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Ivar as personas aveniaCristo al ayudar a que reciban ‘xplacon el arepentiniento el bautlso, areca del don ‘el pita Santo yt perzeverarhats of, Inte others to come unto Cvs by helping them receive the restored gospe trough faith in Jesus Crist and tis Aterment, ‘repentance baptism, reeling the git ofthe Hay Ghost and enduring tthe ena Invtar alas personas a vei a Criss al ayudarlas2 que recban fxpiacon elarepentinieto ebautismo,lrecepcln dl don {det pty Santo ye perseverarasta el. Intra ls personas a vei Cis al ayudariasa qe reciban fxpacon, elarepeninint, el bautismolarecepdtén el don {et Spt Santo perseverar hast lin ng them ceive the and Hi Atonement restored pospl trough faith in Jens Chet a the it of te Holy Ghost and ‘Nephi saa Behold, [am a stipe of Jesus Cvs, the Son of God. have been ald of hin a decor is word among spel, tat petsonas aver a Crstoalayudass aque recban restaurado mediante a fen Jsucrsto yu fxpiacon cl srepentinientoelbautsmo, recep del don (al Spt Santo yl perseverarhasta el, restored gospel ough fh in Jesus Cis and His Atonement, during to the ena aNephiaa Behols, Fama displ ofesus Cust the Son of God have been called of im to declare hi word among Ni peopl, hat they might have everasting| Nephi 5:19 Behold, a a dsp of su Crist, the Son of God. have been called of him to decore his wor amon hs peopl, hat rua aque reiban meant fe en esucristoy Su ent, butte recepcin de don Trt thers to come unto Chit by helping them receive the restored gospel trough fh n Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism recsving the git ofthe Hay Ghose and rating the end nen 53 He ast sy ecipula de Jeet, el Hijo de Di He sido Tao or el para dedararsu palabra etre ls de su pueblo, finde que alcancen lava sempitrna nen sa | ie squt roy cpu de Jerurista Hijo de Dios. He sido eae Marae por para declarar su palabra entrelos desu pueblo, ado por para declaarsu pula etrelos desu pueblo, finde qe alcancen vida Semple finde qe eleancen vida sempitema anen sa 07 dlpla de Jerr, Hj de Dos He sido tenamitre nag taarug wang xyulam I fnele aakarae, team rag taruig te wana xy'am june taskanaag. tena naq aru te wang xyam june takanaza.

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