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MAC Assignment 03

Dakota Office Products

Submitted By: Raunaq Walia (2022PGP453)
1. Why was Dakota's existing pricing system inadequate for its current operating environment?
The traditional costing system is used to determine the cost of making products and based on allocating overhead or
indirect manufacturing cost.
The system relies on calculating predetermined overhead rates and applying the rates to a given metric. Dakota's
existing costing system involves inflating the purchase price to cover the cost of warehouse and order processing etc.
This system is inadequate as Dakota has many activities, the drivers for each activity is different.Hence each customer
is to be charged as per differential pricing based on activities availed. The existing costing system fails to give this
bifurcation hence does not show correct profitability

2. Calculate Activity Driver Rate for Dakota based on year 2000 data.

3. Calculating profitability of customers A and B using the ABC method.

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