Assembly Play Script

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The Christmas Coat

Characters :-

Narrators: Avani and Bidroom

Man: Ayushman

Carol Singers: Shaina, Aakanksha and Rakshita

Wife: Divyanshi

LIttle boy: Ali

Cashier: Aarav

Doctor: Yuvraj

Director and Writer :- Amna

Scene-1 (street)

( The scene starts with street side performers (Carol singers) singing and the man stops to listen to

As the singers are nearing the end of their song, the man suddenly remembers something and rushes off

The puzzled carol singers look at him rush away )

Singer 1 : What happened? Did he not like the carol?

Singer 2 : Oh, nonsense ! Who would not like it? He probably just needed someone to hold his horses.

Singer 3: Or his reindeers.

(All giggle)

Merry Christmas sir!!!!

Singer 1 : Oh dear, it’s late!! We’d better hurry!

Narrator- After listening to street side carol, a young man suddenly remembered that he nearly forgot to
take a coat as a gift for his wife.

Scene :2 (shop)

With this thought he ran to one of the nearest shops and began fumbling around. As soon as he found
one and headed for the door, he bumped into a little boy.

Man- Oh I am sorry dear, I was in quite a hurry! Are you hurt?

Boy- No mister, its ok, but can you help me find out how much something costs? Actually its almost
Christmas and the nights are getting cold. Winter time is on us and my mom doesn’t have a coat. I‘ve
been working for the neighbors and saving for some time. What would I get with these?
Narrator-the boy showed the man a dollar and a dime. The man’s gaze then went from that big-eyed
boy, to that pretty Christmas coat. After a pause, he finally spoke out:

Man: Son that’s just what this coat costs. We‘re lucky that we found it.

Narrator- He turned around and winked at the cashier at the counter. The cashier packed the coat in a
pretty box, wrapping it beautifully, and gave it to the boy.

Boy- I thank you mister for your help (addressing cashier) and you too sir! I hope you all are gonna have
a big Christmas cause I now I know I am!

Narrator- the man walked home left with only a dollar and a dime, thinking that he would just have to
buy the coat the next time.

Scene :3 ( home)

Narrator- Soon the man arrived home.

Wife-(Decorating Christmas tree)

Merry Christmas!!! ( Jumps up excitedly on seeing husband)

How was your day ? Oh! Look I decorated this tree! Isn’t it pretty?

Man: (a little sadly)

Oh, a very merry Christmas to you too! Yes, yes the tree looks absolutely fabulous.

Wife : (excitedly) Well...What’s my Christmas present this year?? I’m it’s the best!

Man: (apologetically)

Ah… yes….about that, I don’t think Christmas this year would be as much fun…

Narrator: The man proceeded to tell his wife the story and apologized to her, to which she smiled.

Wife- Oh no problem! That’s completely fine with me! In fact, I ‘m really glad that you helped that little
boy, and more over Christmas is not always about gifts and money , but it’s about being good to one
another and spreading kindness.

Narrator- she then put the money in a matchbox and placed it beneath the tree.

Wife- This is the sweetest gift you‘ve ever given me! And didn’t tell you, with this gift I believe that this
Christmas will be one of the best ones.

Scene:4 (hospital)

Narrator- The years went by like years will do, but then one day came some bitter news that filled his
heart with fright.

( The man and his wife are now old at seated at a hospital when a worried doctor walks up to them with
some reports)
Doctor- I’m really sorry to say but your wife is going to lose her sight. There is nothing apart from the
operation we can do. But it was quite a complex procedure and it’s going to be costly.

Narrator- listening to the doctor‘s words the now old man was completely frozen, and couldn’t sense
any anything further. He started crying in front of the doctor.

Man: Doctor, I’m a failure! I’ve made no preparation, we don’t have the money for that kind of

Narrator: The doctor had the strangest looks after listening to the old man‘s words he sat there for a
while and then slowly nodded. The doctor broke out in a smile.

Doctor:Sir you can’t fool me! You’re a wealthy man! You long invested in the world‘s best saving plan.
I’ll see that she gets the best of the care, and she is going to be fine. And you know, the total cost to you
old friend, is a dollar and a dime.

Narrator: The old man stared in disbelief. He then recognize that smile, the one he had seen all those
years ago. On a loving thoughtful child.

Doctor: You know sir, what you gave me that day was more than just a coat- you gave me the gift of
giving, and you gave my mother hope!! My mother was mistreated and neglected, but she gave life just
one more chance, and it was all because of you . Now every year she takes the coat and lays it out
beneath the tree. It represents to us the things that Christmas ought to be. She says that when we leave
this world for a better home someday, the only thing that we ‘ll take with us are the things we gave

( The man hugs the doctor)


Poem : (Avi):

There’s more to Christmas

There’s much more to Christmas Than candle light and cheers

It’s the spirit of sweet friendship

That brightens all the year

Its thoughtfulness and kindness

Its hopes reborn again

For peace for understanding and for goodwill to men!

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