family and the male entity?
parent is always at the right a. Physical Entity
of the family. b. Social Entity
24. Which of the following features should the nurse c. Psycho-cultural Entity
incorporate in her practice of community health d. Geographical Entity
nursing?  Correct answers:
1. CHN is oriented to population. Geographical Entity
2. CHN emphasizes health. 30. Which of the following nursing interventions
3. CHN involves inter disciplinary collaboration. wherein the nurse prepares some family
4. CHN promotes client participation in members to give similar care in her absence?
determining their own health. a. Supplemental
a. 3 & 4 b. Accumulative
b. 1, 2, 3 & 4 c. Developmental
c. 1 & 2 d. Facilitative
d. 3 & 4  Correct answers:
 Correct answers: • 1, 2, 3 & Developmental
4 31. The following statements about Community
25. Assessment of the healthy family should find Health Nursing (CHN) are correct, except?
which of the following? a. The goal of CHN is achieved through
a. Minimum influence is exerted on the Multi-Sectoral Efforts.
environment b. The Community is the patient in CHN
b. The structure is flexible enough to adapt c. The family is the unit of care
to crises d. In CHN, the client is considered as a
c. Change is viewed as detrimental to passive partner.
family processes  Correct answers: • In CHN,
d. There is a passive response to stressors the client is considered as a
 Correct answers: The passive partner.
structure is flexible enough 32. Base on the definition of Community Health
to adapt to crises Nursing, as a Nurse in the community, which
26. Situation: Nurse Stephen is conducting home among the following is your main goal?
visit to the Cruz family, while providing care to a. To provide care for every family in the
the family, he found out that Mr. Cruz lost his job community
two months ago, and still jobless, he discovered b. To raise the level of citizenry by helping
that the youngest child who is already one year communities and families to cope up
and eight months old is still unimmunized, also, with the discontinuities of threats to
Mrs. Cruz verbalized presence of mass in her
health in such a way as to maximize 37. Typology/Category of health problem wherein
their potential for high-level of wellness instances of failure in health maintenance is
c. To enhance proper collaboration with present?
others to the promotion of the client’s a. Health Threats
optimum level of functioning thru’ the b. Wellness Condition
use of secondary health care services. c. Health Deficits
d. To eliminate health problems in the d. Stress Points/Foreseeable Crisis
community by helping the family to  Correct answers: Health
become a passive recipient of care. Deficits
 Correct answers: To raise the 38. In performing the nursing process, you know that
level of citizenry by helping the planning phase of the nursing process
communities and families to includes which of the following activities?
cope up with the a. Evaluating goal achievement
discontinuities of threats to b. Setting goals and selecting interventions
health in such a way as to c. Performing nursing actions and
maximize their potential for documenting them
high-level of wellness d. Assessing and diagnosing
33. It is the blueprint of the care that the nurse  Correct answers: Setting
designs to systematically minimize or eliminate goals and selecting
the identified health and family nursing problems interventions
through explicitly formulated outcomes of care 39. The nurse has recently been employed in a
(goals and objectives) and deliberately chosen long-term care facility and must learn
of interventions, resources and evaluation gerontological principles related to families.
criteria, standards, methods and tools. Which of the following is one of those principles?
a. Family Care Plan a. Role reversal is usually expected and
b. Daily Plan of Activities well-accepted by the elderly client.
c. Plan of Action b. Social support systems are likely to
d. Patient Nursing Care Plan differ from those for clients in younger
 Correct answers: Family Care age groups.
Plan c. Members of later-life families do not
34. As a nurse in the community, you are fully aware have to work on developmental tasks.
that there are identified four clienteles of a d. The care givers are often not members
professional nurse in community health nursing, of the family.
these are?  Correct answers: • Social
a. Individual, Families, Organizations, and support systems are likely
Youth to differ from those for
b. Families, Individuals, Partners, and clients in younger age
Communities groups.
c. Groups, Families, Civilizations, and 40. The following, except for one are Factors that
Individuals influence the goal formulation?
d. Communities, Groups, Families, and a. Interpersonal relationship
Individuals b. Families individualize care to clients
 Correct answers: • c. Families felt need
Communities, Groups, d. Families perception of the problem
Families, and Individuals  Correct answers: Families
35. Typology/Category of health problem wherein individualize care to clients
their are conditions that are conducive to 41. This is an element of a Community relating to
disease and accident, or may result to failure to the interaction of people in which individuals live
maintain wellness or realize health potential? with their inner characteristics?
a. Stress Points/Foreseeable Crisis a. Geographical Entity
b. Health Threats b. Social Entity
c. Wellness Condition c. Psycho-cultural Entity
d. Health Deficits d. Physical Entity
 Correct answers: Health  Correct answers: Psycho-
Threats cultural Entity
36. The following, except for one are 42. The Nursing process is a scientific and
Factors/conditions that may bring non- systematized approach to health to care for
compliance or non-acceptance of the family to individuals, families, and illness prevention. The
take actions on its each health problems? following are the characteristics of the Nursing
a. The family has the necessary Process, except?
information but fails to relate them to the a. Open and Flexible
problem condition b. Intrapersonal and collaborative
b. There may be adherence to patterned c. Patient centered
behavior d. Dynamic and cyclic
c. The family’s information may be e. Problem Oriented
complete or accurate f. Goal directed
d. The family is not willing to face the  Correct answers:
reality of the situation Intrapersonal and
e. The members may not be willing to collaborative
oppose family, peer or social pressure 43. As a Nurse in the community, we have several
 Correct answers: The family’s roles, and one of this role is defined as the one
information may be "who speaks on behalf of the client".?
complete or accurate a. Health Educator
b. Facilitator
c. Clinician b. Mortality
d. Health Advocate c. Longevity
e. Collaborator d. Morbidity
 Correct answers: Health  Correct answers: • Morbidity
Advocate (pero Longevity yata)
44. Which of the following nursing interventions 52. Which of the following resources that the Nurse
wherein the nurse improves family’s physical can use that includes RHU, clinics, Barangay
environment? Hall?
a. Supplemental a. Family resources
b. Developmental b. Natural resources
c. Facilitative c. Community resources
d. Accumulative d. Government resources
 Correct answers: Facilitative e. Nurse resources
45. This is a type of Nursing Diagnosis that focused  Correct answers: Community
on promoting or enhancing a patient’s level of resources
health? 53. This is a Graphic representation of a family tree
a. ACTUAL that displays detailed data on relationships
b. SUBSTANCIAL among individuals?
c. COLLABORATIVE a. Initial Data Base
d. POTENTIAL b. Family Assessment Guide
e. WELLNESS c. Ecomap
 Correct answers: WELLNESS d. Home and Environment
46. A goal that provides direct treatment to the e. Genogram
patient is?  Correct answers: Genogram
a. Administration focused goal 54. A type of Nursing Diagnosis that identifies an
b. Client focused goal occurring health problem?
c. Nurse focused goal a. SUBSTANCIAL
d. Hospital focused goal b. WELLNESS
 Correct answers: Client c. POTENTIAL
focused goal d. ACTUAL
47. Which of the following nursing interventions e. COLLABORATIVE
wherein the nurse provides direct nursing care f. Correct answers: ACTUAL
services to the sick? 55. Another type of Nursing Diagnosis that identifies
a. Developmental a high-risk health problem?
b. Facilitative a. POTENTIAL
c. Accumulative b. WELLNESS
d. Supplemental c. ACTUAL
 Correct answers: d. SUBSTANCIAL
Supplemental e. COLLABORATIVE
48. In completing a client’s family assessment, the  Correct answers: POTENTIAL
nurse should begin by: 56. You are the Nurse assigned to the RHU, you
a. Determining the family’s form and have observed individuals being sick due to
attitudes illnesses in a specified period of time, you know
b. Testing the family’s ability to cope that this will be recorded as?
c. Gathering the health data from all family a. Longevity
members b. Death rate
d. Evaluating communication patterns c. Mortality
 Correct answers: Determining d. Morbidity
the family’s form and  Correct answers: • Morbidity
attitudes 57. This is the phase of the Nursing Process
49. Which of the following resources that the Nurse wherein the process of collecting, validating and
can use that includes skills, knowledge, and time recording data about a client’s health status is
of the health provider? being done?
a. Community resources a. Evaluation
b. Family resources b. Nursing Diagnosis
c. Nurse resources c. Implementation
d. Natural resources d. Assessment
e. Government resources e. Planning
 Correct answers: Nurse  Correct answers: Assessment
resources 58. On this phase of the nursing process, the nurse
50. Nurse Theodore is a Nurse working in the considered each problem is assigned a clear,
community and reporting cases to the rural measurable goal for the expected beneficial
health unit of Victoria Tarlac city, he is aware outcome, as well as strategies of action if being
that according to the Department of Health, the developed?
care being provided in a health center is? a. Assessment
a. Secondary Health Care b. Evaluation
b. Tertiary Health Care c. Planning
c. Primary Health Care d. Nursing Diagnosis
d. First-Line Care e. Implementation
 Correct answers: • Primary  Correct answers: • Planning
Health Care 59. Which goal is being attained by teaching the
51. This term is defined as length of life a study, or client or member of the family to perform a
average lifespan? certain procedure?
a. Death rate a. Nurse focused goal
b. Client focused goal d. Conducting assessment of suspected
c. Administration focused goal cases to detect the communicable
d. Hospital focused goal diseases
 Correct answers: Nurse  Correct answers:
focused goal Participating in the
60. As a Nurse in the community, we have several investigation to determine
roles, and one of this role is defined as working the source of epidemic
with other health team member? 6. Nurse Elsa is assessing the SOCIO-ECONOMIC
a. Health Advocate AND CULTURAL VARIABLES of barangay San
b. Collaborator Sebastian. In assessing the Socio-Economic
c. Health Educator and Cultural Variables, she will include the
d. Clinician following, except?
e. Facilitator 1. Economic indicators
 Correct answers: 2. Environmental indicators
Collaborator  3. Cultural factors
4. Leadership Factors
5. Social indicators
 Correct answers:
Leadership Factors
7. According to Freeman and Heinrich, community
health nursing is a developmental service.
