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no Particulars Type Formula Remark

1 Mean a) Individual Sum of X/N
b) Grouped Sum of FX/Sum of F X= mid point of class

2 Median a) Individual Step 1 Assending order

Step 2 Odd no.= Middle no. OR Even No.= sum of middle two no./2
b) Grouped L+(class-cf)/f*h Class=Sum of f/2, cf uper mode, f of mode

3 Mode a) Individual Most repeated no.

b) Grouped i) L+(fi-f0)/(2fi-f0-f2)*h fi= pre mode, f0=current, f2= post
ii) 3 median - 2 mean

4 Quartile L+(Class-CF)/f*h Q class= if/4 & i = question which quartile, CF uper mode & f of mode

5 Decile L+(class-CF)/f*h Q class= if/10 & i = question which decile, CF uper mode & f of mode

6 Percentile L+(class-CF)/f*h Q class= if/100 & i = question which percentile, CF uper mode & f of mode

7 Range Higest-Lowest

8 Inter Quartile Range (IQR) Q3-Q1

9 Standard Deviation (SD) a) Individual Sqare root of [sum of (x- x bar)^2/n-1] x bar is median, it indicates variation
b) Grouped Sqare root of [sum of {f(x- x bar)^2}/n-1] x bar is median, it indicates variation

10 Varivance SD square= varianve

11 Coefficient Varriance CV (SD/x bar)*100 x bar is median, used to compare 2 or more data the lesser it is the consistent it will be

12 5 No. Summary Q1,Q3, median, Min, Max

13 Karl Pearson Coefficient

14 Coefficent of Determination r square (r calculated from above 13) Higher the determination stronger the relation

Karl Pearson Coefficient

15 To find direct relationship between 2 variables
16 Rank Correlation

17 Regration I Y= a+bX

Same way calculate x on y (replace x with y in above formula)

You will find a & b

18 Regration II (Least Square)

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