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import { Component } from 'types/component'

import { PropOptions } from 'types/options'

import { popTarget, pushTarget } from '../core/observer/dep'
import { def, invokeWithErrorHandling, isReserved, warn } from '../core/util'
import VNode from '../core/vdom/vnode'
import {
} from '../shared/util'
import { currentInstance, setCurrentInstance } from './currentInstance'
import { shallowReactive } from './reactivity/reactive'
import { proxyWithRefUnwrap } from './reactivity/ref'

* @internal
export interface SetupContext {
attrs: Record<string, any>
listeners: Record<string, Function | Function[]>
slots: Record<string, () => VNode[]>
emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => any
expose: (exposed: Record<string, any>) => void

export function initSetup(vm: Component) {

const options = vm.$options
const setup = options.setup
if (setup) {
const ctx = (vm._setupContext = createSetupContext(vm))

const setupResult = invokeWithErrorHandling(
[vm._props || shallowReactive({}), ctx],

if (isFunction(setupResult)) {
// render function
// @ts-ignore
options.render = setupResult
} else if (isObject(setupResult)) {
// bindings
if (__DEV__ && setupResult instanceof VNode) {
`setup() should not return VNodes directly - ` +
`return a render function instead.`
vm._setupState = setupResult
// __sfc indicates compiled bindings from <script setup>
if (!setupResult.__sfc) {
for (const key in setupResult) {
if (!isReserved(key)) {
proxyWithRefUnwrap(vm, setupResult, key)
} else if (__DEV__) {
warn(`Avoid using variables that start with _ or $ in setup().`)
} else {
// exposed for compiled render fn
const proxy = (vm._setupProxy = {})
for (const key in setupResult) {
if (key !== '__sfc') {
proxyWithRefUnwrap(proxy, setupResult, key)
} else if (__DEV__ && setupResult !== undefined) {
`setup() should return an object. Received: ${
setupResult === null ? 'null' : typeof setupResult

function createSetupContext(vm: Component): SetupContext {

let exposeCalled = false
return {
get attrs() {
if (!vm._attrsProxy) {
const proxy = (vm._attrsProxy = {})
def(proxy, '_v_attr_proxy', true)
syncSetupProxy(proxy, vm.$attrs, emptyObject, vm, '$attrs')
return vm._attrsProxy
get listeners() {
if (!vm._listenersProxy) {
const proxy = (vm._listenersProxy = {})
syncSetupProxy(proxy, vm.$listeners, emptyObject, vm, '$listeners')
return vm._listenersProxy
get slots() {
return initSlotsProxy(vm)
emit: bind(vm.$emit, vm) as any,
expose(exposed?: Record<string, any>) {
if (__DEV__) {
if (exposeCalled) {
warn(`expose() should be called only once per setup().`, vm)
exposeCalled = true
if (exposed) {
Object.keys(exposed).forEach(key =>
proxyWithRefUnwrap(vm, exposed, key)

export function syncSetupProxy(

to: any,
from: any,
prev: any,
instance: Component,
type: string
) {
let changed = false
for (const key in from) {
if (!(key in to)) {
changed = true
defineProxyAttr(to, key, instance, type)
} else if (from[key] !== prev[key]) {
changed = true
for (const key in to) {
if (!(key in from)) {
changed = true
delete to[key]
return changed

function defineProxyAttr(
proxy: any,
key: string,
instance: Component,
type: string
) {
Object.defineProperty(proxy, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get() {
return instance[type][key]

function initSlotsProxy(vm: Component) {

if (!vm._slotsProxy) {
syncSetupSlots((vm._slotsProxy = {}), vm.$scopedSlots)
return vm._slotsProxy

export function syncSetupSlots(to: any, from: any) {

for (const key in from) {
to[key] = from[key]
for (const key in to) {
if (!(key in from)) {
delete to[key]

* @internal use manual type def because public setup context type relies on
* legacy VNode types
export function useSlots(): SetupContext['slots'] {
return getContext().slots

* @internal use manual type def because public setup context type relies on
* legacy VNode types
export function useAttrs(): SetupContext['attrs'] {
return getContext().attrs

* Vue 2 only
* @internal use manual type def because public setup context type relies on
* legacy VNode types
export function useListeners(): SetupContext['listeners'] {
return getContext().listeners

function getContext(): SetupContext {

if (__DEV__ && !currentInstance) {
warn(`useContext() called without active instance.`)
const vm = currentInstance!
return vm._setupContext || (vm._setupContext = createSetupContext(vm))

* Runtime helper for merging default declarations. Imported by compiled code
* only.
* @internal
export function mergeDefaults(
raw: string[] | Record<string, PropOptions>,
defaults: Record<string, any>
): Record<string, PropOptions> {
const props = isArray(raw)
? raw.reduce(
(normalized, p) => ((normalized[p] = {}), normalized),
{} as Record<string, PropOptions>
: raw
for (const key in defaults) {
const opt = props[key]
if (opt) {
if (isArray(opt) || isFunction(opt)) {
props[key] = { type: opt, default: defaults[key] }
} else {
opt.default = defaults[key]
} else if (opt === null) {
props[key] = { default: defaults[key] }
} else if (__DEV__) {
warn(`props default key "${key}" has no corresponding declaration.`)
return props

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