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Unit - 1

Data ommumualiuon When we communuate Them

we maion Thas Alhauna
OUe Ahanmng AM
Cam be Aecal e hemote bluween mdiirdual
ne ecal covmnunmcalions maually accuss aceto
ace while Hemete Commumdhien takesplace
Ovth the duotame Via netuwenk
Data commwmcalms ahe ne Axchamge data
b/ o uwd deices i a beme dem omasBIev
medum wed areles .
Chonactnistics DodaDoa Cemnmumiatiom
The a dala Cmmumica n aysm
depenol n 4euh undammental chanadeasis
Re delivesy-accwaby, mele amd jttern
(a)Delwru The otem must delines data tethe
Coeat ydesmatikm as well as the intended
b tccwnau he u s t delines odata
oCCwtell dtta s cvvubted duwm tue
amomisbrem dmol nemauns unceveeteol then dat-
nw no te acceptable due o Maelc

( ) Tinmlunes: The sHstem muo oleivou data Amamn

u m e l y manme beamae dala. deliveneol
Aate u

(d) J Jto wsos the Msuation

he umertm delan
ncket awwal tume
M e delmty multimedia pockets

Com benents the Dala C e m m u m c a l o n

A dalau condumMCation Aysim has CompenCmlsu

he ne m maion to
Ci) Meana pe ymeadag
e ommmmuCatEdthe om n toxt,
wmags, mmbess, audio 2 v1oleo
deice that omds
Cw Senden: he Aenden M th
TCh MEAAGe * cam be a Combulea, telephone
n l e a omd Ae m'

Cii) Reciers: Te hcceiuta Tne derice h e

e easa ge t Cam e a Cmbiuks,
Aulebheues , tea md bo_en
melumm u
(iSTAamsmsson medum The tamsmMMLUOU
ztheBhusacal.pathu0ay twMeugh uhh a mCANANE
Andta kecewen Tranomdlseon
be wte wheless
asd amsmmaaww -meduum thee lypes
s ane Maed ke
i b r e is daed Wide
Cable cootialabt and dftical
thAa Netwevk
Aian speed ramam meduum nehde,
While ureleg
Amared Ao phort diolame tomnuumation bo
bahmt dslan e Autn endei mcewame
Cceme u
nete. Ome
commwm (alaean
A macd 4et heat tramammsaion amo kadso nae
e Aong duslamcecommumaitton
(Paotacol (ketoos ane tho Aet Kules hat
qevennall n e aahects ne datad Cowwmalo
TE Hehhene ntsagtewtet bw Cowmmucatim
deus Mtleut a pAoteco,tuw denues mal-
Joe ComnrciA but Mot Commmicated

DA T FLOw bieto e o dale

Commuumatwn b tiuss derices moyn besmklew,

hal dublexa amd duble ul dupley

( (

(D Smbleo:n m l wede,e comwwww.oatieu b

odemces unAdunecienalas a owe- wa
AMLat y ne taD deics m a iwk
can amdnnlit Then onea
Cam mly ALceime
KEybeands md Radiaonal moniless nottouthsrer
ask Ae lxamjle Mimsle derces
Cii) +au Duble: HD mede, ne mm commmumcaluo
bw w cltices M bidnectonal but
deice Camt tiamsmm omd eiee ot the
ame tme When e devme AA MmaAhem
drce Cm mly heuere md
Ex hatkie Taskies

fulu Dupluw Dubler n f.D mede, bot

taomsnilt Lceve maltome
- aly

Eompulin Ntusorkss
Anetuesk a Aetdevtces lem Helound
o4 Nedes) ommeted, u n Commmndncaton) amks
A mde Cam oe
be a wmplE, pumter n om n a
derice cabable Andr LUeMM Aata
emeted by nedes m he aluwerbk

Amewsk mut be able o meut utam
itou Twe mot mportant hese
are hnlmamR, eualouluti bmol pCcubuty

Pulrmance: HaomaMce cam be meanuNLOL Mn

am ways Anlludimetiamsact tmme and
pesbonse ime
The anart ime M amomt
to trawel on ne

deiceannetica whekas, Hebonae tme

The dascd we bw
FKvatte ay debend Manu 4aatss
Amidma no mss M o Wetdok "Clsad),
cababil he hatdhoaue amd iemu
M AetwaMe
Dulomwamde cam olss
hughput amd delay
e meaausEOL

