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Narciso David De Los Santos Gómez

Zobeida Margarita Sánchez Rodríguez

IDI- 2450 Int. To Anglophone countries Literature

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Three types of ideas of the phrase ‘Happiness comes with responsibility’.

After Reading the story The Princess and All the Kingdom, i have learned three ideas from
the phrase happiness comes with responsability. Such as: All happiness achieved in this life has
a price. Sometimes I must to work hard and persevere for my happiness. Last but not least, i
can not achieve that happiness without having knowledge of responsibility.

If i want a prosperous life, to live well, to have luxuries, or to overcome adversities. The price
to achieve all that and more. First, I must also be able to get out of my comfort zone. Second,
Stay awake studying, working more on myself. Last out not least, i should interact less with
friends or stop doing things that do not benefit me in my goal. Stop doing things is the price to
achieve happiness. The Prince was surprised, he should take the position of King to be with
The Princess.

The story reminded me that responsibility is very important to maintain my happiness and not
all achievement comes immediately. I must be persevering with my goal. Of course, that hard
work will depend on my expectations. A clear example of being persevering is The Prince from
story The Princess and All the Kingdom, he did anything to win his princess. That perseverance
was motivated by the love he felt for her.

I can not achieve my happiness without knowing the responsibility that this entails. For
example: The Princess and All the Kingdom shows how responsibility causes people to grow up
and mature very quickly. The Prince in the story starts out very selfish and impulsive. I must
work physically, intelligently and have a balance. Also remembering to rest and eat enough. All
this to have a better performance when fighting for my goal. I am sure that The Prince was
aware of these details before going out to fight for his happiness.

In this essay i explained how and what points i must take into account to achieve and maintain
those goals that can generate satisfaction. Happiness has a price and the importance of this
price is related to the responsibility. In addition, once i am responsable with my goals, i can
recognize the effects and benefits that they give me.

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