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Pili, Camarines Sur, Naga, Philippines

S.Y. 2021-2022

“A Study on the Effectiveness of Modular Learning in Mathematics among Senior High

School Students of Philippine Computer Foundation College, Incorporated”

A Research Paper presented to the Senior High School Department

Of Philippine Computer Foundation College Inc. for S.Y. 2021-2022

Submitted by:

Marc Justin A. Fallore

Alesa Mae D. Celetaria

Jeanne Frances Alferez

Aira B. Cadiz

Kizha Venisse D. Bico

Mary Grace Limon

Rudgene Laniog

Submitted to:

Paolo T. Alferez
LPT, Research In Daily Life Teacher.


This research entitled, “A Study on the Effectiveness of Modular Learning in

Mathematics among Senior High School Students of Philippine Computer Foundation

College, Incorporated” has been prepared and submitted by the 2 nd Group in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the subject: Research in Daily Life has been examined

and hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.

Mr. Paolo T. Alferez

Research in Daily Life Teacher


Our inspiration for this research stemmed from our experiences and struggles in

this time of pandemic. As we face the pandemic, we adapt to a new way of life and

learning. Now, at Philippine Computer Foundation College, Inc., we students learn

through modules given by our teachers. And thus, the struggle of the students to learn

independently rose to the occasion, and with Mathematics also being considered as one

of the hardest subjects. So, we researchers investigated the effectiveness of Modular

Learning in Mathematics to junior students of PCFC.

This study would not have been possible if it weren’t for the strong support of our

group, and for the time and efforts poured out by each and every single one of us into

accomplishing this study.


The researchers would like to thank our Almighty God for helping us to be able to

accomplish this research with success. Then, we would like to thank our teacher: Mr.

Paolo T. Alferez whose valuable guidance have been the ones us complete this study.

Their suggestions and instructions have served as the major contributor towards the

completion of this research. Also, we would like to extend our gratitude to our parents,

classmates, and friends who helped us with their valuable suggestions and guidance to

the completion of this research.



APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………………i



TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………….…iv



Objectives of the Study…………………………………………….2

Statement of the Problem………………………….………………….2

Importance of the Study……………………………………………3

Scope and Limitations of the Study…………….………………….4

Definition of Terms………………………………………………..4



Research Design………………………………………………….12

Research Instrument……………………….……………………..12
Subjects of the Study………………………………….…………12

Locale of the Study………………………………………………13

Data Gathering Procedure…………………….………………….13



Stefan Banach stated that, “Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful

creation of the human spirit.” (Nisbet, 2019) Mathematics is the study of quantity,

structure, space, and change. (Stokdyk, 2020) It has played a big role in the changes,

and countless innovations in the world and history. Studying this particular subject can

benefit not only just us but, also humanity and the world in the long run. Mathematics

has a tremendous part in unlocking doors that opens the world to a brighter future, and

mankind to make bigger steps toward innovation that will serve as the catalyst of


As we go through the current pandemic brought upon by the Coronavirus Disease

2019, we undergo through changes and adapt to “The New Normal” for us to avoid
perish. The Philippine Computer Foundation College Inc has adapted to these changes

and applied the Modular Learning method in teaching its students. Throughout this

study, we have stressed that the senior high students of Philippine Computer

Foundation College Inc. are studying, and learning in Mathematics from their modules.

The effectiveness of learning Mathematics should be high to be able for the students to

enhance their skills and soar to greater heights.

In this study, the researchers aimed to know the effectiveness of modular learning

in teaching Mathematics to senior high students to prove its efficiency, and help by

giving change, and improvements to the method of modular learning method in teaching

Mathematics to improve their studying.


This research study aims to:

 Determine the perception of the senior students of Philippine Computer

Foundation College, Inc. toward Modular Learning in Mathematics;

 Determine the effects of modular learning in Mathematics to the respondents,


 Determine the effectiveness of modular learning in Mathematics to the



This research study aims to answer the following questions:

 What is the perception of the senior students of Philippine Computer Foundation

College Inc. toward Modular Learning and Mathematics?

