Group 6 Report - Management

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Delegation of Authority

1-14 Responsibility and Authority

Personnel Coordination
Delegation of Authority
1 - 13
Delegation of Authority
It is the key to effective management.
In order to have control, the manager must have
authority. to effective management.
Authority is the power of an administrator to delegate
functions to the next ranking executive.
It should have a definite limitation to avoid confusion.
Delegation of Authority
It should preferably be in writing.
It should be interpreted clearly.
When a work is given, it must be within the paths of
But before giving an order, it should be determined first.
Delegation of Authority
Delegation of a task to a subordinate is a
manifestation of faith and confidence towards the
ability if a subordinate.
It gives the subordinate an added responsibility and
However, subordinates must be trained and prepared for
the job.
Recognition should be given the deputy for a work well
Responsibility and
Authority Defined
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Responsibility and Authority Defined

One famous professor on administration defines

responsibility as “Hell“ without authority.
Authority and responsibility must go together.
But authority cannot be delegated completely. It can only be
The president may delegate any or part of his authority. On
the other hand, advises which are feed by persons who do
not share in the responsibility is of questionable value.
Responsibility and Authority Defined

Even with the aid of responsible consultants, there is

that element of risk in decisions.
Decisions should result from the pooling of judgement of
those who share in the responsibility and authority.

The president or manager is still held responsible for the

action and liabilities of the company.
Personnel Coordination
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Personnel Coordination
Two factors that are significant in the establishment of
leaders, supervisors and foremen:
1. The need for close supervisions as judged by the skill
of the workers and the difficulty of the operations.
2. The availability of experienced and trustworthy
personnel capable of acting in supervisory capacity.
Personnel Coordination
Reasons why there is shortage of people who are
capable of leadership and supervision:
1. Lack of incentive in the supervisory positions.
2. Inadequate of ineffective recruitment of those
possessing potential leadership ability.
3. Insufficient training of present and potential
supervisory personnel.
Personnel Coordination
Project construction bring together people with diverse
knowledge and skills.
Most of the workers associate with the project for less
than its work duration.
Some go from one project to another as their services is
needed while others are on loan either on a full time or part
Personnel Coordination
People with special knowledge and abilities are selected
to work on special project.
Some workers on the other hand, are not so eager to join
a project because ;
• it may mean working for two • fear of being connected with
bosses unsuccessful project
• disruption of friendship and daily • difficulty in returning back to
routine the former jobs
• risking the possibility of being
replaced on the project job
Personnel Coordination
Some workers want to associate with more dynamic
environments. Because;
• They like challenges of working under pressure and solving new
• It offers an opportunity to meet new people and increasing
future opportunities.
• They gained status among fellow workers aside from the
increased of their tag price.
• It inspires a team spirit, increasing their morale and motivation
to achieve successful completion of project goals.
“ Thank You

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