WBS Creation

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USERNAME: & Password: bsrao@0321 (EE
user id & psswd)

1) Create project Definition: code is cj01

i. Select project profile – General Electrical
ii. Click on open number button.
iii. Type start number as EV/20/00001
iv. Click on binocular.
v. Click on √ (accept button).
(EV/20/000500 is appearing)
vi. Press enter.
vii. Fill in fields:- Name of the Work in PD field in
40 Characters ( Details may be written in
long text field if it exceeds 40 Characters)
CO – 1000;
Company Code – circle; 1100
Business Area – SSA; 1206
Plant – SSA; 1206
Person Responsible – 00000008
Applicant No: 00000010
viii. Select start date. 08.04.2021
ix. Go to Details>PD Customer Fields
Enter Best Possible Data, Go Back.
x. Click on save button.

2) Creating WBS Elements:-code is cj02

i. Give P.D. NUMBER (EV/20/00001) and press Enter.
ii. First row is level 1(Root Level) WBS for Project Estimate. WBS Element =@; Type =
E W; Description =Paste short text.PRI:3
iii. One row for each detail estimate. WBS Level is 2. For equipment installation DE, WBS
Level =2; WBS Element =@0.01; Type = EW; Description = Paste short text . PRI:3
Select line 1 & 2,
Click on I on bottom
Put mark on button 4(PECT: Preliminary Estimate Created) from button 1 (INIT: Initial)
By clicking next object
Again do Put mark on button 4(PECT: Preliminary Estimate Created) from button 1 (INIT:
Then click on Forward symbol & Save

Logout EE from ERP

User id 99900535
Password ramu@1978 (SDE Ele)
Enter T Code: CN41
Network Initial Screen Appears

Network profile:

Click :Enter
Click Enter

Note down Network no. being created.

Click Networh Activity overview

Enter T Code CN22


Enter Service no: 7200011

Qty 01

Gross ; Amount i/c GST

Cost element 5090101 Enter

Click back button on top
Select prime cost

2nd line add overhead cost ( 2% of net)

3 line add Borrowing cost (10% of Net)

Click Save


Enter T code CV01n

Enter document type ZPE
Click enter
Click on originals

Attach document the bowser

Enter T Code CN41

Select z00…..1

Click on Tic mark

Remove network no. and run clock

The following appeared


Proj Def wbs no
Click on triange:

i.. Type CJ02.

i. Select WBS Element of EW
Then select second row which
corresponds to level 2 WBS.
Go to details,
ii. Click on Details dropdown menu – WBS Element Customer
iii. Fill up the details. Mandatory fields are: AUC Class, Sub Class, Services & Region fields
at the bottom.
iv. Click on Save button.
Assignment Change:

i. Select WBS Element of EW

Then select second row which
corresponds to level 2 WBS. Go to
ii. Click on Details/ eXTRA dropdown menu – Investment
Click on tik mark
Assignment changed
click back button

open separate session for checking budget

Enter T Code IM53

Following screen appeared

Click on clock (Execute)

Budget available.

Again go to below screen

Wbs element changed
i. Select WBS Element of EW
Then select second row which
corresponds to level 2 WBS. Go to
ii. Click on Details/ dropdown menu – WBS Element Customer

Click on Notesheet
Click on Display document, check for attached document

Come back
Check the amount
Don’t save
Sent email the note sheet
Create Notification with Mtce. order - Extl. Services
( Refer Breakdown Process Manual page 225 - 325 )
Create,Assign & Ackldge the Notification using steps 1 to 3 of EXERCISE 1 ( Breakdown
Notification )
2 Creating Order
Enter /niw22 in Transaction window ( or search notification no. by IW28 )
By default Notificn No. appears; if not enter it
Enter Click on Order icon; Create order window pops up; click to continue
Enter Press
Ignore any mesg about date and continue Enter
Objct infm window pops up; click to continue
Click Operations tab; Goto Control Key field; select PM03 Enter

Information window pops up; click to continue; Error window pops up; click to
Enter Material Group: eg .2001011, Pur Grp: eg.040, Requisnr: in the pop up window
Click External tab at the bottom;
Enter Purchasing Organization: Decentralized 2000
Enter Servcie No(if available):eg. 73000030 , if Not available use Short text field, Qty:eg2,unit:eg ea,
Press Gross Price: eg.2000 ; Cost element: eg.5020812
Enter Click Save & Notedown the Order No.
3 Release of Order