 What are the effects of Modular Learning in Mathematics to the respondents?

 Determine the effectiveness of Modular Learning in Mathematics to the



The results of this study benefit the following:


It is beneficial to the teachers, because it provides information about the students’

perception towards Modular Learning, Mathematics, and its effectiveness.


This study will help parents to further understand their children in terms of studying

and support them by helping to teach their children in Modular Learning, and


Future researchers.
The outcome of the study may be used as reference data in conducting new

researches. It also serves as a guideline that prevents new information about the

effectiveness of Modular Learning in Mathematics.


The study focused on the effectiveness of Modular Learning in Mathematics

among the Senior High School Students of Philippine Computer Foundation College

Inc. The researchers conducted a survey with only 15 respondents, where 15 of the

respondents came from grades 11-12 of S.Y. 2020-2021. Moreover, this study is very

limited in the respondents’ privacy in their home, and internet connection


The purpose of clarification, the important terms used in the study have been

defined. The following terms are:


It is something deemed effective, intended to produce an outcome or impression.


To bring out a result or a change.


How one views, interprets, and/or understands something; a mental impression.

Modular Learning.

Students study via modules and learning materials provided by the teachers



Science of numbers, quantities, shapes, and the relations between them.

Qualitative Research.

A study which involves the collecting and analysis of non-numerical data to

understand concepts, opinions, or experiences.


A research instrument consisting of a set of questions to collect information from a



To investigate the opinions or experiences of a certain population or group, based

on a series of questions.ence of numbers, quantities, shapes, and rhe relations between


Qualitative Research.

A study which involves the collecting and analysis of non-numerical data to

understand concepts, opinions, or experiences.


A research instrument consisting of a set of questions to collect information from a


To investigate the opinions or experiences of a certain population or group, based

on a series of questions.



Presented in this chapter are foreign and local literatures and studies gathered

from online journal resources used by the researchers who was seeking of this paper as

a guide in order to have a more accurate studies. This Related Literature helped the

researchers have a better understanding and a wider perspective on the topic gathered.

Local Literature

According to Lev Vygotsky (2000), Modular learning is a form of distance learning

that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the Most Essential Learning

competencies (MELCS). The modules include sections on motivation and assessment

that serve as a complete guide of both teachers’ and students’ desired competencies.

Teachers will monitor the learners’ progress through home visits. The modular approach

situates Filipino students to learn in the comfort of their homes. Limited contact with

teachers will place parents or guardians as the learners’ model or the “More
Knowledgeable Other” (MKO). Someone has a better understanding or higher ability

level than the learner, concerning a particular task, process, or concept. Human

learning is a social process. Parents are partners of teachers in education. They are

‘home facilitators,’ the ‘tagapagdaloy‘ means channel, but they will not teach the subject

matter. It is the teacher’s duty to teach, Dr. Lourdes Servito, (2001). A Filipino author

cited that a module Is a self-contained and independent unit of instruction with a primary

focus on a few well-defined objectives. A hand out distributed during the Workshop in

the Application of Educational Technology – DECS-UNESCO referred to it as a set of

learning opportunities systematically organized around a well-defined topic containing

the elements of instruction that cover specific objectives, teaching-learning activities and

evaluation using criterion-referenced measures, Morallo,(2000). As Fe C. Nepomuceno,

(2000) cited, a module can be a short segment programme interwoven between other

forms of instruction to cover limited, specific units rather than an entire course. Another

Filipino author, classified the use of modules, together with programmed instruction,

self-learning kits and correspondence courses, and mastery learning technique, under

the self-pacing method of instruction, Garcia,(2015). Nepomuceno described the

modules in the following statements: It focuses on a distinctive, identifiable skills or set

of skills or outcomes other than skills; It is fairly short so as to make students use their

study time efficiently; It is essentially self-teaching, even though it may encourage group

work; It blends theory and practice, and combines doing with reading and reflecting; It

provides a list of further readings or sources related to the skill being promoted; It

provides suggestions to students for participating in in the design of their own projects,

explanatory activities, and evaluation criteria; It is reality-oriented in the sense that it

involves the students in real situation if not possible, tried to use stimulation technique;

and It provides feedback for improvement and redesigning a module can be

advantageous for students and teachers because: It provides a way of assessing

students’ progress in learning; It reduces the routine aspects of instruction learning. The

teacher is free to engage in personal contact with the student; the independent nature of

self-instructional units facilitated the updating of study materials without major revisions;

and It serves as model for teachers who wish to develop their own materials and insert

their own personality.

