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Cyclins and Breast Cancer

[Farman Ali, Z – 30] , [Abid Aslam , Z – 26] , [Hamayun Akbar, Z – 40] , [Umar Farooq, Z – 43]
Department of Zoology Govt, Superior Science college Peshawar. (Affiliated with University of Peshawar)

The D-type and E-type cyclins control the G 1 to S phase transition during normal cell cycle
progression and are critical components of steroid- and growth factor-induced mitogenesis in
breast epithelial cells. Mammary epithelial cell-speci c overexpression of these genes leads
to mammary carcinoma, while in cyclin D1-de cient mice mammary gland development is
arrested prior to lobuloalveolar development. Cyclin D1 null mice are resistant to mammary
carcinoma induced by theneuandrasoncogenes, indicating an essential role for cyclin D1 in
the development of some mammary cancers. Cyclin D1 and E1 are commonly overexpressed
in primary breast cancer, with some evidence of an association with an adverse patient out-
come. This observation may result in part from their ability to confer resistance to endocrine
therapies. The functional consequences of cyclin E overexpression in breast cancer are likely
related to its role in cell cycle progression, whereas that of cyclin D1 may also be a consequence
of a more recently de ned role in transcriptional regulation.

KEY WORDS:cyclin D1; cyclin E; breast cancer; cell cycle; steroid hormones.

INTRODUCTION through promoter methylation (2). These aberrations

occur at relatively high frequency in breast cancer,
Loss of normal growth control, including i.e. each abnormality is present in 30–45% of primary
aberrations in the homeostatic mechanisms that tumors, implying a major role for loss of function of
ensure integrity of cell cycle progression, is a hall- the Rb pathway in breast oncogenesis.
mark of cancer (1). A pivotal regulatory pathway Cyclin D1 is the product of theCCND1gene and
determining rates of cell cycle transition from G1 was rst implicated in breast cancer following local-
to S phase is the cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase ization of the gene to chromosome 11q13, a region
(Cdk)/p16Ink4A /retinoblastoma protein (pRb) path- of the genome that is commonly ampli ed in a range
way. Alterations to different components of this of human carcinomas, including about 15% of breast
pathway through overexpression, mutation, and cancers (3). The subsequent demonstration that cy-
epigenetic gene silencing are almost universal in clin D1 was overexpressed at the mRNA and protein
human cancer (2). Interestingly, there appears to be level in up to 50% of primary breast cancers identi ed
a degree of tissue speci city in the particular genetic cyclin D1 as one of the most commonly overexpressed
abnormalities within the Rb pathway. In breast oncogenes in breast cancer (4–7). Although ampli -
cancer these include the overexpression of cyclins cation of the cyclin E1 locus is a relatively rare event
D1, D3, and E1, decreased expression of the p27Kip1 in breast cancer, the protein product is overexpressed
Cdk inhibitor and silencing of the p16Ink4A gene in∼40% of breast cancers (8,9). Interestingly, cyclin
D1 is overexpressed predominantly in ER+tumors
while cyclin E overexpression is con ned almost ex-
Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research,
St. Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia.
clusively to ER−tumors (4–10). Since these proteins
To whom correspondence should be addressed at Cancer
Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 384 Abbreviations used:Cdk; cyclin-dependent kinase; ER, estrogen
Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, New South Wales Sydney, 2010, receptor; pRb, retinoblastoma protein; MMTV, mouse mammary
Australia; e-mail: tumor virus.
appear to have redundant functions in the mammary control of cell cycle progression following mitogenic
gland, as evidenced by the ability of cyclin E to substi- stimulation. Consequently, genetic changes that
tute for cyclin D1 (11), it is tempting to speculate that result in perturbation of this homeostatic mechanism
they might be exerting similar roles in tumorigenesis at any level would be expected to contribute to loss
in these two different breast cancer phenotypes. of normal growth control and oncogenesis.