(iD Reiabillu: Ln oddituow to accacu

deou the netwnk geluabdlila i s measunee
euen ol 4aubune md the wme it
tk ke aAimk bT e coren Jnenm a anlune m are
HObuatnes leabilit

iiSecwity Netwesk AC t nsaus meluee

uethctg datasm nalctuneaed acceßS
neuglh MAeA iol amol paaduwnd etectimg
data em damage amd mplemunimg- poliaks
amd pbcedunes Mecertm 4eom baeaclas
OMd Aases afeak
TyP£S 0f LONNECTION Line Coiquatio

velwok as h intecomnectuww Tiss

devnces Come dted neugt a Dink
A ink a communntaten pathway uat rameAr
data dertca t D
m one amotnaA
Devtces 'ae Cometed Mm a meuserk vi 0 p
Cemecien thet Poimt topeimt ot mulipemt
Poit o Pomt HultpomtMulhdrob)

A-6 Ham
D Pount loimt wnnection A peivt tb pew twwnaztov
paevioesa olediated ink ao w dlemes
The tine Capacil ne funk eaeANmd 4o
Thamonmwson b theeb use dertoes
Exanble Lnarud Cconmection blo hemste T v)
Multipot Cownecton-A mutipeimt alo0 talle4
mutidrab tonnection btCAA omiltple droplims)
M M wmclh twb Apecme
dewicS Abase a Amgte inb
Lna multtpDmt Lmhenment, tthe apaiuiy p
Ae hamnl M Aharedidbea patiall-du
L ANenal demces am Mse n e Simk dmmultamenus
-u nen at Kown os patia llny lhaned lovme+tion
ttreruusetembeta lly haned cBnmerton


he phgsical tepology neess o he w
m wmcdn a "vetwoak h aidq Bmysnu
When vmo than tuss deces ane cohoettol
M a lunk md moe 7tham t o liwks
Lon ) a Tofology
The t b e l s y el a netesk M re
qe emeiu Aeedesebuuon the Helationsmp
a l l the Links amd Aumbim deices nedes)
Thene ae 0 aaic Topeleqies Cbaacd on tpes

Hesm stan Rin bus


In a MESH tapologr, ouut

DMeSH Tpolag
etce has dedica pomwt pomt ink
eNN d v t c e s The dedicated
mem hat Ahe n e cavies r a e Onl-
bluo t e dewtcts
10 mdthe o slyslcal Aimks ma Aully
conmetTed He SH wu ill MAL
30 inbs =
2 n o wees
Hign Apeeol due t dkdicated, link
Higtnlu ARUMed du to dedicated
Faltt Adentaication amd ibolation
Rebust, meand ailwe eas
a link doesnt-V
mcapacitute to ne enline MElnk
naalalon amd ARLotauwaton one dndtilt
duetots Complex Altre
Laangeomowmt Cablimg ond T|0 AT
Arqned that'y LstM Apenawe
Pccubies more Apace due to M omple

L a STAR TOPOLDGY eadn demee has a dedicaled
pei limk nlyn to a cenial
CoiteA CHub) The deies ane motE dvredi
im to ome amemea Umlike a mesh TANbko
a a Tspelog does net allw oluiect taatpe0
b w derices The comineUen a c as an eNcnameen
Mem a
deice wamts To Commmnicate to 5theas
Mren dt sends the data tb he cotieller w t
thn conbiollu Hlease the data to ptheh

A (B)

Ledo Npemaivt tham MESH Topeloqy
) Easy netall Omd MALm
)Licdae Auinlk, it is Hobuit
i) aulE detection md AAvlattow is eak

ei4doodranstage is ne hub g
e s dewn
7them Lntise
wetibosk willbe dead
3 RING Topoloqy
Ka RN oy d e t c e has dedicate d
omt tA
bomt to pelmt V : Ada
connnaion wittn onluythe tws
eices A uthea Aide el it
AAiqmal is pansed along Pm m Me
duheotiomw 0m devie Heice Mntl it Heacles
t nal destimation. Cach deme the Huma
km M

co ahd Hebeatra
hem a deice Hetewes a
Lgmal ittnde d de
onolhw deice em it Lpealka panes
hem aloug
ArcdvamT Yes: ebeate
(i Ease eAMstalUatin
amd RConliguuatton

) e s expemadc ham ME SH
: fault detectow md inelaton is tas
nmet "Holbust ire, aiuwue unk aect
Lntise etwohk

