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Interpretive Listening Task

Please read carefully the following Instruction.

There are many YouTube channels providing fruitful content to learn the English language. TED,
English Class 101, and Learn English With TV Series are three of many channels that help viewers
learn English. This task requires you to work in pairs watching an English video on a YouTube
channel you love the most. After watching, you need to compose a summary of the video. Next, you
have to make a presentation slide based on the summary. Create the presentation slide as
creatively as you can. Next week will be your time to show the class the lesson you will have
acquired from the video.

So, there are two documents that you need to prepare, they are 1) the summary (.doc) and 2) the
presentation slide (.ppt).

You are supposed to compile documents 1 and 2 in a google drive link to submit your task. After
everything is done, text me the link through my WhatsApp.

Don’t forget to show the video link in the document so I am able to watch it too.

I hope you submit the task no longer than Wednesday, 23 November at 23.59. Have I made myself
clear? If not, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Good Luck!!!

Warm Regards


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