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Biology investigatory project

Topic: Importance of trees

TO:- BY:-
Madam Antra. Name: Rehana Khatoon
chakraborti class. : 11th
( Biology teacher) Roll no. : 18
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Trees have a lot of importance in our lives,

and it provides seamless service for the
environment. we have somehow not
protected them and perhaps that is why as
on today we are being affected by global
warming, severe pollution and other ill
effects of deforestation. Trees should be
treated and nurtured nicely so that human
beings can survive on this planet. We
should encourage others to plant more and
more trees. It is for our own betterment
and the sooner we understand this the
better it is for us.

Trees intakes Carbon dioxide from air

and breathe out fresh oxygen for our life
support. This cycle is made by nature to
sustain other living beings. Further, the
Carbon dioxide breathed in by the trees
is one of the greenhouse gases. This and
other greenhouse gases, when released
into the atmosphere form a layer and trap
the heat from the sun. They result in an
increase in the atmospheric temperature.
This causes global warming. So planting
more trees will clean the air will reduce
the global warming effect..

Trees contribute to a rich healthy
ecosystem. Animals, insects, birds, and
fungi make their home in the trees and
make a diverse ecosystem. This balanced
environment, in turn, contributes to the
betterment of human beings. Trees
produce their own food and are found at
the bottom of the food chain. They
produce their own food through a
process called photosynthesis and
contribute significantly to the whole
ecosystem. Further, trees are a rich source
of medicines that are used to heal our
diseases in a natural way as done
: Precautions:

Earth will lose its top fertile soil layer and get
converted into desert.
The ecological balance will get disturbed and
floods and drought will become more frequent.

Wildlife will also be affected.

The habitat of an animal provides it with

necessities such as shelter, food, and protections.

The most powerful negative consequences of

deforestation is global warming and climate

Trees produce fruits,

medicine which are exported
in many countries thus
helping in economic growth.
Cultivating trees and selling
their product helps people
earn their living. Trees
provide wood and paper. It
also acts as a natural cooler in
summer thus reducing Ac
bills and keeping the
environment natural.

Trees provide clean air,

water, and food to us. Its
greenery and freshness also
act as a stress reliever for us. It
gives a positive vibration in
the atmoshphere. Trees also
provide cool sheds during
summers and during rains.
Children also develop good
memory when surrounded by
green trees.Patients recover
easily when comes in contact
with greenery. There are a lot
more things that tree provides
us for ou better life.

There are many kinds of trees very useful to

man. There is the rubber tree growing in Kerala,
Assam and Malaya from whose sap we get the
rubber which we use for numerous purposes.
There are trees such as the eucalyptus and
cinchona. Which supply us with medicines.
There is the coconut tree, every part of which is
useful. In South America there is an interesting
tree called the "Cow-Tree" whose sap's used in
place of milk.

:why we plant trees • :

In many parts of India there are not enough trees

to supply firewood, and so people are forced to
burn cow-dung, which ought to be saved for
agricultural purposes. The government wants
large numbers of trees to be planted all over the
country in order to make good the loss. So, some
years ago, the government started an annual
festival called. Vanamahatsava or the forest
festival. This is an important festival in which we
should all take part. Threes are our country's
wealth; we must consider it our sacred duty to
protect them and to look after them well.

On a hot day it is often cooler under a tree than inside

a building. This is because the leaves of trees breathe
out a lot of water vapour, and this helps to cool the air,
more or less as a mudpat cools the water in it, in this
way forests help to cool the atmosphere and the rain
crowds passing through it, so causing rain. Where
new forests have been planted, rainfall it known to
have increased

:Influence of trees on soil:

Trees help to protect the surface soil of the earth and

to prevent floods. our earth has a covering of fine soil
at the surface and under the soil lie rocks of various
kinds. Nature takes millions of years to form soil 2.5
ems thick. But some times a single heavy shower
washes off that much of the valuable surface soil on
an open hill slope. This does not happen in forests
and other places where there are plenty of trees. The
trees stop the tree flow of water and their roots hold
the soil together, and so the soil is protected from
being washed off. Moreover, forest soil has a way if
quickly absorbing water, this helps to prevent sudden

Trees are an Integral part at the Earth's biosphere. In the Ille 01 man. Ibey p1ar an Important role.
Chlldren play under them and In their cool shade. wearr travellers relresh themselves. Jhefre
brlnalna us rrull ta eat and burnlna llrewood. In order to build nooses and turnlture. we need trees.
11 was a tree In a woodland on the slope 01 a nm. Perhaps 1ne 1urniture In raur classroom Is made
tram trees that once 11aurlsbed In the Assam ar 1era1a rarests. Trees thus supplr us with an or me·s


Trees do a 101 mare than auer us the can,eniences that we nne described. Thar continue ta sustain
the surrlral or man bV providing tu world with oxygen that is Important to live. When animals
breathe and obiects combust. carbon dioxide Is the tuel the plants consume. The oxygen In the air Is
conllnuanr talen up and converted Into carbon dioxide.

The leaves 01 plants Un tact. or an green plants) abSarb this carbon dioxide and decompose Into
carun and ox,aen with the aid 01 sunliant. The carbon Is used to make starch 70, and the oxygen is
released Into the air. ellmlnallng the animals wllh the chem1ca1s used. But this would soon mean the
animals would die tor lack 01 ox,aen.

Trees do much more than supply us with the

conveniences we have mentioned. They help to
support man's life by supplying the atmosphere with
oxygen which is essential to life. The oxygen in the air
is constantly being used up and turned into carbon
dioxide when animals breathe and things burn,
carbon dioxide is the food that plants "eat". The green
leaves of trees (in fact of all green plants) absorb this
carbon dioxide and with the help of sunlight break it
down into carbon and oxygen. The carbon is used 70
make starch, and the oxygen is released in to the air,
so replacing the oxygen used up by animals. But for
this, animals would soon die for lack of oxygen.

Starch and other carbon compounds made in the

green leaves of trees (and of other green plants too)
serve as food for animals. The tiny green cells of
plants are wonderful laboratories, which produce all
the starch in the world. But for this service done by
plants all animals would. But for this service done by
plants all animal would sooner or larger die for lack of
food; they must get all their food either directly from
plants or indirectly by eating animals that have fed
on plants

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