4 Bvs ToPOLO4
A bus topolegy a multipnumt. ne
e Aove able
acts as a blkbove o ubnk all t dlertces
Nndes ane conmected to the bus cable bt dneb-
limes amd tabs A dop lime is the cohmactidn
Auunnm 6/ w wdevtce4 nd mam calole A4
tal cemezto h a t eithea Mmsaeel Aintb
mam Cable Pm cluA the
Calole Ae cowale a conlact with he mealuc
code Gumals ameL m Ahe mam cable 50
Bme e s energy M ranaformed anto heat
and dae tb heat n e Maml Cable heomes
weaksamd eakta

b Case imstallatien

(bDtiult ko entgu
iO fPai dtedin amd AAelatwn is
i ) Net Hebuat
iv) Net ARUee
Pustecols JTndandds
Ams seiuon, ne deime two widely
treTeAMs eT3iotöcols amo olamdaAds
HHot we deine puotacol whmch ju Aynommy mou4 wtlw
Sule cmo then wel lis Aaldasds
wich ase agtue ol Aubom ules

A puoteco o A e t ules hat goveam
olattd communncTtions. A toe dismeswat
Comunuunicattd hou t i n Lomwmunmcalid
Cma whem t COWmw.RO
Thekeh demuntz he uotacols a
Syna Aemamts amd mmma

Aounctihe mat h e d a t , mamma
h e 1des wwm.en tnc n e prtsmted. U
Semamics: The wod dEmamtics aggess n e
eamimg e a c a scuon u t 4How io a paticue
nttta be mts-pieted amd what otuen As
b ebe akm a c d am that Miapuutatuon

u uima: The i m timumg Hpers to tioo chaacte

-Tics i.e data U ahold. be alnt amd
h o Jaat- tUhey CAm be aent
SAamdands ae tmemtial an ueating aMd mamla
ma am

fEn amd Competitive LenwA0mmnt

ertayone ke mtadivreas , Aller
mbleyCes md en 0to enAe mtea
opehabllly ameng
Standand Bueridks gudeines enowne e
kind. M Mmeiiennettwmby Mmd ComwMIaon
Stamdad dall AMto Cargues
De facta bydact 06 by comwerion)
Ci) De we Bydlau BAegulatiens

i SAmdands tat hae net ben apptovd

boduy Aanvt
adlosteda Alandasds toug mdespuad
use kmown au Defate ziMdands

Cid These atamdards hat hant been gralatede

byam icially HeLogmzed bsdu
De jwei lamdands

Samdards Aamzatiems
Stomdanols derllofed ttnaugu. the ee-heratioi
sandastol otazon comwmides, 0uus, annd
grennmemt mAglatosy aqmuc
Ci tmdaxos Ratuim COmnnuties: otwle ymamr
qammzati a deducated t the exsta ltish-
menk slandanods one thseaUte a1
an) Tntenotiemal Stamolad uqazaton LI8O) ISO M
muttunatimal bady Mhatt atandandize do Many
Dgamaottons d eneml- di4ene
Apanthom hdt, Dlan 1S0 andayd AMMmAL
as ObemKyutem Lnteucomeaton COSI) hat ovo
alltlhe aspeats a tn computtr tronk

InteunatieatTele commumcaton nnen CITU): Hany

COnlues wee delunimg atuenal atomdandso
telecommum.catuon, bu ihene was Aeme
interational compatibilitts. Ths commmuit wa
oleveted w th tdnh ama developmemt e
Stuw Ad llelecpmmuumcaton m enenal
Veue dmd ata

(Anenicam Nectinal stamdandThatitk(ANSI)

be ssite names, the tNSI Ma Comblutil
pmat -nen-pAet Cpeaten Cumd wet
a i o t a w t t n t e US fedeal Gveumem
e r e all tNSI aluties a mndertakem
i t the wulae m t d State amd ts
Cottrzns nstitte. dnbueal md deiuems

0Lnstitr Elkabucal and Ehctrome Engne

TEEE is neAasgest_Anqineeimg eciet
wtnla am to oride adwmik
huony a t u l ond ueductt qualitq m
held Elecbuical tnginebma, EleTi
- c s e r n t e n a amd Uhea blamches0
Aelated e h wdlogies
EktOms ILduatm Assouation, CELA) uR :
ANS £LA is alosd a nen-
pefil, Aate
amzatiew A5 paPviole
uldeinest auoP
owbl tdmaete pubu Melatol lo he
tdkemics Prpduct. 1 a l a pAovndes oudelan
The amdauscrs amd elleas mamAam
Ane aualily ahd besductinwuy
lelecewMmmicatens Tecmmology edopmemt
momg daste ham abilit he
Sumdand www.tteas to ecat lanoarda
StdnAd. commttees ame prowdural boles amcl
by Matine lo ccemsduute me
neRd whn4 medels amd agARLmenly
daciitdte Ahe Samdaa PHBCeAA
YMa ahmzatiows hant denelepeal umMs
The eruns k l l h Ahe umverdties,
04gaMlatrens omd uoeA Teut evaluate
Vaud Btitor2e Mamdanduze ew techmolog
md Nukrmt thea cmlusens to tu landass

u) Kegulten Arenues: Au Commmiaiopn

tehhodogieA ane aubjeot t Atgulatwns by
9pvameNt agnlies Kuch ay tedesal commwnc
atrons ConmMLs1OM i l i ate

