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1. Introduction 1

2. Issued: Causes and Effects 2-5

3. Recommendations 5-8

4. Conclusion 9

5. References 10 - 11

Malaysian are known for its language of politeness in Malay culture that had been practiced
through generations. Politeness is the key of Malay identity that can be spot either through both
verbal or non-verbal forms. The cultivation of politeness is because of the religion practiced by
Malays which is Islam. Therefore, the moral value of this culture then being promoted by other
ethnic in Malaysia as one of the main emphases in the daily value practices. (Azman, Yusof,
Maros, Abu & Bakar, 2020).

Through the language of politeness in Malaysian culture, a person can learn on how to manage
its own emotion and practice emotional intelligence in their daily life. This is because, in order to
impose politeness on a daily basis, in which a stressful situation might happen, a person need to
be emotionally wise before reacting or taking an action. Emotional Intelligence can be defined as
the ability of an individual to manage and control one’s own emotions, as well as the ability to
control the emotions of others. In other words, the ability to manage both your own emotions and
understand the emotions of people around you. (What Is Emotional Intelligence? Definition of
Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence Meaning, n.d.).

As a human being, it is important to have emotional intelligence and skills to manage your own
emotions. People who fail to use their emotional intelligence skills are more likely to turn to other
as an alternative method of managing their mood. They tend to blame others for their lack of skill
in managing their own temper, thus later lead to anger issue which will harm themselves and
others either physically or emotionally. According to, Sintia (2019) Globally, 39% percent of
people said they had experienced a lot of worry the day before and 35% reported stress. An
additional 31% of respondents indicated they were in pain, 24% were depressed, and 22% were

Nowadays, the issue of anger management among the younger generation are becoming
prominent day by day. The existence of social media as a medium to freely express emotion and
thought unfiltered, and also sharing it to the world might worsen this issue. It is alarming to see
our younger generation to act based on their emotion, which results in aggression and humiliation
that can affect their future.


The emotion of anger is frequently misunderstood. People frequently believe that rage is a
needless or "bad" feeling. But because of this idea, some people struggle to manage their anger
or channel it constructively. This is because we have been demanded by generation to conceal
those emotion rather than acknowledge it and let it go. It is completely normal for people to
occasionally lose control of their emotions and yell or scream. In fact, everyone experiences rage
sometimes, and it is a perfectly normal and valid emotion.

The American Psychological Association states that anger can be a good thing, but long-term,
excessive anger is problematic. A persistent and ongoing issue with emotion control is referred
to as having "anger issues" or as having "anger." More specifically, a person might not be able to
control themself sufficiently. One may experience violent outbursts, compulsive habits, and angry
outbursts as a result of this inability to control oneself (Zrenchik, 2021).

The presence of "anger difficulties" or illogical and intense rage is influenced by the repression or
denial of anger. A person with anger management issues often struggles with controlling their
anger and frequently expresses it destructively rather than constructively. However, a person who
struggles with anger issues frequently swears, berates, yells, screams, hits, punches, etc. Many
aspects of a person's life, including their relationships and career, might suffer from anger issues.
(Gonzalez, n.d.)

According to a study conducted by the Harvard Medical School, close to 8 percent of adolescents
display anger issues that qualify for lifetime diagnoses of intermittent explosive disorder. There
are different types of anger disorder, the common ones are passive and aggressive anger. When
someone faces passive anger, their emotions maybe displayed as sarcasm, apathy or meanness.
They might participate in self-defeating behaviors and it will look like you are intentionally
sabotaging yourself.

Meanwhile, Individuals who experience aggressive anger are usually aware of their emotions,
although they don’t always understand the true roots of their ire. In some cases, they redirect
violent anger outbursts to scapegoats because it is too difficult to deal with the real problems.
Aggressive anger often manifests as volatile or retaliatory anger and can result in physical
damages to property and other people.

Anger issues aren’t limited to teens, it can happen to anyone beyond the age limit. There are
different types of reported rage such as office rage, computer rage, sobering rage, internet rage,
phone rage, shopping rage and most commonly road rage.

