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Signal Lab Quiz

1. Instruction and Information

a. This quiz carries weightage of one lab if quiz average is 7/10 or above, two
labs if average is between 7/10 and 5/10, and three labs and repeat of
quiz if average is below 5/10.
b. Install Matlab setup, preferably the one that is working and being used by
your friend
c. If you don’t have laptop, do inform me in timely manner so that I can make
alternative arrangements for you.
d. You will be asked to implement a program of your choice that should
include specified Matlab commands.

2. Quiz Content
I. All examples and exercise of Lab 1(from the manual provided to CR).
Read lab 1 carefully and practice every command mentioned in the
lab. Following section of lab 1 are excluded
a. 1.1.5 Matrix Manipulation
b. 1.1.6 Accessing Vectors and Matrices
c. Loops
d. Substitutions
II. Additional Questions
Q1. Write a program that uses for loop and subplot commands
Q2. Write a program that uses function, for loop and subplot command.
Q3. Write a program that uses plot, xlabel, ylabel, title and
axis([x-min x-max y-min y-max]) commands
Q4. Write a program that uses stem, for loop and subplot commands
Q5. Write a program that uses symbolic variables and subplot commands
Q6. Plot 𝑡 2 for 𝑡𝜖[−4 4] , and use xlabel, ylabel, title and
axis([-5 5 0 20])

Note. Online help of Matlab is really good but if you can’t comprehend any
Matlab command, I’ll be available in office to help you out from 4 PM to 5:30
PM on Sunday.

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