This review summarizes contemporary literature
addressing the functions of D- and E-type cyclins in
mammary epithelial cells and their potential roles in CYCLINS AND BREAST EPITHELIAL
the development and progression of human breast CELL PROLIFERATION
Early studies on the expression and regulation of
G1 cyclins in mammary epithelium were con ned to
CYCLINS AND CELL CYCLE CONTROL studies on cultured “normal” human breast epithe-
lium and breast cancer cell lines (4,5,16). Interpre-
In eukaryotes, cell cycle progression is mediated tation of these studies was complicated by the fact
by the sequential activation and inactivation of the that the “normal” cells were derived from basal ep-
Cdk serine/threonine kinases (12). These enzyme ithelial cells, which at the time were not thought to
complexes contain a Cdk catalytic subunit, the give rise to breast carcinomas, while the breast carci-
expression of which remains relatively uniform noma cells arose from breast luminal epithelial cells.
throughout the cell cycle, and a regulatory cyclin The latter cells expressed both cyclin D1 and D3 but
subunit, the abundance of which is tightly regulated not D2, which appeared to be con ned to cultures
by transcriptional regulation, subcellular localization of “normal” basal epithelial cells (4,17). Stimulation
and protein degradation, thus allowing activation of breast cancer cells with mitogenic growth factors,
at distinct phases of cell cycle progression (12,13). including members of the EGF, IGF, and heregulin
Mitogenic stimulation of growth-arrested cells results families, resulted in the expected transcriptional acti-
initially in the induction of the D-type cyclins (cyclins vation of cyclin D1 in early G1 phase, cyclin D3 in mid-
D1, D2, and D3), and these molecules are believed G1 and cyclin E in late G1, with concurrent formation
to have the primary function of linking extracellular of active Cdk complexes and progression into S phase
signals to the cell cycle machinery. The D-type cyclins (16,18), as has been reported in a broad spectrum of
bind preferentially to Cdks 4 and 6 and phosphorylate cell types (13). By contrast, studies of the actions of
key downstream substrates, predominantly pRb and estrogens and progestins, which were known to regu-
other members of the pocket protein family, p107 and late cell cycle progression through effects on G1 phase
p130 (14). The partial phosphorylation of pRb results progression, identi ed some novel mechanisms of cell
in the liberation of bound transcription factors, par- cycle regulation.
ticularly those of the E2F family, which in turn bind The central involvement of estrogen in the
to the upstream regulatory elements of genes whose genesis of breast cancer (19) has been an impetus for
transcription and function are essential for S phase studies linking estrogen action to the cell cycle ma-
progression. Interestingly, cyclin E1 is an E2F target chinery. Estrogen stimulation of breast cancer cells
gene, and thus the initial partial phosphorylation of arrested in G0/G1 by prior treatment with estrogen
pRb results in the induction of cyclin E protein in antagonists resulted in the transcriptional activation
mid- to late-G1 phase and the formation of active of c-mycand cyclin D1, formation and activation of
cyclin E-Cdk2 complexes. Consequent complete cyclin D1–Cdk4 and cyclin E–Cdk2 complexes, pRb
phosphorylation of pRb negates its inhibitory action phosphorylation and cell cycle progression (20–23).