Which of the following best illustrates this
FINALS a. Health education and community
organizing are necessary in providing
1. Which criterion in priority setting of health community health services.
problems is used only in community health care? b. Community health nursing is intended
a. Nature of the problem presented primarily for health promotion and
b. Modifiability of the problem prevention and treatment of disease.
c. Magnitude of the health problem c. The community health nurse
d. Preventive potential of the health continuously develops himself
problem personally and professionally
 Correct answers: Magnitude d. The goal of community health nursing is
of the health problem to provide nursing services to people in
2. Community health nursing is a field of nursing in their own places of residence.
which it utilizes which of the following?   Correct answers: Health
1. Knowledge about the history and education and community
philosophy of public health practices.  organizing are necessary in
2. Concepts of epidemiology and bio- providing community health
statistics.  services.
3. Principles of leadership and 8. As a nurse in the community, you are fully aware
management  that there are identified four clientele of a
4. Principles of social change professional nurse in community health nursing,
 Correct answers: 1, 2, 3 & 4 these are?
3. An indicator of success in community organizing a. Groups, Families, Civilizations, and
is when people are able to? Individuals
a. Plan activities for the solution of the b. Individual, Families, Organizations, and
community problem Youth
b. Identify the health problem as a c. Communities, Groups, Families, and
common concern Individuals
c. Participate in community activities for d. Families, Individuals, Partners, and
the solution of a community problem Communities
d. Plan activities for the solution of the  Correct answers:
community problem Communities, Groups,
 Correct answers: Participate Families, and Individuals
in community activities for 9. As a rural health unit nurse, you also have an
the solution of a community active role in disease surveillance and
problem epidemiology of disease in the community.
4. Is an official and periodic enumeration of the Among others you also do the following. 
population. Demographic, economic, and social 1. Immediately inform the rural health
data are collected from a specified population physician of any unusual increases
group. cases in the community disease. 
a. Census 2. Conduct epidemiological
b. Sample survey investigation on all reported
c. De Jure Method outbreaks.
d. De Facto Method 3. Request the midwife to graph
 Correct answers: Census weekly disease incidence cases in
5. Which of the following is an epidemiologic the municipality.
function of the nurse during an epidemic? 4. Assist in the planning and
a. Monitoring the condition of the cases implementing disease control
affected by the communicable disease measures during outbreak
b. Participating in the investigation to  Correct answers: 1, 2 & 4
determine the source of epidemic 10. You are assessing the family households in your
c. Teaching the community on preventive assigned community. 50% of the family you
measures against the disease
have assessed is made up of parents, their c. Face-to-face
children, and relatives of one or both the parent. d. Mission Phase
You know that this type of family is called?  e. Pre-entry Phase
a. Gay/lesbian f. Helping Phase
b. Single-parent Family g. Loading Phase
c. Communal h. Entry Phase
d. Reconstituted  Correct answers: Entry Phase
e. Compound 16. Which of the following features should the nurse
f. Nuclear Family incorporate in her practice of community health
g. Foster nursing? 
h. Extended Family 1. CHN is oriented to population. 
 Correct answers: Extended 2. CHN emphasizes health. 
Family 3. CHN involves inter disciplinary
11. This phase of the Community Organizing is collaboration 
considered crucial because the success of later 4. CHN promotes client participation in
activities depend largely on the community determining their own health.
organizer's extent of integration with the people, a. 3 & 4 only
her/his understanding of the events in the b. 1, 2, 3 & 4
community? c. 1 & 2 only
a. Entry Phase d. 2 & 4 only
b. Face-to-face e. 1, 2 & 3
c. Pre-entry Phase  Correct answers: 1, 2, 3 & 4
d. Loading Phase 17. While conducting a community diagnosis, you
e. Helping Phase have assessed several number of Dengue cases
f. Phase out in the area. Dengue Fever is a viral infection
g. Assigning Phase transmitted through bite of vector Aedes Aegypti,
h. Mission Phase this vector is characterized by?
 Correct answers: Entry Phase a. Day biting Male Mosquito
12. Criteria for Nature of the Problem Presented b. Day biting female Mosquito
Scale are the following but one? c. Male biting mosquito
a. Health Deficit d. Night biting female mosquito
b. Foreseeable Crisis e. Any mosquito
c. Environmental Health  Correct answers: Day biting
d. Health Threat female Mosquito
 Correct answers: 18. You are assessing the family households in your
Environmental Health assigned community. Majority of the family you
13. In a mothers’ class, you discuss proper have assessed is made up of parents and one or
breastfeeding technique. Which is of these is a more children living together. You know that this
sign that the baby has “latched on” to the breast type of family is called?
properly? a. Extended Family
a. The mother does not feel nipple pain. b. Single-parent Family
b. The baby takes shallow, rapid sucks. c. Nuclear Family
c. Only the mother’s nipple is inside the d. Gay/lesbian
baby’s mouth e. Compound
d. The baby’s mouth is only partly open. f. Communal
 Correct answers: The mother g. Reconstituted
does not feel nipple pain. h. Foster
14. As a nurse in the community, you also have an  Correct answers: Nuclear
active role in disease surveillance and Family
epidemiology of disease in the community. 19. On your home visit at Family Cassano, a 7
Among others you also do which of the month old infant has Koplik Spots. As the
following? community nurse, you are aware that this is a
1. Immediately inform the rural health pathognomonic sign of measles Upon
physician of any unusual increases assessment you may see Koplik’s spot by
cases in the community disease.  inspecting the?
2. Conduct epidemiological investigation a. Buccal mucosa
on all reported outbreaks.  b. Nasal Mucosa
3. Request the midwife to graph weekly c. Skin on the abdomen
disease incidence cases in the d. Skin on the antecubital surface
municipality.   Correct answers: Buccal
4. Assist in the planning and mucosa
implementing disease control measures 20. Batang-Batang is your chosen community for
during outbreak. CHN 2. The perception of the existing problem is
a. 1, 2, 3 & 4 important in the conduct of a Community
b. 2&4 Diagnosis. This refers to the perception of the
c. 1&4 population or the community as they are affected
d. 1, 2 & 4 by the problem and their readiness to act on the
e. 3&4 problem.
 Correct answers: 1, 2 & 4 a. Social Reform
15. Which of the following phases of the Community b. Social Norm
Organizing is also known as social preparation c. Socialization
of the community?  d. Social Concern
a. Phase out e. Social Agenda
b. Assigning Phase
 Correct answers: Social  Correct answers:
Concern Demographic Variables
21. Environmental sanitation is defined as? 26. You are assigned to Barangay Pokis as the
a. Study the pattern of occurrence of community nurse, you are aware of the different
disease epidemiology. roles and functions of each member of the
b. None of the choices healthcare team assigned on the said barangay.
c. A branch of public health that deals with Being the Community Nurse on this area, you
the study of preventing illnesses are aware that all of the following are not
managing the environment and purposes of the home visit, except?
environmental hygiene. a. Team approach
d. Study all factors in man’s physical b. Endorsement done by a midwife to
environment which may exercise a another midwife
deleterious effect on his wellbeing and c. Two-way referral system
survival. d. Giving health teaching regarding the
e. All of the choices prevention and control of diseases.
 Correct answers: A branch of  Correct answers: Giving
public health that deals with health teaching regarding
the study of preventing the prevention and control
illnesses managing the of diseases.
environment and 27. The following are the reasons of moving to
environmental hygiene. Phase out phase of the community organizing,
22. In conducting the community diagnosis, which except?
step are plans formulated for solving community a. When the impact of the project has
problems? become visible or change has been
a. Core group Formation made
b. Home Visits b. When a participatory and politically
c. Follow-up responsive community starts to become
d. Mobilization individualistic
e. Community Organization c. When a viable community-based
 Correct answers: Community organization has been established
Organization d. When the objectives have been attained
23. Epidemiology is the study of occurrences and e. When the community resources can
distribution of diseases as well as distribution already be maximized by the people
and determinants of health states or events in f. When the members of the community
specified population, and the application of this can take over the planning,
study to the control of health problems. Which of implementation, monitoring, and
the following is a function of epidemiology? evaluation of the project.
a. Evaluating the effectiveness of the  Correct answers: When a
implementation of the Integrated participatory and politically
Management of Childhood Illness. responsive community
b. Determining the efficacy of the antibiotic starts to become
used in the treatment of the 3 year old individualistic
client with pneumonia. 28. A community diagnosis is a hypothesis or
c. Identifying the disease condition based statement of the outcome of the analysis and
on manifestations presented by a client. synthesis of the data and information acquired
d. Determining factors that contributed to during data collection about a community. All of
the occurrence of pneumonia in a 3 year the following are sources of data: 
old. 1. Population census 
 Correct answers: Evaluating 2. Indices of the health 
the effectiveness of the 3. Statistics 
implementation of the 4. Registration of vital data 
Integrated Management of 5. Health survey 
Childhood Illness 6. Studies and researches.
