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Analysing the team behaviour

Effective teams are meticulously assembled from a group of highly skilled, highly motivated
individuals who have a clear picture of their goals and can receive clear and tangible evidence of their
accomplishments. A high-energy environment will attract high-performing individuals seeking success.
Because success breeds success, a group's reputation is also a major selling point. Individual success
must be possible within the context of the group's goals. Professionalism must be recognised by
coworkers, peers, and the outside world. These are the factors that contribute to successful sports
teams, and there is no reason to believe that other groups will react any differently.

Working on group tasks is more important than ever in the MBA, and it can be the most difficult or
relatively easy task you'll ever undertake. Group projects assist us in developing a variety of values
that we may or may not already have, but that are essential for our survival in organisations.

Boomtown was one such activity in which we were required to experiment with various pairings in
order to maximise profit based on our regular business decisions. The most challenging challenge we
face is making decisions as a group. This tends to happen because everyone has unique beliefs and
thought processes that must be addressed and discussed as a group. Therefore, establishing
consensus is the first hurdle. After that, there is a long list of decisions that need to be made, starting
with the route to take, the rest station to stop and to reflect for a while, or the spot of the departure.

So, for this exercise, I discovered my group to be incredibly useful because everyone was
encompassing each other's flaws. The financial aspects of the situation were addressed by half of the
group, while the practical and marketing aspects were addressed by the other half. The one factor
that influences the performance and outcome of any or all groups does seem to be team dynamics.
The most significant finding that I took from this activity was obviously getting a fresh point of view,
because we realised that as a team, we still have a very original and new approach to every problem
and how this affects team strategy making.

As a result, the team meeting brought on by teamwork, the cooperation, and the newer perspectives
are all a part of the group project, and thus working with my group was a very learning and optimal

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