Foreign Literature

Modular instruction was first introduced by American educators. It is described by

John L. Hughes (2000) as an individualized instruction that provides bases for close

interaction between the learners and the subject matter. With the modules, the

learners are expected to respond frequently in the interaction with an instructional

program at their learning rate. Assessment of Students Learning is a three-unit

professional education subject taken by Education students. It involves concepts

and principles on what and how our future teachers assess their future learners.

Though there are existing references in this subject, there is a limited book that

contains all the lessons stipulated in the course design or learning program used in

the University. As instructor of this Assessment of learning for almost 8

years, the researcher had seen the relevance of having a module in delivering

the content of this subject. Aside from the fact that it will offer individualized
instruction, the module blends the theory and practice which are vital to students

learning experiences (Good,2000). Researched the “individualization” of the modules

because learners proceed with the instructions at their own pace, also stated that

modular instructions catered to the individual learning differences so that learners

are prompted to actively participate in determining what they need to learn

(Duker ,2000). The amount and the pace of their learning must match with their

ability, motivation and interest, not in comparison with other learners. Gibbons

(2001) believed that individualized instruction is one of the multi-media

approaches providing the development of coherent instructional programs that

prepare learners for complete control of their education. Good (2000) cited modular

approach to be modernizing the teaching process suited to learners to advance at their

own best rate through passing unnecessary instruction and satisfying their needs,

thus in individual cases, will be able to earn their degree in Considerably shorter period

of time. Lardizabal, (2001) said that it is a package of learning activities that learners

have to accomplish. It can be used as part of a course, as a complete course, or

as a curriculum design. Students can find the following advantages: Working at

their own pace; Assuming responsibility for learning; Students find that textbooks are

not the only source of learning; They know exactly what they have to learn; Learners

are encouraged to master the module; and Competition for grades is reduced,

Lardizabal, (2001). Modular instruction promises a more efficient mass education by

offering more effective individual instruction at a time when a teacher is faced

with a problem of producing learning in a large group all at the same time. It is a

technique of self-instruction that involves the presentation of instructional materials to

demonstrate their skills and comprehension, Deterline, W.,(2002).It is described

that modular instruction provides the basis for a close interaction between the

learner and the subject matter, that the learner is called upon to respond actively in

the interaction with an instructional program, and that the rate at which the interaction

proceeds are governed individually by each learner’s response, Hughes J. L.,

(2005). The advantage offers to the teacher who uses the modular approach.

These are: it provides the opportunity for organizing numerous sequences to

reflect special interests of the teacher and students; it allows the teacher to

focus on the deficiencies of students in the subject matter; it serves to eliminate the

necessity of covering the subject matter already known to students. With the use

of modules, the progress of a student is assessed and the routine aspect of

instruction is reduced giving the teacher a chance to enjoy her personal contact with

the students, Greager, J. and Murray, D (2005). The instructional modules form an

important educational innovation and teaching technique. Aside from proposing a

solution to the problems of teaching instruction, modules are more efficient mass

education by giving more effective individual instruction, Acelejado, (2007). The

preparation of self-instructional modules includes careful analysis of the course plan or

syllabus, preparing preliminaries and designing of the learning activities. The design of

the learning activities includes the objectives, directions, pre-test and key, activity

proper, self-evaluation exercises and post-tests, Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, (2009).

The modular system has been considered as an alternative to traditional teaching for a

long time. The modules in the principles and methods of teaching include lessons and

topics which meet the requirements of authorities in teacher education. The contents of
the modules reflect the most important aspects of what is being taught. The modules

provide evaluation activities which relate to the content and objectives of the

lessons; however, there is no provision for pre-test and post-test activities in

each module. There is highly significant difference between the students’ and the

teachers’ assessment of the characteristics of the modules with the teachers’

assessment higher than that of the students. The principles and purpose of

modular instruction, its advantages for both students and instructors, and a

comparison between the conventional and modular approach are presented.

