Class Test 2

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`Subject: English Topic: Class Test 4

Grade: X Div: _______ Roll No: _________ Date: __________

Section A : Reading
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that 8
1 Drinking water plays a vital role in our lives. Consumers, these days
are choosing bottled water over tap water. This may be for several
reasons, including taste, quality, and convenience. The bottled water
industry provides citizens with clean and safe drinking water. In bottled
water plants, water is treated using several processes to obtain purified
water as per government standards. The treated water is bottled and
sealed under hygienic conditions.
2 Bottled water is also a healthy alternative to packaged beverages
that have high sugar and calorie content, artificial flavours and colours.
Moreover, after natural calamities such as floods or fires, the public
water resources often get contaminated. During these times, bottled
water becomes a reliable source for clean and safe drinking water.
3 Although advertisements of bottled water show images of beautiful
streams and pristine surroundings, many bottled water companies use
public water sources. Moreover, bottled water costs several times more
than tap water! Tap water may sometimes be less clean but it is better
in taste.
4 Yet, why do people all over the world buy millions of bottles of water
every week? Bottled water companies use marketing tactics to
influence people to buy bottled water rather than consume tap water.
Then, they argue that they are meeting consumer demand.
5 They call it the most environmentally responsible consumer product
in the world. However, a lot of fuel is utilized in making the plastic
water bottles and transporting them to different places. The biggest
problem is the disposal of empty bottles. Eighty percent of the empty
bottles end up in landfills, where they will lie for thousands of years.
Others are burned in incinerators, releasing toxic pollutants. The rest
are recycled.

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6 Ideally, bottles should be recycled back into bottles. Instead, these

bottles are turned into some other low quality product that would also
be thrown later. The parts that cannot be recycled are thrown away to
form another heap of plastic waste. In fact, plastic bottle industry is
one of the causes of polluting water resources.
7 Around the world, about a billion people don’t have access to clean
water. Yet, many countries spend a large amount of money to deal
with all the empty plastic bottles.
Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to spend money to prevent pollution and
improve public water supply systems?

1.1 On the basis of your reading the passage, answer any four of the 2x4=8
following questions in about 30-40 words each.
i. Why are people choosing bottled water over tap water?
People choose bottled water over tap water for several reasons,
including taste, quality, and convenience.
ii. When does bottled water become a reliable source for safe and clean
drinking water?
The public water resources often get contaminated after natural
calamities such as floods or fires. During these times, bottled
water becomes a reliable source for clean and safe drinking water.
iii. What are the advantages of tap water over bottled water?
Tap water costs less than bottled water. It is better in taste. It does
not cause any environmental issues.
iv. How is bottled water not an environmentally responsible product?
A lot of fuel is utilized in making the plastic water bottles and
transporting them to different places. The biggest problem is the
disposal of empty bottles. If they end up in landfills, they will lie
for thousands of years; if burnt they release toxic pollutants. Very
few are recycled but not into bottles but low quality products that
will be later discarded.
v What would be more worthwhile than spending money on disposing
empty plastic bottles?
Around the world, about a billion people don’t have access to
clean water. Hence, it would be worthwhile to spend money to

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prevent pollution and improve public water supply systems rather

than spending a large amount of money to dispose empty plastic

1.2 On the basis of your reading the passage, fill in any two of the 1x2=2
following blanks with appropriate words/ phrases.
i. Around the world, about a billion people.................
don’t have access to clean water.
ii. The biggest problem with bottled water is …………………..
disposal of the bottle.
iii. Bottled water companies use marketing tactics to ………….
influence people to buy bottled water rather than consume tap

1.3 Attempt any two of the following. Find the words that mean the same 1x2=2
as under.
i. trustworthy (paragraph 2)
ii. unspoilt (paragraph 3)
iii. strategies (paragraph 4)

Section B : Writing and Grammar

Q2 You are Neetu/ Nitesh. You stay at A/ 56, Meshram Society, Civil Lines, 8
Jabalpur. You stayed at a reputable hotel recently but weren’t happy
with the room. Write a complaint letter to the Director of the hotel
expressing your dissatisfaction.

Q3 Fill in the following blanks by choosing the most appropriate 4

option from the ones given below. Write the answers in your
answer sheet against correct blank numbers.
A He (a)______ trying to locate the puncture in the tyre tube.
B Bubbles were produced in the water due to the (b)________ air.

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C “ (c)_________ the tyres will be a good idea,” he advised.

D “The existing tyres (d) ______ in a bad condition,” he said.
(i)are (ii) was (iii) am (iv)were
(i) escaping (ii) is escaping (iii) escape (iv)are escaping
(i) changed (ii)change (iii)will change (iv) changing
(i)has (ii) is (iii) are (iv) have

Q4 In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. 4
Write the missing word, in the sentences of the given paragraph,
along with the word that comes before and the word that comes
after it in the space provided.
Before Missing after
At the end the performance, the E.g end of the
audience gave the singers standing. (a) singers a standing
ovation.The troupe given performances (b) troupe has given
in many cities the past one month. (c) cities in the
They will going to Delhi from here. (d) will be going

Q5 Rearrange the following word clusters to make meaningful 4

(a) not / children / below / of / the age / must / drive / eighteen years.
Children below the age of eighteen years must not drive.
(b) protection / our / we / must /helmets / own / wear / for
We must wear helmets for our own protection.
(c) phones / must / used / not / mobile / be / driving / while
Mobile phones must not be used while driving.
(d) rules /drivers/ must /all /the/ traffic/ follow
The drivers must follow all traffic rules.