24. Which criterion in priority setting of health  Correct answers: 1, 4, 5 and
problems is used only in community health care? 6
Single choice. 29. It measures the frequency of occurrence of the
a. Preventive potential of the health phenomena during a given period of time
problem a. Incidence Rate
b. Modifiability of the problem b. Incidence Death Rate
c. Nature of the problem presented c. Crude Death Rate
d. Magnitude of the health problem d. Prevalence Rate
 Correct answers: Magnitude  Correct answers: Incidence
of the health problem Rate
25. Community is defined as a group of people living 30. Assessment provides an estimate of the degree
in the same place or having a particular to which a family or community achieve the level
characteristic in common. While _________ of health, identifies specific deficiencies or
pertains to the size, composition, and guidance needed and estimates the possible
geographical distribution of the population effects of the nursing intervention. Arrange the
density? following into its proper sequence:
a. Demographic Variables 1-Initiate contact 
b. Community 2-Mutual trust/ confidence 
c. Urban-Rural Distribution 3-Demonstrate caring attitude 
d. Population 4-Analyze and interprets data 
e. Socio-Cultural Variables
5-Identify health problem 6-Collect data a. “Sometimes, I have trouble sleeping
from all sources too.”
7-Assess coping abilities. b. “You’re having difficulty sleeping?”
 Correct answers: 1, 3, 2, 6, c. “I see.”
5, 7, 4 d. “Really?”
31. Which of the following is an element of a  Correct answers: “You’re
Comprehensive Community Diagnosis? having difficulty sleeping?”
a. DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES 36. The Epidemiologic Triangle consists of three
b. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL components – the host, environment, and agent.
VARIABLES As a nurse, you are certain that the three
c. HEALTH AND ILLNESS PATTERNS components of the environment are which of the
 Correct answers: All of the 2. Agent
following 3. Physical
32. A primigravida is instructed to offer her breast to 4. Biological
the baby for the first time within 30 minutes after 5. Environment
delivery. What is the purpose of offering the 6. Socio-economic
breast this early?  Correct answers: 3, 4 and 6
a. To make sure that the baby is able to 37. Cultural factors influence community practice.
get the colostrum The variable that may break up People into
b. To allow the woman to practice Groups within the community includes all of the
breastfeeding in the presence of the following except?
health worker a. Ethnicity, Social Class, Language, Blood
c. To stimulate milk production by the Type
mammary acini b. Ethnicity, Social Class, Language,
d. To initiate the occurrence of milk Religion, Race, Political Orientation
letdown c. Race, Political Orientation
 Correct answers: To stimulate d. None of the choices
milk production by the e. All of the choices
mammary acini  Correct answers: Ethnicity,
33. The Epidemiologic Triangle consists of three Social Class, Language,
components. The model implies that each must Blood Type
be analyzed and understood for 38. A patient asks Nurse Seo about the primary
comprehensions and prediction of patterns of a focus of Community Health Nursing. Which
disease. A change in any of the component will statement made by Nurse Seo is unacceptable?
alter an existing equilibrium to increase or a. It focuses on primary level of care
decrease the frequency of the disease. Label the b. The primary focus is performing the
part of the Epidemiologic Triangle being asked: triage approach
C is c. The individual, family and community
___________________?  are the main focus of public health
d. Community Health Nursing focuses on
health promotion aspect
 Correct answers: The primary
focus is performing the
triage approach
39. Community Health Nursing is the utilization of
the nursing process in the different levels of
clientele-individuals, families, population groups
a. Host and communities, concerned with the promotion
b. Agent of health, prevention of disease and disability
c. Etiologic Factor and rehabilitation.” (Maglaya, et al). Base on the
d. Environment definition of CHN above, as a Nurse in the
e. Nurse community, your main goal is? 
 Correct answers: a. To raise the level of citizenry by helping
Environment communities and families to cope up
34. The public health nurse is responsible for with the discontinuities of threats to
presenting the municipal health statistics using health in such a way as to maximize
graphs and tables. To compare the frequency of their potential for high-level of wellness.
the leading causes of mortality in the b. To enhance proper collaboration with
municipality, which graph will you prepare? others to the promotion of the client’s
a. Pie optimum level of functioning thru’ the
b. Rows and Columns use of secondary health care services.
c. Scatter diagram c. To eliminate health problems in the
d. Bar community by helping the family to
e. Line become a passive recipient of care.
 Correct answers: Bar d. All of the choices
35. When the community health nurse visits a client  Correct answers: To raise the
at home, the client states, “I haven’t slept at all level of citizenry by helping
the last couple of nights.” Which response by the communities and families to
nurse illustrates a therapeutic communication cope up with the
response to this client? discontinuities of threats to
health in such a way as to
maximize their potential for d. Nurse
high-level of wellness. e. Host
40. You are assessing the family households in your  Correct answers: Agent
assigned community. One of of the family you 45. Population-focused nursing practice requires
have assessed is the family of Freddie who is a which of the following processes
Muslim Brother, and it is legal in his Religion to a. Community diagnosis
have more than one wives. He has three wives, b. Community organizing
Lily, Shelly, and Georgia who are living with c. Nursing process
Freddie in harmony. What type of family do they d. Epidemiologic process
have?  Correct answers: Community
a. Single-parent Family diagnosis
b. Nuclear Family 46. CHN is a community-based practice. Which best
c. Compound explains this statement?
d. Extended Family a. The nurse has to conduct community
e. Gay/lesbian diagnosis to determine nursing needs
f. Reconstituted and problems
g. Foster b. The service is provided in the natural
h. Communal environment of people
 Correct answers: Compound c. The services are based on the available
41. You will gather data for nutritional assessment of resources within the community
Purok Cassano. You will gather information only d. Priority setting is based on the
from families with members who belong to the magnitude of the health problems
target population for PEM. What method of delta identified
gathering is best for this purpose?  Correct answers: The nurse
a. Survey has to conduct community
b. Record Review diagnosis to determine
c. Census nursing needs and
d. Review of civil registry problems
 Correct answers: Survey 47. On the computation for ranking of identifying
42. The midwife refers to you a family who fails to health conditions and problems according to
take action regarding a sick member of the priorities there are four criteria. On the criteria
family despite her suggestions. In helping the nature of the condition or problem presented,
family decide on what actions to take, you will?  wellness stated is graded as?
1. Explain the consequences of inaction  a. 4
2. Identify the courses of action open to b. 3
the family and resources needed for c. 5
each d. 1
3. Discuss the consequences of each e. 2
course of action available f. 0
4. Influence the family to act on what  Correct answers: 3
you think is best for the situation. 48. The DOH roles are categorized into three major
 Correct answers: 2, 3 & 1 functions, namely: i. Leadership in Health ii.
43. A mother brought her daughter, 4 years old, to Enabler and Capacity Builder iii. Community
the RHU because of cough and colds. Following Organizer iv. Administrator of specific Services.
the IMCI assessment guide, which of the a. i, iii, iv
following is a danger sign that indicates the need b. All of the choices
for urgent referral to a hospital? c. i, ii, iv
a. Inability to drink d. ii, iii, iv
b. High grade fever e. i, ii, iii
c. Signs of severe dehydration  Correct answers: i, ii, iv
d. Crying 49. The primary purpose of conducting an
 Correct answers: Inability to epidemiologic investigation is to?
drink a. Identify geographical location of cases
of the disease in the community
b. Identify groups who are at risk of
contracting the disease
c. Delineate the etiology of the epidemic
d. Encourage cooperation and support of
the community
 Correct answers: Delineate
the etiology of the epidemic
50. The Epidemiologic Triangle consists of three
44. The Epidemiologic Triangle consists of three components. The model implies that each must
components. The model implies that each must be analyzed and understood for
be analyzed and understood for comprehensions and prediction of patterns of a
comprehensions and prediction of patterns of a disease. A change in any of the component will
disease. A change in any of the component will alter an existing equilibrium to increase or
alter an existing equilibrium to increase or decrease the frequency of the disease. Label the
decrease the frequency of the disease. Label the part of the Epidemiologic Triangle being asked:
part of the Epidemiologic Triangle being asked:
A is ___________________?
a. Etiologic Factor
b. Agent
c. Environment
B is ___________________? a. Get a specimen for blood smear.
b. Ask where the family resides.
c. Ask if the fever is present everyday.
d. Do a tourniquet test.
 Correct answers: Ask where
the family resides.