Present evidence suggests that modular instruction meets the needs of today’s

students more learning and the content, Reiser, B. J, (2007). The instructional cycle and

intensive coaching enabled most instructors to change their practices, shift their focus

from teaching to learning, and enhance their knowledge of student learning

difficulties, Gallos, M., Zagn, (2005). Information and educational modules of the

multimedia electronic textbook require a choice of topics, a set number of hours

and study forms, learning specific concepts and terms in each topic, acquiring

concrete knowledge and learning activities Serysheva & Shchitov, (2014).


Local Studies
According to Chavez (2003), the following conclusions were drawn based on the

aforementioned findings: (1) First-year students were weak in Plane Figures; (2)

Supplementary instructional materials on Plane Figures were developed; (3) The

supplementary instructional materials in mathematics were found acceptable by school

administrators and mathematics teachers; and (4) Students performed significantly

better in the post-test as compared to the pre-test.

From the findings of the study of Gracia (2006),the following conclusions were

divided1) The test items in the achievement test were not evenly distributed so that all

of the items concentrated under average indices of difficulty;(2) Students performed

poorly in exponential and logarithmic functions,and polynomial functions; and activity

materials with rubrics application in mathematics IV in exponential and logarithmic

functions,and polynomial functions were developed for used by the fourth year high

school students;(3) .The activity materials with rubric application are acceptable to the

mathematics IV teachers and experts of the District Biñan ;and (4) There is significant

difference in the result of the pre-test and post-test.

On the other hand ,vistan et,Al (2015) has the following conclusions were drawn ;

(1) Most of the teacher -respondents are female.It maybe inferred that women prefer to

be mathematics teacher than men do;(2) More than three-fifths of the mathematics

teachers are married and therefore it maybe concluded that to be settled is still ideal

although in the said profession ;(3) One of the desirable of being a teacher is having

perseverance.Teachers have the initiative not just to benefit themselves but also to

improve the quality of education being shared with the students. The respondents may

be recommend for majority of them are Baccalaureate Degree holders taking their

master's degree;(4) Mathematics teachers with ages 21 to 31 years to 40 years old

have equal frequencies and are the highest.Therefore either age groups are said to be

given the same opportunity or both are driven in their choseb field; (5) Forty-nine

percent of the respondents are of the maximum of eight (8) years in service.It shows

that many are being interested to be an educator in mathematics and maybe many

apirants are still in the process to be one; (6) The proposed music instructional

materials in mathematics by the researchers are acceptable in terms of subject matter,

clarity, usefulness,and also in language and tune. Since it is acceptable on all

indicators,this instruction maybe adapted for future use in teaching the subject. It may

help the teacher’s to make discussions to be more interesting to their students; and (7)

The difference between the level of acceptability of the proposed materials and the

profile of the respondents in terms of their gender age higher educational

attainment.Whatever the profile,it pointed out that the responses among the

mathematics teachers were united to accept the propose music instructional materials.

Based on the aforementioned finding of the study of Gabasa(2006) ,the following

were drawn1) The topics Probability and Descripted Statistics were found to be the

weaknesss of the students and therefore they should be the ones to be considered for

the development of the enhancement materials in statistics (2) The enhancement

material that covers the topics: Sample and Population, Frequency, Distribution,

Histogram,and Ogive , measure’s of the variation and the standard score approaches of

probability,Laws of probability and Binomial Expansion prove to be helpful to the

students respondents;(3) The assessment of the math experts respondents prove to be

Extremely Acceptable (EA) in terms of the objectives content language and style and

usability;and (4) When tested for significant difference,it was found out that the result of

the pre and posttest mean score of the respondents was significant so we have to reject

the null hypothesis that there was no significant difference between the pre and the

post-test mean scores of the respondents and therefore students have learned.