on G1 to S phase progression. In addition to this pre- A pivotal role for cyclin D1 was evident from the
dominantly transcriptional mechanism of control of observation that these events could be inhibited
G1 phase cyclin–Cdk complexes, the D cyclins titrate by the use of antisense oligomers or antibodies
the balance of the Kip inhibitors, p21 Waf1/Cip1 and to cyclin D1 (24) and that inducible expression of
p27Kip1, between cyclin E–Cdk2 complexes, in which cyclin D1 or c-myccould recapitulate the effects
they inhibit kinase activity, and cyclin D–Cdk4/6 of estrogen in this model (25). Activation of cyclin
complexes, in which they act as stabilizing assembly E–Cdk2 occurred early in the response to estrogen,
factors (13,15). These mechanisms ensure close inter- in mid-G1 phase, and was not accompanied by major
play between the D-type and E cyclins in the ordered changes in cyclin E protein levels. Rather, cyclin
E–Cdk2 appeared to be activated predominantly by expression, which is, in turn, dependent on antiestro-
the depletion of p21Waf1 from these complexes. This gen inhibition of c-mycgene expression. Indeed anti-
effect resulted from both sequestration of p21Waf1 sense oligonucleotide inhibition of c-mycexpression
into the newly formed cyclin D1–Cdk4 complexes, to levels that mimic the decreased expression induced
at the expense of cyclin E–p21Waf1 –Cdk2 inhibitory by antiestrogens, is suf cient to initiate the same
complexes induced by antiestrogen (20, 23), and as a cascade of events documented above for antiestrogen
direct consequence of estrogen-mediated inhibition inhibition of breast cancer cell proliferation (34). The
of p21Waf1 transcription allowing newly synthesized p27Kip1 inhibitor is also essential for cell cycle arrest
cyclin E to form active complexes with Cdk2 in by antiestrogens, since antisense-mediated downreg-
the absence of inhibitor (26). The latter process ulation of p27Kip1 abrogates antiestrogen-induced cell
may be the result of c-myc-mediated transcriptional cycle arrest in MCF–7 cells (33). However, p21Waf1
repression of p21Waf1 (27), since c-mycis induced antisense treatment is accompanied by decreased
within the rst hour of estrogen stimulation (20). p27Kip1 protein levels while the reverse is not the case
In the same model systems progestins are growth (32), arguing that p21Waf1 initiates inhibition of cyclin
inhibitory and arrest cells in G 1 phase (28). Growth E–Cdk2 and consequent accumulation of p27Kip1 .
arrest is accompanied by decreased expression of More recent studies identify differences in the
both cyclin D1 and cyclin E and induction of the Cdk effects of different classes of antiestrogens on cell
inhibitor p18Ink4c. This INK4 inhibitor blocks the cycle arrest. While it has long been known that the
formation of cyclin D–Cdk4 complexes, leading to nonsteroidal antiestrogens, i.e. the selective estrogen
resorting of the cyclin–Cdk-inhibitor complexes and receptor modulators (SERMs), of which tamoxifen
increasing availability of p27Kip1 to form inhibitory is prototypic, arrest cells in early G1 phase (30), the
cyclin E–Cdk2-p27Kip1 complexes (29). Thus both pure steroidal antiestrogens like ICI 182780 appear
cyclin D–Cdk4 and cyclin E–Cdk2 activities are to arrest cells in a quiescent G0 state (32). This state
inhibited following progestin treatment, resulting is characterized by the formation of transcriptionally
in decreased pRb phosphorylation and arrest in inhibitory p130/E2F4 complexes, the accumulation of
G1 phase (28,29). Together these data indicate that hyperphosphorylated E2F4, and insensitivity to mito-
steroids, the major regulators of cell proliferation genic growth factors (32,35). Induction of p27Kip1 by
and differentiation in breast epithelial cells, stimulate the pure antiestrogen appears critical for induction of
or inhibit cell cycle progression through effects on the G0 state, since transduction of p27Kip1 into SERM-
multiple targets in the pRb pathway. Thus aberrations treated cells induces quiescence and resistance to
in this pathway would be expected to have major growth factor mitogens (35). Thus, upregulation
effects on these normal control mechanisms, with of p27Kip1 by pure antiestrogens may contribute
consequent effects on steroid sensitivity and respon- to their ef cacy in tamoxifen-resistant disease.
