25 Life Lessons I Have Learned by 25

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25 Life Lessons I Have Learned By 

1. Be grateful.

I was a brat as a kid, an imp. And gratitude takes some effort on my part because I took things for
granted for so long. I was never outwardly ungrateful or disrespectful, but the thought never occurred
to me that I should be grateful because I was so absorbed in my world of dysfunction. Thankfully, now
I understand how gratitude can shape your mind and affect positive changes.

2. You don’t know anything.

I used to think I was smart until I realized what professors study and research in universities. I learned
that there is more information in the world than I could ever imagine or even want to know about.

3. Be polite.

Seriously, there are so many rude people out there. Say hi! Smile and don’t give people an attitude.

4. If you can, accommodate.

Making someone’s day by putting their needs before yours can be doubly rewarding. You make
someone happy, reward! They return the favor, double the reward!

5. Practice.

Seriously, some people have a work ethic ingrained into them from the very beginning, but that wasn’t
me. I wasn’t lazy, but I was accustomed to being talented and new skills always came easily to me.
That’s not something to brag about either. After mastering the basics of anything, getting to the next
level usually meant practicing, which left me frustrated and angry because I didn’t get it right
away. So, the value of practicing was lost on me until college when I came across a skill which
I was not very good at: yoga. They call it a “yoga practice” for a reason. Better late than never!

6. Get a manicure.

They aren’t expensive, and I find that my esteem is boosted for several days when my nails look

7. Buy indoor plants.

Seriously, my apartment feels so clean with plants around! And they are supposed to boost your

8. Take care of your body.

In high school, I didn’t take my body seriously and I didn’t understand why some girls went to the gym
if they didn’t do sports. Exercise and a balanced diet were unnecessary to me until I stepped on a
scale one day and saw that I was almost 15 pounds over my ideal weight. That was a wake-up call for
me to pay attention to my diet and to start an exercise routine. I don’t have a scale anymore, but I
have a healthier relationship with my body now, so I don’t need it.

9. No one will help you unless you are prepared to receive help.

That can mean you asking for help, or accepting help when it’s offered. If you don’t ask, don’t expect a
hand out. And if you don’t accept help the first time, don’t think it’ll come again.

10. Take responsibility.

If you make a mistake, don’t cover your tracks and try to justify the error. All you are doing is lying to
yourself. Everyone else already knows it’s your fault, so own it.

11. Talk to strangers.

I don’t think I’ve emphasized this enough. There are so many perspectives out there to learn from, so
take a chance if it feels right.

12. Be kind, but don’t take shit.

Stand up for yourself.

13. Relationships take work.

It’s not as easy as you being you, and them being them, and doing that together. It would be so nice if
that’s how it worked, but unfortunately, relationships are more complex than that.

14. Relationships are a choice.

In this article, I show a situation where a choice had to be made for the benefit of all involved.
Sometimes, there is no fix or resolution and the best option is to walk away.

15. Be critical.

Of everything. Now, that might seem like skepticism, but I think it’s important to analyze information
and situations. Especially these days when so many lies and mistruths are circulated that it’s
hard to know what’s true and what’s not. So, question everything.

16. Go to a therapist.

If you are having a rough time if you’re sad, or your relationship is stressing you out, or if your boss is
making you crazy…go to a therapist. Put aside your preconceptions and understand that these are
professionals who specialize in problem-solving and mental health. It’s worth it.
17. Ambition is a good thing.

I had a negative view of ambitious people for a long time because I saw it as selfishness, but in
reality, ambition has many forms. And lots of ambitious people only want to help others and make the
world better. Getting ahead is the easiest way to do that.

18. College is an option.

I went to college, but after going through it, I realize that I didn’t really need it for the career I wanted
to pursue.

19. Congratulate yourself.

Celebrate your wins! Even if they seem small, doing this holds you accountable for your progress.

20. It’s ok to drink alcohol.

I had a hard time coming to terms with my Mom’s addictions and so abstained from all substances out
of fear. But, ultimately, I was only hurting myself and limiting my social literacy. Every so often, and for
the right reasons, it’s ok to drink.

21. Work isn’t the same to everyone.

My roommate and I have very different ideas of what work is. His beliefs are more limited and I can’t
change that, but that doesn’t mean I have to subscribe to his idea of work.

22. Be yourself.

I grew up in a retirement neighborhood, so being myself was always hard for me. There was always
an expectation for my behavior, and I obliged out of respect. But, I never really had a good sense of
myself as a result. Coming back to that and being authentic has been an uphill battle.

23. Life after school is HARD.

Don’t get down on yourself if your peers seem to be more successful than you. I did that, and it’s not
going to help you anymore on your path to success. Focus on what you’re doing right now, and come
to terms with the fact that life sucks and it’s on YOU to make the most of it.

24. Love yourself!

Take pride in how far you’ve come. You are a superstar and if you want something, believe that you
deserve it. Take a relaxing bath, get a facial, listen to music, take a nap. Love yourself enough to slow
down if you need to.
25. BUT, don’t slow down so much that you don’t do anything.

HUSTLE. Gary Vaynerchuk says this enough, but I’ll say it again. It’s going to take time
and patience to get where you want to go. Put in the effort every day, and it’ll pay off in the end. I
have to believe that, and I’m writing every day with that belief in mind.

If it’s your birthday, how are you celebrating? Try this exercise! For every year you’ve been alive, write
a lesson you’ve learned along the way! And share your favorite ones!

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