Merchandising - Data Tables - Cs

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Merchandising module gives the facility to allow the field sales representative to capture merchandising
information of various brands in the store.

Following are the application flags used.

ENABLE_MERCHANDISING: Used to indicate if the Merchandising Module is enabled. Possible values are

MERCH_MSL_CLASSIFICATION: Used to indicate the Classification of Customers. Possible values for this
flag are Customer_Class/Customer_Type/None. Default Value will be Customer_Type.


When the sales representative starts capturing merchandising information, the session should be saved in
the TBL_Merch_Session. Same Session should be maintained for different brands under the same visit.

1. Product Availability

The list of brands will be from the PHX_TBL_Products TBL_Product of the Merchandising MSL Products
and the Merchandising MSL Products will be defined in TBL_Merch_MSL. The Merchandising MSL
Products could be different for different classification. The Previous Stock, Date of Previous Stock,
Previous Price and Date of Previous Price will be defined in TBL_Merch_Product_History.

When the user enters the Stock, Stock variance % is being calculated based on the following formula:

Variance = ((stock-previous stock)/previous stock) *100

When user enters data in price, the price variance % is calculated based on the following formula:

Variance = ((price-previous price)/previous price)*100

The list of Positions will be defined in the TBL_App_Code with Code_type=’MERCH_POSITION_DET’

The user input from Product Availability screen to be saved into TBL_Merch_Product_Availability.

The history of Product availability is added to TBL_Merch_Product_History.

Previous_Stock and Previous_Stock_Date will give the previous stock and previous stock date based on the
product availability data take in the previous session for each product from different Customers.

Previous_Price and Previous_Price_Date will give the previous price and previous price date based on the
product availability data take in the previous session for each product from different Customers.

After each full sync, based on the product availability data, History will be prepared and provided by BO to
the tablet.

2. Brand Share

The brand share screen will have fields like calculation in, Brand Share, Category, Share of Shelf %, Market
share and a pie chart to depict the share of shelf % and a slider to capture data of quality of presence on a
scale of 1 to 10, and a radio button functionality to capture the promotion.

The share of shelf % is being calculated based on the following formula:

(brand share/category) *100

Possible values for Promotion will be defined in TBL_App_Code with Code_type= MERCH_PROMO_INFO’.

The user input from Brand Share screen to be saved into TBL_Merch_Brand_Share.

3. Planogram

The planogram screen will have a list of planogram images associated to selected brand, the user should
select an image from the right-side list which will act as a template image

Planogram images will be added in the TBL_Media_Files with Entity_Type='P' and Media_Type='Image' and

The Entity_ID_1 for such rows will have the Brand Code and Entity_ID_2 will be have the Classification of
Customer based on the app control flag MERCH_MSL_CLASSIFICATION.

The user input to be saved into the TBL_Merch_Images with Image_Type=’ Planogram’ and the value of
Planogram Matched to be saved into the Custom_Attribute_1.

POSM images will be added in the TBL_Media_Files with Entity_Type='P' and Media_Type='Image' and
Custom_Attribute_3='3'.The Entity_ID_1 for such rows will have the Brand Code.

The Promotion materials will be defined in the TBL_App_Code with Code_Type=’ MERCH_PROMO_MAT’

The user input from this screen to be saved into TBL_Merch_Responses. The POS implemented to be saved
with Response_Type=’ POS Material’ and Reponse_Value=”Y/N”. The POS materials implemented should
be saved with Response_Type=’ POS Material’ and Reponse_Value should be the Caption of the image
and the Custom_Attribute_1 of such rows should be the Row_ID of the POS implemented.

Promotion to be saved into TBL_Merch_Responses with Response_Type=’ Promotion Material’ and

Reponse_Value=”Y/N”. The promotion materials to be saved into TBL_Merch_Responses with
Response_Type=’ Promotion Material’ and Reponse_Value=”Booth/Gifts/Samples” based on the selection
by the user and the Custom_Attribute_1 such rows should be the Row_ID of the Promotion. As mentioned
above the list of Promotion materials will be defined in the TBL_App_Code with Code_Type=’

Comments to be saved into TBL_Merch_Responses with Response_Type=’ POS Comments’

Brand_Co Response_T Response_Va Comme Custom_Attribut
Row_ID Session_ID de ype lue nts e_1

E55A5203- 22B1859E-
E7BF-4601- 30B1-43A9-
B4FF- 9820-
514472788 FE4278FDB Promotion
D3A E19 BDR Material Y NULL NULL

D8E8F19F- 22B1859E-
3E05-47BA- 30B1-43A9-
8361- 9820- E55A5203-E7BF-
5BF14967FC FE4278FDB Promotion 4601-B4FF-
03 E19 BDR Material Booth NULL 514472788D3A

B2CB31A7- 22B1859E-
4D05-41B4- 30B1-43A9-
8344- 9820-
0FB E19 BDR Material Y NULL NULL

60C427F5- 22B1859E-
128B-44B2- 30B1-43A9- B2CB31A7-
BEC2- 9820- 4D05-41B4-
BA177BE78 FE4278FDB POS Counter Top 8344-
22C E19 BDR Material - Claritine NULL A4471DAFC0FB

51788C2D- 22B1859E-
0B8B-4BB7- 30B1-43A9- B2CB31A7-
8DAF- 9820- 4D05-41B4-
EC251062B1 FE4278FDB POS Counter Top 8344-
41 E19 BDR Material - Priorin NULL A4471DAFC0FB

343F70C8- 22B1859E-
69EC-4B50- 30B1-43A9-
B0C4- 9820-
7FC10F1A14 FE4278FDB POS
BB E19 BDR Comments test

Sample dataset is below.

