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Bella and Andrew …………… to the bakery on St

James street. They …………… to buy cake and buns for

breakfast. Bella …………… chocolate cake and Andrew
………………… of fresh pineapple cake. But to their
disappointment, the baker ………………. neither chocolate nor
pineapple cake. Blueberry muffins or banana cake ……………
the choice of the day. Whipped cream or chocolate chips
…………… the available toppings. Finally they ………………… on
blueberry muffins for breakfast today. Andrew …………………
Bella to pick up the bill. Bella ……………… into her bag. A comb,
along with two lipsticks, old bills and bus tickets, …………………
out of Bella’s bag. To the sound of growling stomachs they
…………………. that neither of them ………………… a wallet. So with
a sigh, they ………………… for some fresh air and a walk in the

Luckily for them, they ________ their friend Sturat at the

park and he _________ a huge picnic basket! So they

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