The papeoe these ag.emcues aetret

Duolic MmteneE

E Netiverk Models
To take a ue uence Latalota a veuuAK, we
dollow Netvonk leleen Hpdel tha
-Homduts udelmes CMtalotn a eiuonk m
o wel mwneA
Thene ane twb ypts et Netaek Models
Dhen SyutemTtn conetien CosT) Relenwmce Mode
(i) Tamamidien Covrol Puotocel
ntenel Paetscal
) 0SI An ISD ndand that c e r allthe
ashets e combutea Watiaonk An gbemu
etecel Abat allsuw Cm tws'AyTtelns
Cam 'ommmmmcate ath ealn athe4Aeqasdles
nein mdetuing- DAclaattdtue butt an 0'SI K
net a PLstecol E A o me medel haat
biole qaudelmes eotabln
d netuok thatt wll_b xible, Kebuot-,
DST hos ARNtM iternelatao loyted achcte tune
PReSANTATION LANER Applieaton layen

TRANSPORT LAYER hamaposl layes

3 LAYER htamet layes
2DATA LINK LAY£R Netwenk tccens

Please po No ToUCH Steave's Tet Algocter

Physical Layl

itiurse data

1MOmonmdaen Data

(Bende) Rerieve) Analoq olata


The y i c a l Aaytn ceedamates with the unches

6 t sveam 0itae data
BeANUneo 6 Caknds a
deals nth he
r a phyaucal 'mediuum
nechammCal handwaneConnponuts) _amd electucal
Amidaelplattewn) amed
Ahelicatiem he
ÜamdiNGOn meduum T also dkimes thee pLBceduse
Dmduweien e mat_are heauard) plhyalcal
derices) Omd atenaces t benedm atrdmanulsonen

Phyaical chauaTRmThcs d the muvyaces amd
heramamAdnm mcodiuum -The phyaMcaal
layn dismes Une chanactinics 0tthe
ntealace 'b/ the detces and he amsmuaoo
)Kepnesnlation ef Bts-he plhyaical l a s data
Codist damm 6its Benpunte D 96e
I6) wbn) no AMtenbLtaomn Pils muot
eneded Amto Alg nals bepu Tnomimwn e n e
aledaie MgMals o obtical Aignals
sical layer olefimes Vaidous ncolliong ëchnnaes
ui) Data Rate /TPamomis zion Kate | Ait Rate oR sped
he tranamusoom Aue meams the mb
bUs amomutted Am e_aelond amd puebueochted
AM "bpS nd phycal Aayen delimes t .

i iD ynchuamzatien bis:e mdpn amd eceA

n n l must uae tho bomme but a b t aloe
wot be AychnDnDed,at abne btt level
Line ConuguuahénTupes Conneatiom amd Poysical
Tesolegy Dnd Teamdmlbpiom Meduim :he uyssical
KarjeA cemuBmmd wl e all abee.
Physical Aayen deune Locdn Cnno ves hmng .
he abare
Data Link Lauer
Nelinesk layn Natink layn


H6ieiweData T HPockett
amommion. Medunm
Acolleriro i l
brtwnse hame
Puucal laye Pupsical tayus
Tae Dota Link Layer s HAonble 4ra the
sousw olestnohion deiven A RAMES b/o
Ub deNces n Me kamevetoskCLAN
, arieugw the Netwenk Layeh_M mahenible fa
deutimatom patkets acwos Ahe
mulbple metiverks whehe e 0emdeh elangs
neuonk >e eurr btlsny oU

Te Data ink layeA M Adlhcent- o pode

AN eA m e LN TWee AA o
nEork omd uppeA buyes
(D Fhammg: he ula Lunk laytn celleets/dundes
bionde datapackets 1e cAeNed hom phpocal
Jap feapeetvely to hanqe sto
he MomayeHle n i t klewn as tranmmg fram
Omd Cadn Knpwn as hamme

u)Phystal Aldueodima: To handlle the addtuomy

ueblems locally the data ink lays ntoes
plhycal_adiyes pemamemt- adobuas)