siveness. Such changes could, in turn, have signi cant Further support for this hypothesis comes from the
consequences for the development, progression, and observation that MAP kinase activation, potentially
effective treatment of breast cancer. as a consequence of c-erbBreceptor overexpression,
Since antiestrogens remain the treatment of may contribute to antiestrogen resistance through
choice for hormone-dependent breast cancer and downregulation of p27Kip1 (36). Similarly, dysregu-
have been known for 20 years to arrest cells in the lation of other cell cycle regulatory genes has been
G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle (30), there has been con- associated with endocrine resistance. Overexpression
siderable interest in their effects on speci c molecules of c-mycin breast cancer cells results in resistance
within the pRb pathway. Antiestrogen-mediated cell to antiestrogens (37) and complete insensitivity to
cycle arrest is associated with decreased cyclin D1 progestins (our unpublished data). Cyclin D1 overex-
gene expression, inactivation of cyclin D1–Cdk4 com- pression is accompanied by an initial insensitivity to
plexes and decreased phosphorylation of pRb (31). antiestrogen-mediated growth arrest, but this effect
Inhibition of cyclin E–Cdk2 also occurred prior to a is not maintained following long term treatment,
decrease in the S phase fraction and is dependent on while overexpression of cyclin E1 has little effect
recruitment of p21Waf1 to cyclin E–Cdk2 complexes, as on antiestrogen sensitivity in vitro (38). In marked
evidenced by the observation that treatment with an- contrast cyclin D1 confers almost complete resistance
tisense oligonucleotides to p21Waf1 attenuates the ef- to the growth inhibitory effects of progestins, while
fect (32,33). Recruitment of p21Waf1 to cyclin E–Cdk2 cyclin E1 has a signi cant but less marked effect (39).
complexes is dependent on decreased cyclin D1 gene Together these data demonstrate that at least in vitro
overexpression of cyclins D1 and E1 and downregu- methylated in breast cancer (46). Thus, these data may
lation of p21Waf1 and p27Kip1 modulate the sensitivity not necessarily re ect an intrinsic role of cyclin D2,
of breast cancer cells to clinically relevant breast but rather may indicate that when overexpressed in
cancer therapies for hormone-responsive disease. the luminal epithelium cyclin D2 can mimic the ef-
fects of cyclin D1 in inducing tumorigenesis in this
experimental model. However, the degree to which
CYCLINS IN MAMMARY GLAND the functions of cyclin D1 and D2 overlap remains
DEVELOPMENT AND CARCINOGENESIS to be fully de ned. Data from mice expressing only a
single-D-type cyclin argue for a signi cant degree of
Deeper insight into the role of cyclins in mam- redundancy (47). However, cyclin D2 has a different
mary carcinoma has come fromin vivostudies selectivity for Cdk activation, preferentially binding
employing genetically manipulated mice. Several lab- and activating Cdk2 in human breast epithelial cells
oratories have studied mammary gland development (48), and is ineffective in interacting with transcription
in transgenic mice expressing D- and E-type cyclins factors and activating gene expression, a property that
under the control of mammary-epithelial-cell-speci c appears unique to cyclin D1 (see below). Thus the role
promoters, particularly the mouse mammary tumor of cyclin D2 in mammary carcinoma requires further
virus long terminal repeat (MMTV-LTR). In cyclin investigation.
D1 transgenics, mammary gland development is Since cyclin D3 is also frequently overexpressed
perturbed, with increased proliferation and preco- in cancer and is associated with high grade breast
cious lobuloalevolar development typical of early cancers (49), studies of its effects on mammary tu-
pregnancy (40). These effects are followed by the morigenesis have been eagerly awaited. In a recent
formation of adenocarcinomas with papillary and publication, MMTV-cyclin D3 mice, in marked con-
cribriform elements as well as squamous differen- trast to their cyclin D1 counterparts, demonstrated
tiation (40). Tumors appear in about 75% of mice, normal mammary gland development and involution
but only after a relatively long latency period of following lactation. However, these mice went on to
18 months, suggesting that cyclin D1 is a relatively develop mammary carcinoma at high frequency, i.e.
weak oncogene compared with activated c-neu, in 73% of mice after multiple pregnancies. Further-
Ha-ras, and c-myc, which induce tumors at ∼ 3, 6, and more, expression of the Cdk inhibitors, p16Ink4A and
11 months, respectively, when overexpressed under p27Kip1 were modulated in a similar manner to that
the regulation of the MMTV-LTR (41–43). These described in other MMTV-cyclin D models (50). In-
observations also suggest that additional genetic terestingly, these mice developed squamous cell carci-
events may be required for cyclin D1 to exert its noma as opposed to the predominant development of
oncogenic potential. More recently MMTV-cyclin adenocarcinoma in the other two models (40,45,50).