Foreign Studies
According to Carry (1994), “the modular approach uses programmed materials

which are carefully organized in a logical sequence through which the learner advances

at his own pace, with each of his responses confirmed or corrected immediately.

Robinson (1992) stated that individualized instruction and assessment are closely

associated with the concept of mastery learning when most students master objectives

at uniformly high level. It is a component of systematic instruction which is concerned

with understanding, improving and applying learned principles at given time. On the

individual instruction, which is a strategy in the modular approach. Lewis (1993) has

started individual uniqueness, which is the extent to which persons in the group are

similar to one another, is measured by thinking of it as collective expression of

individualized learning. Creager (1996) enumerated several advantages of the used of

instructional materials using the modular approach which are as follows: (1) Self-

instructional units allows the teacher to focus on the students’ deficiencies subject

matter that must be corrected; (2) Serve to eliminate the necessity of covering subject

matter already known to the students; and (3) Provide a way of assessing the student’s

progress in learning.

Camarao (1990) believes that the instructional materials were the answer the

needs of developing countries lie the Philippines with inadequate logistics and rapidly

increasing school population. Instruction could be individualized and from it, students

learn even when they are already out of school. He stated that the writers of the

supplementary instructional materials should state the objectives in terms of learner’s

behavior and skills. According to Cesareno (1993), teaching school children to read and
to learn without the necessary books and others instructional materials is like teaching

them how to swim without giving them the benefit of actual experience to swim in a

body of water. He added that the seriousness of the textbook problem strikes deep into

the educational program. The importance of textbook and the instructional materials is

to facilitate learning and to make teaching more effective. Torres (1994) states that the

art of teaching embraces the act of providing adequate resource materials rather than

mere dissemination of information. The classroom therefore must be made a place in

which every student can perform the act-of delivery. Sufficient instructional materials

should be provided to the students to ensure meeting of concepts. Learning is a

process wherein the learners are involved. A learner learns from what he feels and what

he thinks. Personal experiences are learning that are complete and lasting.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification,the important terms used in this study have been


The Following terms are:

Criterion referenced

Is a style of test which uses test scores to generate a statement about the behavior

that can be expected of a person with that score.


Having a quality or characteristics that make a person or thing different from others.

Stimulation techniques

The effect of acupuncture and epidural stimulation techniques is scientifically well


Giving an advantage:fovorable an advantageous oppurtunity.

Assessing student

Process of gathering data to better understand the strength and weaknesses of

student learning.

Curriculum design

Focuses on the creation of the over all course blue print,mapping content to

learning objective,including how to develop a course outline and build the course.

Is the act of delaying or putting off task until the last minute, or past their deadline.

Superficial thinking

Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious.


At a later subsequent time comments that were subsequently shown to be

inaccurate by denying him a hearing beforehead a jury subsequently ruled, prison

officials had violated his right to due process.

Refers to intense enjoyment,interest,or approval expressed by a person.




In this study, the researchers applied qualitative research which include the

method of gathering data through surveys. The objective for this study is to determine

the effectiveness of Modular Learning in Mathematics among Senior High Students of

Philippine Computer Foundation College, Inc.


The data information were collected through questionnaire which were made up of

4 questions. For first question, the students were asked about their opinion towards

learning Mathematics through Modular approach. In questions 2-3, the students were

asked about the advantages or disadvantages, and challenges that they have
encountered during Modular Learning. And for last question, the respondents were

asked about the effectiveness of Modular approach in learning Mathematics.


The respondents of the study were students from Philippine Computer Foundation

College, Inc. In order to cope for the study, 10 students from the Senior High were

chosen to answer the questionnaire. The researchers divided the participants to two

groups, 5 students from Grade 11, and another 5 students from Grade 12.


The study was conducted during the First Semester of School Year 2021-2022 to

Senior High School students of Philippine Computer Foundation College, Inc.


First, the researchers created and analyzed the questionnaire that will be used in

data gathering. Before the study was held, the researchers asked permissions from the

students who will participate in survey.

Then, the researchers explained the objectives of implementing survey which were

to collect data related to the study. Instructions and guidelines were given to the

participants by the researchers before they answered the questionnaire to avoid


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