5. Competition Info

Stock levels will be defined in TBL_App_Code with Code_type=’ MERCH_STOCK_LEVEL’

Threat levels will be defined in TBL_App_Code with Code_type=’ MERCH_THREAT_LEVEL’
Shelf Placements will be defined in TBL_App_Code with Code_type=’ MERCH_SHELF_PLCMT’

The user input to be save into TBL_Merch_Competitor_Info and TBL_Merch_Competitor_Pictures.

6. In-Store Activity

Store Conditions will be defined in TBL_App_Code with Code_type=’ MERCH_STORE_COND’.

The user input to be save into TBL_Merch_Instore_Activity.

7. Survey Pictures
The Pictures taken to be saved into TBL_Merch_Images with Image_Type=’ Merch_Survey_Pictures’.


Comments to be saved into TBL_Merch_Brand_Comments. Product ID to be saved in the

Inventory_Item_ID field.

1. Annotation will be applied on the image itself.

2. The Field name in the tables are similar to the labels in the screen. So I have not specifically
mentioned the mapping between the fields in table and labels in the screen.


<SC 2019-12-17>

The images annotations should be saved into the TBL_Merch_Picture_Annotations.

Row_ID->Auto generated GUID

Picture_ID-> Reference from TBL_Merch_Images (Row_ID)

[Top_X] ,[Top_Y],[Length],[Height],[Annotation] ->Positional data of the annotation

Custom_attributes can be left as null.

Notes to iOS team

1. This is the query you are using to fetch the branch code when we are starting the

select IFNULL(Brand_Code,'N/A') AS Brand_Code from PHX_TBL_Products AS P left

join  TBL_Merch_MSL AS M ON P.Product_ID = M.Inventory_Item_ID where
M.Organization_ID ='0' group by Brand_Code order by Brand_Code

You need to change the table reference from PHX_TBL_Products to TBL_Products like

select IFNULL(Brand_Code,'N/A') AS Brand_Code from PHX_TBL_Products

TBL_Products AS P left join  TBL_Merch_MSL AS M ON P.Inventory_Item_ID =
M.Inventory_Item_ID where M.Organization_ID ='0' group by Brand_Code order by

2. This is the query we are using to show the availability of the product while
selecting the brand code.

A')AS Description, IFNULL(P.Brand_Code,'N/A') AS Brand_Code,
Previous_Price,IFNULL(Previous_Details.Previous_Stock,'')AS Previous_Stock from
TBL_Merch_MSL AS M left join PHX_TBL_Products AS P on M.Inventory_Item_ID =
P.Product_ID left join (Select X.Stock as Previous_Stock,X.Price  as Previous_Price,
x.Inventory_Item_ID from TBL_Merch_Product_Availability As X inner
join  TBL_Merch_Session s on X.Session_ID = S.Session_ID where s.Start_Date =
(select max(Start_Date) from TBL_Merch_Session)) AS Previous_Details on
Previous_Details.Inventory_Item_ID=M.Inventory_Item_ID where M.Organization_ID
='0' AND P.Brand_Code = 'AcquaPanna' AND M.Classification='SUP' order by
Description ASC
A')AS Description, IFNULL(P.Brand_Code,'N/A') AS Brand_Code,
Previous_Price,IFNULL(Previous_Details.Previous_Stock,'')AS Previous_Stock from
TBL_Merch_MSL AS M left join PHX_TBL_Products TBL_Products AS P on
M.Inventory_Item_ID = P.Inventory_Item_ID left join (Select X.Stock as
Previous_Stock,X.Price  as Previous_Price, x.Inventory_Item_ID from
TBL_Merch_Product_Availability As X inner join  TBL_Merch_Session s on
X.Session_ID = S.Session_ID where s.Start_Date = (select max(Start_Date) from
TBL_Merch_Session)) AS Previous_Details on
Previous_Details.Inventory_Item_ID=M.Inventory_Item_ID where M.Organization_ID
='0' AND P.Brand_Code = 'AcquaPanna' AND M.Classification='SUP' order by
Description ASC

3. If you have reference to PHX_TBL_Products anywhere in the Merchandising module, you

need to change it to TBL_Products.

Notes to BO team

Any reference to PHX_TBL_Products in the pages AdminMerchMSL.aspx and

ManagePlanogramImage.aspx to be changed to TBL_Products

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