55. If nurses are busy, hilots can really be of help
says Mrs. Cruz of Barangay Papaac. Based on
your knowledge as a nurse, you will include on
your health teaching what specific case that
a. Agent could be assigned on hilots nowadays?
b. Host a. Immunization
c. Etiologic Factor b. None as hilots are not advisable to
d. Nurse attend deliveries nowadays
e. Environment c. Normal deliveries
 Correct answers: Host d. Would dressing
51. In Sitio De Pinagpala, a pregnant woman named  Correct answers: None as
Mrs. Kang seeks help from a hilot. She plans to hilots are not advisable to
give birth in her home and not on a health care attend deliveries nowadays
facility. As a nurse what will you tell Mrs. Kang 56. You are conducting pre-natal counseling on your
about her decision? home visit in the community and dealing with a
a. Facility Based Delivery is highly primigravida who is afraid of childbirth due to her
recommended nowadays as it prevents beliefs and misconceptions. The first thing that
the risk for postpartum related injuries the community nurses should do is?
and neonatal tetanus. a. Refer to midwife for regular follow-up
b. Hilots are way cheaper than hospital visit.
delivery b. Help woman recognize the sign of
c. Hilot and Facility Based Delivery are just abnormalities in pregnancy to enable
synonymous, so you can go to choose her to report to the midwife.
either one of it. c. Identify the beliefs and misconceptions
d. Hilots render holistic touch compared to and their source.
Rural Health Midwives d. Immediately correct the beliefs and
 Correct answers: Facility misconceptions.
Based Delivery is highly  Correct answers: Identify the
recommended nowadays as beliefs and misconceptions
it prevents the risk for and their source
postpartum related injuries 57. In preparing a primigravida for breastfeeding,
and neonatal tetanus. which of the following will you do?
52. In performing the bag technique while doing your a. Explain to her that putting the baby to
Community Diagnosis, it is very important to breast will lessen blood loss after
observe the correct sequence in doing it. All of delivery.
the following sequence are correct sequence, b. Instruct her to wash her nipples before
except? and after each breastfeeding.
1. Greet the client and introduce yourself c. Teach her nipple stretching exercises if
2. Upon arriving at client’s home place her nipples are everted.
the bag on a flat surface lined with paper d. Tell her that lactation begins within a
lining day after delivery.
3. Do handwashing technique and e. None of the choices
perform the procedure f. All of the choices
4. Ask for a basin of water if tap water is  Correct answers: Explain to
not available her that putting the baby to
5. Perform the needed care. breast will lessen blood
6. Put out all the specific paraphernalia loss after delivery.
needed for specific case. 58. Promotion of health is a major responsibility of
 Correct answers: a. 1, 2, 3, 4 the CHN, this refers to?
and 5 a. Activities that seek to protect clients
53. The rise of Dengue cases over the last 3 from potential or actual health threats
decades in the Philippines has seen an increase and their harmful consequences.
in the number of people who have Dengue is b. Activities aimed to prevent the spread of
higher than the previous cases recorded, This microorganisms to Individual.
Patterns of occurrence and distribution of c. Activities directed toward decreasing the
diseases is called? probability of specific illness or
a. ECONOMIC OCCURRENCE dysfunctions in individuals.
b. EPIDEMIC OCCURRENCE d. Activities directed toward developing the
c. SPORADIC OCCURRENCE resources of clients that maintain or
d. PANDEMIC OCCURRENCE enhance well-being.
e. ENDEMIC OCCURRENCE  Correct answers: Activities
 Correct answers: EPIDEMIC directed toward developing
OCCURRENCE the resources of clients that
54. A mother brought her 10 month old infant for maintain or enhance well-
consultation because of fever, which started 4 being
days prior to consultation. To determine malaria 59. This phase of the Community Organizing covers
risk as a epidemiological nurse, what will be your gathering data and encouraging people to
next action? identify and analyze their needs and problems?
a. Face-to-face b. Helping Phase
b. Loading Phase c. Assigning Phase
c. Mission Phase d. Entry Phase
d. Assigning Phase e. Mission Phase
e. Pre-entry Phase f. Pre-entry Phase
f. Entry Phase g. Loading Phase
g. Helping Phase h. Phase out
h. Phase out  Correct answers: Phase out
 Correct answers: Helping 65. Which is CONTRARY to the principles in
Phase planning a home visit?
60. In Barangay Nagibana, a rural community, a. Planning of continuing care should
Clostridium tetani, the bacterium that causes involve a responsible family member
tetanus, is acquired in the soil environment, but b. A home visit should be conducted in the
incidences of infection occur only rarely and in manner prescribed by the RHU.
scattered locations because most individuals are c. The plan should revolve around family
vaccinated, This Patterns of occurrence and health needs.
distribution of diseases is called? d. A home visit should have a purpose or
b. EPIDEMIC OCCURRENCE  Correct answers: A home visit
c. SPORADIC OCCURRENCE should be conducted in the
d. ENDEMIC OCCURRENCE manner prescribed by the
 Correct answers: SPORADIC 66. In the past year, Barangay A had an average
OCCURRENCE population of 1655. 46 babies were born in that
61. Which statements made by a group of year, 2 of whom died less than 4 weeks after
community clients communicate to the nurse a they were born. They were 4 recorded stillbirths.
potential warning sign of cancer? Select all that What is the neonatal mortality rate?
apply. a. 86.9/1000
1. "For the past 2 years, I have had a b. 130.4/1000
chronic productive cough for 3 months c. 27.8/1000
out of the year." d. 43.5/1000
2. "I seem to have heartburn an hour  Correct answers: 43.5/1000
after I eat eggs and sausage and drink 67. You have been assigned as a community health
whole milk." nurse in a poor community providing primary
3. "Last month when I was doing my health care services, which of the following
self-breast examination, I noticed a lump characterize Primary Health Care?
the size of a marble." 1. Essential health care accessible and
4. "My mole is itchy and the borders acceptable to individual and families in
have become uneven with a blackish to the community.
bluish color." 2. The cost of care is affordable to
5. "Recently I have noticed that my community and country.
bowel movements appear black." 3. The setting is in tertiary hospitals.
 Correct answers: 3, 4, and 5 4. Require health personnel and
62. The following choices are the purposes of home specialized training.
visit that a nurse must be utilize in performing  Correct answers: 1 & 2
community diagnosis and family case study. All 68. The following are uses of Epidemiology, except?
of the following are true except? a. Estimate the risk of disease, accident,
1. To give health teachings regarding and defects
the prevention and control of diseases. b. Motivating, enhancing and seeking
2. To teach a responsible family wider community participation in
member to give the subsequent care. decision making and activities that have
3. To give care to the sick, to a the potential to impact positively on
postpartum mother and her newborn community health
with the view to teach any family c. Complete the clinical picture of chronic
member to give the subsequent care. disease
4. To make use of the inter-referral d. Study the rise and fall of diseases and
system and to promote the utilization of changes in their character
community services. e. Study the history of the health
 Correct answers: 2, 3, 4 population
63. This can be describe in terms of urban-rural f. Study the work of health services with a
distribution, population density, and crowding view of improving them
index for proper allocation of resources based g. Diagnose the health of the community
on the concentration of population in a certain  Correct answers: Motivating,
place:Single choice. enhancing and seeking
a. Crowding Index wider community
b. Population Distribution participation in decision
c. Urban-Rural Distribution making and activities that
d. Population Density have the potential to impact
 Correct answers: Population positively on community
Distribution health
64. This phase of the Community Organizing mean 69. Community Organizing (CO) is a social
that a program is already community-managed? development approach that aims to transform
Single choice. the apathetic, individualistic and voiceless poor
a. Face-to-face into a dynamic, participatory and politically
responsive community. Which step in community individual, family and
organizing involves training of potential leaders community
in the community? 73. You are assessing the family households in your
a. Core group formation assigned community. One of of the family you
b. Community organization have assessed is the family of Mr. and Mrs.
c. Community study Manio who has three sons, all of them are
d. Integration married, and have their family of their own.
 Correct answers: Core group However, due to financial issue, all of their sons
formation with their families are still living inside the same
70. You are assigned to Barangay Bacsay for your roof. What type of family do they have?
RLE experience, during your community a. Gay/lesbian
exposure your Clinical Instructor ask you about b. Single-parent Family
the guidelines regarding the frequency of home c. Compound
visit. You are correct if you answer all of the d. Communal
following except? e. Foster
1. The physical needs psychological f. Nuclear Family
needs and educational needs of the g. Reconstituted
individual and family. h. Extended Family
2. The frequency of home visit should  Correct answers: Communal
take into consideration the use of all 74. This is also known as community involvement
available information about the patient phase of the Community Organizing?
and his family through family records. a. Face-to-face
3. The acceptance of the family for the b. Loading Phase
services to be rendered, their interest c. Phase out
and the willingness to cooperate. d. Helping Phase
4. The policy of a specific agency and e. Pre-entry Phase
the emphasis given towards their health f. Assigning Phase
programs. g. Mission Phase
5. Take into account the manner h. Entry Phase
prescribed by the RHU regarding home  Correct answers: Helping
visit and the number of health personnel Phase
already involved in the care of a specific 75. This phase of the Community Organizing is also
family. known as project site selection?
