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Prof Ed 4 Class

1. Gifted and Talented

2. Difficulty Hearing
Unit 4 3. Difficulty Seeing
4. Difficulty Communicating
5. Difficulty moving/walking
6. Difficulty remembering/focusing
7. Difficulty with self-care
learn at a faster pace

tend to finish their assignments more quickly

crave more intellectually challenging assignments

may act out in class if bored or under-stimulated

capable to demonstrate superior performance

with marked ability in
Art and design Music Sports Kinesthetic

Performing Arts
1. Many gifted students
try to reach an impossible
goal – perfection.
2. Because of the pressures of rigorous
schoolwork or extracurricular
activities, many gifted and talented
students have little free time.
3. Gifted children are often
very socially mature for
their age, but this can cause
them to have problems
interacting with their peers.
4. Talented and gifted students may
have trouble focusing on schoolwork
that doesn’t interest them or they
don’t naturally excel at.
Notable people who are
gifted and talented
John Nash
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking
It is estimated that by 2050
over 700 million people – or
one in every ten people – will
have disabling hearing loss.

(WHO, 2021)
the individual cannot hear at all or
has very little hearing ability
hard of hearing/ difficulty

can usually hear some level of

sound but may struggle to
hear certain volumes, pitches
or frequencies.
Teaching Strategies
• Encourage students with a hearing loss to seat in front

• Provide written materials to supplement all

lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions.
• Any videos or films used should, where possible,
be captioned.
• Use lots of pictures and graphic organizers.
• make use of available technology
Assessment strategies
Audio-visual FM Systems


Voice to text software

Andrea is a 5 year-old, kindergarten child, full of
energy and excitement like most children her age,
except that she is already reading at a fourth-grade
level and understands math concepts at a fifth-grade
Ryan, a high school student , is a challenge for his
parents and teachers. He wears Christmas lights to
school to attract attention from his girlfriend. He dyes
his hair several colors and wear red an “emo hat” in class.
He performs at a minimal level in his classes and is not
even top 10% of his class. Yet he loves music and plays
tuba, cello, and bass guitar proficiently. Outside of
school, he organizes and leads two jazz bands and
recorded his 1 album.
Mae, a Grade 7 student with hearing impairment,
is mainstreamed in the regular high school
classroom. She attends all school subjects except

Her nanny is always around her everywhere she


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