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Chapter 1 Questionnaire

1. USA is called a country of immigrants… what is the meaning of that expression?

For many years the history of the United States of which it is today has been connected with
immigrants. Whether due to cultural influence, we are talking about a mixture of different
nationalities and cultures, only legal immigrants each year are 850,000 and illegal more or less
half of that amount. But most go to the United States with the same goal of a better life.

2. What is a good definition of the American dream? Can a poor person achieve the American
dream? What do you have to do to say that you have achieved the dream?

The American dream is when we achieve good prosperity in other words economic stability, a
good job, personal satisfaction, all thanks to hard work and determination. With a lot of effort
and hard and intelligent work, a poor person can achieve the American dream. study, do not stop
learning all knowledge is useful and have options in life. Once we come to feel the personal
satisfaction that we lack nothing and are living well and with few worries, then we will have
achieved the American dream.

3. How is the USA population classified? Which group is considered a majority and which
groups are considered minorities?... Mention the f0ur or five most important groups. 

Whites comprise 75 percent of the population, followed by

Hispanics (Spanish speaking native origins of Mexico, Central and South
America), African Americans, Asians, and American Indians, who we refer
to as Native Americans. The majority group is Whites comprises 75 percent of our population
and the minority are racial and ethnic groups. America's society is classified by baby boomers,
Generation X, Generation Y, Yuppie and Tweens.

4. The standard of living: poverty and social discrimination in the USA.

As I read I understand that the United States is not a rich country in comparison like Canada,
Australia and Japan. What's more, a standard country. The standard of living of the United States
is in the top 10 this is related to its access to goods and services. Unlike other countries where the
predominant classes are the rich class and poor class, the United States has a large middle class.

5. Many Americans live in the suburbs. Define the word suburb. Which type of people live

They are quiet areas outside the occupied margins of their largest
Cities and are full of single-family homes separate from commercial districts
and industrial areas.As I read I understand that they are people who want to live away from the
noise of big cities and companies, quiet people mostly. As I read I understand that they are
people who want to live away from the noise of big cities and companies, quiet people mostly
and full of single-family homes.

6. Learn the definition of the following terms:

Immigrant: is the term given to people who were born or come from another country.

Hispanic: a group of people who are related to each other through the culture and traditions of
Spanish origin.

Asian American: People of Asian and American descent.

African American and Asian American: Are an ethnic group consisting of Americans with
partial or total ancestry from sub-Saharan Africa.

And remember that USA does not have an official language although English is the official non
official language.

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