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Name: __________________ 2ND YEAR JRS.

Date: ___________
1) Look and complete
a) C__u____
b) B___e_
c) M___n
d) L__o_
e) M___
f) B_e__

2) Look at the pictures and match them with the sentences. Then complete with a word
from the box. There’s an extra word.




A) C) Bottle
F) Piece


E) Can


G) H) I)

1) Can I have a ……………… of water, please? 6) I’m eating a …………………. of rice.

2) I’d like a ………………….. of chips, please. 7) Go to the corner shop and buy a ……………
of milk please.
3) Would you like a …………….. of tea?
8) This ………………… of chocolate looks
4) Let’s buy a ………………. of cheese. delicious!

5) I want a ………………… of soda. 9) I’d like a …………………. of oil, please.

3) Write the odd-one-out

4) Write A, AN or SOME

5) Complete the dialogue with some, any, much or many.

A Let's see. We want to make spaghetti bolognese. Is there 1_______ spaghetti on the
B Yes, there's a packet.
A Fine. How 2_______ meat do we need?
B About 500 grams.
A Well, there isn't 3________ in the fridge.
B OK, so we need to buy 4_____ meet!
A And vegetables! How 5________ carrots, tomatoes and onions do we need?
B I know we've got 6________ carrots. How 7________ tins of tomatoes do we need?
A One tin is fine.
B OK, we've got two.
A And onions? Are there 8_______ onions in the cupboard?
B Yes, there are!

6) Complete the conversion with the expressions in the box

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