D1 transgenics have been shown to lack the pulse of Together these data demonstrate that overexpression
p16Ink4A expression associated with normal mammary of each of the three D-type cyclins in the mammary
gland involution, suggesting that this abnormality gland can result in the development of carcinoma, but
may result in expansion of the stem cell population that gene-speci c differences are apparent. These are
responsible for sustained proliferation (44). manifest in the differential effects on development of
MMTV-driven cyclin D2 overexpression in the the normal mammary gland and in the different phe-
mammary gland leads to increased cell proliferation notypes of the cancers, such that cyclin D1 and D2
in the pregnant gland but a partial or complete block produce adenocarcinoma while cyclin D3 induces a
of alveolar differentiation, in marked contrast with predominantly squamous phenotype. Perhaps these
the precocious lobuloalveolar development induced differences can be explained in part by the three D-
by cyclin D1 (45). This effect was accompanied by re- type cyclin genes having similar effects on mammary
duction in the abundance of cyclin D1 isoforms and an epithelial cell proliferation but distinct effects on
increase in p27Kip1 expression, which may explain the differentiation.
phenotype given the necessity for cyclin D1 function The consequences of cyclin E1 overexpression
in normal alveologenesis. Overexpression of cyclin D2 have been investigated in transgenic mice in which the
resulted in a low frequency of tumor development, human gene was expressed under the control of the
with 19% of mice developing tumors (45). The rele- ovine -globulin promoter, resulting in mammary-
vance of these ndings to breast cancer requires fur- speci c expression during pregnancy and lactation
ther investigation, since the cyclin D2 gene is normally (51). This expression resulted in papillary projections
of hyperplastic cells during the rst pregnancy, the cyclin D1 in tumorigenesis as well as in mammary
majority of which were eliminated during subsequent gland development (56). These observations imply
mammary gland involution following weaning. How- that it is the tissue-speci c regulation and timing of
ever∼10% of female mice developed adenocarcino- cyclin D1 expression that is critical to these processes.
mas after 8–13 months, and these tumors had signi - In support of this concept, increased expression of
cantly elevated levels of cyclin E mRNA and protein cyclin D1, but not cyclins D2 and D3, was observed
and of cyclin E-associated kinase activity. Thus, like in MMTV-neu-induced and MMTV-ras-induced
the D-type cyclins, cyclin E1 is a “weak” oncogene in mammary tumors, whileWnt-1 and c-myc-induced
mammary epithelium. tumors expressed both cyclins D1 and D2 (56).
The ability of cyclin D1 overexpression to induce The lack of dependence of c-myc-induced tumors
mammary carcinoma and the necessity for cyclin on cyclin D1 is perhaps not surprising given evidence
D1 function for cell cycle progression raises the that in breast cancer cells these two oncogenes can ac-
question of whether cyclin D1 is necessary for tumor tivate cyclin E–Cdk2 by separate pathways (25) and
formation. Mammary gland development is impaired that c-myccan induce cyclin D2 expression and se-
in cyclin D1 null mice such that, although the basic questration of p27Kip1 into Cdk 4/6 complexes (57).
ductal structure forms normally at puberty, alveoli do More recent data from transcript pro les of different
not develop during pregnancy and lactation does not oncogene-induced mammary cancers in mice con rm
occur (52,53). This defect does not appear to re ect upregulation of cyclin D1 in MMTV-neuand-ras-
a necessity for cyclin D1 per se, since epithelium induced tumors, whereas in MMTV-myc-induced tu-
lacking both cyclin D1 and p27Kip1 can form a normal mors cyclins D2, E1, and E2 were upregulated (58).