Enter /niw22 in Transaction window

By default Notificn No. appears; if not enter it Enter

Click on Order icon; click Green flag to release the order

Click on Document Overflow - and Note down PR No. Save

4 Releasing the Purchase Requisition

Check The SAP business workplace (INBOX) for initiation of PR release workflow
process. SET Forward to ---- and final release by ----- , click on INITIATE.
click Release icon as per R & A for Initiator & Comp Authority
5 Creation of PO, and Release(PO will be created by Authorized person only)
Enter /nME21N in Transaction window
click Document overview ON; click on select variant icon; select Pur Reqsn
Enter Purchase Requisition No. Execute
Select Need based Order; Drag and drop the PR No. to the basket
Get the required Vendor Data created in system by FICO/MM(For selection of Vendor, MM team may
be contacted):Enter Vendor ; eg.1000046; Tax code:eg. Z0; Save
Press "Enter" three times to ignore warning messages, if it comes.

Click on "Check" and Note down the PO No.

6 Release PO
Check The SAP business workplace (INBOX) for initiation of PR release workflow
process. as has been done in Para 4.
External Services are provided against this PO and falult gets attended.

Description of service rendered is reecorded in Service entry sheet.

7 Service Entry sheet. ( Refer Breakdown process manual page 305 to 311 )
Enter /nML81N in Transaction window
Click Other Purchase Order icon; Enter the Noted PO No.; continue
click create entry sheet icon;
enter Short text; click Service selection tab at the bottom; window pops up; continue
Check The SAP business workplace ( INBOX ) as has been done in PR release workflow process. Save
8 Actual order Settlement in FICO Module
Mtce Order will be settled by FICO team by T.Code KO88 (single settlement) /KO8G (Bulk

KO88 (i.e., „O‟- not zero) [Role given to Finance]

Order - Select Maintenance order no.
Settlement Period - Posting period (means, cost posted in FI period)
Fiscal Year - Current FY
Processing Type - Automatic (appearing by default)
Execute with Test Run
If there is no error, go back (green button) to main screen and check off test run and execute actual.

Note : Finance person will review cost reflecting in GL for respective work using Tcode
Click on accounting document
Note : Cost centre (2417301) and R&M GL (5020805) in combination correctly debited.