The most recent incident of road rage that swept Malaysia by shock. On May 22, a video showing
a young man punching an elderly man gained widespread attention on social media. The young
man is seen in the footage sitting on the elder man, who is sprawled out on the ground. The young
rider was spotted punching the elderly man violently. The rider got up when he was confronted.
After saying a few things, the uncle on the ground was kicked by the rider till he collapsed (Alena,

According to the police statement that have been issued regarding the incident which happen at
12 pm on May 22 at Padang Jawa, Shah Alam. The 61-year-old victim is a retired man who was
travelling to Putrajaya with his wife and grandchild. As he was turning right into Alam Avenue,
the young motorcyclist who was on his left side shouted and yelled at the elderly uncle. The uncle
then came out of the car to check if there had been an accident, but instead, the motorcyclist
kicked him, sat on him and threw blows at him (Alena, 2022).

Based on the incident above, we can see when a person fails to use their emotional intelligence
it can turns to anger issue which result in violence. The motorcycle rider was enraging with too
much anger to rationally think about the condition of his victim who is an elderly man. The physical
assault might cause death if it was not stopped by the passer-by who witnessed the incident.

Malaysian netizens condemn the action of the young rider as its contras the attitude of a youth
who should respect the elderly. They said whatever reason the rider had should never validate
his action, as violence is not an answer to a problem.


Environment is one of the main factors in anger. Anger can develop as a result of stress, money
troubles, abuse, unfavorable social or familial circumstances, and excessive demands on your
time and energy. Perhaps one's work environment contributes to an excessive rage. A person
may develop aggressive or angry tendencies if they spend the majority of their time in hostile or
aggressive environments.

Numerous things can make someone angry, and these things differ from person to person. Some
people have unresolved issues from their past, such as childhood trauma, living in a violent family,
being severely bullied or harassed, or they have developmental delays where a portion of their
mind is still reacting to someone or something that happened in the past. Anger problems may
be more common in those who were reared by parents who have the same illness, similar to

The first common cause of anger issue is mental and emotional health. For instance, those who
suffer from compulsivity, ADHD, autism, or bipolar disorder regularly lose their temper. This is a
result of their incapacity to control and comfort oneself when they're upset. Therefore, they need
to seek for psychology treatment to avoid the worse situation from happening.

Besides that, Addiction to alcohol and drugs may also play a role. For instance, amphetamine
usage on a regular basis makes it very challenging to stabilize mood and control one's self. The
typical inhibitions and social restrictions that might otherwise occur are prevented by alcohol
intoxication. Even if a person is sober, if they have a long history of addiction, the anger problems
may still be a result of their addicted behavior. It is crucial to include addiction treatment in this

Last but not least, Anger problems can also be brought on by uncontrolled fear and anxiety.
People become dysregulated when they are nervous. They may experience abnormally high
levels of anxiety and fear if they are unable to process their anxiety and fear, in which case they
may get angry in an effort to exert control over the circumstances that are causing them to feel
fear or anxiety.


The most visible effects of anger management issues are on the person itself and the society.
The person may experience psychological effect of anger issues which can also affect their
physical health if not treated properly.

Anxiety is a result of unresolved anger issues and can have a long-lasting impact on one’s life.
Dizziness, fast breathing, nausea, headaches, muscle discomfort, muscle tension, and issues
with focus and memory are just a few of the immediate side symptoms of anxiety. Such symptoms
may make it challenging to carry out daily chores and may increase generalized rage towards life.
In addition, one’s health and emotional well-being may be dangerously at risk if they experience
chronic anxiety. Long-term anxiety sufferers may have a higher chance of having a stroke.
Relationship problems, severe memory loss, and persistent sleep disturbances can also manifest
(Anger Symptoms, Causes and Effects, n.d.)