6. Careful evaluation of past services a. Assigning Phase
given to the family and how the family b. Loading Phase
avails of the nursing services. c. Mission Phase
7. The ability of the nurse to recognize d. Face-to-face
the needs of the family, their knowledge e. Entry Phase
of available resources and their ability to f. Pre-entry Phase
make use of their resources for their g. Helping Phase
benefits. h. Phase out
 Correct answers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  Correct answers: Pre-entry
and 7 Phase
71. Which of the following phases of the Community
Organizing wherein the Nurse is conducting of
preliminary social analysis of the community is
NCM 113 CHN2 Lec
needed to be able to plan the most effective way
of entering the community? MIDTERMS
a. Face-to-face
b. Loading Phase 1. The community health nurse chose Barangay
c. Mission Phase Sairo in the delivery of health programs and
d. Entry Phase services. Green’s Model was adopted in the
e. Phase out conduct of Community Health Nursing activities.
f. Pre-entry Phase The following are the most common type of
g. Helping Phase instrument of data gathering in social diagnosis,
h. Assigning Phase except:
 Correct answers: Pre-entry a. Survey questionnaire
Phase b. Nominal and Focus Groups
72. Community organizing is a continuous and c. Structured Interview guide
sustained process which develop the following, d. Medical and Laboratory records
except?  Correct answers: Medical and
a. Organizing people to work collectively Laboratory records
and efficiently. 2. One of the models used in CHN is Health Belief
b. Guiding people to understand the Model. Which of the following are included in this
existing condition of their own model as its focus?
community. a. Promoting and health risk behaviors,
c. Take action on their immediate and sick role behaviors and attitudes
long-term needs. b. Enhancing functional ability, well- being
d. Mobilizing people to develop their and better quality of life
capacity and readiness. c. Expanding health education through
e. Improving nursing services for the policy, regulatory and related ecological
individual, family and community. factors
 Correct answers: Improving
nursing services for the
d. Challenging the main determinant for are entitled is which of the following CHN
unhealthy behavioral choice is lack of principles?
knowledge a. Collaborative work relationships with the
 Correct answers: Promoting co-workers and members of the health
and health risk behaviors, team facilities accomplishments of
sick role behaviors and goals.
attitudes b. CHN integrates health education and
3. One of the highlights of Millo’s model is: counseling as vital parts of functions.
a. Competence oriented model c. Utilization of indigenous and existing
b. Policy development community resources maximizing the
c. Health-related behaviors success of the efforts of the Community
d. Educational and ecological diagnosis Health Nurses.
 Correct answers: Policy d. Respect for the values, customs and
development beliefs of the clients contribute to the
4. It is a learned practice discipline with the effectiveness of care to the client.
ultimate goal of contributing as individuals and in  Correct answers: Utilization
collaboration with others to the promotion of the of indigenous and existing
client’s optimum level of functioning through community resources
teaching and delivery of care.: maximizing the success of
a. Occupational health nursing the efforts of the
b. School nursing Community Health Nurses.
c. Community mental health nursing 8. In CHN, the client is considered as a/an:
d. Community health nursing a. Active partner
 Correct answers: Community b. Passive partner
health nursing c. Dormant partner
5. Giving priority to the health problems presented d. Submissive partner
by the four levels of clientele is which of the  Correct answers: Active
following CHN principles applicable? partner
a. Active participation of the individual, 9. Which of the following statements is not true in
family and community in planning and the concept of CHN services?
making decisions for their health care a. CHN practice is affected by
needs, determine, to a large extent, the developments in health technology, in
success of the CHN programs. particular, changes in society.
b. The recognized need of individuals, b. The goal of CHN is achieved through
families and communities provides the multi-sectoral efforts.
basis for CHN practice. c. CHN is a part of health care system and
c. Respect for the values, customs and the larger human services system.
beliefs of the clients contribute to the d. CHN focuses on the recognized needs
effectiveness of care to the client. of the health workers for better follow up
d. CHN considers the family as the unit of services.
service. Its level of functioning is  Correct answers: CHN
influenced by the degree to which it can focuses on the recognized
deal with its own problems. needs of the health workers
 Correct answers: The for better follow up
recognized need of services.
individuals, families and 10. The community health nurse works with many
communities provides the people including clients, other nurses,
basis for CHN practice. physicians, social workers, and community
6. Working with the mission and vision of the leaders, therapists, nutritionists, occupational
agency the CHN represents is what CHN therapists, psychologists, epidemiologists,
principle? biostatisticians, legislators as a member of the
a. Knowledge and understanding of the health team:
objectives and policies of the agency a. Managerial role of the CH Nurse
facilities goal achievement. b. Collaborative role of the CH Nurse
b. Collaborative work relationships with the c. Advocate role of the CH Nurse
co-workers and members of the health d. Clinician role of the CH Nurse
team facilities accomplishments of  Correct answers:
goals. Collaborative role of the CH
c. Utilization of indigenous and existing Nurse
community resources maximizing the 11. It is a psychological health model that attempts
success of the efforts of the Community to explain behavior by focusing on the attitudes
Health Nurses. and behaviors of individuals.
d. Continuing staff education program a. Precede-Proceed model
quality services to client and are b. Health Promotion model
essential to upgrade and maintain sound c. Health Prevention model
nursing practices in their setting. d. Health Belief model
 Correct answers: Knowledge  Correct answers: Health
and understanding of the Belief model
objectives and policies of 12. The following are the characteristics of a
the agency facilities goal “healthy community”
achievement. 1. Awareness that “we are a family”
7. The use of local available health resources and 2. Settling of disputes through legitimate
linkages both public and private, increase the mechanisms
awareness of what care they need which they
3. Decision-making is done by the learned and  Correct answers: The worth
the powerful and dignity of man
4. Conservation of natural resources. 19. The primary focus of community health nursing
a. 1, 2, 3 practice in terms of maintaining the people’s
b. All of the above OLOF is:
c. 2, 3, 4 a. Health promotion
d. 1, 2, 4 b. Disease prevention
e. Correct answers: 1, 2, 4 c. Prevention of communicable diseases
13. Among the characteristics of an unhealthy d. Reduction of lifestyle diseases
community are:  Correct answers: Health
1. Participation of subgroups in the affairs of the promotion
community 20. The philosophy of CHN practice is based on the
2. Very strong inclination towards the family’s belief that the family is the smallest unit in a
welfare democratic society. Which age group should be
3. Instead of the community’s interest the priority adults of the nurses in the
4. Decision-making is done by the learned and community?
the powerful a. Older persons and terminally ill
5. Absence of distributive justice b. Adolescents and
a. 1, 2, 3 c. Infants and children
b. All of the above d. All ages regardless of status
c. 2, 3, 4  Correct answers: All ages
d. None of the above regardless of status
 Correct answers: 2, 3, 4 21. These are used to measure the health status of
14. The primary focus of the community health the population.
nursing practice in terms of maintaining the a. Health Indicators
people’s optimum level of functioning is: b. Population Profile
a. Health promotion c. Community health
b. Prevention of communicable disease d. Demography
c. Reduction of lifestyle diseases  Correct answers: Health
d. Disease prevention Indicators
 Correct answers: Health 22. The study of vital events of the population is
promotion called:
15. In the communities, families from the lower a. Health Indicators
income groups are the ones mostly served by b. Population Profile
the public health services and by the community c. Community health
health nurses because: d. Demography
a. They have proportionally great number  Correct answers:
of illness and health problems Demography
b. Those from the higher income groups do 23. The theoretical framework of Millo consists of
not trust the government services which of the following:
c. The poor people have no choice but to a. Individual Perception, Modifying factors,
go to government public health services Likelihood of axtions
where services are free. b. Perception of susceptibility,severity,
d. Those from the higher income groups do severity, benefits, costs, motivation &
not get sick modifying factors
 Correct answers: They have c. Health public policy, policy holders &
proportionally great number influencer, public and media
of illness and health d. Educational & Ecological diagnosis
problems  Correct answers: Health
16. The diseases today are largely man-made like public policy, policy holders
poor sanitation, poor garbage disposal, air & influencer, public and
pollution, smoking and utilization of chemicals media
and pesticides. These are classified under: 24. Green’s framework consists of:
a. Political factors a. Individual Perception, Modifying factors,
b. Behavioral factors Likelihood of axtions
c. Environmental factors b. Perception of susceptibility,severity,
 Correct answers: Behavioral severity, benefits, costs, motivation &
factors modifying factors
17. Some of the factors in the eco-system which c. Health public policy, policy holders &
affect the level of functioning are oppression, influencer, public and media
crimes and lack of safety in streets and home d. Educational & Ecological diagnosis
which are classified sunder:  Correct answers: Educational
a. Socio-economic & Ecological diagnosis
b. Heredity 25. Pender’s theoretical framework consists of:
c. Environment a. Individual Perception, Modifying factors,
d. Political Likelihood of actions
 Correct answers: Political b. Perception of susceptibility, severity,
18. Margaret Shetland stated that the philosophy of severity, benefits, costs, motivation &
community health nursing is based on. modifying factors
a. The greatest good for the greatest c. Health public policy, policy holders &
number influencer, public and media
b. The worth and dignity of man d. Educational & Ecological diagnosis
c. The rule of the majority  Correct answers: Individual
d. The “fishing rod effect” Perception, Modifying
factors, Likelihood of a. Impact Evaluation
actions b. Outcome evaluation
26. Health belief model’s theoretical framework c. Both
consists of: d. None of the above
a. Perception of susceptibility, severity,  Correct answers: Impact
severity, benefits, costs, motivation & Evaluation
modifying factors 34. It determines the effect the program had in the
b. Health public policy, policy holders & health and quality of life of the community.:
influencer, public and media a. Impact Evaluation
c. Educational & Ecological diagnosis b. Outcome evaluation
d. Individual Perception, Modifying factors, c. Both
Likelihood of actions d. None of the above
 Correct answers: Perception  Correct answers: Outcome
of susceptibility, severity, evaluation
severity, benefits, costs, 35. Premarital counselling. 
