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Why robots? A survey on the roles and benefits of social robots in the therapy
of children with autism





Ns. Andrye Fernandes M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Perintis Indonesia
TA. 2020/2021

Why robots? A survey on the roles and benefits of social robots in the therapy
of children with autism

John-John Cabibihan, Hifza Javed , Marcelo Ang Jr., and Sharifah Mariam Aljunied
reviews the use of socially interactive robots to assist in the therapy of children with autism. The
extent to which the robots were successful in helping the children in their social, emotional, and
communication deficits was investigated. Child-robot interactions were scrutinized with respect to
the different target behaviours that are to be elicited from a child during therapy. These behaviours
were thoroughly examined with respect to a child’s development needs. Most importantly,
experimental data from the surveyed works were extracted and analyzed in terms of the target
behaviours and how each robot was used during a therapy session to achieve these behaviours. The
study concludes by categorizing the different therapeutic roles that these robots were observed to
play, and highlights the important design features that enable them to achieve high levels of
effectiveness in autism therapy

The goal of all child robot interactions is not only for the child to learn the skills necessary for the
therapy session but to generalize those lessons to those around them. Finally, the aim of the file
should be to improve the child's social interaction and communication with peers and not with the
robot alone. Experiments have shown that the presence of a robot helps elicit triadic interactions from
a child, such as when a child looks at a therapist to share excitement about the robot's actions . Such
interactions also impart self-initiation and mutual attention skills, and can prove to be very beneficial
for children with autism. For some children, simple awareness, such as realizing that a robot is being
controlled remotely by a therapist, has also evolved into triadic interactions with therapy.

Material and methods

Software agents and computer-mediated therapy models have been developed for autism therapy to
practice different skills, such as computer-mediated imaginative storytelling suggesting that social-
interactive robots could work much better.

Every 88 children in the United States. In South Korea, the estimate is around 1 in every 38 children.
According to the Singapore Autism Resource Center, the figure in Singapore is an estimated 24,000 in
a population of 4 million. Of these, 5,472 were children under the age of 19. In general, it was
observed that the incidence of ASD was more common in boys than girls (1 in 54 in boys and 1 in 252
in girls), and extended to all races and ethnicities. Other researchers have tried to quantify the number
of people affected by autism. Some previous studies may not provide completely reliable results for
various reasons: lack of qualified professionals for diagnosis and poor health care facilities be the
first. The results are also influenced by the different approaches used

Robots play several important roles and benefits in treating children with autism. Robots in autism
therapy are designed to take on multiple roles, even within the same therapy session. Through
interesting games and activities, robots can interact with autistic children to train them with skills,
specifically describe the desired behavior, and provide encouragement and positive feedback.


Why robots? A survey on the roles and benefits of social robots in the therapy of
children with autism
No Kriteri Jawa Pembenaran & Critical thinking
. a b
1 P Ya Dalam jurnal ini, populasi atau problem yang ditemukan yaitu Mengapa
robot? Sebuah survei tentang peran dan manfaat robot sosial dalam
terapi anak autis

2 I Ya Intervensi yang diberikan dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan perbaikan perilaku

anak di kemudian hari. Misalnya, telah ditemukan bahwa pola pandangan mata
pada bayi dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosis autisme . Sejak pola ini
berkembang jauh sebelum anak belajar berbicara, teknologi robotika dapat
menyediakan metode untuk deteksi autisme dini. Selain itu, kemampuan robot
untuk mereproduksi tindakan yang sama dari satu robot interaksi satu sama lain
juga penting dalam perannya sebagai agen diagnostik autisme. Sementara
dokter, yang berpengalaman mungkin, dapat merasa sulit untuk mengulangi
tindakan selama interaksi dengan anak-anak, robot mampu melakukan ini pada
dasarnya. Ini penting karena mendiagnosis ASD memerlukan pemeriksaan
respons anak terhadap tindakan yang sama melalui periode waktu.  Sebagai
teman bermain yang ramah bagi anak.

3 C Tidak -
4 O Ya Setiap 88 anak di Amerika Serikat. Di Korea Selatan, perkiraannya
sekitar 1 dari setiap 38 anak-anak. Menurut Pusat Sumber Daya
Autisme Singapura, angka di Singapura adalah diperkirakan 24.000
dalam populasi 4 juta. Dari jumlah tersebut, 5.472 adalah anak-anak di
bawah usia 19 tahun. Secara umum, diamati bahwa kejadian ASD
lebih sering terjadi pada anak laki-laki dibandingkan perempuan (1
dari 54 pada laki-laki dan 1 dari 252 pada perempuan), dan meluas ke
semua ras dan etnis. Peneliti lain telah mencoba untuk menghitung
jumlah orang yang terkena autism. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya
mungkin tidak memberikan hasil yang sepenuhnya dapat diandalkan
karena berbagai alasan: kurangnya tenaga profesional yang memenuhi
syarat untuk diagnosis dan fasilitas perawatan kesehatan yang buruk
menjadi yang utama. Hasil juga dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan pendekatan
yang digunakan.

Kesimpulan :

Robot memainkan beberapa peran dan manfaat penting dalam terapi anak dengan autisme. Robot
dalam terapi autisme dirancang untuk mengambil banyak peran, bahkan di dalam sesi terapi yang
sama. Melalui permainan dan aktivitas yang menarik, robot dapat berinteraksi dengannya
yang anak autisme untuk melatih mereka dengan keterampilan, khusus menjabarkan, perilaku yang di
inginkan, dan memberikan dorongan dan umpan balik positif untuk berkomunikasi,
mengekspresikan dan merasakan emosi, mempertahankanhubungan sosial, menafsirkan isyarat
alam, dan mengembangkan kompetensi sosial 

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