9 Invoice verification against purchase order / SES – MIRO ( Liability Creation )

Please refer Annexture - IIA & IIB
10 Enter /niw32 in Transaction window
By default Order No. appears; if not enter it Click
Complete Business tab; click to continue
Steps for Notification, Maintenance order, PO & SES for works
(PM Module)
To creat Notification No.
Login to SAP icon on desktop.
Click to PRD login
Fill user no. & password
SAP easy access appears on screen
Type transaction code ih01
Fill functional desired location code (like 1052 is for NTR) & press Enter
Tick first five boxes & uncheck delete box appeared on left side of the screen
Press execute button at top of screen.
New screen will appear
Click the knod (i.e. small triangle) and select the desired circle (click 1052/52100001)
Click the next knod (i.e. small triangle) and select the desired building/quarter
Click Go to at top of screen
then select create notification general
New screen will appear showing notification
Select notification type from drop down (in civil generally B3 is selected for general mtce.)
New screen will appear, now fill name of work in short in active box at right top (in yellow
Fill in coding from dropdown.
Fill in function column at bottom of screen:
Click knod & select initiator
Fill in funct column at bottom of screen:
click knod & select person responsible
Fill SDE perner no. in partner column at bottom of screen and press enter our name
will automatically appear in 'name' & 'address' column.
click knod & select initiator
Fill in funct column at bottom of screen:
click knod & select person responsible
Now click green flag (i.e. initiate) at top left of the screen
Now save
Now 12 digit notification no. at bottom most of the screen will generate. Please note it
NOTE: No other boxes to be filled other than above mentioned ones, your rest of details
will be automaticaly selected through fuctional location selected from " ih01 ". It is also
mentioned here that by going through ih01, notification T-Code iw21 is remain unused.
To creat Mtce. Order No.
To go back use /n
and type T code iw22
Press Enter
New screen will appear fill notification no. (as generated in in step-1) and press enter
New screen showing "change PM notification" will appear
Click on icon exist against order box to create mtce. Order.
After clicking icon you will found a pop up window (this windows shows basic informaion
of plant, business area and work center and make sure all are correct and after that
continue by clicking green flag.
After pressing green check you will again find a pop up window and this shows how
much maintenance notifications and orders were created previously and how much are
opens till date etc. After checking all these again press green check to continue. Now you
are in maintenance order screen. All the information filled in notification will copied here.
After that continue by clicking green flag.
Now go to operation tab
Change PM01 to PM03
(It means you are taking external services not departmental man power and if you are
going to complete the work through departmental man power then no need to change
control key. Otherwise make sure you have changed to pm03.)
You will found a pop up window that service package replaced. Press enter to
continue. Again you will found pop up windows (external operation) press enter to
One more pop up window for filling some essential information for taking external
a) Material group-3003024 (it is for composite service: civil you may user other one as
the case may be)
b) Purchase Group-C30 (IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR CIRCLE-C40/ FOR SSA C30)
c) Purchase Organization-2000 (For Centralized processing-1000 & for decentralized
2000) Generally it is 2000 in most of the cases due to processing in Sub
d) Requisitioner- You may take your name or other text “this will work as a search
e) Tracking number- This is also a text/number and will be used as a search parameter in
f) Fill Cost element: 5020801
Now click on “EXTERNAL”
Type Name of work in short in short text column
Fill qty as 1.00 (preferably fill with the help of drop down)
Fill Unit as EA (preferably fill with the help of drop down)
Fill Gross amount of the bill after passing from Division office
Fill cost element (preferably fill with the help of drop down)
Click save.
Mtce. Order will be generated note down the same which is yet not released and
simultaneously PR will be generated in the back ground.
Go back with help of “back arrow" at top of the screen a new screen will open
Fill your mtce. Order and then press enter, a new screen will open
Click pencil like icon at top of screen
now click green flag & save Your mtce. Order saved with update and simultaneously PR
will be generated in the back ground.
Go to your mail box open your workplace, You will find "Note Sheet xxxxxxxxxx" This is
your PR number Now release it through work flow only.
Now open the sheet by double clicking
Write in review box as " PR amounting to Rs……………………. Vide agmt. No.
…………………………….. Is initiated for approval please.
Fill perner no. of EE (C)'s in forward box & final release box & then click initiate box at
Now the PR will reach into mail box of EE (C) where he will approve & forward it to the
initiator for preparing PO.
To creat P. O. (Purchase Order) No.
It is very simplest one no need to take panic
Type T code ME21N and press enter
a screen will appear
Select "need based order" from knod then press enter
Fill vendor code then enter name of the agency will also appear
Now go to Purchase Requisition column and fill the PR No…………… then enter
Fill the Tax code and then enter
Go to customer data & fill sub/ Division Agreement No. then enter
warning message (in green colour) will appear at bottom, ignore it
Again press enter
warning message (in green colour)will appear at bottom, ignore it
now finally click on check icon button at top
No message issued during check will appear at bottom, it means that every thing is OK.
Now click save button at top
PO number is generated and note down it.
Go to your mail box open your workplace, You will find "Note Sheet xxxxxxxxxx" This is your PO
number Now release it through work flow only.
Now open the sheet by double clicking
Write in review box as " PO amounting to Rs……………………. Vide agmt. No.
…………………………….. Is initiated for approval please.
Fill perner no. of EE (C)'s in forward box & final release box & then click initiate box at top.
Now the PO will reach into mail box of EE (C) where he will open and approve it & forward it to
the initiator for preparing SES (Service Entry Sheet).
To creat SES (Service Entry Sheet)
type t-code : ml81n
Fill PO number
click page like icon to create entry sheet
Fill Short Text as name of work in brief or 1st & final a/c bill
Fill storage location as 7003 or the case may be in additional data
In long text tab Write Recovery proposed viz 1st R/A bill, if any, SD, WC, IT, sur-
charge on IT, Net amount of bill etc.
Click service selection at bottom of screen (FOR FINDING SERVICES FOR THIS
After selecting services, adopt services by clicking services icon
adopt full quantity
mark Tick
Release by clicking green flag
Enter release code R-1 initiator
Write in review box SES vide agreement no. ……………. amounting to Rs. ……….. Is
initiated & submitted for approval please.
Fill perner no. of EE (C)'s in forward box & final relaese box & then click initiate box at
A message will be seen that SES accepted.
Now the SES will reach into mail box of EE (C) where he will open it and click the final
release button. Now the SES move into accounts section for making payment to the the
Now take the print out of SES with T-code ml83 & sign it and send alongwith with
hard copy of the bill to AO (Claim).
1. Notification No. (iw21 but skip this T code by going through ih01)
2. Mtce. Order No. (iw22)
3. Purchase Requisition No. (PR)
4. Purchase Order No. (PO) (me21n) [ For print out t - code is me9f ]
5. Service Entry Sheet (ml81n) [ For print out t - code is ml-83 ]
Payment through MM Process-
For payment through MM Process bare minimum documents required in ERP are:
Purchase Order, MIGO (Goods Receipt Note) or Service Entry Sheet.