E p r o Conuel :The data mk laye addb

heliablitq t ib KAME to enoune thatt amis
0L to Jk duobubuttai ubþer and lowa lanyen
The adus palt A h e a m
CowtamM) o Cobol mechamonh

i Flow Conuol: dat guate peuere is

tnam Hhe d a pate pendeab t h e btn neds
th btAnchtemizel to maviom tnolon
And akneledgcnaen pelicy
AccRAA Comtsl:Ln o mitipomt
hene muttule derces aRAhamg a mgle
Loink dnen tteae M erd to access COWAAl
aceso cimael all me denACC we danrded
Tme- hanma Mamma Mm wmen
Can deTamne a t ) whuch divtt bas colel-
re ine imk, a a q c ime
weiks wAN
Nctaook Lo

PACKET acdd aBendes|p.ecaeve, epmema

H RAMEEs awownmsinow md|HPACKET




The netoerk layen M heopouble

deatmaton Vdlres packktu aLvvos multple
natuwks nheuan, he Idatta Jimk l m
Aerponible olttsieA. ommes
destimation neiek

'i) Facketizattn-1 M Auet Aame as.4eamim
The netwerk layen
xeclees_data 4aomd dat
ma d thn ompmes
Aink Tramope layu m
disdes data Packetz Amtot h e i MamagAable

M n t i Called packetization md
ach umt
non_as puckrt

) Logcal tddneasmg he netink laryen MAES

cotca addesAma Aheme own,as loncalll
IP_addrteas elwe The Addamepolennns
NL 4 implemcntid nohem demdea heunen belong to d nctnnls)

Ttmponay nesicles in the heade

addntas amd
ak o t e fadket meluded by Netvek layeh
The Netooik layn honkA acohoas he muliple
natuwek whese sgneles belou gsto me netwer
amd ALuevtA m

Kotimg-The metik layen MORS

dericesi. cRoutas amd vitchesfouttinalizel
Ahe beot phort out cong wmultiple,ih t e s
dwilihiniiatis the harket Vto t al

UNIT- 5 T/P t Appucatiom

HanapL lays
Sesgjm layn Sesion Laya
Packet Segmonis Packes

HD H D H D T: M H D H D ||H|D

Seg me nts

Packet sEgmets

Nw lays Nw La
Lay e
PAeoentation tay
Puestation Aayon
Packet Pa cke

Syn peimb
Cacket) acket)
T7P. Layeh T7P Kayen

twee Aayes,
The keices. uorioleol Aoy. the a t
(PAysical, Datalimk 2 Ntwok) ae net sutfwieht
we'l u o e the Jesonom
feAemme ueceoces Ahen etuwok
Layeu The SL A o dialoque cwniollea;
L Atablishes9 mantains amd AymhstbmzeA. n e
nlescacuon ammy commmwcatm t ms

(D Dialog comiuel he seovuon Jaueu allew amy
tub yotems Lnten ito d ualeq
Cemmmtaiion Nb. Aiystems CAmcemlmumcaate
uth ah Fhe ondBne Dtoiole. d i a l a

Check powits /Snchnsnzatton points The devoiou

allows a pbcess to adol'a checkpemts es
hcoeeauón pomts to o oRamn f daata

exomple-1 a oten M Sndimq. lJle

ee o
LuoDheusanel) pngel.T
is adwiabledto moeTt
chekpeiats ofte eNep lov pagtu to enowe
Lhat Lah L00 poqe md
Acknewledged mdefenlenty
Ctn 6th Anateus al-pm6 593,thenm
wd wne to to sueobnd pq no'so o pq
oo.. 52

PHeotmtation Lameh
Applicaton Laye Applicaten layn
TPacket Packete

H Duta 1amsmmsBlon H Data

Packett Tcket

Packet Tacket
Sessien Layen Seaamew layes

The peaentaten layen Cencenmed

hypes test is m 4mm eDR

Application Layen

Huma ot S/w)



SNTP FrP X-500

H Data
H Data


the whethes
The pplicatuon Layea enables MAeS

umam w h dcce he e t s k T E
rides MseA mlerloce CGUT CLI)and oubbest
fes Deatces suuh asE-ma by SMTP
SMTP, nm
by HTTP , Remet hle access

TAamen by TP Shased datalhoe ManaA wni

diaecto AtArees by X 5DO, netuosk hamay
bel kel ee bemq r a m l e by SMP onmd nemeT-
Acqn b TeLrET( CTlepLoe Nelidkk) ete

Apant o m hese Applicatiow Aayes etde

vitual Tmi nal Cuent deoNtah herm
ditnd Hmotely- logim wlh e hemete heot
Neluosk V i t a a l Tesmumal Tis ps JCemecaon
Votaon o plusicalTAmvmal amd allos oa
a nemete hoct To de
the applucatiihn Cueates aAeftwae mulatien
TeAmmmmal at h e ehre te

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