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How To Give Effective

Ways To Give Orders Effectively:
• Clarify your objective.
• Obtain favorable attention
• Make it simple and specific
• Phrase it tactfully for best results
• Explain why it should be done your way
Ways To Give Orders Effectively:
• Learn how much information and guidance he needs
• Let him have it
• Inspire his confidence in you and the correctness of
your order
• Note his readiness to act
• Give him faith in his ability to carry it out
The Knowledge
Knowledge Worker

Is characterized by a highly competitive and rapidly

evolving business environment. They are key to
competitive differentiation
Knowledge Workers And Manual Workers

According to Drucker, for manual workers, we

need only efficiency that is the ability to do things
right rather than the ability to get the right things
The Difference Between Manual Worker
And Knowledge Worker

Manual Workers - can always be judged in terms of

quantity and quality of a definable and discrete
Knowledge Worker - is not defined by quantity neither
is knowledge defined by its costs. Knowledge work is
defined by its result.
The Report Challenges Managers In The Asia
Pacific To Release The Potential Of Their
Knowledge Workers By:
• Acknowledging that knowledge workers are
• Accepting that traditional command and control
methods of management are outdated and
• Creating new ways of organizing work suitable for
knowledge working
The Report Challenges Managers In The Asia
Pacific To Release The Potential Of Their
Knowledge Workers By:

• Ensuring the right backup system are provided

which take into account the motivations and values
of knowledge workers
Advances Deliver Results
Management advances deliver business results.
Some companies such as Samsung have proven
that radical change is possible. Lee Hun Hee,
chair of Samsung, focused on nurturing creativity
and innovation in the corporate culture while
simultaneously doing away with the hierarchical
style of management.
Advances Deliver Results

The result of this restructuring program made

Samsung the leading force in the electronics
industry that is today. Likewise, Asian companies
realized that knowledge economies based on
knowledge work and workers will be the platform
for future prosperity and growth.
Thank You!
Group Members:

1. Leandro Neco Noel B. Gara

2. Jake Mariano D. Maga
3. Jerome Y. Arcoles
4. Lee Ivan C. Companion
5.Roberto S. Lobederio Jr.

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