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Good day grade 7 students!

How do you do?

I hope you are all safe while listening to our lesson for today..
I am so grateful that despite on this pandemic we can still reach and teach
you the skills you need to learn in life.
I am Christine your MAPEH teacher for today.
Now!.. get your self ready as we explore new and exciting lesson about
mental and emotional heath.

These are the are the objectives of our lesson…

At the end of the session, learners can:

A. Explain the characteristics and factors that affect the promotion of

good mental and emotional health.

B. Recognize the importance of mental and emotional health.

C. Create a presentation that describe their mental and emotional health.

BEFORE we proceed to our main lesson. Let’s have first a warm up activity
and its called “Scramble words"
All you have to do is to arrange and find out the words that has something
to do with our discussion for today I will give you 5 seconds to arrange
each words… okay! first words

(After warm up activity)

Do you find it easy?
Good job! 👍
This is all the correct answer…..
Since we are done warming up, lets proceed to our main lesson about
mental and emotional health.

Now it is very important for us to know how to take care of our selves not
only the physical health, but also the mental and emotional health.
Especially during this time of pandemic We need to take care of our mental
and emotional health.
Because being healthy mentally and emotionally can promote productivity
and effectiveness in everything that we do. It allows us to adopt to different
changes in our lives and cope up with adversity.

Health is often related to physical well being of an individual. Little do

people know that health is more than looking healthy. As what we have
learned in the previous modules. Health has various dimensions: physical,
mental, emotional, social, moral spiritual and environmental. Aside from
looking healthy an individual we must also be feeling, thinking, and
interacting healthy to achieve wellness. This module will focus on your
mental and emotional health.


According to the World Health Organization, 

Mental health is a “ state of well-being in 
which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to
make a contribution to her or his 
Emotional health is an important part of 
overall health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. ...
It means you are aware of your emotions. You can deal with them,
whether they are positive or negative. Emotionally healthy people still feel
stress, anger, and sadness……

Mental and emotional health

is one of the eight interconnected
components of total health
and wellness. Mental and
emotional health refers to the
ability to be aware of your feelings
and possessing the language and
skills to express your emotions in a healthy and productive way,
additionally it refers to your
ability to cope with life events
and to handle life responsibilities
…..due to the interconnected
nature of health mental and
emotional health powerfully
influence and impact the other components of health for example.
If you aren’t able to identify
and express your emotions
in a healthy manner it is very
hard to connect with people
and build relationships best
limiting social well-being.

Mental and emotional health is one of the eight interconnected components

of total health and wellness. Mental and emotional health refers to the
ability to be aware of your feelings and possessing the language and skills
to express your emotions in a healthy and productive way, additionally it
refers to your ability to cope with life events and to handle life
responsibilities…..due to the interconnected nature of health mental and
emotional health powerfully influence and impact the other components of
health for example. If you aren’t able to identify and express your emotions
in a healthy manner it is very hard to connect with people and build
relationships best limiting social well-being.

Here’s another example; if you cannot cope up the demands and stresses
of work your occupational well-being will diminish like each of the elements
of health that is vitally important that you create mentally and emotionally
healthy habits include; learning how to identify emotions practicing healthy
ways to express feelings and keeping an optimistic outlook of life. Over all
strengthening mental and emotional health is vital to well-being as mental
emotional health lay the foundation for many aspects of your total well-

For us to understand mental and emotional health better, I have here a

short video clip for you to watch and observe.

Sasha is worried about her performance in school.

Sasha opened up to her mom and listened to her advice. She also helped
her friend Andres who is also having a difficulty in coping up with the
situations surrounding him.   

A person with good mental and emotional health often possess:

1. Self-confidence
2. Ability to care for others
3. Sense of well-being and satisfaction
4. Ability to enjoy life, to laugh and to have fun
5. Ability to deal with life stresses and to bounce back from
6. Capacity to change, grow and experience a range of feelings as
life's situations change
7. Participation in life to the fullest extent possible, through
meaningful activities and positive relationships.
8. Self-care that attends to the needs of the whole person – mind,
body, spirit, creativity, intellectual development, health and so
9. Sense of balance in own life between solitude (being alone)
and sociability, work and play, sleep and wakefulness, rest and
exercise and so on

Here are the factors affecting mental and emotional health;

1. Heredity
• Refers to the traits acquired from parents to offspring. An
example is bipolar disorder, which in some cases, was found to be
a result of genetic defect
2. Environment
• it is the condition of your environment which dictates how you
feel and act. The environment contribute to a depressive disorder
which may include death of a love one, separation with a partner
and financial problems
3. Background and personality
• people with certain mental and emotional backgrounds of
personality characteristics appear to be more at risk to depression
(extreme sadness)
4. Biochemical factors depression may result from abnormal
chemical activity within the brain.

5. Physical illness – Individuals with recurrent (repeated) illness

are at high risk of mental Illness depression. Depression may
follow heart attack or stroke, also medication may also result in

Characteristics of good and mental emotional health

o Sense of belonging- Feeling close to others provides support. 

o Sense of purpose-Recognizing you have value.
o Positive outlook- Seeing the bright side increases success.
o Self sufficiency- Becoming confident promotes independence.
o Healthy self esteem- Helps you recover from difficult times.

Why is it important for us to understand mental and emotional health.?

So It is very important class to understand mental and emotional
health because it help us determine how we handle stress, relate to
others, and make choices. And being healthy emotionally can
promote productivity and effectiveness in activities like work, school,
or in our home. Feelings of well-being are fundamental to the overall
health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome
difficulties and achieve what they want out of

Differentiated Activity

Okay class, I will divide you into three (3) groups with 8 members.
Each group will make a presentation that describe Mental and
Emotional health. You will be given 13 minutes to practice and at
least 3 minutes to perform. Your presentation will be rated with a
criteria given.

Group 1 – express their feelings and emotions through singing.

Group 2 – express their feelings in spoken poetry. 

Group 3 – express their feelings through rap.

The Group presentation will be rated with this criteria:

Creativity – 10 points
Teamwork – 10 points
Confidence – 10 points
Expression – 10 points
Over all presentation – 10 points
Total:                             50 points

• Did you show politeness by listening attentively with your partner

and your teacher during the individual activity and group activity?
If yes, Very good!

(Okay times up! finished or not finished lets check your answer)…..


Direction: Come up with your own definition and learning about

mental and emotional Health as best as you can. Type/ Write your
answer in a long bond paper and attached it in our google classroom.

1. Mental health is…..________________________


2. Emotional health is…..______________________


3. As a student it is important to study

mental and emotional health because….._________


Now tress part of our lives, we live it, deal with it, and above all, worry about it. If
you are tired, rest, if you are sad and you need someone to talk to, talk with your
friends, talk with your family and always remind your self that its okay not to be
okay at all times. Don’t just hope for better days are yet to come. God will pro ide
and fix all the brokenness and stress that you are experiencing right now.

Once again great job!

I hope you learn something
√ Quiz in photo album
√ YouTube video health DepEd tv

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