mammary gland (54,55), as can epithelium in which The fact thatWnt-1 can induce precocious mammary
cyclin D1 is replaced by cyclin E1 (11). Instead it gland development and tumorigenesis in cyclin D1
appears that the speci c requirement is for timely null mice implies thatWnt-1 signaling via -catenin
epithelial cell proliferation. Interestingly, cyclin D2 and increased cyclin D1 gene expression is not the
and D3 are not required for normal mammary gland major pathway of activation, as proposed in other cell
development, since gland development is normal in types. While this pathway is probably intact in the
cyclin D2 and D3 null mice (47) although, as noted mammary gland and breast cancer, these data sup-
above, overexpression of these genes induces mam- port a role forWnt-1 induction of cyclin D2 as a sig-
mary carcinoma. Crosses of cyclin D1 null mice with ni cant downstream effector in mammary epithelium
mice expressing different mammary oncogenes under (56). Taken together, these data provide compelling
the control of the MMTV promoter has provided evidence for a requirement for appropriate regulation
important insights into the role of cyclin D1 in dif- of cyclin D1 gene expression in the development of
ferent oncogenic pathways. The demonstration that, the mouse mammary gland and in the induction of
in the absence of cyclin D1, mammary tumorigenesis speci c groups of mammary carcinoma. By contrast
is compromised in c-neuand Ha-rastransgenics, but cyclins D2, D3, E1, and E2 are not required for nor-
not in c-mycandWnt-1 MMTV transgenics, identi es mal mammary gland development; whether they are
cyclin D1 as a critical component of some pathways necessary downstream of some mammary oncogenes,
of mammary tumorigenesis (56). Further mechanistic e.g., c-mychas yet to be determined.
studies into the molecular basis of these effects
provides deeper insight into the interactions between
different oncogenes in a tissue-speci c context. What CYCLIN OVEREXPRESSION
is clearly apparent from the earlier studies in cyclin IN BREAST CANCER
D1 null mice is that cyclin D1 plays a very speci c
role in mammary gland development, since the Following the initial discovery that cyclin D1 was
defect in lobuloalveolar development occurs in the one of the most commonly overexpressed oncogenes
presence of potentially redundant D2 and D3 cyclins. in breast cancer (4), an increasing body of literature
This effect is thought to result from the failure of has addressed the relationships between cyclin D1 ex-
upregulation of other cyclins in the mammary gland pression and various clinicopathological features of
rather than to functional diversity of the cyclins breast cancer (reviewed in (59)). Cyclin D1 is over-
(56). Similarly, MMTV-neu-induced and MMTV-ras- expressed in 30–60% of primary ductal adenocarci-
induced tumorigenesis was not impaired in cyclin D2 nomas and is expressed early in the disease process,
and D3 null mice, and cyclin E1 could substitute for as evidenced by signi cantly increased expression
in ductal hyperplasia (7) and ductal carcinoma in reported to be overexpressed in breast cancers, but
situ (60). Interestingly, cyclin D1 is almost universally there are limited data on its relationship to pheno-
overexpressed in lobular carcinomas (61), consistent type and disease outcome (49).
with an essential role for cyclin D1 in normal lobu- As expected from studies on breast cancer
lar development. Early studies established a strong cell lines (4,5), cyclin E1 is abnormally expressed
relationship between cyclin D1 expression and ER in∼40% of breast cancers, in which the protein is
status (4–6,59), which was con rmed at the mRNA overexpressed as a series of isoforms ranging in size
level (10). A potential functional link between ER from 35–50 kDa (8). The level of expression increases
expression and cyclin D1 expression is supported by with increasing tumor stage and grade and appears
evidence that cyclin D1 is a major downstream target to be associated with high proliferation rates (8,9).
of estrogen action and plays a pivotal role in estrogen- In contrast to cyclin D1, cyclin E is overexpressed
induced mitogenesis in breast cancer cells (20–24). predominantly in the ER- phenotype, in which it is
The relationship between overexpression of associated with a signi cantly increased risk of breast
cyclin D1 and breast cancer outcome has been con- cancer relapse and death (9,71,72). Furthermore,
troversial, with studies reporting both positive and about 40% of breast cancers overexpressing cyclin E
negative ndings (62–64). This controversy is perhaps have mutant pRb and high p16Ink4A levels, suggesting
not surprising given the confounding issues of the that cyclin E expression may be linked to dysregula-
relationship with ER status, itself an independent tion of the pRb pathway (9). With the knowledge of
marker of prognosis, and the interrelationships with the close interplay between cyclin E and p27Kip1 in
other molecules in the pRb pathway, most of which cell cycle regulation, it has been demonstrated that
were not measured concurrently. Subgroup analyses cyclin E overexpression coupled with low p27Kip1
within relatively small patient cohorts have also been expression was of greater prognostic signi cance than
a major impediment to drawing any de nitive conclu- cyclin E alone (73).