motivation & modifying a. Primary Prevention
factors b. Secondary Prevention
27. This is an action in the prevention of the c. Tertiary Prevention
emergence or development of risk factors in  Correct answers: Primary
population in which they have not yet appeared. Prevention
a. Primordial prevention 36. Splinting a fractured bone. 
b. Primary prevention a. Primary Prevention
c. Secondary prevention b. Secondary Prevention
d. Tertiary prevention c. Tertiary Prevention
 Correct answers: Primordial  Correct answers: Tertiary
prevention Prevention
28. Action directed toward health promotion 37. Case finding.
activities and specific protection from specific a. Primary Prevention
illness is what level of prevention? b. Secondary Prevention
a. Primordial prevention c. Tertiary Prevention
b. Primary prevention d. Primordial prevention
c. Secondary prevention  Correct answers: Secondary
d. Tertiary prevention Prevention
 Correct answers: Primary 38. Eating a well balanced diet.
prevention a. Primary Prevention
29. What level of prevention is toward disability b. Secondary Prevention
limitation and rehabilitation? c. Tertiary Prevention
a. Primordial prevention d. Primordial prevention
b. Primary prevention  Correct answers: Primary
c. Secondary prevention Prevention
d. Tertiary prevention 39. Immunization.
 Correct answers: Tertiary a. Primary Prevention
prevention b. Secondary Prevention
30. Action which is directed toward early diagnosis c. Tertiary Prevention
and treatment of diseases is called: d. Primordial prevention
a. Primordial prevention  Correct answers: Primary
b. Primary prevention Prevention
c. Secondary prevention 40. Self breast examination.
d. Tertiary prevention a. Primary Prevention
 Correct answers: Secondary b. Secondary Prevention
prevention c. Tertiary Prevention
31. In Green’s model these includes factors that d. Primordial prevention
reward the desired behavior change including  Correct answers: Secondary
social support, economic rewards and changing Prevention
social norms. 41. Bringing a patient to a specializes health care
a. Predisposing factors facility to further the management of his
b. Reinforcing factors problem.
c. Enabling factors a. Primary Prevention
 Correct answers: Reinforcing b. Secondary Prevention
factors c. Tertiary Prevention
32. It assesses the policies, resources, d. Primordial prevention
circumstances and prevailing organizational  Correct answers: Tertiary
situations that could hinder or facilitate the Prevention
development of the health program.: 42. Sleeping 6-8 hours daily.
a. Educational Diagnosing a. Primary Prevention
b. Administrative Diagnosis b. Secondary Prevention
c. Environmental Diagnosis c. Tertiary Prevention
d. Policy Diagnosis d. Primordial prevention
 Correct answers:  Correct answers: Primary
Administrative Diagnosis Prevention
33. It measures the effectiveness of the program 43. A nurse that delivers services and health and
based on selecting factors in educational safety programs to worker populations, workers
diagnosis and often used to evaluate the and community groups.
performance of educators.: a. School nurse
b. Occupational health nurse  Correct answers: Perceived
c. Community mental health nurse severity
 Correct answers: 50. What component of the HBM is when Mr X
Occupational health nurse realized that there are existing hindrances to
44. A nurse who employs primary prevention by improved his health condition?
providing health education that promotes a. Perceived severity
physical and mental health and informs b. Perceived susceptibility
healthcare decisions, prevents disease, and c. Perceived barrier
enhances school performance. d. Perceived benefit
a. School nurse  Correct answers: Perceived
b. Occupational health nurse barrier
c. Community mental health nurse 51. Mr. X could not complete such recommended
 Correct answers: School treat regimen plan for such health problem
nurse manifested for it requires longer period of time in
45. A group of people with common characteristics its management, more rigid diagnostic
or interests, beliefs and culture living together examination needed and with financial
within a territory or geographical boundary is constraint. This is:
called: a. Perceived benefit
a. Demography b. Perceived cost
b. Community c. Perceived severity
c. both d. Perceived susceptibility
 Correct answers: Community  Correct answers: Perceived
46. CHN services must be available sustainable and cost
affordable to all regardless of race, creed, color 52. Mr. X find ways and with his significant others
or socio-economic status is what principle of worked out for the solution of his existing health
CHN applicable? problem. To further the management of his
a. CHN integrates health education and health condition will mean good prognosis. This
counseling as vital parts of functions. is:
b. Respect for the values, customs and a. Perceived severity
beliefs of the clients contribute to the b. Perceived susceptibility
effectiveness of care to the client. c. Perceived barrier
c. Periodic and continuing evaluation d. Perceived benefit
provides the means for assessing the  Correct answers: Perceived
degree to which CHN goals and benefit
objectives are being attained. 53. Mr. X complied with the treatment regimen plan
d. CHN considers the family as the unit of as per result of the diagnostic examination done
service. Its level of functioning is and toward modifying his existing unhealthy
influenced by the degree to which it can lifestyles. This is:
deal with its own problems. a. Modifying factors
 Correct answers: Respect for b. Cues to action
the values, customs and c. self-efficacy
beliefs of the clients d. Perceived cost
contribute to the  Correct answers: Cues to
effectiveness of care to the action
client. 54. Mr X has been compliant. He has personal belief
47. Proving health teachings to the four levels of in his own ability to do something about his
clientele is what role of the nurse? existing health problem is proven beneficial.This
a. Advocate role is:
b. Clinician Role a. Modifying factors
c. Educator role b. Perceived benefit
d. Leader role c. Self-efficacy
 Correct answers: Educator d. Perceived cost
role  Correct answers: Self-efficacy
48. Mr X is manifesting high fever, joint pains, loss 55. It is any activity which reduces the burden of
of appetite and headache for 2 days. He mortality or morbidity from diseases.
submitted himself for consultation that such a. Promotion
signs and symptoms being felt is indicative of an b. Belief
illness. What component of the Health Belief c. Prevention
Model (HBM) is this?  Correct answers: Prevention
a. Perceived Susceptibility 56. This is a framework for integrating nursing and
b. Perceived severity behavioral science perspectives on factors
c. perceived barrier influencing health behaviors.
d. Perceived benefit a. Health Belief Model
 Correct answers: Perceived b. PRECEDE-PROCEED Model
Susceptibility c. Health Prevention Model
49. The concept of Mr. X to submit himself for d. Health Promotion Model
checkup that what he manifested needs prompt  Correct answers: Health
attention so it will not predispose him to risk Promotion Model
conditions is what component of the HBM? 57. In educational diagnosis, this refers to selecting
a. Perceived cost factors which are skills, or personal factors such
b. Perceived severity as service and resources accessibility toward
c. Perceived susceptibility achievement of modifying behaviors.:
d. Perceived barrier a. Predisposing factors
b. Reinforcing factors
c. Enabling factors 1. CHN is a community-based practice. Which best
 Correct answers: Enabling explains this statement?
factors a. The service is provided in the natural
58. This is the doing phase of Green's Model where environment of people
all planned strategies and action are now b. The nurse has to conduct community
mobilized.:. diagnosis to determine nursing needs
a. Evaluation and problems
b. Administrative and Policy diagnosis c. The services are based on the available
c. Educational diagnois resources within the community
d. Implementation d. Priority setting is based on the
 Correct answers: magnitude of the health problems
Implementation identified
59. This is a specialized practice of nursing that  Correct answers: The nurse
advances the well-being, academic success, has to conduct community
and lifelong achievement and health of students. diagnosis to determine
It is called: nursing needs and
a. School nursing problems.
b. Occupational health nursing 2. Population- focused nursing practice requires
c. Community mental health nursing which of the following processes?
 Correct answers: School a. Community organizing
nursing b. Nursing, process
60. It is also known as industrial nursing. This is: c. Community diagnosis
a. School nursing d. Epidemiologic process
b. Occupational health nursing  Correct answers: Community
c. Community mental health nursing diagnosis
 Correct answers: 3. Which step in community organizing involves
Occupational health nursing training of potential leaders in the community?
61. These determinants of community health that a. Integration
includes geography, community size, b. Community organization
environment and industrial development. This: c. Community study
a. Industrial behaviors d. Core group formation
b. Physical factors  Correct answers: Core group
c. Community organization formation
d. Sociocultural factors 4. As an epidemiologist, the nurse is responsible
 Correct answers: Physical for reporting cases or notifiable diseases. What
factors law mandates reporting cases of notifiable
62. These determinants affecting community health diseases?
refers to beliefs and traditions, social norms, a. Act 3573
economy, politics and religion.: b. RA 3753
a. Industrial behaviors c. RA 1054
b. physical factors d. RA 1082
c. Community organization  Correct answers: Act 3573
d. Sociocultural factors 5. Community health nursing is a developmental
 Correct answers: service. Which of the following best illustrates
Sociocultural factors this statement?
