Chap 6 - Deflection in Beams

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Chapter 6: Deflections in Beam

Fig. 4.1.

(Fig. 4.1.)

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6.3 Mohr’s “area-moment” method

In applications where the slope or deflection of beams or cantilevers is required at only one position, and in
particular where loading systems are relatively simple, the Mohr moment-area method provides a rapid solution.

Fig. 4.8


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(b) Cantilever with u.d.l.:

(c) Simply supported beam with u.d.l.

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(d) Simply supported beam with central concentrated load

Problem 1:

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Problem 2:




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Problem 3:


Figure P3

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6.4 Conjugate Beam Method

Conjugate beam method was developed by H. Muller-Breslau in the year 1865. This method relies only on the
principles of statics, and hence its application will be more familiar.

dQ/dx = w; d2M/dx2 = w

di/dx = M/EI d2y/dx2 = M/EI

On integrating, Q = ∫wdx; M = ∫(∫wdx) dx

i= y=

By the above equations, shear Q compares with the slope i, the moment M compares with the
displacement y, and the external load w compares with the M/EI .

If the beam loaded with w is said to be real beam, and the beam loaded with M/EI is considered to be
called as a conjugate beam, then the following two theorems relate the real and conjugate beams.

Theorem 1: The slope at a point in the real beam is numerically equal to the shear at the
corresponding point in the conjugate beam.

Theorem 2: The displacement of a point in the real beam is numerically equal to the moment at the
corresponding point in the conjugate beam.

Conjugate beam supports: When drawing the conjugate beam it is important that the shear and
moment developed at the supports of the conjugate beam account for the corresponding slope and
displacement of the real beam at its supports, a consequence of theorem 1 and 2. For example, a pin
or roller support at the end of the real beam provides zero displacement, but the beam has a non zero
slope. Consequently the conjugate beam must be supported by a pin or roller, since this support has
zero moment but has a shear or end reaction. The equivalent support conditions of conjugate beam
compared to real beam supports is shown in the table below.

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i has value Q has value

y=0 M=0

i has value Q has value

y=0 M=0

i = 0; y = 0 Q = 0; M = 0

Real Beam Conjugate beam

i has value Q has value

y has value M has value

i has value Q has value

y=0 M=0

i has value Q has value

y=0 M=0

i has value Q has value

y has value M has value

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Procedure for analysis

The following procedure provides a method that may be used to determine the displacement and
slope at a point on the elastic curve of a beam using conjugate beam method.

Conjugate beam

 Draw the conjugate beam for the real beam. This beam has the same length as the real beam
and has corresponding supports as listed in the above table.
 In general, if the real support allows a slope, the conjugate support must develop a shear, and
if the real support allows a displacement, the conjugate support must develop a moment.
 The conjugate beam is loaded with the real beam’s M/EI diagram. This loading is assumed to
be distributed over the conjugate beam and is directed upward when M/EI is positive and
downward when M/EI is negative. In other words, the loading always acts away from the


 Using the equations of equilibrium determine the reactions in the conjugate beam’s
 Section the conjugate beam at the point where the slope i and displacement y of the real
beam are to be determined. At the section show the unknown shear Q’ and moment M’
acting in their positive sense.

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 Determine the shear and moment using the equations of equilibrium. Q’ and M’ equal i
and y respectively, for the real beam. In particular, if these values are positive, the slope is
counter clockwise and the displacement is upward
Example 1

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Example 2

Example 2

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The principle of virtual work was developed by John Bernoulli in 1717 and is sometimes referred to
as the unit-load method. It provides a general means of obtaining the displacement and slope at a
specific point on a structure, be it a beam, frame or truss.

The method of virtual work can also be applied to deflection problems involving beams. Strains due
to bending are the primary cause of beam or frame deflections.
Consider the beam shown below.

x x

d m

x v
V r

Here the displacement  of point A is to be determined. To compute  a virtual unit load acting in
the direction of  is placed on the beam at A, and the internal virtual moment m is determined by the
method of sections at an arbitrary location x from the left support. When the real loads act on the
beam, point A is displaced  . Provided the material acts in a linear elastic manner due to these loads,

the element dx deforms or rotates d  ( M )dx . Here M is the internal moment at x caused by the
real loads. Consequently, the external virtual work done by the unit load is 1.  = m(M / EI )dx .
Summing the effects of all elements dx along the beam requires an integration, and therefore,
1.    dx

Where m = internal virtual moment in the beam or frame, expressed as a function of x

and caused by the external virtual unit load.
 = external displacement caused by the real loads

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In a similar manner, if the tangent rotation or slope angle  at a point on the beam’s elastic curve is
to be determined, a unit couple is applied at the point, and the corresponding internal moments m

have to be determined. Since the work of the unit couple is 1.  , then

m M
1.   dx


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