sions. Notwithstanding these signi cant limitations, The prognostic signi cance of cyclin E1 overex-
there appears to be a relationship betweenCCND1 pression is further in uenced by the relative ratios of
gene ampli cation and poor disease outcome in ER + wild type and truncated forms of the protein (71). In-
patients (65–67). In contrast, cyclin D1 protein ex- deed, when outcome was related to overexpression of
pression is associated with a good prognosis in some the low molecular weight forms of cyclin E, the prog-
studies (62,68), potentially as a consequence of its nostic power exceeded that of positive lymph node
positive relationship with ER expression and negative status, the most important clinical marker of breast
relationship with Rb mutations. Other studies failed cancer outcome. Potential explanations for this effect
to con rm this relationship (59,63). Interpretation is reside in the observation that these low molecular
further complicated by suggestions that under some weight, N-terminally truncated variants are tumor-
circumstances cyclin D1 overexpression may lead to cell-speci c and are more ef cient in mediating G1 to
a worse clinical outcome by conferring resistance to S phase transition (5). Further studies are requiredto
endocrine treatments (69,70). Consistent with this verify these ndings, since relationships between
possibility, one small clinical study suggested that the cyclin E expression and outcome are dependent on
duration of response to tamoxifen was signi cantly the parameters measured, i.e. cyclin E protein levels
longer in ER patients with low cyclin D1 than by immunohistochemistry or Western blot (which al-
those with high cyclin D1 (69). Resolution of these lows assessment of both total- and isoform-speci c
issues must await more detailed analysis of cyclin expression) and cyclin E mRNA. A recent study em-
D1 expression and patient outcome in the context of ploying the latter method failed to establish a relation-
prospective randomized clinical trials. ship between cyclin E mRNA levels and relapse-free
As noted above, cyclin D2 is expressed in nor- or overall survival. However, high cyclin E mRNA
mal human mammary epithelial cells, but detectable levels were associated with poor relapse-free survival
expression is rare in breast cancer (4,17). This obser- only in patients treated with adjuvant endocrine ther-
vation is due to promoter hypermethylation in the ma- apy (72), supporting the view that cyclin E may confer
jority of cancers (46), but the functional signi cance, endocrine resistance.
if any, in breast oncogenesis has yet to be elucidated, Together these data provide support for the view
although potential roles of cyclin D2 in terminal dif- that cyclins D1 and E1 are intimately involved in the
ferentiation and senescence of human breast epithe- evolution of ER +and ER − breast cancer, respec-
lium have been proposed. Cyclin D3 has also been tively. They also provide preliminary evidence that
Table I.Potential Functional Roles for G1 Cyclins

Cyclin Binding partner Function

D1/D2/D3 Cdk4/6 Cell cycle progression

D2 Cdk2 Cell cycle progression
E Cdk2 Cell cycle progression
D1 ER, C/EBP Transcriptional activation
D1 AR, Beta2/Neuro D, DMP1, Myb, Transcriptional repression
MyoD, SP1, STAT3, TR
D1 AIB-1. GRIP-1, SRC1a Coactivation
D1 CBP/p300, P/CAF Chromatin remodeling
D1 TAF5 250 Formation of the initiation complex
and recruitment of RNA polymerase II
E AR Coactivation

these genes may be useful markers of disease pro- molecules (Table I) including cellular transcription
gression and potential therapeutic responsiveness, but factors, e.g. ER, androgen receptor, DMP1, STAT3,
further studies are required to clarify these issues. BETA2/NeuroD, and most recently C/EBP (78), as
well as with both histone acetylases and deacetylases
(reviewed in (79)). These interactions are indepen-
FUNCTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF CYCLIN dent of association with, and activation of, Cdk4 and
D1 AND E1 OVEREXPRESSION − 6 and point to a role for cyclin D1 in transcriptional
regulation. That these interactions are likely to be of
Since overexpression of D-type cyclins and cyclin importance in a physiological context is supported
E in a number of cell types, including breast epithe- by evidence that the functional interaction between
lial cells (74), shortens G1 phase and accelerates S cyclin D1 and ER is regulated by a signal trans-
phase entry, it was initially assumed that their overex- duction pathway involving cAMP (80). Thus PKA-
pression would result in increased proliferation rates dependent extracellular signals appear to be required
in breast cancer. Support for this hypothesis exists in for the functional interaction between ER and cyclin
the case of cyclin E where overexpression is associ- D1 in mammary epithelial cells, resulting in enhanced
ated with ER − negativity, high tumor grade, and a ligand-independent, ER-mediated transcription.