63. This special field of nursing is integration of a. The community health nurse
mental health care services and linkage with continuously develops himself
existing community health development personally and professionally
program.: b. Health education and community
a. School nursing organizing are necessary in providing
b. Occupational health nursing community health services
c. Community mental health nursing c. Community health nursing in intended
 Correct answers: Community primarily for health promotion and
mental health nursing prevention and treatment of disease.
64. These determinants of community health has to d. The goal of community health nursing is
do with concerted effort of many to make a to provide nursing services to people in
program work like herd immunity .: their own place of residence
a. physical factors  Correct answers: Health
b. sociocultural factors education and community
c. community organization organizing are necessary in
d. individual behaviors providing community health
 Correct answers: individual services
behaviors 6. In which step of community organizing where the
65. This health model is a participatory model for community health worker chose one health issue
creating successful community health promotion to work and formulated actions for solving
and other public health interventions.: community problems?
a. Health Belief model a. Mobilization
b. Health promotion model b. Community organization
c. Health prevention model c. Follow-up/extension
d. Precede-Proceed model d. Tentative Program planning
 Correct answers: Precede-  Correct answers: Tentative
Proceed model Program planning

7. The community health nurse takes an active role b. The disease must necessarily be
to initiate community participation. What is the transmitted through a vector.
primary goal of community organizing? c. The spread of the disease can be
a. To educate the people regarding attributed to a common vehicle.
community health problems d. There is gradual build up of cases
b. To mobilize the people to resolve before we epidemic becomes easily
community health problems noticeable.
c. To maximize the community’s resources  Correct answers: There is
in dealing with health problems gradual build up of cases
 Correct answers: To mobilize before we epidemic
the people to resolve becomes easily noticeable.
community health problems 13. The number of cases of Dengue fever usually
8. An indicator of success in community organizing increases towards the end of the rainy season.
is when people are able to: This pattern of occurrence of Dengue fever is
a. Participate in community activities for best described as;
the solution of a community problem a. Epidemic occurrence
b. Implement activities for the solution of b. Cyclical/seasonal variation
the community problem c. Sporadic occurrence
c. Plan activities for the solution of the d. Secular occurrence
community problem  Correct answers:
d. Identify the health problem as a Cyclical/seasonal variation
common concern 14. One of the roles of a community health nurse in
 Correct answers: Participate epidemiology as a supervisor mean:
in community activities for a. Referring cases or patients
the solution of a community b. Providing technical guidance
problem c. Proving nursing care to cases referred
9. Which of the following is a function of d. Formulating and implementing training
epidemiology in the following situations? programs
a. Identifying the disease condition based  Correct answers: Providing
on manifestations presented by a client technical guidance
b. Determining factors that contributed to 15. Health education is a major activity of a
the occurrence of pneumonia in a 3- community health nurse. The purpose is to:
year-old a. Find out people’s reaction to health
c. Determining the efficacy of the antibiotic services they can avail.
used in the treatment of the 3-year-old b. Inform the public of the available
client with pneumonia programs and services they can avail.
d. Evaluating the effectiveness of the c. Provide information on health promotion.
implementation of the Integrated d. Facilitate change in attitudes and
Management of Childhood Illness behaviors towards health.
 Correct answers: Evaluating  Correct answers: Facilitate
the effectiveness of the change in attitudes and
implementation of the behaviors towards health.
Integrated Management of 16. Epidemiology is described with following terms:
Childhood Illness 1. Study of the occurrence of births and
10. Which of the following is an epidemiologic deaths in a given period of time.
function of the nurse during an epidemic? 2. Concerned with the study of the
a. Conducting assessment of suspected probable factors that influence the
cases to detect the communicable development of altered health
diseases conditions.
b. Monitoring the condition of the cases 3. Deals with occurrence and distribution
affected by the communicable disease of altered health conditions of the
c. Participating in the investigation to population.
determine the source of epidemic 4. Concerned with the number of
d. Teaching the community on preventive mortality and morbidity related to age
measures against the disease and sex distribution.
 Correct answers:  Correct answers: 2 and 3
Participating in the 17. Population composition is commonly described
investigation to determine in terms of:
the source of epidemic. a. Births and deaths
11. The primary purpose of conducting an b. Age and sex
epidemiologic investigation is to; c. Age and births
a. Delineate the etiology of the epidemic d. Sex and population
b. Encourage cooperation and support of  Correct answers: Births and
the community deaths
c. Identify groups who are at risk of 18. It refers to the probability reducing, controlling
contracting the disease and eradicating the identified CHN problem:
d. Identify geographical location of cases a. Modifiability of the problem
of the disease in the community b. Preventive potential
 Correct answers: Delineate c. Magnitude of the problem
the etiology of the epidemic d. Social concern
12. Which is a characteristic of person-to-person  Correct answers: Modifiability
propagated epidemic? of the problem
a. There are more cases of the disease
than expected.
19. Removing the barrier to further the management a. Assessment
of the patient health problems is what functions b. Implementation
of the health worker? c. Planning
a. care provider d. Evaluation
b. health educator  Correct answers: Evaluation
c. facilitator 28. Nurse Bek is assigned in community Regta. In
d. researcher planning a community health program in
 Correct answers: facilitator community Regta to prevent diarrheal disease in
20. Occurrence of the disease implies the habitual the community, what would be the important
presence of disease in a given geographic strategy to consider to be taken by the
location accounting for the low number of both community health worker?
immunes and susceptible: a. Campaign for the use of safe water and
a. Pandemic hand washing.
b. Sporadic b. Teach the community how to prepare
c. Epidemic oresol solution.
d. Endemic c. Distribute anti-diarrheal drugs.
 Correct answers: Endemic d. Conduct massive cholera and typhoid
21. A situation that occurs when there is marked immunization.
upward fluctuation in disease incidence in a  Correct answers: Campaign
relatively short period time: for the use of safe water
a. Epidemic and hand washing.
b. Pandemic 29. The ultimate goal of the community health
c. Endemic services being provided by the people is to:
d. Sporadic a. Help communities cope up with health
 Correct answers: Epidemic threats and discontinue life.
22. Nurse A measured the severity of the problem b. Remote reciprocally supportive
on poor drainage system in terms of proportion relationship between people and
of the problem on drainage system. What environment.
criterion in the priority setting did Nurse A c. Raise the level of health of the citizenry.
utilize? d. Increase the level of awareness of
a. Nature of the problem illness
b. Modifiability of the problem  Correct answers: Raise the
c. Magnitude of the problem level of health of the
d. Preventive potential citizenry.
 Correct answers: Magnitude 30. As a community health nurse, it is expected that
of the problem you will:
23. The following are the most common type of a. Utilize indigenous and existing
instruments of data gathering, except: community resources.
a. Survey questionnaire b. Work with representatives of existing
b. Observation checklist health and health related agencies in the
c. Interview guide community
d. None of the above c. Involves the community members in the
 Correct answers: None of the planning and implementation of health
above programs.
24. A method of COPAR that makes used of the d. All of the above.
experimental learning as it emerges it from  Correct answers: All of the
concrete action and which encircle succeeding above.
action: 31. A key concept of health promotion in working
a. Consciousness raising with the community is that people in the
b. Group centered community are able to:
c. Mass based a. Access to medical insurance to cover
d. Progressive cycle of action-reflection- their expenses.
action b. Recognize their health needs and help
 Correct answers: develop strategies to improve their own
Consciousness raising health care.
25. A critical step in COPAR that involves actual c. Stop activities such as smoking or
experiences of the people in confronting the alcohol consumption that are harmful to
people in the powerful and the actual exercise of them.
the people power: d. None of the above
a. Integration  Correct answers: Recognize
b. Groundwork their health needs and help
c. Social investigation develop strategies to
d. Mobilization of action improve their own health
 Correct answers: Mobilization care.
of action 32. Barangay C has a total number of deaths of 6,
26. The major role of the nurse in CHN is: has a total population of 2,000 and from these
a. Health Care Provider there are 36 registered live births. There are 2
b. Health Educator recorded children under 28 days & 3 under 1
c. Health Monitor year old who died. What will be the infant
d. Change Agent mortality rate?
 Correct answers: Health a. 833
Educator b. 83.33
27. It is checking the results if objectives are c. 33.38
achieved: d. 23.38
 Correct answers: 83.33 d. Data analysis
33. Compulsory registration of births and deaths in  Correct answers: Data
the local civil registrar’s office: analysis
a. RA# 9288 40. There are three components of the environment
b. RA# 651 as part of the triads of disease causation. These
c. RA# 156 are:
d. RA# 7305 1. Physical environment
 Correct answers: RA# 651 2. Biological environment
34. A big barrier to collaborative goal setting 3. Socio-economic environment
between the health worker and the community 4. Cultural environment
is:  Correct answers: 1, 2 and 3
a. Lack of financial resources. 41. Nurse Beh was determining the occurrence and
b. Inability of the family to perceive the distribution of selected environmental, socio-
problems. economic and behavioral conditions important to
c. Failure to develop a working relationship disease control and wellness promotion. What
between them specific stage/step is Nurse Beh in the
d. Lack of knowledge accomplishment of a community diagnosis?