Vendor Payment once approved in note-sheet can be realized through ERP by Purchase
Order and Service entry sheet/ Goods Receipt through MIGO route in the following way:

a. Create a Purchase order by T-Code me21n. Data required for creating a PO is

Vendor Code, GL Code and Cost Centre along with Purchase Organization, Purchase
Group, Company Code, Plant, Storage Location, Account Assignment, tax code and
Item Category. All these data can be searched and help of account personnel may be taken
for clarification.

b. Purchase order once created is stored in the inbox, SAP Business Workplace, of
the initiator and can be forwarded to the next higher authority through the workflow by writing
the user ids of the reviewer and Final Approver.

c. After approval of P.O., a Service Entry Sheet is created by T-code ML81n against the
P.O. in order to measure the services marked in the P.O. In case the Purchase Order is for
procurement of Material, then Goods Receipt is to be done with the help of T -code MIGO.

d. Service Entry sheet once created is stored in the inbox, SAP Business Workplace, of
the initiator and can be forwarded to the next higher authority through the workflow by writing
the user ids of the reviewer and Final Approver. There is no workflow for MIGO approval

e. The original vendor invoice is forwarded to Finance section for payment either
with copies of PO and material document/SES or mentioning ERP system generated PO
no. and SES/Material document no. in sanction memo as per their requirement. AO (Claims)
in Finance section run the T-code MIRO, Invoice verification, and create liability. The created
liability is forwarded to competent authority through workflow for release of payment
block and subsequent payment by Central Settlement Cell (CSS).

Purchase Requisition

A requisition defines the need for a material or service. It is the primary document in the
purchasing cycle. Purchase Requisition for services will be used to procure external services.
The requisition is assigned a PR number which is subject to release/approval through
a workflow process. Only after approval the requisition is available for further processing.

Requisition is analogous to estimate in tendering process. Purchase Order can be created

with respect to approved Purchase Requisition.

Write T-code me51n “Create Purchase Requisition” in title Bar and press enter. Below
Steps for creating Purchase Requisitions:
1. Write PR Type. Select from dropdown. (a) need base requisition , (b) Service Requisition
2. Write Description of the Requisition in Header Note. The header note will be displayed in
the print preview of PR.
3. Write Account Assignment as K (Cost center)
4. Write Item category as D (Service) in case of service procurement or leave it blank in case
of procurement of material
5. Write material Code in case material is to be procured
6. Write Description of item in “Short Text” and PO Quantity
7. Write material Group Code
8. Write Plant Code, 1002 in case of BSNL CO
9. Write
a. Purchase Organization – 2000
Purchase Group – 010, A10, I10, M10 in case of BSNL CO
10. Write Requisitioner name
11. Write Tracking No. and press enter
12. System will ask for maintaining Services in Item data Tab of the Create Purchase Requisition
13. Maintain services in “ Short Text”. Short Text should be within 40 characters.
14. Write Quantity to be procured
15. Write the unit
16. Write the Gross price and press enter.
17. System will ask for G/L Account and Cost center. Write the appropriate G/L Account and
Cost center and press enter.
18. Once all the required fields are filled completely then select the Icon Check at the top of
the screen.