Besides that, an ongoing cycle between rage and depression might be impossible to escape.
Anger outbursts can cause separation and guilt, both of which can result in depression. Anger
outbursts may be more likely in those with long-term depression since it might be difficult to control
one's emotions. The only way to end this pattern is frequently to get expert assistance.

Furthermore, being constantly furious has major social and emotional consequences in addition
to negative effects on one's physical health. People who are hostile and angry are less likely to
have good, sustaining relationships than are those who are less hostile. People who are angry
often have cynical views toward other people and are unable to notice or take advantage of
support when it is offered. When aggressive people reject or mock sincere attempts at assistance,
they are alienating people because they are unaware of the effect their actions have on others
(Social Costs Of Anger, n.d.).

This is especially true when it comes to your interactions at work and other publicly visible aspects
of your life. If you insult your supervisor verbally, you might get fired. Similar to attacking a driver
who cut you off, getting out of your car to do so could result in legal trouble. Uncontrolled rage
can lead to dismissal from one's job, separation from one's family, and even imprisonment. People
who struggle to control their aggressive, disruptive behaviour are more likely to have major social
issues as well as greater risks for health issues (Social Costs Of Anger, n.d.).


Uncontrolled anger will do harm to people and can also affect one's health. If a person is not able
to manage their emotions well, it causes them to prefer to show their emotions towards others.
This is triggered when a person’s anger is suppressed and not expressed which can lead to
depression and anxiety. Anger that is not expressed appropriately can disrupt relationships, affect
thought patterns and behaviors as well as cause various physical problems. Clearly, the
importance of someone who can’t control anger and hot temper needs to be addressed in some
way or solution that they can do to manage this extreme anger.

The first suggestion for solving an anger problem is to express your angry feelings to the person
you are angry with firmly, confidently, and in control. This is because a handful of people like to
hide rather than express which causes a person to experience severe emotional stress. This
causes a person not to immediately control their emotions, it can lead to fights, beatings, and
even death. So, to avoid our anger, you must express it. If you can’t do anything to express it to
them, express your feelings to people you trust who can help you, or express your feelings through
worthwhile writing, drawing, and activities. This is by expressing our feelings, as well as can help
you control a little of your anger.

Next, managing uncontrolled anger and ways for you to calm down when you are in a state of
anger are some of the ways we can do to control excessive anger. So, one of the ways to reduce
anger when someone is angry is to try to calm down and breathe. This is because breathing is
the number one and most effective technique for reducing anger and anxiety quickly, as stated
by Scott Dehorty, LCSW-C, of Delphi Behavioral Health.

For example, when you are in an angry or anxious state, you tend to inhale quickly. So, if you use
this technique, it will continue to send messages to your brain, causing a positive feedback loop
to strengthen your fight or run response. That’s why taking long, soothing breaths will interrupt
the loop and help you calm down. So, you can use some steps that you can use for this breathing
technique. First of all, try to breathe deeply from your diaphragm and if you are breathing from
your chest this will not relieve you. Imagine your breath coming out of your “gut”. Repeat a calm
word or phrase such as “rest” or “calm down”. Repeat on yourself while taking a deep breath. Use
your imagery by imagining a relaxing experience, either from your memory or your imagination.
You can also do some exercises like yoga that are not heavy and slow and can relax your muscles
and make you feel calmer. So, practice this technique every day and always. This causes you to
learn to use it automatically when you are in a tense or angry situation.

In addition, to manage anger you have to do cognitive restructuring or simply meaning you must
change the way you think. This is because some people who get angry will tend to curse, swear,
or speak in highly colorful terms that reflect their inner thoughts. This happens because an angry
person will make their thoughts become very outrageous and release them according to the words
of their heart, not from their mind, which causes the inappropriate words to come out. So, you
need to change your thinking to more rational and common-sense thinking.

