SGDN1043 (A)

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Online Class (19/12/2022)


You, as a university student, have to choose between two decisions:

1. Focus on the study only

2. Focus on the study and join sport activity

As a university student I prefer to focus on the study and join sport activity.

My justification based on PMI concepts

No. P (Plus) M (Minus) I (Interesting )

1 responsibility injures dedication
2 Active Lost enthusiasm for learning relaxing
3 Balanced emotion Lack of time with friends and Authoritative
4 brilliant fatigued Soft skills
5 Mental and body Lose focus leadership
6 Prolonged life limited budget Discipline
7 Physical health Health problems Reduce pressure
8 Boost self- confident Academics are affected Release tension
9 Get new friends Effect habit sleep teamwork
10 Fill free time tired Can manage time well

So, by having above reasons, I decide to choose focus on the study and join sport activity

In my opinion, students should be active in all activities whether academic or sports. Sports
are actually good for students to reduce their stress in studying by participating in sports
activities for fun. This is because students cannot always be under pressure with their
studies. It can lead to depression if you are constantly studying and putting pressure on
yourself. Sports are a great way to take a break from academics and release pent-up energy.
Therefore, sports are not an obstacle for a person to learn but sports teach that discipline is

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