19. If system does not display any error message then we can save the document by

clicking on the Save button and a Requisition number is generated at the

bottom of the screen.
20. Saved requisition can be viewed by T-Code me53n

21. Saved PRs can be changed by T-Code me52n

22. Purchase Requisition once created is complete only when it is Released by the Final
Release authority and for approving/ releasing the Purchase Requisition, there is a well
defined workflow.
Purchase order
1. Write T-code me21n “Create Purchase Order” in title Bar and press enter. Below screen

2. Select the Order Type.

3. Click on the Document Overview On button .

4. Click on the Selection Variant and select “Purchase Requisition”. The above
screen appears.
5. Write Purchase Organization.
6. Write Purchasing Document number. (In this case PR number)

7. Press execute Tab.

8. PRs will be displayed in "Document Overview window"
9. Select the PR and press the adopt button or drag and drop the required PR to the basket

10. All the relevant details maintained in the PR will automatically populate to Purchase
11. If any detail is not maintained in the PR, then it is to be entered manually in the PO.

11. Once all the required fields are filled completely then select the Icon Check at the
top of the screen
12. If system does not display any error message then we can save the document by

clicking on the Save button . and a Purchase Order number is generated at the bottom
of the screen.
Service Entry Sheet
After approval of P.O., a Service Entry Sheet is created by T-code ML81n against the
P.O. in order to measure the services performed by the vendor as per the P.O. The
service entry sheet is a list of all planned services that have actually been performed. It
is the abstract of the measurement book. The actual payment to vendor will be made in
accordance with the duly approved Service Entry Sheet.

1. Click on the Other Purchase Order button and enter the PO number
in the following window and press Enter.

2. Click on the Create Entry Sheet icon and type short text in the short text field

3. Write the Storage Location in the Stor. Location Tab

4. Click on the “Service Selection” Tab at the bottom of the screen and
type the Service Purchase Order number in the Service Selection window and press enter.

5. Select the line of services to be performed.

6. Click on “Adopt Service” Tab.

7. Services will be fetched on main screen

8. Save the Document by clicking on the Save button .and a document will be stored
in the inbox of the SES creator (initiator), which will further go for workflow approval.
9. Workflow approval for SES is same as mentioned for PO workflow approval.

Approved Service Entry sheet along with the vendor invoice will be forwarded to
Finance section for payment. Finance section will run the T-code MIRO, Invoice
verification, and verify the vendor invoice against the Service Entry Sheet. In case, the
invoices match, the same may be saved and is forwarded to competent authority
through workflow for release of payment block and subsequent payment
Q) How to see FI document posted when a Service Entry Sheet is

Ans) A FI document gets posted when a SES is released. Entry will be debit expenditure a/c
and credit GR / IR clearing account. Note: Accounting document will not be posted if SES is
only saved but not released. Use t-code ME23N to Display Service order. Following screen

Click on “other purchase order” button and input Service order number to be displayed and press enter.

Click on “purchaser order history” tab under item detail.

Click on material document number corresponding to the service entry sheet number.
The following screen shot appears.

Click on „FI Documents‟ button. Following screen appears.

Double click on the accounting document number. Accounting document gets displayed
as below.
Q) How to check GL code, cost centre code & input tax code selected in a Service

order? Ans) Display purchase order using T-code ME23N

Click on account assignment tab under item detail. You can see the GL and cost centre. To
see input tax code selected, click on invoice tab under item detail.
In the above example there is only one item i.e item 10 in the service order. If item 20 is
also there in the service order, then select item detail of item. Screen shot given below.
1. Mandatory information to be checked by the user who is applying Temporary Advance in

a. Please Run T Code „PA20‟ and fill Infotype „0105‟ and subtype „0001‟ (to check System User

b. Please Run T Code „PA20‟ and fill Infotype „0001‟ and display to see Org-Assignment.

c. Please fill name of the Company Code after displaying Org-Assignment as given in step „b‟:

d. Please fill name of the Business area (BA) Code after displaying Org-Assignment as given in
step „b‟: .

e. Person requesting advance is called as Initiator (JTO, JAO, SDE, AO etc.).