high proliferative index, as outlined above. However, In a more recent development, Lambet al.have
when a panel of normal, immortalized, and neoplastic employed adenoviral infection of MCF-7 cells with
breast epithelial cell lines was employed to determine wild type cyclin D1 and the K112E mutant, which is
relationships between cyclin gene expression, cyclin– incapable of activating Cdk4, to establish a pattern of
Cdk complex formation and Cdk activity, no corre- gene expression associated with the Cdk-independent
lations between overexpression of cyclin D1 and E actions of cyclin D1 (78). This gene expression pro le
and the respective activities of Cdk4 and cyclin E– was represented across a broad spectrum of human
Cdk2 were evident (75). Similarly, several studies as- cancers that overexpressed cyclin D1, including
sessing the relationship between cyclin D1 expression breast cancers, and the transcription factor C/EBP
and markers of cell proliferation, e.g. S phase fraction emerged as a potential effector molecule. Functional
and Ki67 staining, failed to demonstrate a relation- analysis demonstrating that cyclin D1 antagonizes
ship (59). Indeed there is now conclusive evidence a repressive function of C/EBP on cyclin D1
that cyclin D1 overexpression is associated with the target genes provided compelling evidence for the
ER + , slow-growing, more differentiated phenotype involvement of C/EBP in cyclin D1-overexpressing
of breast cancer. tumors (78). Importantly, earlier experiments iden-
Subsequent studies demonstrating that cyclin tifying that changes in the relative expression of
D1 can bind to ER in a Cdk-independent manner the two C/EBP isoforms, LAP and LIP, in the
and enhance ER-mediated transcription forced a re- mouse mammary gland led to the development
evaluation of the role of cyclin D1 in oncogenesis of invasive carcinomas (81), provided precedence
(76,77). It is now clear that cyclin D1 can form poten- for the proposed mechanisms. Together these data
tially functional interactions with a variety of other identify modulation of transcription by cyclin D1 as
a likely primary event in breast oncogenesis. Recent 3. C. J. Ormandy, E. A. Musgrove, R. Hui, R. J. Daly, and R. L.
evidence that cyclin E is a coactivator of the androgen Sutherland (2003). Cyclin D1, EMS1 and 11q13 ampli cation
receptor (82) and that the oncogenic activity of cyclin in human breast cancers.Breast Cancer Res. Treat.78:323–335.
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Sandhu, H. S. Chou,et al.(1997). New functional activities for
the p21 family of CDK inhibitors.Genes Dev.11:847–862.
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from the National Health and Medical Research K. Watts, and R. L. Sutherland (1993). Growth factor, steroid,
Council of Australia (NHMRC), The Cancer Council and steroid antagonist regulation of cyclin gene expression as-
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progression.Mol. Cell. Biol.13:3577–3587.
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99-1-9184), Association for International Cancer M. Strauss,et al.(1995). Cyclin D2 is a moderately oscillating
Research (AICR), and Susan G Komen Breast nucleoprotein required for G1 phase progression in speci c cell
Cancer Foundation. types.Oncogene10:2125–2134.
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