 Correct answers: Failure to a. Determining the data to be collected
develop a working b. Collecting data
relationship between them c. Determining the objectives
35. A mother once remarked that her son’s having d. Defining population
intestinal parasitism is nothing but a natural  Correct answers: Determining
condition for any other child. Such perception the objectives
could be categorically classified as. 42. The community health nurse takes an active role
a. Inability to cast assessment due to in community participation. What is the primary
unavailability of sufficient data. goal of community organizing?
b. A serious condition but not requiring a. To educate the people regarding
immediate action. community health problems
c. A problem with moderate social b. To mobilize the people to resolve
concern. community health problems
d. A problem with low social concern. c. To maximize the community’s resources
 Correct answers: A problem in dealing with health problems
with low social concern. d. All of the above
36. To encourage community participation, which of  Correct answers: To
the following activities should be done? maximize the community’s
a. Invite people from civic organization. resources in dealing with
b. Refer to the doctor for prescription. health problems
c. Encourage sponsorships to programs. 43. In setting the priority of identified community
d. Listen when people relate their health, Nurse Oui assessed and gathered the
problems. resident’s perception on the problem of poor
 Correct answers: Listen when nutritional status of children in the. community as
people relate their they were affected by this problem. Oui is
problems. actually using what criterion in the priority setting
37. Consider the following statements: of identified community health nursing problem?
1. In setting priority for the problems, as a. Magnitude of the problem
with the nature of the problem, the least b. Preventive potential
weight is given to health status state. c. Modifiability of the problem
2. Health resource and health related d. Social concern
have the same ranking because of  Correct answers: Social
clinical urgency. concern
3. Health related is given the least 44. Which of the following reasons best explains
weight. why the community is seen as the primary client
4. The weight of the nature of the by the nurse in assessing the community health
problem presented have the score of 1. needs?
 Correct answers: a. The community has an indirect influence
Statements 3 & 4 are true on the health of the individuals, families
38. To ensure effective and efficient data collection and sub populations.
in the conduct of community diagnosis, the b. It is in the community as the center of
community health nurse is concerned about the society where services are rarely
following important points except for one. Which rendered.
one is this? c. Cultures that abound in community may
a. The need to specify methods of data or may not be changed as the needs
gathering and tools. arise during health promotion.
b. Identification of the types or kinds of d. The community consists of groups of
data needed. family with various health problems to
c. Identifying problem areas. deal with as it affects the whole
d. None of these. community.
 Correct answers: Identifying  Correct answers: The
problem areas community consists of
39. The following are methods of data gathering groups of family with
except for one. Which one is this? various health problems to
a. Observation deal with as it affects the
b. Record review whole community.
c. Diagnostic tests
45. Determining mortality rate as to the percentage  Correct answers: House to
of the deaths aged 50 years or older is: house visit
a. Proportional mortality rate 52. Data collection has been done by Nurse Bang.
b. Swaroop’s index The category of community health nursing
c. Specific death rate problems is used in the statement of nursing
d. Crude death rate problems in the care of community. The
 Correct answers: Swaroop’s youngest child of the delos Reyes family has
index been diagnosed as mentally retarded. This is
46. In which step are plans formulated for solving classified as:
community problems? a. Health related
a. Mobilization b. Health resource
b. Community organization c. Health status
c. Follow-up/extension d. All of the above
d. Core group formation  Correct answers: Health
 Correct answers: Community status
organization 53. It is a quantitative and qualitative description of
47. Which of the following is the most prominent the health stats of a given population and factors
feature of community health nursing? that influence their health.:
a. It involves providing home care to sick a. Epidemiology
people who are not confined in the b. Demography
hospital. c. Community diagnosis
b. Services are provided free of charge to d. All of the above
people within the catchment area.  Correct answers: community
c. The community health nurse functions diagnosis
as part of a team providing a public 54. Which type of community diagnosis focuses in
health nursing service. working out a particular community health
d. Community health nursing focuses on problem?
promotive, not curative services. a. Comprehensive
 Correct answers: Community b. Problem-oriented
health nursing focuses on c. Both
promotive, not curative  Correct answers: Problem-
services. oriented
48. According to Margaret Shetland, the philosophy 55. In the investigation of an epidemic, you compare
of public health nursing is based on which of the the present frequency of the disease with the
following? usual frequency at this time of the year in the
a. Health and longevity as birthrights. community. This is done during which stage of
b. The mandate of the state to protect the the investigation?
birthrights of its citizens. a. Establishing the epidemic
c. Public health nursing as a specialized b. Testing the hypothesis
field of nursing. c. Formulation of the hypothesis
d. The worth and dignity of man. d. Appraisal of facts
 Correct answers: The worth  Correct answers: Establishing
and dignity of man the epidemic
49. Nurse Bang determines whether resources were 56. To describe the sex composition of the
maximized in implementing Ligtas Tigdas, she is population, which demographic tool may be
evaluating: used?
a. Effectiveness a. Sex ratio
b. Efficiency b. Sex proportion
c. Adequacy c. Population pyramid
d. Appropriateness d. Any of these maybe used.
 Correct answers: Efficiency  Correct answers: Any of
50. RA 7160 mandates devolution of basic services these maybe used.
from the national government to local 57. Which of the following is a natality rate?
government units. Which of the following is the a. Crude birth rate
major goal of devolution? b. Neonatal mortality rate
a. To strengthen local government units. c. Infant mortality rate
b. To allow greater autonomy to local d. General fertility rate
government units.  Correct answers: Crude birth
c. To empower the people and promote rate
their self-reliance. 58. You are computing the crude rate of your
d. To make basic services more accessible municipality, with a total population of about
to the people. 18,000 for last year. There were 52 deaths.
 Correct answers: To empower Among those who died, 20 died because of
the people and promote diseases of the heart and 32 were aged 50
their self-reliance. years or older. What is the crude death rate?
51. Nurse bang decided to start data collection in a. 2.9/1000
the conduct of community diagnosis. Which type b. 9.2/1000
of approach of gathering data will provide her c. 2.3/1000
with the best opportunity to observe family d. 5.1/1000
dynamics in the community?  Correct answers: 2.9/1000
a. Telephone interview as most accessible 59. In the past year, Barangay A had an average
b. Group conferences population of 1655. 46 babies were born in that
c. House to house visit year, 2 of whom died less than 4 weeks after
d. Survey with questionnaires
they were born. They were 4 recorded stillbirths. diagnosis may break up the people into groups
What is the neonatal mortality rate? within the community. Which of the following are
a. 27.8/1000 these?
b. 43.5/1000 1. ethnic group, religious sect, race
c. 86.9/1000 2. political orientation, dialect or
d. 130.4/1000 language
 Correct answers: 43.5/1000 3. physical and topographical
60. Nurse Nah Gahget conducted community characteristics
assessment of Barangay A. Which statistic best 4. communication network, social class,
reflects the nutritional status of a population? employment status
a. 1–4-year-old age-specific mortality rate 5. morbidity and mortality rates.
b. Proportionate mortality rate  Correct answers: 1, & 2 only
c. Infant mortality rate 68. In health & illness patterns, these incudes:
d. Swaroop’s index a. ethnic group, religious sect, race
 Correct answers: 1–4-year-old b. communication network, social class,
age-specific mortality rate employment status
61. Which of the data be considered and being used c. physical and topographical
in computing general fertility rate? characteristics
a. Estimated midyear population d. morbidity and mortality rates
b. Number of registered live births  Correct answers: morbidity
c. Number of pregnancies in the year and mortality rates
d. Number of females of reproductive age 69. This reflects the action potential of the state and
 Correct answers: Number of its people to address the health needs and
registered live births problems of the community.:
62. You are assigned to gather data for nutritional a. Political & Leadership patterns
assessment of Purok 2 in Batangbatang, b. Health & Illness Patterns
Victoria, Tarlac. You will gather information only c. Demographic variables & Cultural
from families with members who belong to the variables
target population. What method of data d. Socioeconomic & health resources
gathering is best for this purpose?  Correct answers: Political &
a. Census Leadership patterns
b. Survey 70. It is the process of examining data to define
c. Record Review needs strengths, barriers, opportunities,
d. Review of civil registry readiness and resources.:
 Correct answers: Survey a. Planning
63. In the conduct of a census, the method of b. Implementation
population assignment based on the actual c. Community analysis
physical location of the people is termed; d. Priority setting
a. De jure  Correct answers: Community
b. De locus Analysis
c. De facto
d. De novo
 Correct answers: De facto
64. Which of the following professionals can sign the
birth certificate who attended actually the
a. Public health nurse
b. Rural health midwife
c. Municipal health officer
d. Any of these health professionals
 Correct answers: Any of
these health professionals
65. You are now to rank identified community health
problems in your target community. Which
criterion in priority setting of health problems is
used only in community health care?
a. Modifiability of the problem
b. Nature of the problem presented
c. Magnitude of the health problem
d. Preventive potential of the health
 Correct answers: Magnitude
of the health problem
66. Which of the following is not included as
demographic variables?
a. Population projection
b. Patterns of migration
c. Age and sex distribution
d. Educational level
 Correct answers: Educational
67. To consider data to be collected in the
community, there are variables to identify. These
variables in comprehensive community

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