2. To process the TAR (Temporary Advance Request), the following relationship has to be

IFA Relationship with GM Run T-CODE PO13 & Click on Relationship If this relationship is
Position and Overview , check relationship as given not maintained plz
below: Create it using T-
A|Z01 Has the IFA Code „PO13‟.
Looking after Run T-CODE PO13 & check Relationship If this relationship is
B|Z02 Is Looking After in case of vacant not maintained plz
position in TAR hierarchy work flow. Create it using T-
Code „PO13‟.
JOB ID Run T-CODE PO13 & check Relationship If this relationship is
B|007 Is described by for each position in not maintained plz
TAR hierarchy work flow. Create it using T-
Code „PO13‟.
Roles for Temporary ZFI_temp_adv_req_Company Code_BA Use T-Code „SU01D‟
Advance Code

3. Following T-Codes are to be used for the Temporary Advance:

1 To check the TA report ZfI070_1

2 To Apply TA ZFI069_2_1
3 To check status ZFI070
4 To settle temp advance ZFI069_2_2

4. 6 steps to Process Temporary Advance (Request):

a) Create temporary advance request through T-code ZFI069_2_1
b) Click on Create Employee Number (vendor code), Company Code, Business Area will
come by default.
c) Select the Reason code for applying the advance and enter the amount. Enter the Text in
the comments box. The following screen will appear-
d) Click Save. Amendments can also be made by Change tab before submitting it for approval.
e) Submit for approval after checking. On Submission, below message will come with new
request number T0000000 .

5. Reviewer can reject and IFA can amend the amount of advance. Final approver can approve
with or without amendment and can reject also. After final approval TAR document will post
and payment by CSC will be received in Bank A/c.
6. Temporary Advance Process (Settlement) :
a) Use T-code ZFI069_2_2, for settlement of temporary advance, fill all details with correct
CO Object & save. Again run this T-code with Edit option and submit to Claim Office for
b) Claim officer will use T code ZFI069_3_1 to acknowledge, check details and forward
for approval.
c) After final approval by GM settlement document will post and Employee vendor will
get cleared automatically.

Sr. Steps in brief T-code Input Data Output/ Remarks

No. Result
1. Create Temporary ZFI069_2_1 Select create & Temporary TAR Created
Advance enter Reason Code 6 & Advance and saved
Request(TAR) and Amount; Comment in request No.
Save text box and Save T000_
2. Change the TAR ZFI069_2_1 Enter TAR no TAR Once TAR
saved and submit for T0000 & Select Submitted for submitted no
approval. Approval change is
Edit . Do changes possible. Only
if required and Submit history can be
for Approval. checked thro‟
3. Workflow for SBWP Concerned Officer will Mail will be Decision of
Approving Temporary check the mailbox, forwarded to Reviewer will
Advance Request. view the details of TAR next officer‟s update in TAR
Reviewer will check & click (back), inbox for History.
his inbox and give his decision box will open review
decision. with 3 alternatives.
Select OK and press
Enter for forwarding to
next officer.
4. Similarly all SBWP Go to Inbox and select Mail will be IFA may
Reviewers will give TAR available for forwarded to amend/ reduce
their decisions and review. Final the TAR
forward the TAR to Check details click on approving amount as
IFA. Authority (recommendati
, decision box will on to GM)
IFA will go to his (Unit Head)
open with 4
mailbox and give his
alternatives, select OK
and Press Enter.
5. Final approver(GM) SBWP For Final approving TAR will be FI document
will approve the TAR authority 4 alternatives approved will create as
will be available with 17000
option of rejection.

6. AM (Initiator) will SBWP Check Inbox and once Expenses TAR history will
receive a mail for mail for payment is done updated with
approval of TAR and received officer can Payment
Payment received. withdraw money for document.
7. Create TAR ZFI069_2_2 Give the advance Fill all the TAR settlement
Settlement request number and details will be saved.
Click on Create correctly with
CO Object &
Cost center,
and Save
8. Change and submit ZFI069_2_2 Enter TAR no Tar Once TAR
for approval T0000 & Select submitted to Settlement
claim officer submitted no
Edit . Do changes if for bill change is
required and Submit to verification. possible. Only
claim office. history can be
through display.
9. Workflow of SBWP Go to Inbox and select Final Settlement
Reviewer, IFA and TAR available for Approval will Document will
Final approver. review. be given by get post as
Check details click on Final 1900
approving It can be
, decision box will
authority viewed through
open with 3 or 4 display option.
alternatives, select OK (GM).
and Press Enter as
done for TAR.
10. Temporary advance ZFI070 Fill Co Code, BA, Status with or Can be viewed
Report for status employee vendor code without any time after
and TAR no for details. details will be submission of
Select options for available TAR.
request and settlement
as per requirement.