For example, instead of telling yourself, “Oh, that's awful, awful, it's all ruined," say to yourself,
"It's frustrating, and it's understandable that I'm upset about it, but it's not the end of the world and
being angry. Anyway, this isn't going to fix it. So be wary of words like "never" or "always" when
talking about yourself or others. "This! &*%@ The machine never works," or "you always forget
things," are not only incorrect, but they also serve to justify your rage and convince you that there
is no solution. Furthermore, people like you will isolate themselves and like to embarrass people
who may be willing to work with you on a solution. If you don’t change your way of thinking or
behavior, it will do harm to you. As a result, many people resent your attitude and, worst of all,
your attitude affects your relationship with your loved ones.

Moreover, motivating yourself is also one of the solutions to manage your anger. Sometimes, a
person’s anger and frustration are due to the problems they face and the inevitability of events in
their life that cause them to experience emotional stress. This is because not all anger is out of
place, and often it is a healthy natural response to this difficulty. There is also a cultural belief that
every problem has a solution, and it adds to one’s frustration to learn that this doesn’t always
happen. Therefore, the best attitude to lead to such a situation is not to focus on finding a solution
but more on how you deal with the problem.

So, plan properly and check your progress along the way. Be determined to give your best, but
don’t punish yourself if the answer doesn’t come right away. If you can approach it with your best
intentions and efforts and make a serious attempt to deal with it directly, this makes you less likely
to lose patience and not get bogged down in all-around thinking, even if the problem can’t be
solved by much.

Lastly, if the above methods are not effective and you feel your anger is completely out of control.
Furthermore, it affects your relationships and important parts of your life. You should consult a
counselor to learn how to handle it better. In addition, you can also meet with a psychologist or
other licensed mental health professional who can work with you in developing a variety of
techniques to change your thinking and behavior.

So, when you talk and deal with a prospective therapist, tell him or her that you have a problem
with anger that you want to resolve, and ask about his or her approach to anger management.
Make sure this is not only an action designed to “get you in touch with your feelings and express
them”, but it can also actually solve your problem that you are experiencing. With counseling,
psychologists say, people who are very angry can move closer to the mid-range of anger in about
8 to 10 weeks, it depends on the situation and the technique used. So having an expert advisor
by your side may also be able to resolve your uncontrollable anger, even making you someone
who wisely controls your emotions well.


In conclusion, managing anger and stress sometimes seem very difficult and burdensome. So,
we need to be good at managing our anger well and be good at controlling it. In my opinion,
sometimes that uncontrollable anger can be seen through their behavior. Some people have
insignificant behaviors and cause them to have an attitude that always expresses or releases their
feelings to others. This makes it difficult for them to control their emotions and they are a person
who is quick to get angry even if the person's mistakes are small.

What’s more among today’s teenagers who don’t respect older people and cause these people
to easily vent their anger on innocent people. For example, the cases that are happening now
mostly come to teenagers who let go of uncontrollable anger which is one of the causes of fights
that can lead to death, if not stopped. So, to deal with this, their parents should play a role by
educating them in respecting people who are older than them. Not only that, parents can also
educate their children to control their emotions as best they can. This is because when they are
older, they can control and manage their emotions well.


A. (2022, May 23). M'sian Sits On Elderly Man & Punches Him Repeatedly In Shah Alam Road



Anger Symptoms, Causes and Effects. (n.d.). PsychGuides.Com.



Azman, I. N. (2020, September 14). Language Politeness in Malay Culture in Malaysia.

Research Gate.


Control anger before it controls you. (n.d.). American Psychological Association.

Felman, A. (2018, December 19). How can I control my anger? MedicalNewsToday.

Gonzalez, K. (n.d.). Anger Management Issues: Definition & Symptoms. Study.Com.

M. (2022b, June 1). Anger Management. HelpGuide.Org.

Sintia, R. (2019, April 26). The World Still at Record Levels of Sadness and Anger, Survey

Shows. US News.


Social Costs Of Anger. (n.d.). MentalHealth.Net.



What is Emotional Intelligence? Definition of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence

Meaning. (n.d.). The Economic Times.

Zrenchik, K., PhD. (2021, September 25). Anger Issues: Causes, Effects, and Solutions. ALL IN

Therapy Clinic.


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