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1840; the halfpenny post for circulars was not introduced until

in Alexander's rear. But Memnon died at the critical moment

directions and on behalf of the charterer in signing bills of

prince then reigning, Alauddin Shah. Another exchange of

principle. Opposition to the ``hydrogen-acid'' theory centred

Leiden. Chateaubriand visited and described the ruins; the Dane

so marked a feature in India. The Kafirs of the mountainous

Paray-le-Monial, in the diocese of Autun, and took the final

if inferior in trustworthiness, are completer in range of

Gaylesville, Alabama, and again at Decatur. General Slocum

exhausted so far as the growth of one leguminous crop is

they both contrast with the serious work imposed on us and

day schools and continuation schools are in many cases

distribution. In thus ignoring the administrative functions

Venetians. This led to hostilities with Austria, in which

LV.P.F. Ludos publicos fecit.

Pujals, J. Serrano y Oteiza, Ricardo Mella, A. Lorenzo, &c.

aware that their products were not truly gold, were in time

for which seven acres of old grass land were set apart in

condemn the new prophecy off-hand; but advised Melanchthon

hydrodynamics is of a simpler type; but electric currents

princes. During his reign, acting, as he did in most things,

roofed with timber and matting. Others also before Menes

winding in countless directions through a wooded archipelago.

literature are by Barrett Wendell (1900) and William P. Trent

are the tombs of President Chester A. Arthur and General Philip

Catholic priests, he succeeded in inducing Mwanga to sign

Nemours (1229) is a seaport near the Moroccan frontier,

vitalized, exuberant, brilliant and ``undisciplined.'' At

Philippe de Madien, by Perrinet du Pin, first printed in


Cimon della Pala . . . . . . 10,453 Vajoletthurm (highest) . . . . . .9,256

with the object of evading the provisions of the treaty, Was

leader. But Urraca was tenacious of her right as proprietary

des sciences nat., xxvii. and xxviii. (1898-1899); Alph.

Academy derives any pecuniary benefit from the funds of the

Since Hellriegel's striking discovery farm crops have

show that this may be immensely valuable in the treatment of

parallel to the base ABC we get curves giving us all the alloys

zones, which are best distinguished by their characteristic

ground. Between the Mississippi and the mountains the whole

and a solution, and A. Matthiessen (Phil. Trans., 1860)

the Romans probably selected the passes pointed out to them

technical schools, a school of navigation and a hospital.

the sheikh of the Khuans, the religious confraternity of

been disputed, the most satisfactory view on the whole is

disappeared. A close connexion had been shown to exist

known as the Kirghiz Steppe; bounded by the government of Turgai

were raised for the purpose of conducting such investigations

conjointly. The hieromnemon, however, cast the vote of his

drew the country into the wars of the Spanish monarchy.

interest. The chief was a man of great intelligence, eager

in the civil wars. Its prosperity, in the imperial period,

own volume while it is absorbing acetylene; therefore it is

success. Rudolph was unable to secure the succession to

severely. Entering their territory, he was just about to

was translated into English by Sir Thomas North, and supplied

manor, and was granted an additional fair at the feast of St

consequence were the murmurs of the Roman populace. Honorius

is to withdraw from it first the land least suited to its

plateaus, from 1000 to 2000 ft. elevation above sea-level,

of the axis point, which is still present to disturb the

Kirghiz-nor, Durga-nor and Kobdo-nor (3840 ft.), and traversed

1889 of a navigable mouth of the Zambezi--the Chinde--and

to concert measures for ``the gradual suppression of the

it are partly constructed of concrete, and faced with finer

called the Historic Period. Lucretius divided man's history

Gunshot wounds of the Abdomen.---If a revolver bullet passes

act. A ship, any share in which is owned by an alien, shall

Oldys (1696-1761) was the author of a little piece which

Chain shot, in the days of sailing ships, was much in favour as

from India to convey the condolences and congratulations

minds of statesmen and politicians as we briefly examine the

mountain ranges with peaks rising to 8000 ft. Bordered N.W.

rupee, with the head of the British sovereign on the obverse.

Col de Sagerou (Sixt to Champery), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,917

humanity (ii. 5 ff.), especially within the Roman empire.

See Brohm, Johann von Aldringen (Halle, 1882), and

shape of sodium sulphate, and originally imported into the

regarded as the highest type of a powerful monarch, and in

that is sensible to our coarse perceptions contains myriads of

show the intense love of the latter for her husband, her

Prantl speaks of them with great, but hardly merited, contempt.

and not a natural part of him. In botany the word means

Greece. The details of his campaign are not very clearly

1894-1903 30.95 33.16 39.05

instrument of its class at the observatory. The mounting in

abandoned opera for oratorio. and sang at all the principal

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