7. Process for Claim Officer:

a) After receiving bills and details of Temporary Advance It will be acknowledged in
system through T-Code ZFI069_3_1
b) Bills will be checked thoroughly with claim submitted in system.
c) For any correction in TAR Settlement it can be referred back or if bills & settlement are
correct, it can be submitted for approval with T-Code ZFI069_3_1
d) Once settlement approved message in mail box will be received. Through report document
no. need to be updated in submitted bills and filed.
e) For cases of cash refund for un expended amount, document must be updated with text as
mentioned in Employee vendor against TA document, so that vendor clearing can happen

Sr. Steps in brief T-code Input Data Output/Result Remarks

1. Receipt of Bill ZFI069_3_1 TA request no. List of TA
and checking how T000_ / Request
many bills receipt Employee vendor pending for
then or Co acknowledgem
Acknowledging it. Code & BA _& ent will open.
then execute. nt will be sent
Select TAR for
to Initiator
acknowledgement and
Click on „Send
2. Checking ZFI069_3_1 Same Input details as Accuracy will For required
settlement details above. Go in display TAR be verified correction
thoroughly in settlement. may be send
system. Check all bill details and back to
reason codes. initiator.
Check CO object, date of
3. Forwarding for ZFI069_3_1 For correction by initiator Initiator will do Settlement
approval or select “Refer Back” and correction and will be again
returning back for for approval select send it again received by
correction as per “Submit for approval”. or mail will be Claim officer
output received in received for or forwarded
above step. approval in for approval.
4 Once settlement Message for approval of
approved settlement will come in
document no mailbox
need to be
updated in Bills
and filed
Other Important T Codes
Role for Temporary Advance ZFI_TEMP_ADV_REQ_10XX_XXYY
Role for Claim officer ZFI_EMP_CLMS_10XX_XXYY
Mapping of Claim Officer through T code ZFI069_1_4
Hierarchy for Temporary Advance through
T code
Status report for Temporary Advance
through t code
Organizational Hierarchy through t code PPOSE
ZFI069_3_2 (After executing above t-code, use the
Re submission of Rejected TA Settlement T-code for settlement of TA-ZFI069_2_2 and
resubmit corrected Settlement)

New compliances/changes in procedure re g. P urc ha s e O rde rs for “Ma teri a l” w

.r.t. GS T
b. The posting of “HSN Code (Control Code)” for materials has been made mandatory
c. The “Region Code” of the Vendor/Supplier is required for a transaction in order to determine their
respective “GST” boundaries i.e. States & UT‟s. Thus‟ The Vendor Master should be correctly
updated in the Vendor Mater reg. their status of Registered/Unregistered/Compounding/ Govt.
Organization etc.
d. Only Alphanumeric Tax Codes should be used in Purchase Orders i.e. “I1, I8, I9, R1 & N1” as
applicable on the type of PO. Condition to be maintained against these Tax Codes should be
filled in the “Template” provided to MM/FICO MDM.


Region Purchase
Code of (Control CGST SGST UGST IGST Purchase
Code of rate of Order
Delivery Code) of rate of rate of rate of order valid
Vendor Tax valid
Plant Material / Tax Tax Tax to date
(Supplier) from date
(Receiver) Service

e. Now “MIRO” may be immediately done after “MIGO” (“J1IEX” etc. procedure done after MIGO is
not required)
f. The “HSN Code (Control Code)” may be corrected at the time of “MIRO”. But this should be done
only in cases of “HSN Code” being correctly quoted by the Vendor in the Invoice and different
/incorrect “HSN Code” has been maintained in the Purchase Order.

New c omplia nces /c ha nges i n proc e dure re g. P urc ha s e O rde rs for “S e rvic e
s ” w .r. t. GS T
a. Now only one Material Group will be used in all Purchase Order for services which is “1000000-
GST Services”. Thus, other material groups have become dysfunctional.
b. The purchase order for services has been made activity based (which is automatically linked to
“HSN Code for Services”). Thus, you will have to choose correct type of the activity (services)
available from the drop down in the purchase order.

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