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Performace Task in

English & AP

Sinaunang Panahon

❑ BCE- Before Common Era

❑ CE- Common Era

❑ BC- Before Christ

❑ AD- Anno Domini

❑ BP- Before Present

Panahong Paleolitiko ❑ 50,000-10,000 B.C.E

Panahong Mesolitko

❑ 10,000-8,000 B.C

Panahong Neolotiko ❑ 5,000-5000 B.C

❑ 4,000 B.C.E Panahong Metal

Kasalukuyang Panahon

Pre- Historic
The pre-historic age, or ancient times, is separated into four different pre-historic
periods. The first one is the Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age), which began about 2.6
million years ago and lasted until about 10,000 BCE. During this time, humans
developed the use of stone tools for hunting, gathering, and food preparation and
eventually settled in small groups, primarily

using hunting and gathering as a way of
life. By the end of this period, humans were beginning to make pottery and had
developed an agriculture-based society. This period was followed by the Mesolithic
Period (Middle Stone Age), which began around 10,000 BCE and lasted until the
beginning of agriculture in about 8,000 BCE. This period marked the beginning of
human civilization and saw an increase in the sophistication of stone tools, the
domestication of plants and animals, and an increase in population size. The
Mesolithic Period saw a significant change in the way humans interacted with their
environment. The next one is the Neolithic Period (New Stone Age), which began
around 8,000 BCE and saw a significant shift in the way humans lived and worked.
With the emergence of agriculture, humans no longer had to rely solely on hunting
and gathering for their food sources and could instead cultivate plants and
domesticate animals. Metal Period tools became more prevalent, leading to an
increase in productivity and efficiency and allowing for the creation of permanent
settlements and a more complex social structure. This period of human development
marked the beginning of civilization and led to a massive increase in population and
the spread of human culture across the world. That's why there were so many
prehistoric events at that time and so many changes that have since shaped our
societies and cultures today All of these advancements, which are now seen as
milestones in human history, can be traced back to the changes brought about by the
emergence of agriculture and the widespread use of many things in the prehistoric

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