Section C :Literature
Q6 Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
(a) But he’s locked in a concrete cell, 1x4=4

His strength behind bars,

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Stalking the length of his cage,

Ignoring visitors.
(i) What does the phrase ‘his strength behind the bar’ suggests?
It means that he is capable of terrorizing the humans when in a
jungle but locked in a cage, he is restrained and feels helpless.
(ii) Why does the tiger ignore the visitors?
The tiger ignores the visitors because he does not feel he is meant
to entertain them. He is angry to be put on display when his
purpose is different.
(iii) What does the tiger do in the cage?
The tiger walks to and fro in his cage and ignores the visitors.
(iv) Give the antonym of the word ‘locked’ from the extract.
unlocked/ opened

(b) His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly, 1x4=4

upbraiding him, threatening to let him starve on his ledge unless he

flew away. But for the life of him, he could not move. That was twenty
four hours ago. Since then, nobody had come near him.
(i) Why were the young seagull’s parents scolding him?
The young seagull’s parents were scolding him because he refused
to fly.
(ii) Why couldn’t the young seagull move from the ledge?
The young seagull could not move from the ledge because he was
afraid of losing his life as his wings would not support him to fly.
(iii) What did the young seagull’s parents teach his siblings?
The young seagull’s parents helped his siblings perfect the art of
flight, taught them how to skim the waves and dive for fish.
(iv) Find the word which means ‘projection’

Q7 Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words.

(a) The tiger in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ has some obvious 2
limitations, describe them in contrast to its natural habitat.
The tiger in the zoo was confined to a small space. He was angry
that he couldn’t move or hunt freely as in the wild. The bars of the

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cage obstructed his view of the starry night. This was all unlike his
natural habitat where he hunted fiercely and slept peacefully.
(b) How did the young seagull’s parents teach him the art of flying? 2
The seagull’s parents encouraged him to fly. But he was too afraid
to fly. Then they kept him hungry for twenty-four hours. Even
then the seagull did not fly. He called out to his mother to bring
him some food. She flew towards him with a piece of fish but
halted just within reach of his beak. He dived at the fish, and fell
downwards. He felt his wings spread outwards ,he flapped his
wings and soared.
(c) Why did the pilot think of going back to Paris? 2
The pilot came across huge storm clouds that seemed to him like
black mountains. He could neither go above them nor go around
them due to lack of fuel. That was when he thought of going back
to Paris.

Q8 Answer any one the following questions in 100-120 words. 8

(a) Animals, big and small, are being used by humans to meet their selfish
desires. What is your opinion regarding the exploitation of animals?
Mention some examples that you can see as a possible solution to this
It is true that animals, big and small are being used by humans for
their selfish desires. Humans have encroached on their space and
sheltered them in zoos in inhuman ways. In the poem, the poet
has shown the plight of a tiger. He is captured and confined in a
small cage. Confinement brings bondage and bondage is cruelty.
In order to overcome these problems, the government needs to
declare certain places as wildlife sanctuaries in order to protect
animals in their natural habitat. It also needs to enforce stricter
laws against exploitation of animals. There has to be increased
awareness against cruelty towards animals and the importance of
maintaining an ecological balance.
(b) In the story ‘The Black Aeroplane’, how was the narrator rescued? 8
The narrator flew his aeroplane into the storm. As he entered the
clouds, everything suddenly went black. He found that his
compass had ceased to work. He tried to contact the Paris Control
for directions. But even his radio had also stopped working.

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Suddenly, the narrator saw a black aeroplane near him. Its pilot
waved to the narrator to follow him. He followed the black
aeroplane for half an hour. He was worried because the fuel in his
plane could last only five or ten minutes. Just then the black
aeroplane started to go down and the narrator followed it.
Suddenly the narrator was out of the clouds. He could see the
lights of the runway of the airport. The narrator landed his Dakota
aeroplane. In this way, he was rescued.
(c) At the beginning of the story, Fowler felt disappointed with Ausable. 8
Do you think Fowler had the same feeling towards the end of the
story? Give reasons for your answer.
At the beginning of the story, Fowler felt disappointed with
Ausable because he did not at all look like a secret agent of his
imagination. He found him quite boring. He did not want to be
with him anymore. But when he found Max in his room with a
gun, he was thrilled. He found that Ausable was not at all
perturbed. He immediately made up a story about the balcony
outside his window. When the waiter knocked at the door,
Ausable told Max that it would be the police. He told him that he
had called the police for the security of that important paper.
Hearing this, Max jumped outside the window to the balcony. But
there was no balcony. He fell down from the sixth floor and died.
Thus, Fowler was thrilled to see all this. So towards the end of the
story, he was impressed with Ausable.


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